A World Unveiled
Twentieth Day of the Fourth Month 293 AC
You begin speaking as though to a child, offering protection and aid in understanding a world wholly new to her, but are quickly reminded that the fey care little for the passage of days years or centuries. Timeless they are and filled with ancient knowledge even in their earliest days. The spirit before you knows the seas after but an instant's being in ways no mortal could were they to live a score lifetimes, and she knows just as much her own mind.
"Show me these mortals and I will judge form myself," she asks of you, though she proves far less opposed to allowing tinker fey on her decks... in truth she seems rather fascinated by the thought of them, asking question after question about their habits and interests, their kinship and the ordering of their ranks, until you have exhausted your knowledge of the matter.
The Children of the Forest she invites to come aboard at once, for it would not be fitting that those who assisted in her birth not we welcome as friends and allies she says. However, that does not stop Soft Strider from flustering her somewhat with the first question she addressed the spirit: "What may we call you, lady of the wide seas?"
A question you should perhaps have asked already, but you had grown too used to thinking her as 'the Queen Rhaella' it seems, perhaps not the wisest notion. Not only is a dryad not her 'tree' however close the bond, but your mother has previous claim to the name.
"I shall be called..." the silence stretches uncommonly long before she huffs. "You know I have not really done anything worth a title have I? 'Sits-at-Anchor' would be an ungaintly thing to be called. Maybe I should...?"
"Explore Sorcerer's Deep," you cut her off, sensing a bout of fey impulsiveness you can ill afford. "I guarantee that you shall not find a port quite like it in all the wold."
"I can't. I have to stay..." She frowns. "I suppose I don't
have to stay with the ship, but I do have to keep it safe. Do I have your word that it will be so?" Reading your surprise at the show of trust on your face she smiles. "If you wished to do me harm you would have done so already. It would seem an unaccountably convoluted plan to see that I am born in such an unusual manner only to then harm me or my home."
"I am honored to receive such trust nonetheless," you reply. "None shall step upon the ship's boards without your knowledge..."
"That is already the case," she interrupts, eyes gleaming with mischief.
"Come on then," Dany calls. "I can show you around, I've done it lots of times..."
"Perhaps I could meet this Lohos Saan," the fey spirit offers.
Dany snorts in poorly hidden mirth. "Maybe later once I've...
explained some things to her."
The thought of your sister warning the old rogue against toying with the fey's feelings is possibly the most surreal thing in this day of old magics and new life, but you have little doubt she would do a good job of it. Still you take the time to join them just in case, to get a better feel for your new retainer's nature and her desires. Of that, after all, is good lordship made as much or more than ledgers and judgements.
Twenty First Day of the Fourth Month 293 AC
"Never thought I'd see such a place with my own eyes," Waymar declares as he looks out over the ruined city by the murky light that made it though the dark clouds overhead.
"Never much wanted to myself," Tyene interjects, dramatically waving non-existent insects from in front of her face, though she might be forgiven her caution given the fact that the air everywhere besides around you and your companions is alive with buzzing insects, ranging from black brown and dark green to vivid colors that mark the more dangerous, often poisonous of their ilk.
"The bugs will be the least of our worries..." Ly announces grimly. "The people who raised this city were... near enough fiends in mortal skin, and not precisely shy about trafficking with the
actual denizens of the Lower Planes."
"So just like the Valyrians then," Garin jests. Of all of you he seems least bothered by the musty fecundity of the place.
Lya shakes her head "Worse, they dealt with demons not devils, and from what Dany was able to find studying the objects we recovered, they might have even worshiped one."
"A Demon Goddess worshiped by an entire
city?" you exclaim, mind flinching away from such an obscenity. "How did they even have any society to begin with?"
"That secret the staff would not reveal, though she did manage to find that the staff is indeed alive and aware in some manner..."
"And wants to kill us all no doubt," Ser Richard finishes, the grumbling more for form's sake than with any heat.
"Oddly enough no." Lya replies. "It will only serve a priestess of this Dark Goddess, or one who has, by strength or guile slain such a one..."
The unwelcome implication settled over all of you as you turned your eyes to the broken paths snaking off under the trees.
What do you explore first?
[] Hidden Cenotes. Found by Vee while searching for groundwater, the city may have once used these deep pools of water likely well up from whatever subterranean maze the spiders fled into
[] Crimson Mounds. The stone here seems stained with blood, the plants sickly and withered and none of the great jungle trees have caught root here. A tower broken about two thirds of the way up its original two-hundred foot height lies here besides a handful of what might be slow dome roofed (Bloodsilk Spiders and Bellybore Beetles found here)
[] The Thrice-Broken Plaza. An immense plaza, its stone slabs filthy with excrement and littered with bones and other bits of waste, sprawls nor far to the east the temple complex where you first arrived where four stone pillars, strangely untouched by time, rise at its corners, each topped with some sort of overgrown fiendish creature
[] The Broken Temple. A cursory examination of the area where the spiders laired showed no further treasures or lore about the city, but perhaps a more thorough excavation through the mounds of rubble will reveal more
[] Descend through the holes the spiders fled
[] Carve your way through the jungle
-[] Write in
OOC: You are unlikely to finish exploring everything here in a day. Viserys can't even tell how much of the city is hidden by the jungle beyond the fact that there is a lot of it.