@Duesal, you don't play around with something capable of breathing memory erasing halitosis at you.
[X] Plan Efficiency
-[X] Viserys casts Assay Spell Resistance and Blood Wishes a Banishment spell directed at the Maelephant, with any leftover Banishment HD used to affect as many Babau as possible.
--[X] If the Banishment is not successful, Viserys casts Celerity in order to target the Maelephant with Searing, Agonizing, Elemental Fire Darts.
--[X] If the Maelephant is successfully Banished, Viserys casts Celerity then uses Imperious Glare against any remaining cultists or Demons.
-[X] Richard charges the demons, activating his armor's Holy Aura. If it still lives and has not been Banished, he engages the Maelephant with Shock Trooper and Power Attack.