If anyone cares about character sheets, or even knows how to interpret them, take a look at Teana's on
the new Scholarium page. I'm proud of what she's become, mostly because she's been my pet project since DP started letting us retrain her as she leveled up. She also has the Shadow-Sculptor PrC, my only contribution to our collection of OP PrCs.
Some of the highlights of her abilities include Spell Resistance 20, Damage Reduction 10/Magic, and the ability to be in four places at once.
That's before she starts casting spells. Her Shadow spells have a +4 DC bonus, raising their minimum saving throws to 22+, she has a 50% chance of not even expending a Shadow spell when it is cast, and can apply any one of five different Metamagic feats to them for free, without actually knowing the feats.
All in all, she's very powerful in a very specific way, and just interesting, IMO. I've been looking forward to the chance to take her on a mission with the main party, because she definitely has the chops to hang with them.