Part MMCXXXV: Seers Unseen
Seers Unseen

Eighteenth Day of the Third Month 293 AC

As is fitting, given those who it is to serve, the Heart Tree which grows in the shadow of Wind House does not ascend in grandeur to rapturous calls, no speech of the perils all around or the future bright is uttered, nor does it need to be. These men and women know what they fight for and why, they have seen the darkness and that which swells within it. Alysande knows this tree from the days when she was naught but girl who had found herself thrust into a world of monsters, when you were naught but a young mage in so far over your head you practically had to hold your breath. Aren't you still here? a thin treacherous voice in the back of your mind asks.

Recalling the horror of the devil's work, understanding as few can the vastness of the evil behind it, you cannot help but quake behind the impassive confident facade; bloodied coil and disembodied eye had both been marks of mutilation of far more than flesh. Pieces of the host's very soul, his memories and dreams, had been twisted to nightmarish obsessions. The coils were meant to ensnare that which is beloved so that it may never escape, never abandon the bearer, eventually becoming one, a torturous amalgamation that would nonetheless be 'stronger' than the sum of its part, closer to the Chain Devil's nirvana of pain.

By contrast the eye seemed at first almost innocuous, born of sick fascination that would brook no veil of intimacy in its way, but at least it did not seem to spread its malignancy in any active manner, until you looked a touch deeper. The eye would share fractured awareness of its bearer to the victim, likely driving them to the black depths of paranoia and eventually to taking their own life, but only if the bearer did not desire the death...

You lose 40 Gold (Identification Ritual)

Love's Lash Ability:
Allows the bearer to cannibalize levels from betrayed loved ones (DC 28 Fortitude negates). The wielder may choose to advance in either one of the levels he already possesses or the one stolen from the victim. Each successful use deals 1d2 wisdom damage which cannot be healed unless the lash is destroyed, which negates all gained levels. (victims dead from level drain remain so)

Bloodied Eye Ability: Allows all but perfect scrying of a victim to whose blood it has been attuned to. However, every 1d6 weeks it reveals the bearer to the victim in such a horrific manner that he must make a DC 15 (+1 for each previous successful save) or commit suicide. If the bearer wishes his victim dead this power will not trigger.

Rarely have you been more satisfied to see mere objects consumed by the roots of the newly-carved Heart Tree. The Old Gods had found the sacrifice fitting to sup upon, though oddly enough they spit out the cursed daggers, broken husks. Two of the daemon bows complete the sacrifice and thus a new limb of the Old Gods' pale tangle is born... new eyes for the Last Greenseer to peer through while the Braavosi do what they do best, trade and bargain for power.

Tree of the All-Seeing Eye Grown
The Tree of the All-Seeing Eye
"A surprisingly youthful face, it's eyes rimmed in blood red sap, gazes at you suspiciously from its place carved into the bone white trunk of this Heart Tree.
CL 20 Hallow Effect
Secondary Effect 1:
Gift of the Forest - One may pluck a single blessed leaf from the Tree of the All-Seeing Eye as often as once per week. Once removed from the Heart Tree, this leaf remains fresh and supple, but crumbles to dust when seven days have passed. If this leaf is consumed by the individual who picked it, they immediately recover 2d4 Hit Points. Should anyone else consume the leaf, however, they are Nauseated for 2d4 rounds and Sickened for 1d4 hours.
Secondary Effect 2: Cloak of the Stream - To gain the Cloak of the Stream, one must paint the symbol of the All-Seeing Eye on their forehead using the sap of the Heart Tree, then water its roots with two doses of Holy Water blessed by a Cleric who enjoys the favor of the Old Gods. Upon gaining the Cloak, the symbol painted on one's forehead fades from view, but the sticky blood red sap remains present. Should it be washed away or deliberately marred, the Cloak is prematurely removed. As an alternative to Holy Water, one can instead make a small blood sacrifice, inflicting 3 points of Hit Point damage and 1 point of Strength damage which must be healed naturally. The Cloak created by blood sacrifice lasts for a full week and is not ended should the symbol of the All-Seeing Eye drawn in sap be removed or damaged.
Secondary Effect 3: Aegis of Stone - To gain the Aegis of Stone, one must meditate before the Tree of the All-Seeing Eye for 24 hours, silently beseeching the Old Gods for protection. During this time, rare and expensive incense worth 50 IM must be burned and the roots of the tree watered with ten doses of Holy Water blessed by a Cleric who enjoys the favor of the Old Gods. Once the Aegis is invoked, it remains dormant until triggered, Dispelled, or one year passes. As an alternative to Holy Water, one can instead make a blood sacrifice, inflicting 5 points of Hit Point damage and 1d4 points of Strength damage, which must be healed naturally. The Aegis invoked by blood sacrifice is bestowed after only ten minutes of meditation and persists indefinitely, until activated or Dispelled.

Truth be told you are glad to discuss more wholesome matters, like a trade for the paralytic poison which Alysande offered not for silver, of which she jestingly claims to have quite enough, but for a promise to have Tyene work with the Silver Eye for a few days.

What do you reply?

[] Write in

OOC: I now greatly regret not going with a hotel room with an actual table. Typing this in bed (which is pretty much all the room has) was not fun. Still, an update is an update I guess.
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Theoretically, setting up a regular PayPal account would be enough, since the point is not to reach random stranger, but the inmates of this asylum here.
If you wrote even five hundred words of original fiction a day, I'd pay you for that and this. But it would be kind of implicit that I'm paying you to support your running of this.

Not that I wouldn't read whatever else, but unless you're actively advertising your original work to draw in more support, it's kind of obvious that your initial readership base would be composed of, well, us. So our vested interests in your writing of fanfiction on non-sub-optimal equipment is also implicit.
What about considering it an equipment upkeep fee? ;)

If my main PC actually gave up the ghost I would be seriously tempted.

Theoretically, setting up a regular PayPal account would be enough, since the point is not to reach random stranger, but the inmates of this asylum here.

Probably, but like I said I would not feel comfortable getting paid for something so fundamentally derivative.
[X] As we understand, the remainder of Tyene's time this month is spoken for, but we will ask her to spend a few days next month liaising with the Silver Eye, as her other commitments allow.
I keep hearing tons of accounts of English being frustratingly hard for non-native speakers to learn, mostly because of its weird rules.
Its closer to annoying than frustrating, the lack of proper phonetics and what can charitably be called "rules" in only the loosest of terms, results in that the only way to know how to pronounce a Word is to hear It, and that is only valid in that particular region/social group.
If you read a lot of books, its easy to learn quite a few words that, years later, you will learn are pronounced nothing like you expected.
In regards to Tyene, or really any party member, I still remember the initial prompt to send Vee, alone, to Dorne to root out a devil conspiracy, many-rooted as that is.

Now, it's not an actual rule, but more common sense, but the Buddy System is in effect, so if we pledge some of her time, we need to place someone with her to watch her back.

And I'm pretty sure everyone's kind of busy.

[X] Goldfish

Seriously, I expect some idiotic fiend to try kidnapping her and finding out that little trick is totally oldhat.

But I'd rather not make Tyene suffer through all these devils and demons that want her jock for whatever reason.
What does her schedule look like @Duesal?
A bit too busy. Absolute no for this month, I can say that for certain. We might, might, be able to arrange something next month, but she has her own stuff to do.

She's only 1871 XP away from Level 13, so she's definitely going to be going to be going adventuring somewhere.

We have three major projects next month: Plane of Air, sending PCs to go with the Archons to raid Valyria and call dibs on all dragon eggs, and Sothorys at the end of the month.

That, and she needs to figure out the Uniila's devil poison.

If it turns out there's free time after all that is arranged, then sure.

@DragonParadox, what exactly does Alysande want Tyene for? Her expertise on poisons, to have a skilled healer who isn't beholden to a god, or just in general having one of our Companions for a few days?
Its closer to annoying than frustrating, the lack of proper phonetics and what can charitably be called "rules" in only the loosest of terms, results in that the only way to know how to pronounce a Word is to hear It, and that is only valid in that particular region/social group.
If you read a lot of books, its easy to learn quite a few words that, years later, you will learn are pronounced nothing like you expected.

I have a good example of that, though the word in question is hardly used in the common vernacular.


My initial exposure to 'belabor' was from reading books, and for whatever reason, in my head I thought it sounded like bella-bore.

Imagine my surprise the first time I heard it spoken. :oops:
All of these above, @Duesal, considering she listed out A) That they desperately need healers who won't charge them an arm and a leg for the service, B) That she loves asymmetrical means to deal with problems, and poison is just one among many that she shares with Tyene in common, and C) that everyone in Braavos greatly respects Viserys and those in his inner circle. So yeah, having someone who was involved with staring down CR10+ encounters on a weekly basis, which is at the point where people start getting mumurs surrounding them like "heroes" or "villains", would be a huge boon.
I have a good example of that, though the word in question is hardly used in the common vernacular.


My initial exposure to 'belabor' was from reading books, and for whatever reason, in my head I thought it sounded like bella-bore.

Imagine my surprise the first time I heard it spoken. :oops:

I don't know what this quest is doing to me, but I thought for a second you were linking to an SRD page for a devil or something.

Because that totally looks like a nonsense fantasy language word.
In regards to Tyene, or really any party member, I still remember the initial prompt to send Vee, alone, to Dorne to root out a devil conspiracy, many-rooted as that is.

Now, it's not an actual rule, but more common sense, but the Buddy System is in effect, so if we pledge some of her time, we need to place someone with her to watch her back.

And I'm pretty sure everyone's kind of busy.

[X] Goldfish

Seriously, I expect some idiotic fiend to try kidnapping her and finding out that little trick is totally oldhat.

But I'd rather not make Tyene suffer through all these devils and demons that want her jock for whatever reason.

A bit too busy. Absolute no for this month, I can say that for certain. We might, might, be able to arrange something next month, but she has her own stuff to do.

She's only 1871 XP away from Level 13, so she's definitely going to be going to be going adventuring somewhere.

We have three major projects next month: Plane of Air, sending PCs to go with the Archons to raid Valyria and call dibs on all dragon eggs, and Sothorys at the end of the month.

That, and she needs to figure out the Uniila's devil poison.

If it turns out there's free time after all that is arranged, then sure.

@DragonParadox, what exactly does Alysande want Tyene for? Her expertise on poisons, to have a skilled healer who isn't beholden to a god, or just in general having one of our Companions for a few days?

Maybe send her and Waymar? They can have some time to themselves in Braavos, and he can get away from his sister. Ysilla will probably thank us for that.

Waymar is also perhaps one of the greatest Alchemists currently living on Planetos, though we don't do much with that aspect of his abilities. He might be able to help the Silver Eye out, if only setting up the basics of Alchemy instruction.
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Maybe send her and Waymar? They can have some time to themselves in Braavos, and he can get away from his sister. Ysilla will probably thank us for that.

Waymar is also perhaps one of the greatest Alchemists currently living on Planetos, though we don't do much with that aspect of his abilities. He might be able to help the Silver Eye our, if only setting up the basics of Alchemy instruction.
Not a bad thought, but this is ultimately secondary to all our other plans. If there's time after all major actions are allotted then I'd happily send those two to Braavos.
Rarely have you been more satisfied to see mere objects consumed by the roots of the newly-carved heart' tree. The Old Gods had found the sacrifice fitting to sup upon, though oddly enough they spit out the cursed daggers, broken husks. Two of the daemon bows complete the sacrifice and thus a new limb of the Old Gods' pale tangle is eyes for the Last Greenseer to peer through while the Braavosi do what they do best, trade and bargain for power.
So the sacrifice of the daggers failed and we substituted 2 bows for them? I guess that level drain effect, didn't count as resonating with magic for the modifier effect.
Probably, but like I said I would not feel comfortable getting paid for something so fundamentally derivative.
You could always set it up as a fundraiser for a new computer only, and close the account down once you have enough for the new computer, that way you aren't getting paid, so much as we are chipping in on the expenses of running this quest.
@Goldfish We don't really do much with it because we have put off actually researching creating things with alchemy, mostly because of common access to magical items as a solution, or being able to outright create a spell potion that does the job well enough if we need a concoction.

The uncommon or rare brews that alchemy can make are clearly superior at specialist roles though. Take that Magebane poison. That stuff is scary.

A big impediment is it is really a MacGuyver skillset tossed with some McGuffin-tier ceilings for ingredients. You have to hunt for the stuff, and while with our travel options that isn't as enormous a logistical undertaking as it might be for Braavos, it's still more involved than "one business deal and a crafting schedule for odds and ends".

Waymar ever gets lost in the wilderness somewhere though, and I give it a month before he has an arsenal of deadly or versatile substances carved out of monster carcasses he killed while going on enthusiastic walks vaguely homewards.
, though we don't do much with that aspect of his abilities
Actually, there's an on-going minor action happening with all our companions (Lya excluded), where Viserys asked everyone to transcribe their insights into their respective fields if they get some free time.

A very long-perspective minor action, yes.

And according to DP, Waymar took to it with fervor.
Not sure on what subject he's writing, though.
It seems that DP will prefer to roll for it once any book is done.

I'd have loved to have him and Tyene make an ultimate super alchemy/poision guide-book.
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I think he feels personally uncomfortable with the idea, not legally.
Yeah but in my opinion at least, there's a big difference between being paid for something, and being given the equipment needed to do something, so the question is if he's also uncomfortable, with the idea of us sponsoring him getting a new computer, but not giving him any money, he can spend on anything but what he needs to write.
Tyene alone won't cut it. She needs a buddy, and preferably a Cleric one (versatility) or someone killy like Waymar.
She really relies on her buffs, in fact :'(
She can get the Persistomancy by spending 2 teleports a day I suppose.
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