Richard: "Could use some improvements. Crumpled after two consecutive blows from heavily enchanted hell-crafted wildfire golem. Approximately five Queen Bitch Avatar bite quotients of force utilized until complete loss of integrity. Recommend secondary evasive system, proximity directed explosion optional but appreciated."

Valeria: "Why are all of your other letters to Viserys defined by their brevity but equipment requisition forms so detailed?!"

Richard: "For equipment, extra information is important."

Valeria: "But not what brand of fiendish plots you encountered? :confused:"

Richard: "I solved it by cutting them to ribbons. What did you expect, an analysis on their recent expenses? Quotes from pertinent legal treatises? I'm not his Grace. Or Lord Vanor."

Valeria: "And yet you can quote relevant arcane documents within moments if it is somehow relevant to a spell's limitation or a foe's weakness! :mad:"

Richard: "Bloody mages... if it's not relevant to a Knight, it's not relevant."
Valeria: "But you actually know what they are! :mad::mad::mad:"

Richard: "Stone Grumpkins, Tricky Grumpkins, Smelly Grumpkin, Deepwater Grumpkin, Grass-fed Grumpkin..."

Naria: "Ah... that last one?"

Richard: "Gorgons."

Valeria: *runs out screaming* "MOTHER!"
Here's a list off the top of my head on everything that needs to be crafted next month:

Lya's time is going to be spent almost exclusively on the Hardening Chamber, so that leaves everyone else.
@TotallyNotEvil, we're going to start with having Valeria make the Mithral Fullplates of Dany, Vee, and Tyene properly Glamered.
Then we need to craft Alysande a Quill of Scribing and a Boneward Healing Belt (+3), as well as scribe her scrolls of Dimension Door, Heart of the Earth, and False Life.

We need Amulets of PfE and Belts of Healing for the following:
Mia the baby Inquisitor
Joran the new baby dragonlord
Mya Stone
Khal Rhango
Soft Strider (needs a Belt of Healing)

@Goldfish, I'm not entirely certain how far equipped they are, but Valeria, Kira, and Naria should finish being equipped if they're not by the end of this month.

And we need to continue churning out Greater Ribbons of Disguise. I've been keeping track of this one. Before this turn we had 4, and then by the end of this turn we'll have crafted 5 more bringing us to a total of 9. Here's a list of people who need their own ribbons eventually, to be crafted over the course of what I'm assuming to be six or more months.

Fortunately for us a Greater Ribbon of Disguise is only CL 3, so as the Archivists level up we can pounce on them and get them started crafting.

Alysande only needs a +2 Boneward Belt. A +3 won't do anything for her and is much more expensive.

Quills of Scribing are super cheap (175 IM before discounts). We might as well make extras for our baby mages and maybe the Silver Eye (who can damned well pay for them).

Soft Strider already has a PfE amulet and we're crafting her a Healing Belt this turn.

I also think we should start making PfE rings rather than amulets, or maybe half and half. We keep finding enchanted amulets, but enchanted rings seem much rarer. We also have five Amulets of Tears laying around (if we plan on returning Mereth's equipment to her after her link to Hell is severed, if not, we have six). Rhango should definitely get an Amulet of Tears.
V: "Bronn and Richard are slowly developing a secret coded battle-cant and spreading it among the men!"
D: "Is that a problem?"
V: "Lya's just classified an entire graduating class as test subjects!"
Alysande only needs a +2 Boneward Belt. A +3 won't do anything for her and is much more expensive.

Quills of Scribing are super cheap (175 IM before discounts). We might as well make extras for our baby mages and maybe the Silver Eye (who can damned well pay for them).

I also think we should start making PfE rings rather than amulets, or maybe half and half. We keep finding enchanted amulets, but enchanted rings seem much rarer. We also have five Amulets of Tears laying around (if we plan on returning Mereth's equipment to her after her link to Hell is severed, if not, we have six). Rhango should definitely get an Amulet of Tears.
Alright, updated list:

We need Amulets/Rings of PfE and Belts of Healing for the following:
Mia the baby Inquisitor
Joran the new baby dragonlord --> Needs Valaena's dragontaming effect on his
Mya Stone
Khal Rhango
Azema (needs PfE rather than PfG)

Add PfE effects to all six of the Amulet of Tears we took from the Erinyes and redistribute accordingly among the main party, giving their old Amulets of PfE to whoever's next in line.

Dany: Mithral Fullplate (+1) --> Needs to Glamer the fullplate and get a +1 Animated Extreme Shield
Vee: Mithral Fullplate (+1) --> Needs to Glamer the fullplate and get a +1 Animated Extreme Shield
Tyene: Mithral Fullplate (+1) --> Needs to Glamer the fullplate and get a +1 Animated Extreme Shield
Rina: Blue Ice Fullplate --> Needs to enchant and Glamer the fullplate and get a +1 Animated Extreme Shield
Malarys: Spell-Reflecting Mithral Breastplate --> Needs a +1 Animated Extreme Shield
Ser Richard: Needs a replacement +1 Animated Extreme Shield
Alysande: --> needs a Quill of Scribing and a Boneward Healing Belt (+2), as well scrolls of Dimension Door, Heart of the Earth, and False Life.

I'm with you on the Quills of Scribing. I would like to make one of those for every single Archivist and have them make scrolls of Cure Light Wounds with them. Best of all, this doesn't cut into their time. :D They can continue studying in the Scholarum and getting stronger while we gleefully build up our stockpile.

Hell, we could sell the scrolls to the Silver Eye if we wanted to.
Alysande only needs a +2 Boneward Belt. A +3 won't do anything for her and is much more expensive.

Quills of Scribing are super cheap (175 IM before discounts). We might as well make extras for our baby mages and maybe the Silver Eye (who can damned well pay for them).

Soft Strider already has a PfE amulet and we're crafting her a Healing Belt this turn.

I also think we should start making PfE rings rather than amulets, or maybe half and half. We keep finding enchanted amulets, but enchanted rings seem much rarer. We also have five Amulets of Tears laying around (if we plan on returning Mereth's equipment to her after her link to Hell is severed, if not, we have six). Rhango should definitely get an Amulet of Tears.

Valeria has Craft Construct. We should get her two homunculi asap so she has time to teach...
Alright, updated list:

We need Amulets/Rings of PfE and Belts of Healing for the following:
Mia the baby Inquisitor
Joran the new baby dragonlord --> Needs Valaena's dragontaming effect on his
Mya Stone
Khal Rhango
Azema (needs PfE rather than PfG)

Add PfE effects to all six of the Amulet of Tears we took from the Erinyes and redistribute accordingly among the main party, giving their old Amulets of PfE to whoever's next in line.

Dany: Mithral Fullplate (+1) --> Needs to Glamer the fullplate and get a +1 Animated Extreme Shield
Vee: Mithral Fullplate (+1) --> Needs to Glamer the fullplate and get a +1 Animated Extreme Shield
Tyene: Mithral Fullplate (+1) --> Needs to Glamer the fullplate and get a +1 Animated Extreme Shield
Rina: Blue Ice Fullplate --> Needs to enchant and Glamer the fullplate and get a +1 Animated Extreme Shield
Malarys: Spell-Reflecting Mithral Breastplate --> Needs a +1 Animated Extreme Shield
Ser Richard: Needs a replacement +1 Animated Extreme Shield
Alysande: --> needs a Quill of Scribing and a Boneward Healing Belt (+2), as well scrolls of Dimension Door, Heart of the Earth, and False Life.

I'm with you on the Quills of Scribing. I would like to make one of those for every single Archivist and have them make scrolls of Cure Light Wounds with them. Best of all, this doesn't cut into their time. :D They can continue studying in the Scholarum and getting stronger while we gleefully build up our stockpile.

Hell, we could sell the scrolls to the Silver Eye if we wanted to.

It's much cheaper to add the Amulet of Tears effect to a PfE item than it is to add a PfE effect to an Amulet of Tears.

Base price of an AoTs is 230 IM; 172.5 IM for Lya and Leila, or 138 IM for Valeria.

Add the 50% tax for placing additional effects on an item and that becomes 345 IM base price, 258.75 IM for Lya and Leila, and 207 for Valeria.

Base price for a PfE is 400 IM.
Valeria has Craft Construct. We should get her two homunculi asap so she has time to teach...
No, we should bring back the Smith. Jeff probably be better at it, have free lore, and love the job.
We're planning on doing both.

What we can get started on immediately is trying to get Lya to make Valeria her own Dedicated Wrights. Valeria can't make her own, unfortunately, since it requires Fabricate and that's above her CL.
How does Valeria have Craft Construct? Doesn't she need 9 HD for that?
The only prerequisites are Craft Wondrous Item and Craft Magic Arms & Armor, both of which she has.
It's much cheaper to add the Amulet of Tears effect to a PfE item than it is to add a PfE effect to an Amulet of Tears.

Base price of an AoTs is 230 IM; 172.5 IM for Lya and Leila, or 138 IM for Valeria.

Add the 50% tax for placing additional effects on an item and that becomes 345 IM base price, 258.75 IM for Lya and Leila, and 207 for Valeria.

Base price for a PfE is 400 IM.
Weird. You would think they'd just cost the same.
Valeria has Craft Construct. We should get her two homunculi asap so she has time to teach...

Unfortunately, she does not meet the prerequisites to craft a Dedicated Wright for herself. The only way she'll get one of those is if DP lets Lya craft one for her.
We're planning on doing both.

What we can get started on immediately is trying to get Lya to make Valeria her own Dedicated Wrights. Valeria can't make her own, unfortunately, since it requires Fabricate and that's above her CL.

The only prerequisites are Craft Wondrous Item and Craft Magic Arms & Armor, both of which she has.

Weird. You would think they'd just cost the same.

Constant effect enchantments are more expensive than those which have a daily allotment of charges. Protection from Evil is also short duration spell, so the normal enchanting price is doubled in order to make it a constant effect.
Another batch of Wyrmlings for the Inquisition please.
No can do. I've been waiting for that too, but Valeria needs the CL for Lesser Geas. She gets there at 8 CL when she finally gets access to Level 4 Sorcerer spells, and currently she's at 7 CL.
DP didn't let Lya make one for Leila, sooo...
The reasoning is that Valeria is a lot closer to Lya due to how she was born, so with a bit of tinkering we can figure it out.
No can do. I've been waiting for that too, but Valeria needs the CL for Lesser Geas. She gets there at 8 CL when she finally gets access to Level 4 Sorcerer spells, and currently she's at 7 CL.

She and the other Arcanum are actually still at 6 HD. Lya hasn't had a chance to upgrade them because she hasn't had her level up yet.
How did she get Craft Construct even then? You need CL 3 for Wondrous and 5 for Arms and Armour IIRC.

Wondrous at 3, Arms at 6, where's the extra feat coming from?
How did she get Craft Construct even then? You need CL 3 for Wondrous and 5 for Arms and Armour IIRC.

Wondrous at 3, Arms at 6, where's the extra feat coming from?
All of the Arcanums have had a standard of five feats (with a bonus Flyby Feat if they were given Lore of Air). @Goldfish can probably explain, though.

But the way I see it, since Valeria was created and didn't go through the grit of leveling up and getting the feats the normal way, she just got everything all at once without much fuss.