I disagree about waiting a few months or just pretending it isn't an issue. Viserys has already waited a few months, while it wasn't as big a deal in SD. We're not just in SD anymore, we should settle it due to political considerations, if nothing else. Lya is Visery's wife in literally every way that counts, up to and including the greater feelings of anger he gets when she is slighted. Them not marrying is making life harder at court for us and in diplomacy, because all the messages it is sending are wrong. We're not available to court. Lya is not a temporary thing. Lya is not somehow lesser in our eyes, beneath our stature to marry. People can't play games to steal her position, or remove her. All the signals we send by not marrying her are ones Viserys disagrees with, and will be frustrated in having to explain again and again that she should be respected on the level one would expect for Viserys's wife, when Viserys himself isn't moving to marry her.