I certainly wouldn't mind getting those staffs...We can always summon the Thanadaemons if we're missing a few HD for a full tree.
Make an angry face, then proclaim that it seems we've found one of the escaped cultists trying to make a mess and that we'll return in a few minutes (while signaling for our team to come closer). Teleport. Shank an asshole. Teleport back with a new sacrifice?
I'm pretty sure that it still counts :/
The only bad thing is, Others now have a free action to waste as they please.
This was a direct divine intervention.
Nothing as bad as rezzing a long-dead person, of course, but nothing to sniff at either.
Or was it?
@DragonParadox, was this little prophetic vision of ours a result of "overpaying", or did OGs, indeed, left themselves open for some Others' machinations on our behalf?
How does one talking counter measure up to at least 10 HD of full-caster?It was a direct action by Bloodraven so it counts, but it's not really that unusual, he sends out dreams and portents on a regular basis. The only way he could keep the Others from getting those sorts of counters would be to render himself mute and effectively powerless.
How does one talking counter measure up to at least 10 HD of full-caster?
Well @Crake , looks like we have a tsundere sword here.
More like it ending with Abadon becoming the Plane of Fiery Suffering.That would have ended with either her death or being saved by the friendly neighborhood Dracolich
...I now have a mental image of Varys carrying Ser Richard, as in, a fullplate-wearing murderblender of a knight through a battlefield, with him cutting everything she points him at.[x]Send Varys (for teleport) and Richard. Go on with sacrifices.
I don't want to be arrogant, but our pet pseudodragon is half a dozen levels above our opponent. Also, time for Varys the Awesome to craft her own legend!
[x] Send Varys (for teleport) and Richard. Go on with sacrifices.
I don't want to be arrogant, but our pet pseudodragon is half a dozen caster levels above our opponent. Also, time for Varys the Awesome to craft her own legend!
This could be a good deal between our already good working relationship.It's not really directly comparable, but 10 HD full caster sacrifices are certainly rarer than offering counsel and portents.
We have Heart Trees to grow.@Duesal, feeding this fool to the weirwood will just let his soul go to Abaddon. His greatest desire. Please feed him to Yss.
[X] Goldfish
She's not a caster. We could make her a caster, but that'd probably take some time.