Viserys: "And this is where I'd keep my skull throne... IF I HAD ONE!"

Dany: "Viserys, you do have one..."

Maelor: "Wait a second...!"

*a few dispels later*

Maelor: "There is a skull throne there!"

Lya: "You can't keep that out in the open!"

Malarys: "Obviously. That's why he covered it with illusions."

Viserys: "Keep a bunch of skulls in neat racks and you're just vaguely creepy and a paranoiac, but build one throne out of the dispossessed craniums of your enemies and you're some kind of nightmare fetishist."

Malarys: "A more common problem in the Freehold than you'd think."

Viserys: *thinking of Lys* "No... no, I thought that already."
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she wore full true-silver plate that would be the envy of many a knight
One too many fights fought in skimpy dresses, and being apparently made of demon bait, will probably turn Tyene into an armour enthusiast.
You who are unseen, I will take your eyes!
I think a Vitreous Drinker makes Xor feel the need for a rape whistle.
Malarys: "Obviously. That's why he covered it with illusions."
Malarys: "A more common problem in the Freehold than you'd think."
Helpfully understanding Malarys is best Malarys.

10/10 would loot again.
CR 11 undead, actually
Yep. Found it.
This hunched, shambling figure might be able to pass for human except for the bulging, wet eyes that cover every inch of its skin, and the long, repulsively prehensile tongue that lolls from its gaping mouth. Several translucent, shadowy ravens circle the creature's head, their beaks open in silent cries.
Vitreous Drinker CR 11
Always NE Medium undead
Not a bad challenge at all, but I think Xor'll need to fight more before qualifying for a levelup. This thing was only CR 11, and Xor had Tyene, Waymar, and Malarys fighting on his side.
Aegon collected swords. We collect skulls. As long as Daenerys doesn't collect Incubi I'm happy enough :D

In hindsight those enemies we fought were seriously dumb. They focused all their fire on Daenerys and not on the two Dragons behind her? Of course they burned!

We'll have to hunt down the fleeing daemons eventually.

What are our next planned conquests, after we get Tyrosh a little more stable? Enough of the Disputed Lands to feed Tyrosh? Straight to Lys?
He needed 6351 XP at last count... but CR slants in his favor for any of them which are above his level, as Bronn demonstrated, and they seem to be cutting their way through lesser fiends, which should give him a steady trickle.

And I imagine they had other encounters, also likely above his weight class. So level 10 should be in sight. :ogles:
Aegon collected swords. We collect skulls. As long as Daenerys doesn't collect Incubi I'm happy enough :D

In hindsight those enemies we fought were seriously dumb. They focused all their fire on Daenerys and not on the two Dragons behind her? Of course they burned!

We'll have to hunt down the fleeing daemons eventually.

What are our next planned conquests, after we get Tyrosh a little more stable? Enough of the Disputed Lands to feed Tyrosh? Straight to Lys?

To be fair, she looked like a Half--Celestial at the time and had just hit them all with a Dismissal spell.
Aegon collected swords. We collect skulls. As long as Daenerys doesn't collect Incubi I'm happy enough :D

In hindsight those enemies we fought were seriously dumb. They focused all their fire on Daenerys and not on the two Dragons behind her? Of course they burned!

We'll have to hunt down the fleeing daemons eventually.

What are our next planned conquests, after we get Tyrosh a little more stable? Enough of the Disputed Lands to feed Tyrosh? Straight to Lys?

Probably it'll be Myr and then a soft conquest of Lys if we can manage it. Then onto Pentos, then we solidify our alliance with Braavos and Lorath in countering Volantene expansion. If we can't put a cap on their ambitions, probably onto Qohor and Norvos, then we deliver our ultimatum to Volantis.
@Artemis1992, this looks great and wonderfully thematic, but also really hard to pull off. Not only do the materials need to come from five different chromatics instead of just cheating and using our Tiamat Aspect for it, but it needs a CL 18 Sorcerer specifically to make it? How on earth do we pull that off? Maybe DP will let us have Lya do it?
I'd be fine with a Lesser version.
What makes it CL 18 is the fact that you need CL/3 for the Enhancement-bonus, one with CHA +5 as our current Charisma-item only needs a CL 15 caster.
As for the materials, that's mostly fluff. I guess we could get a discount for actually hunting down fresh dragons, but some tiny scales should be available on the bigger interplanar ingredient-markets.
It's just struck me that whenever we meet the Sealord, we give him a Cliffnotes version of our latest adventures. He must have thought that we were utterly insane last time! What the hell will he think if we do it again?
Okay, so just prep-work for the aftermath of the invasion.

Here's what we'll need to do directly after gaining control of at least the inner city. Quelling rioters and looters is small-bananas compared to felling mages and fiends, that we could let it be handled in the background with a single group if we had to, probably those who don't have immediately useful skills for the clean-up.

1) We have healers led by Vee set up a triage center in a central location, then probably set some of the Archons to leading a recovery operation for rescuing people, teleporting flying wounded in, etc.
2) Viserys is the only one who can make a final decision on any diplomacy or administrative work that needs done, so he'll stay up talking to all the busy-bodies left standing, handling any obligations towards his own men, etc.
3) A group will focus on scouring the city for fiends, and at this point that is important enough that we should have one group tasked on that until we're reasonably assured things are safe-ish, at least for the rest of this turn. Next turn I'm sure efforts will be more organized since we'll have the Inquisition to form.
4) Need to take stock of our losses, gains, the damage to the city, etc.
5) Pen dragons to make a copy of the city records, for later administrative centralization and redundancy.
6) Speech for the Legion. Good work, well done, honors well earned.
7) Speech for the city. Slavery abolished. Fiends destroyed. Madmen killed.
8) Requisite rituals for gardening efforts.
9) Figuring out which Tyroshi Houses to prop up, which ones to essentially destroy and seize any assets. This is distinct enough since it will take until the next turn to sort through all the Houses and judge who can be useful and who will be obstructive to our Planned Economic efforts and our, let's face it, absolutist government.
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teleporting wounded in
Not really.
Archons can only teleport themselves and casters have too few spells to do anything of relevance.
3) A group will focus on scouring the city for fiends, and at this point that is important enough that we should have one group tasked on that until we're reasonably assured things are safe-ish, at least for the rest of this turn. Next turn I'm sure efforts will be more organized since we'll have the Inquisition to form.
We'll propably spend months cleaning up the sewers, but a quick over-earth hunt right now makes sense.
@Crake, we will need to heal the survivors of the thrall army and since that's a huge number of people, the triage zone should be there.

Furthermore, the Legion needs to clean up the bodies, put out the fires, arrest the looters and look for any survivors in wrecked areas. Classical disaster relief for the PR value. People should associate the Legion with aiding the population just as much as they see the combat monsters.
Let's just grow the Tree as soon as we can. Having Remove Disease, Heart's Ease, and Exorcise available is going to save us a lot of trouble in the coming days.
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on May 5, 2018 at 9:07 AM, finished with 234 posts and 25 votes.

  • [X] Plan Not Repeating Past Mistakes
    -[X] You have learned your lesson from indulging Relath for things like this. Tell Amrelath to destroy the Bonestorms.
    -[X] Speak to the Red Priests
    --[X] Thank them for offering to help, but decline. We've always fought against slavery, they can rest assured we are bringing freedom for all. Unfortunately, the sudden influx of troops might cause chaos, so we'd rather they stay out.
    -[X] Assist Group 2
    [X] Plan Focus
    -[X] Let Amrealth keep them.
    -[X] Go speak with the Red Priests.
    --[X] Thank them for offering to help, but decline. We've always fought against slavery, they can rest assured we are bringing freedom for all. Unfortunately, the sudden influx of troops might cause chaos, so we'd rather they stay out.
    [X] Thank them for offering to help, but decline. We've always fought against slavery, they can rest assured we are bringing freedom for all. Unfortunately, the sudden influx of troops might cause chaos, so we'd rather they stay out.
I want the sacrifice tomorrow, preferably where the thrall army emerged for symbolic value.

Afterwards, we start the show-trials and hangings.
What about doing it on top of that "sacred" fountain? Since it's holy to a god of madness I'm hoping for a seriously beefed-up Heart's Ease.

EDIT: Also, I'm hoping the god gets mad at us and sends something to try to kill us.
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