That is a pretty scary friggin' build. An army of PCs just doesn't seem fair.

If we pull a Dany and snatch several thousand Unsullied, I shudder to imagine what we could make of them.
Fighter 6, 2 flaws, Elite Array (25pt buy) vs Warrior 3, no flaws (but one bonus feat), 19pt buy.

Our guys actually win, because the unsullied have a 5% chance of hitting our legionnaires, tho they attack twice in a round, while our guys have a 65% chance of hitting them, even if they only attack once.

Our guys go down in two hits, theirs go down in three. However, our chance of rolling and confirming a crit is 9.75%, their's is 0.25%.

All their guys have reach, and only one in three backliners of ours have it, but the ones who do have free Trips on heir hits, and the fact all of our guys have Javelins (+7 for 1d6+6) helps tremendously, as the second, third, fourth and as many other lines can directly contribute to whittling down their numbers, javelins have a range increment of 30ft.

Of course, this is an extreme best-case scenario... for them. Keep in mind the unsullied I need this scenario are CR 6, while our guys are CR 2 at best.

Each and every Unsullied would technically be a full-on boss battle of the BBEG tier.
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Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by TotallyNotEvil on May 2, 2018 at 11:29 AM, finished with 185678 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Clear the towers, force open the gates let the legions march on
    [X] Perch uopn the palace itself to force the Archon to surrender, before more nedless slaughter can be done
    [X] Perch upon the palace itself to force the Archon to surrender, before more needless slaughter can be done
    [X] Azel
It's a damn shame, there are so many great effects stuffed into the one artifact. :( One day I hope to get an artifact this powerful that people don't want to get rid of.

That said, sacrifice isn't a loss by any means. It could probably grow a Tier-3 Heart Tree all on its own, with a bonus reward. Four effects crammed onto a single blade? Yeah, that stuff is heavy.

Honestly, I view redeeming it as removing the cool, interesting, evil effects with cool, interesting, not-evil effects of equivalent power. The only loss it time/effort imo :).
Huh? I mean, like Richards armour being redeemed kinda thing. Only make it so that Yarel does the work on that.
The archons said they wanted stuff to do... ;)
Richard's armour was mildly possessed by a benign ghost, and was only evil in the sense the VS takes blood to make, so there were probably a few sacrifices involved in enchanting it.

This is angel bone literally corrupted by sin.
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Richard's armour was mildly possessed by a benign ghost, and was only evil in the sense the VS takes blood to make, so there were probably a few sacrifices involved in enchanting it.

This is angel bone literally corrupted by sin.
I suggest adding fungi. It's already partly rotted right? More rot never hurt when the Plant Gods are on our side!

Hey @DragonParadox how close to reality is this for the unsullied?

Also, consensus.
Sounds like nonsense. Knights don't get to all be Fighter 6 and they are actually trained for individual prowess.

Unsullied should be low level warriors like our guys (probably with worse statlines, because they are castrated and that's a strength malus right there) but with unbreakable morale for field battle purposes.

Unsullied should basically be very bad in the individual scale, but very good in a bigger scale, where morale actually starts factoring in. That's what they are like in canon and it makes a lot more sense than Astapor mass producing PCs.
Huh? I mean, like Richards armour being redeemed kinda thing. Only make it so that Yarel does the work on that.
The archons said they wanted stuff to do... ;)
That's not really the best comparison. Sure, Ser Richard's armor was forged with diabolical arts and it was subsequently redeemed by an angel, but even before that it was meant to serve the wearer. This dagger... not so much. I was vaguely interested in sacrificing to the Old Gods and getting them to at the very least sever the connection to Abbadon so we could keep it in reserve against the Deep Ones, but beyond that I didn't have much hope to fundamentally change this thing. It's an incarnation of decay, there's no redeeming it at our current level.

It's also a very nice sacrifice. If we're not making an effort to keep its original abilities to throw against the Mindflayers, then it can easily grow a new Heart Tree on its own.
Sounds like nonsense. Knights don't get to all be Fighter 6 and they are actually trained for individual prowess.

Unsullied should be low level warriors like our guys (probably with worse statlines, because they are castrated and that's a strength malus right there) but with unbreakable morale for field battle purposes.

Unsullied should basically be very bad in the individual scale, but very good in a bigger scale, where morale actually starts factoring in. That's what they are like in canon and it makes a lot more sense than Astapor mass producing PCs.
It is entirely possible to get level through training. And I'm willing to bet you anything that your average Unsullied gets more training than your average Knght, because there's no way a human being will ever willingly go through the kind of punishing regimen that you can push an Unsullied through. If your average Knight were level 3 or more (maybe with a Fighter level or two depending on who they squired with), then I absolutely wouldn't be surprised if your average Unsullied were level 4 or 5.
Unsullied aren't only famous for never giving up, they're also famous for winning when badly outnumbered. Now sure morale factors into that too, but so does being genuinely good at killing things.

The real thing that helps Knights beat Unsullied is the gear difference. Unsullied don't seem to wear armor for some reason :/
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It is entirely possible to get level through training. And I'm willing to bet you anything that your average Unsullied gets more training than your average Knght, because there's no way a human being will ever willingly go through the kind of punishing regimen that you can push an Unsullied through. If your average Knight were level 3 or more (maybe with a Fighter level or two depending on who they squired with), then I absolutely wouldn't be surprised if your average Unsullied were level 4 or 5.
Unsullied aren't only famous for never giving up, they're also famous for winning when badly outnumbered. Now sure morale factors into that too, but so does being genuinely good at killing things.

The real thing that helps Knights beat Unsullied is the gear difference. Unsullied don't seem to wear armor for some reason :/

Seems a geographical legacy of their creation. It must be counterproductive to march up and down the wasteland that is Slaver's Bay in full plate.
Seems a geographical legacy of their creation. It must be counterproductive to march up and down the wasteland that is Slaver's Bay in full plate.
Still, leather armor wouldn't hurt!
And there's probably a feat for that somewhere that they could take easily enough. Less combat potential but better weapons would seem like a good choice if I was designing them, because they'll only be bought by rich people right?
Still, leather armor wouldn't hurt!
And there's probably a feat for that somewhere that they could take easily enough. Less combat potential but better weapons would seem like a good choice if I was designing them, because they'll only be bought by rich people right?

I thought they were equipped with some light leathers? Part of their whole schtick is to get wounded and not react visibly to such injury, so as to demoralize the opponent... maybe it plays into that?

Armor tradition/tech/doctrine in Essos seems pretty poor though, much less developed than in Westeros. Its one of the reasons the Golden Company kicks so much ass.
Sounds like nonsense. Knights don't get to all be Fighter 6 and they are actually trained for individual prowess.

Unsullied should be low level warriors like our guys (probably with worse statlines, because they are castrated and that's a strength malus right there) but with unbreakable morale for field battle purposes.

Unsullied should basically be very bad in the individual scale, but very good in a bigger scale, where morale actually starts factoring in. That's what they are like in canon and it makes a lot more sense than Astapor mass producing PCs.
Unsullied should be high level NPCs, they undergo extreme training which equals to lot of leveling, but they are training in an extremely inefficient manner, so they should be high level, at least level 6 if not 7, but their class should be just barely better than Commoner.

Unsullied start training at the age of 5, from that point their life is nothing but training, and they aren't sold before they are at least 15, that mean that even the greenest of Unsullied, have a decade of training from hell behind them, that equals out to a lot of experience, so they should be extremely high level by soldier standards, the way they are trained is however very inefficient, the Unsullied fighting style isn't particularly good, they are taught unthinking obedience, so improvisation isn't a part of their style, so their class should be extremely crappy.

Unsullied should be an extremely crappy class, where you would bet on a level 3 fighter against a level 6 Unsullied, but with some feats that increase their power in formation, so that a group of level 6 Unsullied, can match an equal size group of level 4 Fighters.

But even in formation equal leveled Fighters should slaughter them, the only reason Unsullied should be useful, should be because they have higher average levels than any other army.
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It is entirely possible to get level through training. And I'm willing to bet you anything that your average Unsullied gets more training than your average Knght, because there's no way a human being will ever willingly go through the kind of punishing regimen that you can push an Unsullied through. If your average Knight were level 3 or more (maybe with a Fighter level or two depending on who they squired with), then I absolutely wouldn't be surprised if your average Unsullied were level 4 or 5.
Unsullied aren't only famous for never giving up, they're also famous for winning when badly outnumbered. Now sure morale factors into that too, but so does being genuinely good at killing things.
Actually winning when outnumbered is 90% morale and discipline before modern days. Because you just have to kill some 10% of your enemy to cause a riot when facing normal soldiers. Whereas Unsullied don't break period, so you need to kill more than half of them just to break their formation's otherwise perfect cohesion. This means that even if the other side is actually getting a good kill ratio they'll break long before they manage anything.

Also, training might make you level, but it can only take you so far. What you need is Experience, and training routines just run out of things to learn over time. Not to mention a lot of Unsullied training is, of course, devoted to obedience, discipline and formation fighting, because they are army grunts and not PCs.
Unsullied should be high level NPCs, they undergo extreme training which equals to lot of leveling, but they are training in an extremely inefficient manner, so they should be high level, at least level 6 if not 7, but their class should be just barely better than Commoner.
Also an option but I don't know if anyone's going to write a custom class for them if it ever comes up.
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Still, leather armor wouldn't hurt!
And there's probably a feat for that somewhere that they could take easily enough. Less combat potential but better weapons would seem like a good choice if I was designing them, because they'll only be bought by rich people right?
Maybe there wasnt a good source of leather nearby? Its a very dry region, so its possible that they didnt have access to large herds of cows or horses, making It very hard to get enough leather for an army.
After some time, armor would be seen as unnecesary, or even cowardly.
Actually, perhaps its about pride? To show that they are not afraid of death, and if they actually die, well, more profits for astapor.
Actually, perhaps its about pride? To show that they are not afraid of death, and if they actually die, well, more profits for astapor.
I'd guess mostly the latter. I mean, owners can totally buy armor if they want, but it's sold separately. If they turn out to be cheapskates they have to buy more Unsullied later instead, so Astapor wins either way.

They might also sell a deluxe package that comes with armor and overcharge you for it.
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