A Storm of Flame and Steel
Twenty-Seventh Day of the Second Month 293 AC
A shadow fell over the inner city, over the fine and stately manses where dwelt the mightiest and richest, over the cavernous barracks that housed the dead-eyed Unsullied in their depths, over gardens and tinkling fountains. In the distance lightning flashed and for only an instant it was clear for all to see, the broken but still impossibly tall silhouette of a tower raised far to the east at the borderlands of Valyria itself and ripped free of its foundations, a black shaft let loose to pierce the city's heart.
Again thunder rolled and lightning crackled as rows of armored warriors began to pour from some unseen gate. Another roar could be heard above, not thunder but something far more perilous, something that had not been heard above Tyrosh for centuries and more—the voice of a dragon let loose... no, two.
Can they hear the truth of their coming doom? you wonder as you spiral upwards.
The magisters in their manses and the damned hiding in their holes.
"Kill all who bear arms and pass over those that cast them off and beg for quarter?" Amrelath says, garbed in a seeming of the form he held in life, though you can still hear the chill of the grasping grave in his words, held back only by the pride and the will of dragonkind.
"Yes," you reply, eyes fixed upon the street leading to the palace where a square of slave soldiers was already gathering to oppose the legion's advance. They stood without fear beneath the wings of dragons, deaf to the calls of surrender... and so they died in flame and smoke, for though you take no joy in it you will not sacrifice the lives of your men for a chance to save the foe.
After the first rank had perished Yrael tries again, his voice high and clear trumpeting over the field of war:
"Lower your spears, you've nothing to love but your chains. No judgement shall be past upon you for the sins of your masters."
From above you catch sight of a few who show the slightest hesitation at the sight of the heavenly herald, but they are few and the moment fleeting. The weight of the column drive them into the legionaries, against a hale of quarrels. The ground is stained red as soldiers fight and die in the dark, blind to anything but the men on either side and the foe before them, save for the flash of lighting and the stream of unrelenting flame, from you, from Lya's staff, and from the lesser mages of the legion.
How long could they stand and die, you think, more horrified of the butchery before you than of fiends and horrors that yet lurk beneath. The Ghiscari's time would come, you vow silently to yourself.
At last when almost a full third of their number had fallen the enemy spear wall begins to crumble under the sheer weight of the lives reaped by steel, sorcery, and dragonfire. Once more you call: "Lay down your arms and you will be spared!"
This time a scattered few begin to, though you half fear that your men would not let them with their blood up and their own dead to mourn. You should have known better, the legions march on at a steady pace seeking not the lives of foes but the ground they stand on, a tide of shining spear tips and bright banners advancing towards the walls of the palace. With pride and relief in equal measure you realize that a mere handful of your men had fallen in the brief desperate clash, with the wounded all still standing, fighting, through their healing concoctions or sheer will.
But now the more difficult task stretched ahead of them. The palace of the Archon, built as a fortress in the days of the Freehold, those ancient bones can still be seen through the gilt and fancy. Towers upon which scores of archers stand, a mountainous gatehouse that seems to have been conceived to weather the blows of giants... or dragons.
For all that no wall can bar your passage.
What do you do?
[] Clear the towers, force open the gates let the legions march on
[] Perch uopn the palace itself to force the Archon to surrender, before more nedless slaughter can be done
[] Write in
OOC: Sorry this took so long. It's my first time writing mass combat, so I had a little trouble getting it to flow properly.