So, does everyone remember that super-useful Heart-Tree Azel designed?
One that will allow us to effectively become the leading magic-researching institution on Planetos (by making an effective R&D team to be placed under crafting/research arcanum), make Sorcerer's deep a true haven for all and any researchers, greatly help with socialising Old Gods and will be generally all-around awesome?
Philosophers Tree
"Deep lines mar the face of a wizened man, the pale wood looking all too fitting for his flowing beard. Yet the eyes almost seem to shine with the power of the mind behind them and the wisdom brought by such venerable age."
Location: "A tremendous hedge divides this place from the buzzing of the city and forms a wall to protect the place of quiet contemplation within. Many small alcoves can be found in the twisting passages, shielded from the sun by a roof of leaves, and invite the visitor to stay and rest or talk of matters of small or great import with his companions. At the very center of this maze stands a tall Weirwood tree on a small outcropping of rock with small pools of clear water gathering in between stone and roots. Around this tree stand a circle of moss covered, rough hewn stone tribunes, allowing many to gather beneath its branches to find wisdom and share it with others."
CL 20 Hallow Effect

Secondary Effect 1: Wisdom of the Ages -
By imbibing the water gathering at the tree, a person can try to gleam some knowledge of ages past from the Old Gods and commune with the greatest minds among them. The person must meditate beneath its branches for an hour to gain a bonus to all Knowledge checks and to all Craft of Profession checks used to teach, learn, invent or refine theories and ways of working. This also allows the subject to make these skill-checks untrained. The height bonus can be freely chosen, up to a maximum of +20, but the person must pass a Will-Save with a DC equal to the desired bonus. If the subject fails this check, he does not gain the bonus and becomes Nauseated for an hour, as the insights gleamed from the Old Gods overwhelm him. Every hour after receiving this bonus, the person must pass another Will-Save of the same DC or the effect ends and leaves him Fatigued. The effect also ends if the person leaves the maze, but he must not remain in the inner sanctum.

Secondary Effect 2: Tongues -
All persons within the inner sanctum can talk with each other as if speaking the same language and perfectly understanding each other.

Secondary Effect 3: Discern Lies -
Any person who tries to speak an intentional lie in the inner sanctum must pass a DC 25 Will-Save or all other persons in attendance know immediately that they were lied to.

I combined Anamensis and Tears to Wine into a single effect, while giving it more flavor and some clear requirements / restrictions. Has the added benefit of making a few nice pools for the Lotus Leshy, who will probably love this place.

The Tongues is mostly for the benefit of foreign scholars, who I think will gladly come for this tree and Discern Lies is to make sure that nobody tries to run a con by claiming great insights that he doesn't have.
They are also not that grand effects, to balance out the combined first effect being able to pack quite a punch for those daring the higher bonuses.

I also hope that this tree has a good effect on the Old Gods themselves, since it gives them some interactions with mortals that don't involve blood sacrifice and let them glimpse into the hearts of minds of the people coming to the tree.

The main goal of this tree is science and establishing SD as a center of learning.

Incidentally, it would be a great place for Viserys, Lya and the Bulabar to discuss piping and steam. :ogles:

Well, DP just ruled in a private conversation, that Viserys awakening people to magic beneath that tree, with them taking, say, +5 to ther rolls, will allow us to get even more effective in that procedure
that would help but they could no take all their courses beneath the Heart Tree.
The hardest part for us, actually making people mages will get (somewhat) easier with it.

...It's going to be even better for our Capital than Petrified Tree, isn't it?
I'm completely okay with that :D

And they'll be doing self-study stuff beneath it I'm sure.
They're ambitious, we have a wast library, and Old Gods are great help with understanding all that lore we accumulated.
These guys will jump at a chance to get a shortcut to knowledge.
...It's going to be even better for our Capital than Petrified Tree, isn't it?
I'm completely okay with that :D
It's a good tree, sure, but the petrified weirwood with it's island-wide effects is still better. Nothing will beat that, not even the Nightfort Trees. This is the oldest tree we know of aside from the ones on the God's Eye and Bloodraven's Tree. The power just doesn't compare. More than that, this tree helps the mages, which is nice. The Petrified Weirwood helps everyone in the capital.
It's a good tree, sure, but the petrified weirwood with it's island-wide effects is still better. Nothing will beat that, not even the Nightfort Trees. This is the oldest tree we know of aside from the ones on the God's Eye and Bloodraven's Tree. The power just doesn't compare. More than that, this tree helps the mages, which is nice. The Petrified Weirwood helps everyone in the capital.
I was mostly over-exaggerating here, due to great amount of hype I have for it.
But whatever, point conceded.
You know, I look around and for once can't find anything to do for the Tyrosh preparation. It's done. All the wheels are greased and beginning to spin into motion.

The Legion is ready. They bear the finest weapons and armor a soldier could wush for. They are well trained and their moral and loyalty are without peer. We have entire crates of potions for them. Every group will get a casting of Magic Army for further enhancement. The strike teams are assembled and their moves planned. Our allies are in place. The final burst of equipment is ready. Our constructs are ready.

Every piece is where it should be and the only thing left to do is to open the curtain. Months of planning and preparation will come to fruition tomorrow.

No matter how this goes, it was an honor to prepare this with all of you and my most sincere thanks to all whose hard work and planning made this possible.

Let's show them all.
NOTE: Spells which have been struck through are those which will be cast before fighting starts, mostly personal and team buffs. In some cases, there will be two copies of the spell listed, one crossed out and one not. This represents only one of multiple prepared spells being cast.

Here is a link to the group buff plan for the invasion.

Buffs are sorted by duration; hours, 10 minutes, and minute per level buffs should all be able to be shared among the groups right before the invasion begins in earnest and they Teleport to their assigned areas. Buffs with a duration of one round per level, however, are going to be limited to whichever group the caster is assigned to.

This also assumes that everyone involved in Groups 1 through 5, plus the Air Group, from the Tyrosh Invasion plan, will be included in Dany's Persistomancy routine in the days leading up to the invasion.

In addition to giving her access to 7th level spells, Dany's level up also gave her an additional 2nd and 4th level spell slot. Since she's going to be using her Half-Celestial template, the +4 Wisdom bonus will also give her another 2nd, 3rd, and 7th level spell slot. Those are included below and represented by a HCT in her spells per day notation.

Dany is going into the fight loaded for Outsiders, but she's ready for blasting as well. Sacrifices would be great, but there will be plenty of cultists available for that. Any Daemon or other Outsider we can Dismiss or Banish is one less enemy to deal with, and to waste precious spell slots on. She's got a Mass Align Weapon spell ready to give her Group and any nearby friendlies all Good-aligned weapons, since various Daemon breeds can come with DR/Good. There is also a Repel Vermin spell for anti-Daemon combat, since we know there are going to be numerous Leukodaemons to fight. They have an extremely nasty breath weapon that I would rather avoid if at all possible.

I really wish we had thought to have Lya learn Dismissal or Banishment, but it's too late for that now. She'll be playing Jack-of-all-Trades for her Group, healing, buffing, and debuffing, with some blasting on the side.
Arcane Load-Out (Caster Level 12):
Level 0(4/day): Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Prestidigitation
Level 1(6/day): Amplify, Heightened Awareness, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Shield, True Strike
Level 2(6/day): False Life, Glitterdust, Heart of Air, Mirror Image, Protection from Arrows, See Invisibility
Level 3(6/day): Alter Fortune, Dispel Magic, Flashburst, Great Thunderclap, Keen Edge x2
Level 4(4/day): Assay Spell Resistance, Enervation, Orb of Force, Free Slot (UF) x1
Level 5(4/day): Heart of Fire, Teleport x2, Free Slot (UF) x1
Level 6(3/day): Greater Shadow Enchantment, Free Slot (UF) x2

Divine Load-Out (Caster Level 10):
Level 0 (4/day): Fire Eyes, Light, No Light, Purify Food and Drink
Level 1(6/day): Blessed Aim, Ice Slick, Moment of Greatness, Moment of Greatness, Shield of Faith x2
Level 2(5/day): Barkskin x3, Close Wounds, Lesser Restoration
Level 3(4/day): Alter Fortune, Heart of Water, Magic Circle Against Evil, Mass Aid
Level 4(4/day): Heart of Earth, Life Bubble x2, Free Slot (UF) x1
Level 5(3/day): Boneshatter, Owl's Insight, Free Slot (UF) x1

Like Dany, Malarys is specced to be his Group's answer to Outsiders. He's also preparing a Mass Align Weapon and Repel Vermin spell for the same reasons as Dany. I've got him specced heavily toward extreme single target ranged damage, with lots of Boneshatters prepared to use in conjunction with Spell Perfection and Quicken Spell plus Boneshaker or Barbed Chains.

I'm not sure what role we are going to ask Rina to fill. For now I've tried to go with a Jack-of-all-Trades approach, between damage, buffing, and Outsider removal. I've also got her set up for large area denial. A combination of Sonorous Hum and Wall of Blindness/Deafness will allow her to effectively interdict a huge amount of real estate with a minimum of Legion or party support, and with Boreal Wind she can destroy a small army of muggles or put out fires.

Thoughts and suggestions?
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Talismans of Protection:

Enhanced Amulet of Protection from Evil
Viserys (Lesser Star of Wisdom with PfE effect added), Dany (Enduring Amulet of Protection from Evil), Ser Richard (Greater Enduring Amulet of Protection from Evil), Lya (Greater Star of Wisdom with PfE effect added), Tyene (Enduring Amulet of Protection from Evil), Soft Strider (Bloodstone Amulet)

Amulet of Protection from Evil
Waymar, Garin, Vee, Maelor, Malarys, Glyra, Mercy, Aradia, Bronn, Argo, Ser Gerold, Alinor, Hermetia, Moonsong, Theon, Asha, Kyla, Teana, Varys, Rhaella, Rina, Relath, Leila

Ring of Protection from Evil
Xor, Valaena

Ring of Protection from Good

People who need items of PfE:
Reva, Liset, Ysilla, Thoros, Sharra Rogare, Rogare Male Sibling, Rogare Female Sibling, Velen, future Bard Arcanum, future Crafting Arcanum

So people who got upgraded versions of PfE talismans and passed their old ones to someone else, just to help keep track of it all:
Viserys --> gets Lesser Star of Wisdom --> gives old Amulet of Protection from Evil to Rina
Valaena --> gets Ring of Protection from Evil --> gives old Amulet of Protection from Evil to Rhaella
Lya --> gets Greater Star of Wisdom --> gives old Amulet of Protection from Evil to Leila

With Rina creating her own PfE, I think we should give the PfE Amulet to Sharra Rogare. Everyone else isn't fighting, but even if she doesn't come to Tyrosh, she's still active in "enemy territory," so to speak, in Lys.

Anyway, the only edits I made was to suggest the PfE that was going to Rina go to Sharra instead, and changed the Boneward belt she was going to get to go to our familiar, Varys instead.

Here's the final list with Rina's work included.

Lya the Sage
Item Recipient Amount Base Price Total Price Intelligent Construct? After Discount Time Notes
Wyrmlings Strategic 3 500 1500 YES 975 4,875 Lighting, Cold, Acid
Reinforced Seg. Mithral Fullplate +1 Bronn 1 100 100 NO 75 0,375  
Reinforced Seg. Mithral Breastplate +1 Valaena 1 100 100 NO 75 0,375  
Greater Ribbon of Disguise Strategic 1 800 800 NO 600 3  
Healing Belt Varys 1 75 75 NO 56,25 0,28125  
Robe of Mysterious Conjuration Viserys 1 1500 1500 NO 1125 5,625  
Bag of Holding III Viserys 1 740 740 NO 555 2,775 Finishes Post-Tyrosh
Corpse Ferrying Bag Ser Richard 2 400 800 NO 600 3  
Earrings of Arcane Acuity Dany, Waymar, Tyene, Lya, Maelor, Malarys 6 340 2040 NO 1530 7,65  
Boots of the Wide Earth (Tyrosh Invasion), permenant assignment later 1 800 800 NO 600 3  
Protection from Evil on Lesser Star of Sallosh Viserys, current Amulet to Sharra Rogare 1 600 600 NO 450 2,25  
Lesser Ravens Strategic 11 25 275 YES 178,75 0,89375  
Greater Ravens Strategic 9 200 1800 YES 1170 5,85  
      Total: 11130   7990 39,95  
      Remaining -2653,333333   -1990 -9,95  
Leila Goldenhammer
Item Recipient Amount Base Price -   Total Price Time Notes
Amulet of Protection from Evil Teana, Varys (size small) 2 400     800 4  
Amulet of Protection from Evil Soft Strider (from Bloodstone) 1         2 Bloodstone covers Price
Ring of Protection from Evil Ring to Valaena, Old Amulet to Rhaella 1 400     400 2  
Healing Belt Leila, Azema, Teana, Rina 4 75     300 1,5  
Amulet of Protection from Evil Dalla 2 400     800 4  
Cloak of Endure Elements Dalla 15 100     1500 7,5  
Healing Belts Dalla 17 75     1275 6,375 Finishes Post-Tyrosh
Boneward Belt +1 Asha, Varys (size small) 2 100     200 1  
Tailring of Zephyr's Grace +1 Varys (size small) 1 100     100 0,5  
      Total:     5375 28,875  
      Remaining     225 1,125  
Rina the Reborn
Item Recipient Amount Base Price -   Total Price Time Notes
Amulet of Protection from Evil   1 400     400 2  
Headband of the Whisper Within +3   1 900     900 4,5  
Boneward Belt +1   1 100     100 0,5  
Gloves of Zephyr's Grace +1   1 100     100 0,5  
Earrings of Arcane Acuity   1 340     340 1,7  
Ring of Sustanance   1 250     250 1,25 Finishes Post-Tyrosh
Cloak of Endure Elements   1 100     100 0,5 Finishes Post-Tyrosh
      Total:     2190 10,95  
      Remaining       0,05 Started Crafting on the 19th
With Rina creating her own PfE, I think we should give the PfE Amulet to Sharra Rogare. Everyone else isn't fighting, but even if she doesn't come to Tyrosh, she's still active in "enemy territory," so to speak, in Lys.

Anyway, the only edits I made was to suggest the PfE that was going to Rina go to Sharra instead, and changed the Boneward belt she was going to get to go to our familiar, Varys instead.

Here's the final list with Rina's work included.

I was going off the Excel spreadsheet with Rina's Amulet of PfE. I assumed you'd already discussed that with Goldfish, TNE, and Azel.
[X] Plan The Show Begins
-[X] Rhealla is brought up to speed together with Ser Gerold. She can assist him with order and information relaying by using the Brazier.
-[X] Prerecord a speech on the ravens of each group, which will be given right before the battle proper begins, marked by Viserys leaving the Queen Rhealla as a Red Dragon.
--[X] Have a Programmed Image prepared on them in advance, to be triggered as the Ravens begin to recite the speech.
--[X] Speech by Crake, revisions by Azel
-[X] Due to Magic Army now being available, Viserys will, upon returning from the meeting with the Second Sons, cast it on all Legionnaire groups before going for his scheduled nap on the Bedroll to replenish his spells.
-[X] Rina will go with Moonsongs group.
-[X] Should Wylla wish to join the effort, she will either go with them or reinforce the infiltration team of Garin.
-[X] Should Viserys think it's a good idea, ask Sharra to join the effort. She will get two lesser ravens and a bag of attuned sand to be our liaison with the Second Sond and thus be taken along when Richard and Viserys visit them.
-[X] Adjust the spell load-outs of all prepared casters:
--[X] Adjusted load-out by Goldfish
-[X] Give each of the Legionaries with See Invisibility potions a few small packages of gypsum powder, to be thrown at invisible enemies to mark them.

I think that's all.
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Well, then I suppose Sharra indeed gets a new Amulet of PfE.

Speaking of Sharra, can we just take her along for this? Hermetia will be fine for a few days, and Sharra would greatly benefit from the XP.

Hrm, we could use her as our point of contact to the second sons, once we convinced them to play ball. She's a rogue, so openly fighting undead or daemons isn't the best place for her, but helping the second sons secure the nearby gate and fighting defenders of the city, while keeping an eye on the second sons, should play to her strengths
I simply don't think that our relationship with Sharra is anywhere close enough to ask her to join a major military operation under us.

Especially since this whole operation has "crazy" written over it in bold, red letters.
Programmed Image is Bloodwishable and Permanent until triggered, we could cast it into/onto a message capsule with the trigger being opening the capsule.

The Captain can open the capsule at the designated time and we give a speech to every single one of our men right before battle.

When they see themselves win against horrors, free a city overnight and then are healed of their wounds, no cripples or disfigured (line then up to visit the lving spells and it won't even cost an action).

Fanaticism is around the corner.

Haven't caught up yet but don't want us to forget the plans to make the speech "in person" to all of our forces.
I simply don't think that our relationship with Sharra is anywhere close enough to ask her to join a major military operation under us.

Especially since this whole operation has "crazy" written over it in bold, red letters.
We now have her siblings in our kingdom as personal guests, and we've essentially hired her to work for us. For all intents and purposes she's already all in.

Hell, we literally just met Rina and she's going to be fighting with us. Why are we not even trying to see if Sharra's willing to help?
Haven't caught up yet but don't want us to forget the plans to make the speech "in person" to all of our forces.
Right. Forgot about that.
Adding that illusion and using the ravens only as speakers, to make the whole thing easier to understand for everyone.

We now have her siblings in our kingdom as personal guests, and we've essentially hired her to work for us. For all intents and purposes she's already all in.

Hell, we literally just met Rina and she's going to be fighting with us. Why are we not even trying to see if Sharra's willing to help?
Fine. Adding that.
@Azel Maybe we should equip each of the Legion soldiers in the anti-Daemon task force who will be given a potion of See Invisibility with something to easily mark Invisible foes. Small burlap bags of chalk they can throw at them maybe?
Right. Forgot about that.
Adding that illusion and using the ravens only as speakers, to make the whole thing easier to understand for everyone.

Fine. Adding that.

It has Audio as well, Viserys can give Life Sized, Full Colour speeches in his very own voice to everyone, on every ship and at every muster point at the exact same time.
@Azel Maybe we should equip each of the Legion soldiers in the anti-Daemon task force who will be given a potion of See Invisibility with something to easily mark Invisible foes. Small burlap bags of chalk they can throw at them maybe?
Done, but using gypsum instead. It will cling better, especially if target is in any way wet. It also works better under rainy conditions.
It has Audio as well, Viserys can give Life Sized, Full Colour speeches in his very own voice to everyone, on every ship and at every muster point at the exact same time.
I know, but the Ravens can also do the speech. Assume that a raven is behind the group, one on each side and the illusion in the front, thus having basically surround sound to go with the image.
@Azel Maybe we should equip each of the Legion soldiers in the anti-Daemon task force who will be given a potion of See Invisibility with something to easily mark Invisible foes. Small burlap bags of chalk they can throw at them maybe?

And what would they do about Cacodaemons who are pretending to be lizards? Maybe have Lantern Archons accompany them?