
Viserys speaks and people gain magical powers. Beautiful! :)

[X] Prepare for Tyrosh
-[X] Begin implementing previously planned preparations.
Thus begins another wild tale of Sorcerer's Deep.

The touch of Viserys Targaryen will damn your soul, but will grant you the power of sorcery.
Okay, so... We can now awake casters without wasting a research action now, due to multiple crits?

...Are we literally so charismatic that we can make people mages through speeches now?


Also, @DragonParadox
will giving a speech or two under that Heart-tree Azel designed (+20 to roll with 20 willsave for Viserys) add up to such process, then?
I can kind of see Viserys drawing upon Old Gods' knowledge of magic/Song to inspire people into magic even more...
  1. Yes
  2. When trying very hard and speaking from heartfelt personal experience as well as ancient dragon-dreams yes
  3. Not really, short of becoming a god of magic you are unlikely to get better results with words alone
Viserys: "Allright. You people are now Sorcerers."
Student: "What? Why? How?"
Viserys: "Because I say so."
Student: "But that's not how it works!"
Viserys: "Try to cast a cantrip."
Student: "That's stupid! I can't just wave my hands and make a light appear!" *does wave his hands and light does appear*
Viserys: "See? The magic voice makes magic."
Student: :confused:
[X] Visit Amrelath and speak with him about the lore of dragons of old, ancient magics and knowledge brought through his unjust imprisonment.
-[X] Ask him to start writing down the lore he knows

@whoever wrote that list of what to ask from Amrelath this week, or around so, I'd really appreciate you coming out with it and writing up a vote.

*goes to sleep*
Viserys: "Allright. You people are now Sorcerers."
Student: "What? Why? How?"
Viserys: "Because I say so."
Student: "But that's not how it works!"
Viserys: "Try to cast a cantrip."
Student: "That's stupid! I can't just wave my hands and make a light appear!" *does wave his hands and light does appear*
Viserys: "See? The magic voice makes magic."
Student: :confused:

Funny as that is, it's not quite what happened.:V

The closest allegory is something like getting struck with a sudden bout of poetic inspiration after hearing a recitation on the nature of poetry that moved one to tears.
Funny as that is, it's not quite what happened.:V

The closest allegory is something like getting struck with a sudden bout of poetic inspiration after hearing a recitation on the nature of poetry that moved one to tears.
Viserys: "Do or don't do. There is no try."
Student: "So I should just start casting and the magic will come? That makes no sense!"
Viserys: *smiles knowingly*
Student: *tries to cast a spell and actually succeeds* :confused:
Old system, for comparison:
Every three months:
1d6+1 lvl 1 Archivists (Tier 1)
1d6+1 lvl 1 Wizards (Tier 1)
2d8+2 lvl 1 Hedge Mages (Tier 2)
2d8+2 lvl 1 Adepts (Tier 2)

Every month:
Roll d100

1-5: 1d3 students drop out or die (Randomly Chosen)
6-20: No Level Ups
21-35: 1d2 Tier 1 mages and 1d4 Tier Two mages level up*
36-50: 1d3 Tier 1 mages and 1d6 Tier Two mages level up
51-75: 1d3+2 Tier 1 mages and 1d6+4 Tier Two mages level up
75-94: 1d6+3 Tier 1 mages and 1d8+6 Tier Two mages level up
95-100: As above plus a bonus rolled on a d3 (1: Level 5 mage breaks level cap through intensive study; 2 experienced caster wishes to join**; 3: magical breakthrough***)

*Roll a d10 for each level up 1-4: lvl 1 mage promoted; 5-7: lvl 2 mage promoted; 8-9: lvl 3 mage promoted; 10: lvl 4 mage promoted. If there are more promotions assigned to a level than mages mages of that level, they are automatically reassigned one level higher.
**Level 1d5+4
***Dictated by PC tutors assigned to the Scholarium that month (defaults to ritual lore from Teana)

Here is my suggestion for a reworking of the Scholarum system.

Aspirants are people who learn here but who are not spellcasters (yet). Students are spellcasters, but still learn here.

Every three months:

For every 100 aspirants, we get:
2d8-6 new lvl 1 Hedge Mages (Tier 2)
2d8-6 new lvl 1 Adepts (Tier 2)
1d6-9 new lvl 1 Wizards (Tier 1)
1d6-9 new lvl 1 Archivsts (Tier 1)
1d6-9 new lvl 1 Mystics (Tier 1)
1d6-9 new lvl 1 Sorcerers (Tier 1)
1d6-9 new lvl 1 Bards (Tier 1)
1d6-9 new lvl 1 Duskblades (Tier 1)

-10 if there is not one full-time teacher capable of casting third circle spells per 100 aspirants
+5 if there is a full-time teacher capable of casting 3rd circle spells and with good skills for teaching. This teacher adds an additional [their HD-5] to the number of new mages of their class, and an extra [their HD-7] to the number of new mages that cast spells from the same source as them. Any more full-time teachers either handle another group of 100 aspirants, or their bonuses are halved (round up).
-5 if there is a damaging attack upon the school
-5 if the school has yet to find good training methods for a class, but knows enough to try
+1 per 10 days of guest lecturing by a caster of a similar source (arcane or divine)
+2 per 10 days of guest lecturing by a caster of the same class
+1 for access to good sources of lore like a decent library
+1 for access to personalised attention by dragonpens or tutors if needed

Every month, for every 100 students:
Roll d100

0 or less: something goes wrong. Lose 2d6+2 students, some rep, and possibly money. Shouldn't be too severe, but should be unpleasant.
1-5: 1d3 students drop out or die (Randomly Chosen)
6-20: No Level Ups
21-35: 1d2 Tier 1 mages and 1d4 Tier Two mages level up*
36-50: 1d3 Tier 1 mages and 1d6 Tier Two mages level up
51-75: 1d3+2 Tier 1 mages and 1d6+4 Tier Two mages level up
75-94: 1d6+3 Tier 1 mages and 1d8+6 Tier Two mages level up
95-100: As above plus a bonus rolled on a d3 (1: Level 5 mage breaks level cap through intensive study; 2 experienced caster wishes to join**; 3: magical breakthrough***)

-30 to the d00 if there is no full-time teacher per 100 students. A teacher can handle both 100 students and 100 aspirants (and the students will spend time helping aspirants).
+10 to the d00 per skilled full-time teacher after the first dedicated to the batch of 100 students.

If casters level, prioritize those of classes closest to that of the full-time teacher(s). Each full-time teacher handling the group of 100 students being rolled for adds +1 to each such dice per 2 HD they have above 5 (rounding down).

*Roll a d10 for each level up, adding +1 per 2 HD above 5 (round down) of each full-time teacher dedicated to the batch of 100 students.
1-4: lvl 1 mage promoted; 5-7: lvl 2 mage promoted; 8-9: lvl 3 mage promoted; 10-11: lvl 4 mage promoted; 12 or more: lvl 4 mage promoted and roll again for an extra one (Tier 2). If there are more promotions assigned to a level than mages of that level, they are automatically reassigned one level higher.
**Level 1d6+4
***Dictated by PC tutors assigned to the Scholarium that month (defaults to ritual lore from Teana)

Guest lecturers:
Each week, roll d00+HD for each guest lecturer who stayed the week. If they stayed less than a full week but for at least a day, subtract 5 per day of the week where they weren't there. Divide the result by 10 (minimum 1). That is the number of Adepts or Hedge Mages who are retrained into the class of the guest lecturer.
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....Viserys just talked magic into the students.... The students better be amazed because they just saw their king just talk magic into them or make them stronger must of had some kind of amazed reaction.
...a stray (stupid) thought...

Viserys isn't just tied to The Song...
He's a part of it himself.

And a song can't sing itself, can it?

So, that's why he can't sing to save his life.

@TalonofAnathrax, where do Dragonpen overseers stand in this system?
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Viserys: "Do or don't do. There is no try."
Student: "So I should just start casting and the magic will come? That makes no sense!"
Viserys: *smiles knowingly*
Student: *tries to cast a spell and actually succeeds* :confused:

Something between this and the last one

Viserys: Presents a work of rhetorical brilliance while alight with sorcery from half a dozen spells that make him more than even his prodigious skills can achieve.
Student: Feels intense ambition to emulate (which is what the lecture is about ultimately) coupled with a budding understanding of magic as an extension of everything that is, was and that might yet be. Realizes that s/he is a part of that... realizes s/he can do magic

Anyway I really should get to bed. Tomorrow I will likely not be online until mid-afternoon or so because I have to do something IRL. If you guys settle the vote before then there's always the level ups to debate.
They're in the modifiers to the first roll. They're a pretty small buff actually. Do you think that they should be more important?
And so far they only help our baby casters get their first few Lore ranks and so ascend to level 1. They don't help people after level 1.
Should that be changed? How?
If you guys settle the vote before then there's always the level ups to debate.

Current impending levelups:

Dany: Level 13 --> Level 14
Ser Richard: Level 13 --> Level 14
Theon: Mystic Ranger Level 4 --> Mystic Ranger Level 5
Asha: Mariner Level 4 --> Mariner Level 5
Valaena: Magus Level 4 --> Magus Level 5
Soft Strider: Ranger Level ??? --> Ranger Level ??? + 1

@Goldfish @TotallyNotEvil @Artemis1992

Current impending levelups:

Dany: Level 13 --> Level 14
Ser Richard: Level 13 --> Level 14
Theon: Mystic Ranger Level 4 --> Mystic Ranger Level 5
Asha: Mariner Level 4 --> Mariner Level 5
Valaena: Magus Level 4 --> Magus Level 5
Soft Strider: Ranger Level ??? --> Ranger Level ??? + 1

@Goldfish @TotallyNotEvil @Artemis1992
Also Leila Hill, and possibly Sarah's build. Those were both ages ago and no-one opposed my suggestion, but it never actually happened either. Should we argue about them too?

Also any suggestions or edits for my proposed Scholarum system?
@DragonParadox so, two things:
1) Can Sorcerer's naturally cap at level 6 instead of 5? They get... significantly shafted due the normal evel cap when compared to Wiz/Archivists. Something has to explain the superiority of sorcery, ya?
2) Could these guys be Dragonlance's (Age of Mortals) Academy Sorcerers? As in, use the PrC as base class? It's essentially a sorcerer with sprinkled minor bonuses. Perhaps toss either the specializations, or the Metamagic?

The Cooperative Study/Research feature is something that perhaps we should look into implementing on all our students.
They're in the modifiers to the first roll. They're a pretty small buff actually. Do you think that they should be more important?
And so far they only help our baby casters get their first few Lore ranks and so ascend to level 1. They don't help people after level 1.
Should that be changed? How?
Honestly, I'm not sure.
I'm not even sure in what role they act in current system.

When Artemis1992 devised using them originally, they were supposed to help with teaching people literacy.
And pretty much just that.

But we've made them curators of 30-people groups of students.
I assume they help students in, generally, all the fields, while teaching them literacy is done by actual tutors.

Considering them liking to read/write as a part of their nature...
I guess they could be great help by conveying some lore we have in our library?
+8 arcane knowledge isn't quite enough to teach, but more than enough to explain things...

At the very least, they should reduce the chance for shitty accidents with students in the role that act in now.
At most, at some point in the future we can use them as dedicated teachers for basic things in various fields. Magical too.
I think that will be reasonable when we get to +10 modifier from library.

Think aspirants doing a lecture in absence of a real teacher.
Not perfect, but knowledge still will be passed on.
@DragonParadox so, two things:
1) Can Sorcerer's naturally cap at level 6 instead of 5? They get... significantly shafted due the normal evel cap when compared to Wiz/Archivists. Something has to explain the superiority of sorcery, ya?
2) Could these guys be Dragonlance's (Age of Mortals) Academy Sorcerers? As in, use the PrC as base class? It's essentially a sorcerer with sprinkled minor bonuses. Perhaps toss either the specializations, or the Metamagic?

The Cooperative Study/Research feature is something that perhaps we should look into implementing on all our students.

I'll consider this tomorrow when not half asleep since I need to look though source books

Night guys.
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Hmm... They could also have gotten enough XP to take a Spellcasting Class after surviving the Sorcerer Emperor Full Day Speech :V
I rolled Fortitude, Will and Reflex saves, all in the same round!
And I avoided having my brain melt out of my ears, my mind shattered from exhaustion and the suddenly revealed vast secrets of the universe, and having my body broken by exploding Tinker get contraptions suddenly set alight by Dragonfire.
Also Leila Hill, and possibly Sarah's build. Those were both ages ago and no-one opposed my suggestion, but it never actually happened either. Should we argue about them too?

Also any suggestions or edits for my proposed Scholarum system?
Not really much to do with Leila's levelup other than deciding where her skillpoints go. As for Sarah, I guess? I was never very excited about her, I'll just leave you minimaxers to argue over it.