A New Abode
Ninth Day of the Tenth Month 289 AC
In less than a month you have increased your funds more than eight-fold. Your unexpectedly swift gaining of riches more arcane dictate that you use the funds to gain more secure accommodations. Getting Dany away from Merin before She can gain too many colorful terms is also a nice ancillary benefit.
You have discovered many options with the aidof your conections. Which do you prefer:
[] The Lonely Tower
Description: Once an observatory and personal retreat built by an eccentric Keyholder this tower is all that remains of that family's abode. It is situated quite near Drowned Town and likely to join the other flooded ruins in a decade or two.
Price: 35 Iron Marks
Basic Operating Expenses: 10 Iron Marks per year
+ Cheap
+ Solid stone construction good for magical experimentation
+ A magnificent view from the top
- Bad neighborhood, harder to attract staff (x2 to all servants wages)
- Will probably sink to join the rest of Drowned Town in a decade or two
- An unpleasantly large number of stairs
[] The Lilly House
Description: This former town house of a small mercantile clan, this house has seen better days, possibility before the Doom. It is a large rambling structure built of a variety of different styles by succeeding generations with the only common theme being the use of white stone. On the other hand it is within a relatively sedate, respectable neighborhood. If you managed to get this place in working order it would be far easier to make connections among the well to do. However many have tried fix the house over the years, none have succeeded leading to the rumor that it is haunted.
Price: 100 Iron Marks
Basic Operating Expenses: 10 Iron Marks per year
+ A lot of room to grow
+ Respectable
+ Safe neighborhood
- Expensive
- Potentiality over-curious neighbors
- Is said to be haunted
[] Wind House
Description: The headquarters of a nearly defunct explorers society this place could prove a treasure trove if you are fortunate... or a firetrap full of old junk if you are not. The current rather senile owner will not sell it unless you agree to keep the Windward Society functioning. This will include higher operating costs, a significant chance of having your secrets discovered and there is also the potential of being drawn into quarrels that are not yours. On the other hand of your current options it is the one that looks the least like a ruin.
Price: 75 Iron Marks
Basic Operating Expenses: 35 Iron Marks per year
+ Treasures of the past
+ In decent condition
+ Potential foreign contacts
- Higher operating expediences
- Obligation to host the Windward Society at least until the last of the membership passes away
- Possibility of being drawn into old quarrels.
What servants will you hire:
[] A cook (recommended, most of the prospective guests could burn water)
-[] Low quality (2 Iron Marks yearly stipend)
-[] Medium quality (8 Iron Marks yearly stipend)
-[] High quality (20 Iron Marks yearly stipend)
[] A maid (may be taken multiple times)
-[] Low quality (1 Iron Marks yearly stipend)
-[] Medium quality (5 Iron Marks yearly stipend)
-[] High quality (16 Iron Marks yearly stipend)
[] An errand boy/girl from the Rat to better keep in touch with the guild (One half-mark to be paid in pennies so s/he won't just run away with the money)
OOC: if you have other house concepts or staff feel free to suggest them. The vote is in plan format.