Ninth Day of the Tenth Month 289 AC
You decide to singer several more hours to brake up the demonic stone and soil the pieces with magic. Hopeful obscuring the magic will prevent any lingering influence. As you leave you set the house ablaze to cover your tracks but also to prevent other people from inhabiting this accursed patch of ground. Who knows if there are more of them damn hings buried under the marshy ground.
You almost get stooped at the gate for looking like a suspicious bunch with a very valuable ridding horse but you manage to manufacture a tale of woe about being lost in the lagoon for weeks and this being your last surviving horse. The guards are inclined to believe even so improbable a tale of "foolish foreigners" especially after being given a little consideration for all their hard work.
Lost 2 Iron Half-marks
The first thing you do upon entering the city is sell the horse to a shady dealer under a false identity and face (having left Vana with ser Richard so as not to reveal your magic)
Gained 28 Iron Marks
Back at the Rose you receive a warm welcome, perhaps too warm a welcome in some respects. Alinor is very enthusiastic with her kisses of gratitude and you wish for nothing more than to have a seeming active to be able to hide your blush. Ser Richard's unsubtly teasing comments do not help.
Fortunately for whatever remains of your dignity your inopportune celebration is interrupted by Lysandre wishing to know what is with all the noise. If she desired peace and quiet she went about it the wrong way. A furious Selyse explained in great detail what had happened and went on to berate the madam on ignoring her worries. Mellore added her voice to the complaints stating that she had half a mind to just walk out and invite all the girls that had paid their debts to go with her.
Lysandre finally managed to calm them down by promising a better armed guard (not that it would have helped) and to be more attentive in the future (a promise to vague it might as well have been meaningless). You are surprised to note a smug smile of Selyse's face. It seems power plays are the same the world over in a brothel as much as in a royal court.
Returning to the Rat you find Dany has been terribly worried for your safety. She has spent the last day and a half trying to figure out how to cast Charm locked in tour room, having planed to make one or more of the thugs at the Rat to go look for you. You feel terrible at having worried her so but she does not blame you seemingly just glad that you are back in one piece.
You do not yet know what to do about her attempts at magic. She is enunciating words of Old Valyrain a bit too well, imitating the gestures of spell casting a bit too exactly. You might not have noticed had you not spent hours trying to teach Lya. It seems magic is as much in Dany's blood as it is in yours.
Plan for Week Five:
Major actions. Choose one:
[] Meditate on the tumultuous visions that marked your awakening to power (3d100 XP, Possibility to exchange feats)
[] Gorthos has received word of a supposed spirit caller that is surprisingly effective at parting noble fools from their gold. He would like you to offer this maegi the protection of the Old Man and the guild.
[X] You now have a priceless magical artifact hidden under a loose floorboard in your room. Not much of an improvement on a crown. Perhaps with your new funds and Ser Richard to guard you you could move out of the One Eyed Rat
[] Yohn would like you to solve the problem of a feral dog perhaps escaped from one of the pits Gorthos patronizes. It savaged and killed a man who had the Old Man's particular protection.
[] You have come to realize that your powers are a swindler's dream. You could use them to get a significant amount of coin fast and weaken competing criminal organizations at the same time by borrowing as much money as you can from the moneylenders of rival gangs under assumed forms and names.
[] Learn more about how and where Gorthos' Thieves' guild operates
[] Study the Chalice and learn of its powers
[] Write in
Minor actions. Choose two:
[] You have a power that allows you to see magic. Look around the bazaars for any trinket with actual power in it and then acquire it (???)
[] Buy books on the history and noble lineages of the Free Cities and parse them out with Themar's help to be able to create more effective disguises.
[] Milk your familiar for a ready supply of venom (access to DC 10 poison)
[] Meet with one or more of your new friends outside of "work." It is nice having people you can just talk to and they have already given you valuable information besides. (Write-in which)
[] You are feeling a bit homesick. Listen for rumors of the Sunset Kingdoms in Braavos so that you can at east have some news of home.
[] Place charm on the higher ups in the guild to get as much good will as possible by conditioning them to consider you a friend (write-in target)
[] Write in
OOC: Due to the stress of your absence Dany got an awakening roll to see if she would get magic early. She rolled 88 on a DC 90 check.