We have a few Gods and Godlike entities.

You would have to make some kind of personal pact with them first.

Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Mar 30, 2018 at 3:41 AM, finished with 171130 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Use Two Communes for 26 Questions
    -[X] Do the Daemons know we intend to invade them this month?
    -[X] Is there any massive ritual going on this month in Tyrosh aside from rituals that we intend to perform?
    -[X] Are there any mages of the 5th circle or above among the cultists?
    -[X] Will the Second Sons be receptive to a bribe to keep out of the fighting and stand aside as we take the city?
    -[X] Do the cults have a way to take out the Second Sons should they chose not to fight for Tyrosh (poison, sneak attack, infiltrators)?
    -[X] Can we pull off a silent attack on the Bleeding Tower with Garin, Aradia, Maelor, Glyra, Tyene?
    -[X] If we land a few troops on the southern beach to take the slums, will they face heavy resistance?
    -[X] Are there catacomb accesses in the slums?
    --[X] North
    --[X] South
    --[X] East
    -[X] Is more tainted wine or grain around that could trigger a cannibal orgy?
    -[X] Are there magical defenders or infiltrators in the Archon's palace?
    -[X] Will the fleet make a break for it when our ships barricade the harbor immediately and only the landing ships will go closer?
    -[X] Will we experience divine retribution from any of Tyrosh's major gods for invading the city?
    --[X] If yes, narrow down the god.
    -[X] Are there currently or capabilities of summoning any CR 15 or above Daemons in Tyrosh?
    --[X] Questions as needed to narrow down the types of Daemons so we know what we're up against.
    -[X] Are there any assaults readied against Sorcerer's Deep in the event of most of the party members being absent (our invasion)?
    -[X] All extra questions should be used IC for any additional information we don't yet have.
I wonder if we could make a Shrink Item powered water beam weapon? Take a vessel with only a small opening through a long narrow barrel, fill it with water, then cast Shrink Item on that vessel. If we could keep the water from being affected by the spell, all of it would be forced down the barrel instantaneously via magic in a way the laws of physics wouldn't normally allow.

I don't remember enough math to figure out the forces involved, but it seems like the result would be...interesting.

How about two spheres of almost the same ø, one hollow the other solid. Shrink the solid one and put it, and water, within the empty one.

Step two: Unshrink the solid sphere.

Step three: Profit???
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Part MDCCCLXVII: A Glimpse of Madness
A Glimpse of Madness

First Day of the Second Month 293 AC

Through words heavy with the weight of foresight many things are told, some fortunate and others grim, yet all welcome in the telling as they help shape your understanding of your foe and add onto the map before you nuances that ink and parchment alone could not hope to give. The foes do not expect you and they prepare no grand ritual for the month ahead, be it by tainted grain or any other dark artifice. However, even without such workings the task ahead will not be easy for at least one mage of the fifth circle, or perhaps mightier still is ready to stand against you. Though you cannot imagine that Tyrosh could hold anything like the sheer arcane might you have gathered in this council, still less the remainder of your lands, it pays to remember how swiftly battle can turn upon a single word of power...

This shall not be a duel but war, if of a kind that has not been seen in these lands for many an age. Thus you shall have to cast a net of steel and sorcery both over the city of Tyrosh, your own power divided, your foes free to gather in one place... and the place they will choose to call upon that strength is not what you might have expected. Amid the ramshackle slums north of the city there is a passage way into the desecrated halls of the dead, likely one dug by the very madmen you seek... dark spirits of death and pestilence would rise from the earth to gorge themselves on the souls of those eking out their days among those twisting alleyways. It is with that strength that they will seek to contest you, that even in defeat their festering mark will remain upon the city.

"That's insane," Lya whispers in horror, her mind working swiftly through the vileness of such a deed. The panicked people would be scattered far and wide, some dying to the spears and swords of your legionaries as they held the gates while others would spread dreadful rumors about the conquest itself along with plagues gifted of Abaddon.

"Humans fight to conqueror or at least to plunder, daemons fight to destroy," you remind her... and yourself. It is easy to forget when planning the conquest of a city filled with mortal men, however foul their leaders, that there are darker things besides which the most depraved slaver might seem redeemable.

If there is any ray of light in this madness it is that the daemons and their mortal puppets seem to have discounted the Archon's palace entirely. Indeed the only significant arcane protections there come from the priests of R'hllor the Red. Strange that the current master of the city would ally with a god of slaves, but then again perhaps he is not as blind as you had assumed to the canker growing amidst his city. The Second Sons are not so fortunate. One of the company's high ranking officers, whom Ser Richard guesses is the cavalry commander Mero by reputation alone, has made a deal with the Order that would somehow see him elevated to command. Though it costs you quite a few precious questions you discover that he would take any order to stay out of the attack as an opportunity to 'honorably' stab his commander in the back to fulfill the contract.

By contrast Tyrosh's fleet will be driven by far less veiled motivations in trying to break your blockade. As most high-ranking Tyroshi officers and a good portion of the crews are involved in the slave trade, the very sight of your banners on the horizon will be quite enough to make them try and force battle, out of fear of their lives as much as loyalty to their oaths. Thankfully this does not extend to the guards of the infamous Bleeding Tower who would be more than willing to surrender to mages beyond their ability to harm. Garin, Aradia, Maelor, Glyra, and Tyene should be more than enough to cow them into submission.

Lastly you ask if there is any power preparing to act against Sorcerer's Deep as soon as it is stripped of its usual defenders. The answer is not one you might have wished for, but it is one you needed to know just the same: yes. There are those ready to take that gamble, though less to do harm and more to simply rob you... a fact that does little indeed to quiet your anger.

You lose 20 Gold (4x Divination)

Dany and Malarys lose 100 XP (2x Commune)

What do you do next?

[] Work further divination
-[] Write in

[] Formulate plan
-[] Write in

OOC: Mortal magic cannot divine the direct actions of gods, something Viserys would have known, so I skipped those questions. I also as you can see summarized instead of writing up Q&A sessions and riddle games.
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How about two spheres of almost the same ø, one hollow the other solid. Shrink the solid one and put it, and water, within the empty one.

Step two: Unshrink the solid sphere.

Step three: Profit???
I propose to research a variant of 'Resilient Sphere' for the outer shell.
@Azel - would force effects at critical points be more efficient than adamantine bracing?
Well then. We're going to be robbed?
I suggest using Divination or Augury. Even a vague answer should be enough to tell us if it'll be foreigners or traitors who will try to rob us.
How can we defend against that though? Cast Anticipate Teleportation and then leave guards/legionnaires?
Well, who's going to stay home and guard our stuff?

I guess @Azel 's plan to keep Amrelath here will be the most sensible, what better to guard treasures than a Dragon?
On the other hand not having him on the attack will hurt, he's with his CR15 our single greatest asset, theoretically even better than Viserys.
Death to the Board thieves!!!

Okay, now that, that is out of my system let's get real. Taking Tyrosh is nice, it's what we all want, but keeping what we have is more important. We should divine of the thief is planning to come even if we don't attack Tyrosh. We also need to figure out more specifically they're after. Lastly of course, Amrelath needs to stay behind.
@DragonParadox, can we narrow down the thiefs identity and target?

This sounds a lot more like a infiltrator exploiting a opportunity, though I have no idea what he would steal when most of our important stuff is in the Shadow Tower.

Also, called it on hidden catacomb accesses in the slums.

Edit: Also, we definitely need to flip the Second Sons. We should check if we can get the commander to switch sides by unveiling the traitor. His cooperation in exchange for saving his hide sounds like a decent deal for all involved.
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Death to the Board thieves!!!

Okay, now that, that is out of my system let's get real. Taking Tyrosh is nice, it's what we all want, but keeping what we have is more important. We should divine of the thief is planning to come even if we don't attack Tyrosh. We also need to figure out more specifically they're after. Lastly of course, Amrelath needs to stay behind.

If there is only one thief/group of thieves.

We have enough enemies for multiple groups to try and use the chance.
Well, who's going to stay home and guard our stuff?

I guess @Azel 's plan to keep Amrelath here will be the most sensible, what better to guard treasures than a Dragon?
On the other hand not having him on the attack will hurt, he's with his CR15 our single greatest asset, theoretically even better than Viserys.

@DragonParadox, can we narrow down the thiefs identity and target?

This sounds a lot more like a infiltrator exploiting a opportunity, though I have no idea what he would steal when most of our important stuff is in the Shadow Tower.

Also, called it on hidden catacomb accesses in the slums.

We only half-jokingly refer to all the people we have collected as our hoard. What if being robbed counts as attempting some kidnapping?

Two immediate solutions come to mind; keep everyone of importance in the Shadow Tower, or have Malarys cast Create Lesser Demiplane prior to the invasion and evacuate everyone of importance who won't be participating in the invasion to that demiplane while we are otherwise occupied. This includes our various Fey, CotF, and maybe some of the Little Valyrians.

To deter thieves or kidnappers, I would second Azel's suggestion of leaving Amrelath behind, while increasing the town guards, augmented by some Legion soldiers, watching over sensitive locations, such as the Godswood, Keep, Golden Inn, etc.

All valuables need to be kept in the Shadow Tower, of course.
The main question is when exactly the thiefs strike. If we can prompt at least one group to strike in the days leading up to the invasion by pulling out the party early, we can strike them down with the full wrath of a Dragon, making other groups uninclined to try again.

With the nothern front now a thing, we are stretched thin even with Amrelath.
The main question is when exactly the thiefs strike. If we can prompt at least one group to strike in the days leading up to the invasion by pulling out the party early, we can strike them down with the full wrath of a Dragon, making other groups uninclined to try again.

With the nothern front now a thing, we are stretched thin even with Amrelath.

One of Yrael's people deliberately making its presence known in SD while we are gone might be a good deterrent, and if not, they could reach us quickly in order to pass on the bad news.
Maybe we are seeing the Thief-issue from the wrong side.

It's not important that he's stopped, since thieves are not very destructive, it's important that he's identified and can be found.

Maybe put a Spyglass or two on the task and then hunt down the thief once we are done with Tyrosh?
That would save the most firepower for the city.
Adjustments to the plan so far under the assumption we can deal with the thiefs in some other fashion then leaving people behind.

-> Only 500 Legionnaires disembark in the inner city, the rest stays in the tower.
-> Amrelath takes the plint and circles over the city until we have confirmation that the Daemons are starting Salted Earth. He then lands there, deploys the tower and starts murdering Daemons.
-> Aradia snipes officers on the fleet until people notice the pattern and give up, then she flies to the northern slums and waits for the chaos.
-> Moonsongs group, after taking the cult base in the north, enters the catacombs to strike the Daemon reinforcements from behind. Which is stupendously dangerous, slighty insane and thus an order she will follow to the letter.
-> After Group 1 is done with the Archons palace, Yrael flies of to get the Reds to stay put while the rest goes Deamon murdering. Yrael follows as fast as possible.
-> Seconds Sons turn their cloaks and marches to the central plaza. Once the situation there is stable, everyone marches out to reinforce the northern slums.
Adjustments to the plan so far under the assumption we can deal with the thiefs in some other fashion then leaving people behind.

-> Only 500 Legionnaires disembark in the inner city, the rest stays in the tower.
-> Amrelath takes the plint and circles over the city until we have confirmation that the Daemons are starting Salted Earth. He then lands there, deploys the tower and starts murdering Daemons.
-> Aradia snipes officers on the fleet until people notice the pattern and give up, then she flies to the northern slums and waits for the chaos.
-> Moonsongs group, after taking the cult base in the north, enters the catacombs to strike the Daemon reinforcements from behind. Which is stupendously dangerous, slighty insane and thus an order she will follow to the letter.
-> After Group 1 is done with the Archons palace, Yrael flies of to get the Reds to stay put while the rest goes Deamon murdering. Yrael follows as fast as possible.
-> Seconds Sons turn their cloaks and marches to the central plaza. Once the situation there is stable, everyone marches out to reinforce the northern slums.

How many total Legion soldiers and sellswords are we going to have for the invasion?
-> Amrelath takes the plint and circles over the city until we have confirmation that the Daemons are starting Salted Earth. He then lands there, deploys the tower and starts murdering Daemons.
I so desperatly want a Thanadaemon to appear there and think it's the big cheese.
Then surprise!Dracolich rips him apart, steals control of his undead minions and completly ignores all his SLAs and Sus due to them being exclusivly anti-living.
We should let someone cast Align Weapon on his everything, ignoring DR/Good would be invaluable here.

The Golem, the slow one, should propably be there too.
How many total Legion soldiers and sellswords are we going to have for the invasion?
I think it was 2000 Legionnaires and 4000 Sellswords of various brands.

@DragonParadox, could you give us the exact numbers?

I so desperatly want a Thanadaemon to appear there and think it's the big cheese.
Then surprise!Dracolich rips him apart, steals control of his undead minions and completly ignores all his SLAs and Sus due to them being exclusivly anti-living.
We should let someone cast Align Weapon on his everything, ignoring DR/Good would be invaluable here.

The Golem, the slow one, should propably be there too.
Hence me definitely wanting him there. I wouldn't count on him alone being able to hold the place against what seems to be the main thrust of the Daemons, especially if there is a lvl 10+ caster around who could contest him.

And yeah, the Iron Golem stays with the 500 in the tower and is deployed there.
We're going to be robbed? That's even worse! :mad:
You are looking at this the wrong way. People will try to rob us. We will gain their skulls for the rack and their equipment for the B-Parties.
A all around satisfying turn of events.

[X] Plan More Divinations
-[X] Try to pinpoint the identity and targets of the thiefs.
-[X] Check if you can draw them out ahead of time, by pulling the party from SD a few days before the actual invasion.
-[X] Check if you can discourage them from trying by hunting them down. (Remove action to spy in Myr for Maelor, Glyra and Garin and let them instead hunt down the thiefs. Aid rendered to this by Malarys, who is at the same time working with the Lawmen.)
-[X] Check if the commander of the Second Sons can be flipped by exposing the assassination plot on him. His aid for our aid sounds like a fair deal for all involved.
-[X] Check if having Aradia kill the commanding officers of the Tyroshi fleet will stop the break-out attempts. With them dead, the people most likely fearing for their lives are gone. The survivors should weigh their options between definitely dying now or hopefully slipping the noose later.
-[X] Use up to 2 Communes and 4 Divinations

I would like to add that I'm tremendously glad we did this at the start of the month, since we now have still time to deal with some of that stuff. And boy am I glad we caught wind of the salted earth plans details. That would have been nasty to find out in the middle of the battle.
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Amrelath the Accursed

Huge Undead
Alignment: ?
Initiative: +0; Senses: blindsense 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., keen senses, low-light vision

AC: 28 (-2 size, +20 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 28 DR 5/Magic and Bludgeoning
Hit Dice: 19d12 (Av. 124)
Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +13

Speed: 40 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor)
Base Attack +19; Grapple +37
Attack: Bite +27 melee
Full Attack: Bite +27 melee and 2 claws +22 melee and 2 wings +22 melee and tail slap +22 melee
Damage: Bite 2d8+10 +1d6 cold, claws 2d6+5 +1d6 cold, wings 1d8+5 +1d6 cold, tail slap 2d6+15 +1d6 cold (all counts as magic for overcoming DR)
Special Attacks/Actions: Breath weapon (50ft Cone, 10d10 damage DC 22), control undead (CL19, DC20), frightful presence (DC 22), paralyzing gaze (DC 22), paralyzing touch (DC 22), spell-like abilities, spells

Abilities: Str 31, Dex 10, Con -, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 16
Special Qualities: immunity to cold, electricity, fire, magic sleep effects, polymorph, and paralysis, invulnerability, SR 22, undead traits
Feats: ??? (7 Feats)
Skills: ?? (155 Skillpoints)

SLA: Locate Object
Spells as 5th level Sorcerer
I made a little write-up for our new minion, just so people can estimate the kind of hurt he can bring down.

With all those immunities I can really see why Lichdom is such a boost to CR.
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@Azel, can you make these changes?

-[] Cast two Divinations: the first to determine which factions will try to rob you, the second to determine what they'll try to rob.

And then the rest in a Commune once the party members have a chance to mull over the clues IC.
I think it was 2000 Legionnaires and 4000 Sellswords of various brands.

@DragonParadox, could you give us the exact numbers?

Sellswords have been added to the front page as have legionaries, though with the latter I have only been tracking raw numbers until you guys decide precisely how they have been trained.

Posting both here for ease of access.

2200 Legionaries

The Wolf's Teeth, a company of roughly 800 pikemen and 400 skirmishers claiming dubious lineage from the Company of the Rose (Cost 1000 Gold)
Marco's Marksmen, a company of 500 Myrmen crossbowmen and 1500 spearmen and other odds and sods the captain manged to 'induct' on the spot with promises of negotiating for better pay (Cost 1600 Gold)
The Long Axes, A company of 450 heavily armored armored Ibbenise axemen who claim to be as much at home in the spear-line as they are as marines (Cost 2000 Gold)

Costs negated until the Twenty-Fifth Day of the Twelfth Month 293 AC