Yohn... what does Yohn have to do with Jon at all, Genji?
There are two (okay three) people alive who have an inkling about what Jon's origins are in canon. And in ASwaH that number is like... let's see, confirmed, Ned, Howland, Brynden, Viserys, Dany, Rhaella, Ghost!Lyanna, Jon and... probably Ser Richard? Other people in the Inner Circle might know but that's no guarantee, Viserys might be playing it close to his chest otherwise.
I'm... confused where you're coming from there.
@Goldfish, you biased yourself when you made it clear you thought of her as a "stupid little girl". I mean, what she did may have been ill-advised, she's clearly anything but stupid. Taking that stance with intent to marginalize her before her father and take away any and all future agency might just lead to her doing more actively stupid shit rather than talking with her father and making her thoughts known in a constructive manner so that he can at least reign in those impulses to throw caution into the wind.
Edit2: Also, Waymar was like twelve when he abandoned home to live in exile practically by himself in a city that might as well be a world away from home for him. But he's managed himself well enough.
Ysilla might have all the support of her family, but I'm not going to step off the "she might be useful in the future" train with pretty much anyone. Yohn will be a big help in the war, which we're actively trying to make as brief as possible with as few battles as possible.
Ysilla might be a big help for what comes after. Who says Waymar's got the only blood that'll sing?
I get that y'all want to be nice to Yssila, but you need to look at this from Yohn's PoV. Withholding this information is not going to look good at all, regardless of any explanation we try to give or encouragement we provide Yssila to confess on her own.
Yohn... what does Yohn have to do with Jon at all, Genji?
There are two (okay three) people alive who have an inkling about what Jon's origins are in canon. And in ASwaH that number is like... let's see, confirmed, Ned, Howland, Brynden, Viserys, Dany, Rhaella, Ghost!Lyanna, Jon and... probably Ser Richard? Other people in the Inner Circle might know but that's no guarantee, Viserys might be playing it close to his chest otherwise.
I'm... confused where you're coming from there.
@Goldfish, you biased yourself when you made it clear you thought of her as a "stupid little girl". I mean, what she did may have been ill-advised, she's clearly anything but stupid. Taking that stance with intent to marginalize her before her father and take away any and all future agency might just lead to her doing more actively stupid shit rather than talking with her father and making her thoughts known in a constructive manner so that he can at least reign in those impulses to throw caution into the wind.
Edit2: Also, Waymar was like twelve when he abandoned home to live in exile practically by himself in a city that might as well be a world away from home for him. But he's managed himself well enough.
Ysilla might have all the support of her family, but I'm not going to step off the "she might be useful in the future" train with pretty much anyone. Yohn will be a big help in the war, which we're actively trying to make as brief as possible with as few battles as possible.
Ysilla might be a big help for what comes after. Who says Waymar's got the only blood that'll sing?
I call them like I see them. What she did was stupid, from start to finish, regardless of her well meaning and good intentions.
You laugh, but there was an actual official declaration by the guy in charge of stopping American elections from being meddled with that basically meant "yeah, we give up. There's nothing we can do. If they want to meddle, they'll find a way".I'm an American... and I have an expectation of my votes being meddled with.
...so business as usual.
There are myths the doggedly claim that 'laughter' is an expression of 'fun' and/or 'hilarity' and/or 'humor'.I mean, I'm laughing, but it's to hide the pain.
...that's why everyone laughs?
... I'm not alone. At last.
But at least you die laughing ...What upside down world do those people live in? Everyone knows laughter is a medicine.
Too much of it, and it kills you.
Just like everything else.
I have a feeling that Brynden's PCs will, in the end, be our PCs.While I don't think it would be catastrophic if she settled out herself, and it might not ever reach her father's ears, it might not be to our interests if so. Mostly because it could result in Brynden getting his claws into her, and I'm pretty much feeling greedy about potential PCs in general. He's stolen plenty of marches on us, I don't see a reason to cede ground on territory we have an inherent advantage in.