The Glamered armor is quite good, despite its origins. The Babau's sword and armor are perfect fodder for the Day of Change ritual.
The Glamered armor is quite good, despite its origins. The Babau's sword and armor are perfect fodder for the Day of Change ritual.
VISERYS! VISERYS! Viserys was a man! I mean... he was a dragon man! ...or maybe he was just a dragon?! BUT STILL HE WAS VISERYS!
Poor Garin. He's already feared and whispered about as the King's Shadow, but now we're equipping him with armor that always has an unsettling aspect to it's glamor.
I've made that joke before.
The Babau-equipment is actually pretty nice for a Barbarian.
If we get one before permforming a Day of Change ritual we should give it to him, if not to the sacrifices.
The Fiendskin Leather has the inherent problem of being light armor that's not medium Mithril-Armor, and therefor weaker than it should be, maybe Theon could use it?
You wonder with cold satisfaction what Timat must think to see one of her hearalds,
Hunting undead, fingers crossed for sacrifices.Tiamat, heralds
@Duesal, what's with the 2 days for Sallosh cleanup for the revised turn plan? Hunting undead? Couldn't we do something else, like visit Rhango's khalassar or more time at Lys?
I'm just counting on diplomacy failing. @Artemis1992 and I are probably getting our wish of fighting the undead of Sallosh anyway.I'm not sure where you were going with that vote @Crake . You want to appeal to what? For what end?
What action does it take to use the first ability? Standard? Swift? For how long does the NA stay reduced?
- dealing no damage but stripping 1d6 Natural Armor. The pain also has a chance to stun the target (DC 16 Fortitude save negates)
- When the bearer slays a creature of at least equal HD he can gain the advantages of a barbarian's rage ability. Those who are already raging instead gain access to Improved Rage
For me the point is "Undead lingering in one place with no activity exept awakening when disturbed" are something to be destroyed.Even the Lich thinks undead are unreasonable and should not be talked to. This "undead are unreasonable and should be attacked on sight" is more entrenched than i thought.
Hm, the sword + leather is quite interesting for a barbarian.
Too bad we have none, this loot is for selling.
What action does it take to use the first ability? Standard? Swift? For how long does the NA stay reduced?
What's Improved Rage? Can't find it anywhere.
@DragonParadox could you give us more details on the ritual to replace improved familiar?