We could probably change this now since Bloodraven have an answer.
[] The Landwarden of Lys: Bloodraven have an answer on what to do with what lies beneath Lys. Grow a Heart Tree and convince the tortured unliving being to bond with it fulfilling the purpose as it's true nature was to be.
[] Lore of the Night's Watch: You have but scratched a small part of the Wall's lore, half a castle's in fact. As you have promised to return with aid, you do have the rest of Castle Black's library to finish and perhaps a visit to the oldest and ill spoken of all the Wall's castles... the Nightfort.
[] The Dragon in the Tower: Amrelath the accursed is still bound inside your tower. A tower that you can get a better use of once he's gone. You failed once to oust him. Perhaps with help, you can get rid of him now?
[] Little Essaria: As you have promised when you brought their entire race to Sorcerer's Deep, a place for the Little Valyrians in the shape of what once was their home is needed.
[] Beyond the Wall: Bloodraven has gifted you a map of what's Beyond the Wall and the treasures you can find from it. Care for some further adventure? Get the Giants to your side as you did with the Children? Ware that any move you make against the Winterborn, they would act in turn.
@Duesal, this is why we need to do Runestone this month. Can we do this first before Illyrio and the Dracolich?