[X] Goldfish

Adhoc vote count started by Crake on Jan 29, 2018 at 7:09 AM, finished with 44 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Plan Goldfish & Crake, may the Heavens tremble before them!
    -[X] "Ah, yes, I understand. The lack of an obvious hierarchy must seem nearly as strange to you as the workings of magic. In truth, I have no desire to cement my household into a rigidly structured organization, but it is a concern I have often thought upon in recent months. On the matter of Leila, however, I have merely been waiting for the proper time to make the announcement. As you've already seen, we are often forced to rush from one problem to another, with little time left in between for less pressing issues."
    -[X] "I do not mean to sound dismissive, Mother, I actually thank you for reminding me. In truth, abandonment of all formality just isn't tenable, not with the scale of my ambitions, but facilitating a court the like of which we've known in Westeros, or even in the lands of the East? Where nobles may scheme and indulge in petty politicking and backstabbing in organized fashion, may hide behind their words and trade barbs rather than accomplish what is expected of them? Perhaps impossible to eliminate in entirety, but I see no reason to encourage this behavior in the manner to which they are accustomed to. Do you honestly miss Father's court?" You shake your head. "I barely remember that time, but of what I can the niceties and falseness behind every smile and empty flattery... what use were they to us?"
    -[X] This evening, after the smelter is up and running, Viserys and Lya will arrange an informal meeting with Leila. Apologize to her for delaying this for so long. Explain to her how much we value her efforts and how important they have been to Sorcerer's Deep. She has more than earned this.
    --[X] Inform her that she will receive an annual salary of 600 IM, with an additional commission of 5% on anything she crafts for us. She will be given the official title of Artificer and legitimized under any surname she finds acceptable. Depending on her preferences, we can make an announcement of her elevation to our subjects or be more discrete and simply allow others to learn of her change in fortunes more organically.

Adhoc vote count started by Crake on Jan 29, 2018 at 7:11 AM, finished with 45 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Plan Goldfish & Crake, may the Heavens tremble before them!
    -[X] "Ah, yes, I understand. The lack of an obvious hierarchy must seem nearly as strange to you as the workings of magic. In truth, I have no desire to cement my household into a rigidly structured organization, but it is a concern I have often thought upon in recent months. On the matter of Leila, however, I have merely been waiting for the proper time to make the announcement. As you've already seen, we are often forced to rush from one problem to another, with little time left in between for less pressing issues."
    -[X] "I do not mean to sound dismissive, Mother, I actually thank you for reminding me. In truth, abandonment of all formality just isn't tenable, not with the scale of my ambitions, but facilitating a court the like of which we've known in Westeros, or even in the lands of the East? Where nobles may scheme and indulge in petty politicking and backstabbing in organized fashion, may hide behind their words and trade barbs rather than accomplish what is expected of them? Perhaps impossible to eliminate in entirety, but I see no reason to encourage this behavior in the manner to which they are accustomed to. Do you honestly miss Father's court?" You shake your head. "I barely remember that time, but of what I can the niceties and falseness behind every smile and empty flattery... what use were they to us?"
    -[X] This evening, after the smelter is up and running, Viserys and Lya will arrange an informal meeting with Leila. Apologize to her for delaying this for so long. Explain to her how much we value her efforts and how important they have been to Sorcerer's Deep. She has more than earned this.
    --[X] Inform her that she will receive an annual salary of 600 IM, with an additional commission of 5% on anything she crafts for us. She will be given the official title of Artificer and legitimized under any surname she finds acceptable. Depending on her preferences, we can make an announcement of her elevation to our subjects or be more discrete and simply allow others to learn of her change in fortunes more organically.

Adhoc vote count started by Crake on Jan 29, 2018 at 7:35 AM, finished with 48 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Plan Goldfish & Crake, may the Heavens tremble before them!
    -[X] "Ah, yes, I understand. The lack of an obvious hierarchy must seem nearly as strange to you as the workings of magic. In truth, I have no desire to cement my household into a rigidly structured organization, but it is a concern I have often thought upon in recent months. On the matter of Leila, however, I have merely been waiting for the proper time to make the announcement. As you've already seen, we are often forced to rush from one problem to another, with little time left in between for less pressing issues."
    -[X] "I do not mean to sound dismissive, Mother, I actually thank you for reminding me. In truth, abandonment of all formality just isn't tenable, not with the scale of my ambitions, but facilitating a court the like of which we've known in Westeros, or even in the lands of the East? Where nobles may scheme and indulge in petty politicking and backstabbing in organized fashion, may hide behind their words and trade barbs rather than accomplish what is expected of them? Perhaps impossible to eliminate in entirety, but I see no reason to encourage this behavior in the manner to which they are accustomed to. Do you honestly miss Father's court?" You shake your head. "I barely remember that time, but of what I can the niceties and falseness behind every smile and empty flattery... what use were they to us?"
    -[X] This evening, after the smelter is up and running, Viserys and Lya will arrange an informal meeting with Leila. Apologize to her for delaying this for so long. Explain to her how much we value her efforts and how important they have been to Sorcerer's Deep. She has more than earned this.
    --[X] Inform her that she will receive an annual salary of 600 IM, with an additional commission of 5% on anything she crafts for us. She will be given the official title of Artificer and legitimized under any surname she finds acceptable. Depending on her preferences, we can make an announcement of her elevation to our subjects or be more discrete and simply allow others to learn of her change in fortunes more organically.
@Goldfish @Crake
"Do you honestly miss Father's court?" Is setting off alarm bells to me. Let's not bring the person who raped her into this at all if we can avoid it? I'm sure that it can be easily changed, but I'm too sleepy to think properly about alternatives.

That aside:

[ ] Goldfish
[ ] Crake
[ ] Azel
? :p

[X] Plan Goldfish & Crake, may the Heavens tremble before them!
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@BeepSmile At this point both Viserys and Rhaella are better served by working through some of that trauma more actively. They both mentioned him passingly in conversation when she first came back to life, in a strange new world where nothing was the same or ever would be again.

I don't think letting him hang over them like a dark specter in the background is the right route.

The right route is to be utterly dismissive of his importance other than an example of what not to be and a reminder of what the two of them want to make "right", in each their own ways.
Keep in mind that we need a tiered hierarchy to keep things orderly. Just handing out random titles to random people is exactly the mess Rhaella warns us about.
No one's disagreeing, but it'll take more organized discussion to work through that mess.

@Azel, do you want to start another conversation with interested individuals, this time on all our institutions and their respective hierarchies?

On that note, @Diomedon, we really need to work on both the Law Enforcement and the Legion.
No one's disagreeing, but it'll take more organized discussion to work through that mess.

@Azel, do you want to start another conversation with interested individuals, this time on all our institutions and their respective hierarchies?

On that note, @Diomedon, we really need to work on both the Law Enforcement and the Legion.
Gladly, though I'm a bit strapped for time the coming week. Could you open something up?
Really, "Artificer" can be slotted into our organizational work just fine. It's just another word for "Enchanter".

Everyone interested, aside from @Azel, let me know if you would like to take part in active discussion through PMs. Err, that is, just tag me in-thread, preferably.
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No one's disagreeing, but it'll take more organized discussion to work through that mess.

@Azel, do you want to start another conversation with interested individuals, this time on all our institutions and their respective hierarchies?

On that note, @Diomedon, we really need to work on both the Law Enforcement and the Legion.

I'm working away at it. I was working on revising the Watch last night (giving it clearer progression from it's base "rushed into being" state, and cleaning up some organizational loose ends). Once I have everything tidied up, I'll smoosh it into one mega effort post with way too many spoilers.

I'm also unsure about statting up SD's watch. I think most of them have a PC level or two in Rogue. They're very different and separate from the organization I'm proposing (though their officers will have received some tips and training from SD's watch).

I also find y'all's org structure for titles is too ungainly, but I'm pretty sure I'm losing that fight. :p
Really, "Artificer" can be slotted into our organizational work just fine. It's just another word for "Enchanter".

Everyone interested, aside from @Azel, let me know if you would like to take part in active discussion through PMs. Err, that is, just tag me in-thread, preferably.

Count me in.

I like Artificer more. It sounds like it had a but more gravitas without being pretentious.

Some of the ignorant masses might hear Enchanter and assume they practice mind control. Officially.
One more space after him left for grabs. I'll make sure the thread stays informed of what we determine, don't worry, this is really something we should hammer out, and then discuss in the open once there's a concrete proposal. This is just to keep it from being cluttered for pages upon pages.
Is there anyway to link such things for thread viewers to read after/during. I have little to contribute to this area, I'm more of a "Hugs for All!" "Untenable on a larger scale? Go eff yerself, hugs scale perfectly" and "Denial of reality? Of course I deny reality. It's incorrect" kind of guy.

But it is interesting to read what others come up with :)
I will definitely make public the more polished portion of what we've determined should compose different organizations in our realm, rather than drag out the particulars here before we even have a clear and easy to follow version of them to talk about.
Is there anyway to link such things for thread viewers to read after/during. I have little to contribute to this area, I'm more of a "Hugs for All!" "Untenable on a larger scale? Go eff yerself, hugs scale perfectly" and "Denial of reality? Of course I deny reality. It's incorrect" kind of guy.

But it is interesting to read what others come up with :)

With PMs, no, not really. The only way to effectively manage that would be to create an actual side-thread for the matter, but I'm not sure such a thing is necessary at this point. Once we've ironed out the details of the system, I've little doubt that it'll end up in the thread somewhere.