@TotallyNotEvil, can I get a response to this?
By the way,
@Goldfish @TotallyNotEvil, since we're going to be bringing Lya up to Bloodraven for our next trip North--to learn lore directly, learn the basics of First Men wards and to get the chance to study the wards of that giant weirwood, and to learn spells--can you guys think ahead on which druid spells you want her to learn? Particularly the spells that would be hard for us to buy.
We saw Bloodraven cast
Stone to Flesh, a level 6 Sorcerer spell. And I just did some reading on Bloodraven's predominant class
Arcane Heirophant and--like Lya's Sage of Creation class--it advances an arcane spellcasting class
and a divine spellcasting class.
So Bloodraven, to our knowledge, currently has this:
Although it is
very likely he's gained a level since then given how much he dreams and the things he regularly fights in the Far north. So he effectively has the casting power of a level 13 Druid, meaning he has access to Druid spells up to level 6 at minimum.
One thing, though, is that the Old Gods have a hate-boner for Ice spells because of the Others. But that aside the only major restriction is the amount of Lya time we spend up there learning the spells, so they'd have to be the absolute best picks. Do you guys have anything on your wishlists?
EDIT: Hell, we could get any level 6 Arcane Spells that Bloodraven happens to know as well.