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Writing the full thing. @Snowfire, @Diomedon, pick the parts you like.
[X] Plan Full Broadside
-[X] "He and others. I have seen the workings of the divine on my travels on many occasions, yet the truth is hardly comparable to the stories the priests tell."
-[X] "The Red God isn't speaking in metaphor when he claims all mankind as his slaves. Like the disgusting magistrates who keep their fellow man as chattel, he sees us as nothing more then servants who should work for his glory. He would rather bluster and play games with the lives of his followers then render aid upon them. If there is a difference between him and the Dukes of Hell, I've yet to see it."
-[X] "Others exist too. The Seven have their champions and it was the Old Gods might that brought new life to you. Yet I can't claim to worship them if that is what you think."
-[X] "The gods are not so different from man. They squabble with each other like bickering lords and care little for any man except a few selected 'champions' of their causes. And for all their mighty, they are not almighty. The games of court are played between them just as they are in Kings Landing and it is just the number and station of the pawns that are different. They might bluster like the Red God about being the one and only true gods, yet they can not claim souls that don't submit willingly to their judgement."
-[X] "Thus, few are those gods I feel any kinship to. Those who reward the deeds of man fairly and render aid in the fight against the creatures preying on us. They are all too rare and thus all the more important to know in these times."
-[X] "Other 'gods' are there, who wish nothing but ruin on us. It was the Drowned God who gave Damphair the might to commit the atrocities of Torturers Deep. People twisted in mind and body in his name. The innocent slain as food for the disgusting creatures in his service."
-[X] "And even of those who should be on our side, many do nothing. I have seen Devils spreading their taint in Westeros. I have seen the twisted creatures of the depth rising to harvest men like wheat. Meanwhile the Seven whip their septons into a frenzy to burn small-folk at the stake on the slightest suspicion of witchcraft. The realm is besieged by nightmares made flesh and they care only that there is no magic in the land that is not granted by them."
-[X] "On Tarth I slew a Devil who had come to kill a noble Lord. There I've met a young girl who had been graced by their blessings. Did she thank me for saving the live of that Lord? Or that of her own father who was present on that day and might have died himself? No. She lectured me that I should give up my foul arts, for they are unseemly in the eyes of her masters."
-[X] "The gods might be real, but to rely on their aid and wisdom is folly. It's man who will forge this world anew in the flames of this age. We decide our fates, not some uncaring god who proclaims himself benevolent and idly watches as his flock is beset by wolves. We have to turn back the coming darkness, by steel and sorcery, for it will be gods who will lead part of it and their brethren would rather busy themselves with sending the last two living men at each others throats then to save them. No divine grace from high above will deliver salvation to us. But we will claim it with our own might. The strength of man will achieve where the divine has failed, for we are many and if we just stand united, even divine might is nothing against us."
-[X] "I have heard the gods. I have seen the gods. I have spoken to their champions. I have fought their avatars. What I have learned from these things is simple. Respect the gods, for they are mighty, but do not fear them. For even gods can bleed."
[X] Plan Full Broadside
-[X] "He and others. I have seen the workings of the divine on my travels on many occasions, yet the truth is hardly comparable to the stories the priests tell."
-[X] "The Red God isn't speaking in metaphor when he claims all mankind as his slaves. Like the disgusting magistrates who keep their fellow man as chattel, he sees us as nothing more then servants who should work for his glory. He would rather bluster and play games with the lives of his followers then render aid upon them. If there is a difference between him and the Dukes of Hell, I've yet to see it."
-[X] "Others exist too. The Seven have their champions and it was the Old Gods might that brought new life to you. Yet I can't claim to worship them if that is what you think."
-[X] "The gods are not so different from man. They squabble with each other like bickering lords and care little for any man except a few selected 'champions' of their causes. And for all their mighty, they are not almighty. The games of court are played between them just as they are in Kings Landing and it is just the number and station of the pawns that are different. They might bluster like the Red God about being the one and only true gods, yet they can not claim souls that don't submit willingly to their judgement."
-[X] "Thus, few are those gods I feel any kinship to. Those who reward the deeds of man fairly and render aid in the fight against the creatures preying on us. They are all too rare and thus all the more important to know in these times."
-[X] "Other 'gods' are there, who wish nothing but ruin on us. It was the Drowned God who gave Damphair the might to commit the atrocities of Torturers Deep. People twisted in mind and body in his name. The innocent slain as food for the disgusting creatures in his service."
-[X] "And even of those who should be on our side, many do nothing. I have seen Devils spreading their taint in Westeros. I have seen the twisted creatures of the depth rising to harvest men like wheat. Meanwhile the Seven whip their septons into a frenzy to burn small-folk at the stake on the slightest suspicion of witchcraft. The realm is besieged by nightmares made flesh and they care only that there is no magic in the land that is not granted by them."
-[X] "On Tarth I slew a Devil who had come to kill a noble Lord. There I've met a young girl who had been graced by their blessings. Did she thank me for saving the live of that Lord? Or that of her own father who was present on that day and might have died himself? No. She lectured me that I should give up my foul arts, for they are unseemly in the eyes of her masters."
-[X] "The gods might be real, but to rely on their aid and wisdom is folly. It's man who will forge this world anew in the flames of this age. We decide our fates, not some uncaring god who proclaims himself benevolent and idly watches as his flock is beset by wolves. We have to turn back the coming darkness, by steel and sorcery, for it will be gods who will lead part of it and their brethren would rather busy themselves with sending the last two living men at each others throats then to save them. No divine grace from high above will deliver salvation to us. But we will claim it with our own might. The strength of man will achieve where the divine has failed, for we are many and if we just stand united, even divine might is nothing against us."
-[X] "I have heard the gods. I have seen the gods. I have spoken to their champions. I have fought their avatars. What I have learned from these things is simple. Respect the gods, for they are mighty, but do not fear them. For even gods can bleed."
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