I feel like Azel's plan is trying to spike the ball before it's been set. Ugh, this is why I don't like votecrafting, I don't do the explaining and convincing step half as well when it's my own plan.

Edit: And ninja-ed by new plan.
Hey, you guys asked for my full rantiness. :V

Speaking of Grand Rants, I think I will recycle my Uthero Rant for the festival. We need an Eve of War Speech for Tyrosh.
I appreciate your attempt to bring all of the plans together, but I don't think we should turn this issue into another excuse for a massive info dump or chance to further detail our exploits.

Rhaella is dealing with quite enough on her plate at the moment.

Whilst you are undoubtedly correct on one level, I can't see a way to explain this without it being a massive info dump. And we need to put in some of our own experiences just to make it vaguely real. The key here is to give her a foundation of understanding, but with it something that she can grasp onto. Look back at the last passage, her words were as one adrift. We can't nail her back onto the shore that she was once so comfortably attached to, but we can put a raft beneath her feet until she's able to find her way to a land of her own. Religion is a deeply personal thing, and trying to reduce it to something without emotion is unlikely to be that effective. This is where psych interfaces with the absolute clusterfuck that is religion, and the two work very differently. Trying to satisfy both sides of this issue...well, if I could do that reliably the world would be a very different place.
"Are you sure you want me to answer you?"
"Are you sure you want me to answer you, yet/now?"


Reinforce the "not keeping secrets, just trying to help you build context" part of things.
Hey, you guys asked for my full rantiness. :V

Speaking of Grand Rants, I think I will recycle my Uthero Rant for the festival. We need an Eve of War Speech for Tyrosh.

I specifically asked for small-medium size rantiness on why we personally don't worship gods. :V

More seriously, I do think Snowfire's softening of Azel's rant improves it, but I'm going to glumly stick to my guns of describing it in a way that she can wrap her head around.

"Are you sure you want me to answer you?"
"Are you sure you want me to answer you, yet/now?"


Reinforce the "not keeping secrets, just trying to help you build context" part of things.

This is a good point, as well.
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Yep. The cultists that hired the Dogai worked for the Lord of the Eight, nad we explained fake Renly that there are actually Nine Hells

I refuse to believe that between 7 gods they didn't make enough of a brain to know there were 9 Hells :V

Sides, we wouldn't know what levels of hell got wrecked, you can still get the eight if the 7 and 4 don't exist.

[X] Snowfire
[X] Snowfire

I just realized that in addition to copying Castle Black's ancient library for ourselves, we can ask Aemon for any lore he might know. Dragonlore, history, insights on magic, any and every secret of the Night's Watch and the Wall, politics of the Wall and the North. We can ask for his knowledge of how the Seven Kingdoms used to be before magic, of the great houses and the lesser, and advice in general on the best way to proceed. Oh, and rumors. I'm sure there've been plenty as new "recruits" are sent to the Wall.

I'm very excited about our next rumor post, btw. I've been looking forward to Robert's reaction to us stealing the Golden Hearth Inn for weeks. :D
I refuse to believe that between 7 gods they didn't make enough of a brain to know there were 9 Hells :V

Sides, we wouldn't know what levels of hell got wrecked, you can still get the eight if the 7 and 4 don't exist.

[X] Snowfire

Well, the Lord of the Fourth still exists...

I say that the Seven Hells were just a creation by the Septons when magic was not so active and so you didn't have Devils running around to tell you how many Hells exist.
@Snowfire I like your plan but I'm saddened by how much you took out of Diomedon's plan. His analogy was pretty great, I'd love if you could incorporate more pieces of it into your vote. Religion in DnD is basically Feudalism... man, I just can't stop thinking about that revelation haha.

Also, someone mentioned that we'd be a sellsword in that analogy... and while that's correct in a way, I'd like to go further and say that we'd be some sort of mixture between the Golden Company and Sallahador's fleet.
I've been looking forward to Robert's reaction to us stealing the Golden Hearth Inn for weeks. :D

Full declaration of war. Now we've made it personal!

@Snowfire I like your plan but I'm saddened by how much you took out of Diomedon's plan. His analogy was pretty great, I'd love if you could incorporate more pieces of it into your vote. Religion in DnD is basically Feudalism... man, I just can't stop thinking about that revelation haha.

Also, someone mentioned that we'd be a sellsword in that analogy... and while that's correct in a way, I'd like to go further and say that we'd be some sort of mixture between the Golden Company and Sallahador's fleet.

Modified to more fully include ties to the religion = feudalism plan @Diomedon proposed.
@Snowfire I like your plan but I'm saddened by how much you took out of Diomedon's plan. His analogy was pretty great, I'd love if you could incorporate more pieces of it into your vote. Religion in DnD is basically Feudalism... man, I just can't stop thinking about that revelation haha.

Also, someone mentioned that we'd be a sellsword in that analogy... and while that's correct in a way, I'd like to go further and say that we'd be some sort of mixture between the Golden Company and Sallahador's fleet.

Independent Lord actually.

Gods = Lords directing Worshipers=Peasants to achieve their goals.

Viserys = Independent Lord directing his own resources to achieve his own goals and mutually beneficial goals with temporary alliances.

It seems Sellswordlike because Viserys takes such an active hand but if he was a Lead from the Back kind of guy you'd see the equal footing more clearly.
If she asks if the Seven are good or bad, and if they are good, why dont we find a way to go back to their graces, we can answer with something like
"The Seven as a whole are not evil, in a way they are similar to the slaver lords of volantis, the many injustices and suffering they allow are not a consequence of malice, but a result of the firm belief that thats the way things should be because thats the way things have always been. I, however, am not blinded by such retoric, and strive instead for the world that could be"