It's not that a champion embodying the Old Gods' rage could not arise in theory, it's that Bloodraven would would retroactively throttle such a champion's grandfather before allowing him to exist.

As he said himself Bloodraven was once the Master of the Whisperers and there he excelled, a man of indirect approach. He would view a barbarian champion much as a chess player might view a chunk of masonry falling from the ceiling onto the board. It's enough that he has to listen to the rage of the Old Gods, the last thing he would wish is to make it manifest.

I will admit i havent read the omake (sounds pretty interesting tho) but could such a barbarian be theoretically from before the breaking of magic?

I'm sure the OG could have placed such a monster of wrath in stasis when they saw they probably would lose vs the Seven and foreseeing the magic going away.
Raging and our Uncle's weak Old God resume are interesting, but maybe a bit more talk about the whole vote thing we're working on?

As for the deal language, that's good for talking to a Braavosi, but a Westerosi noble isn't going to be impressed by talk of "making deals" with gods. They hate money and being prosperous, remember? :p
[X] Diomedon

Going to put this here for now. That said, @Diomedon possibly have an explicit bit in there where we cede explanations to Dany (and support her in them) if it seems like our own knowledge of the matter is lacking. I know it's probably obvious, but I'd like to be specific here.
[X] Diomedon

Going to put this here for now. That said, @Diomedon possibly have an explicit bit in there where we cede explanations to Dany (and support her in them) if it seems like our own knowledge of the matter is lacking. I know it's probably obvious, but I'd like to be specific here.

-[] If at any point Dany speaks up or interrupts, let her. She has spent more time studying and thinking on this than you.

That seem good?
I'm not seeing why our knowledge is lacking, we have a perfectly practical and well rounded knowledge of the Gods. Heck I doubt there's another person on Planetos which has actually spoken to five different Gods himself. In fact, Diomedon's analogy could help further explain and break them down into something understandable. Just as a hedge knight can accrue power via wealth, honor and service, so can a mortal rise in magical power. Just as a hedge knight can be given a keep and a family name, so can a magic user accrue enough power to become something akin to a minor godling. And as wars and rebellions are fought, so can such a minor lord ascend in the general order of things and take a hold of a Lord Paramountcy thanks to the strength of its arms and loyal swords.

You can see where I'm going with this.

Edit: Actually I forgot Tiamat, so that brings us to six.

-Old Gods.
-Weeping Lady.
-Burny's Ex. (Yeah I know this one's iffy, but she ticks enough boxes to be counted as a God. And getting yelled at counts to me as communicating with a God :p)
-... I feel I'm missing one...
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I'm not sure if my take on matters is helpful here. Ultimately Rhaella is very delicate right now and I would definitely use something stronger on a westerosi Lord.
Viserys Targeryean, the man that sees Religion as Feudalism, Feudalism as obsolete before Money, money as power and power as magic... and sufficient magic as religion. You see, it all goes full circle.
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Raging and our Uncle's weak Old God resume are interesting, but maybe a bit more talk about the whole vote thing we're working on?

As for the deal language, that's good for talking to a Braavosi, but a Westerosi noble isn't going to be impressed by talk of "making deals" with gods. They hate money and being prosperous, remember? :p

Tell her we are "allied" with a few select deities due to necessity? The gods we deal with are those opposed to the many world ending events around. Also Yss due sacrifice, the Merling King cue he tales Ilitharids as payment and the OGs because they asked us to end a few noble houses and we have many houses in need of ending :V
@Snowfire, since it would be mostly your work it would risk when we speak more plainly, do you think she could take it when we officially declare enmity with multiple gods?
First... you get the money. Then. You get the power! And then... you get the women artifacts!

@Snowfire, since it would be mostly your work it would risk when we speak more plainly, do you think she could take it when we officially declare enmity with multiple gods?

I'm banking on the in-group vs out-group thinking, and human's fondness for duality. It's why I'm introducing it in the "good gods, bad gods" format, and making sure to lead with the fact that we have gods on our side, and then mention there are some who are not (and choose one which is familiar enough to her, but associated with Westeros's least favorite kingdom).
I'm banking on the in-group vs out-group thinking, and human's fondness for duality. It's why I'm introducing it in the "good gods, bad gods" format, and making sure to lead with the fact that we have gods on our side, and then mention there are some who are not (and choose one which is familiar enough to her, but associated with Westeros's least favorite kingdom).
The thing is that I have a strong impulse to accentuate the negative to sell our crusade against the gods we oppose. I'm far better at getting people to die for us then comforting mom.
[X] Diomedon

Looks good to me, though perhaps we ought to hammer in more that a God's powers are very limited outside of their holy places, and can be effectively fought and even starved of worshipers and power until they are dead. They are so locked in their ways of thinking that they cannot act outside of their ruling guidelines, and this makes them vulnerable to all sorts of shenanigans.
What about another Green Seer or Agent of the Old Gods doing their own thing? If it doesen't work it doesen't work but did you like the Omake? As for Bloodraven even in sublity there must some times be brute force guided by a skilled hand.

Eh I'm with Bloodraven on this, in the hypothetical situation you would want a rage machine directed at something subtly, just use somebody else's rage machine.
The basis here is that the tool isn't following orders only it's own desires carefully aligned. Why waste such time on an "allied force"?
Especially when it means you can't kill it afterwards.
Adhoc vote count started by Deliste on Jan 23, 2018 at 6:44 PM, finished with 143584 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] True? No, for the Red God claims all as his slaves, yet many live their lives entire free from even hearsay of his existence. Does he exist? Yes, as do many, many other gods, some who are good, some who are bad.
    -[X] The way I see it, a god is to men as a lord is to a hedge knight. Just like a lord, different gods have different domains and lands which are theirs, so it is unwise to disrespect them there, just like it would not be wise to speak ill of a lord on his own lands. But unless a hedge knight pledges himself to a lord, and is accepted into that lord's household, that lord has no special power over him, and similarly gods do not have special power over us unless we pledge ourselves to them.
    -[X] Just as lords differ, so too it seems that gods do. Some are greater, some are lesser, some accept certain types into their household, some others. Some are demanding and overbearing, like the Red God, and some have very few demands.
    -[X] The place where that analogy breaks down is unlike having more than one Lord, one can worship more than one god, unless one of their demands is your sole worship. Full devotion is likely a surer route to favor, of course.
    -[X] However, we are a king, so our place is a bit different than others. We have seen that god's interests can run counter to the good of men, and their judgement is not infallible, nor their power in the world unbeatable, so we cannot afford to shirk our duty and simply put our trust in gods.
    -[X] We have found favor with some gods, like the old gods of earth and steam and stone, and enmity with others whose demands and desires are dark, like the Drowned God of the Ironborn, who as far as we have seen, seems to see mankind as mere chattel for it's true servants in the deep.
    -[X] If at any point Dany speaks up or interrupts, let her. She has spent more time studying and thinking on this than you.
    [X] Let Dany explain the metaphysics, nature and limitations of gods and man's power over his own soul, Viserys only explains our personal relation with gods as trade partners, allies and foes.
    [X] Azel
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Eh I'm with Bloodraven on this, in the hypothetical situation you would want a rage machine directed at something subtly, just use somebody else's rage machine.
The basis here is that the tool isn't following orders only it's own desires carefully aligned. Why waste such time on an "allied force"?
Pretty much this. The nice thing with idiots only guided by their rage or other urges is that they are very easy to steer where you want them.
Having them on your own side is a complete loss, since you have to run damage control around them while you can dispose of the enemy Auranaes once they are no longer convenient to keep around.