Oh wait, before I finally succumb, my pedantry requires an outlet!

A reel is a kind of Scottish dance.

This is...not exactly the case. A reel is a timeset within Scottish Traditional music, that is used for certain dances, but isn't itself actually the name of a dance. To be fair, the names of the dances are a bit...strange...to someone who hasn't grown up with them (Strip the Willow, Gay Gordons, etc). That aside, a more apt title, not that it matters at this point, would probably be A Northern Jig. Jigs are another timeset within Scottish Trad, and are also used for some dances (don't get me started on Strathspeys) but the word also has the link connotation to the turn of phrase 'dancing a jig'. Dancing a reel...ehh...rather less known. Yes, there's some historical basis for it as a dance form in and of itself, but generally the dances have specific names outside of the timeset used for them. And that's before we get into how the timeset changes in dance sets and...various other things.

This doesn't truly matter, but I saw it as I was going through, and having played and danced to a lot Scottish Trad wouldn't let me let it go.
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You guys and your crazy schemes only thing missing is Fehu trying to Awaken/Template the submarine :V

Also, we obviously have to call it "My sea dragon is better than yours Relath." Its a mouthful but it sends a clear message.

Granting it sentience is totally possible. We could produce once with a speed of 50 and mental attributes (3d6 Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma) for just 8,640 IM. :cool:
I am all for the colossal construct golem thingy guys I will so vote for whatever plan to make it that thing has got to have a huge intimidation effect on armies.
You guys and your crazy schemes only thing missing is Fehu trying to Awaken/Template the submarine :V

Also, we obviously have to call it "My sea dragon is better than yours Relath." Its a mouthful but it sends a clear message.
That and me looking for a way to add Kung Fu fighting like this Tome of Tactics: A sequel to ToB [PEACH] with Crashing Wave or with all the fury of raging typhon and the swiftness of a coursing river. Note I am not saying we should get these things for the crew of the submarine because as has been explained to me that will not work just continuing a ongoing meme joke with myself:V
Though if it is a construct we can still teach it D&D Kung Fu.
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Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Goldfish on Jan 20, 2018 at 11:13 PM, finished with 141792 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] Speak with the Children of the Forest again
    -[X] From the bottom of your heart thank Bloodraven for tolerating all of your many questions. He truly has been a good and caring uncle to you and Dany, and you will be sure to speak to him when you can.
    --[X] Give Bloodraven the bag of attuned obsidian sand so you can speak with him more regularly.
    --[X] Ask Bloodraven if there is anything he personally needs. We could retrieve it for him when we next visit.
    -[X] Talk to Soft Strider and Speaker to Men in particular and learn more of them.
    -[X] See if they and any other Singers would be interested in accompanying you to Sorcerer's Deep and staying there. They could see the world as magic reawakens, they could teach people of the Old Gods, they could meet many new creatures (minotaurs, Tritons, fey, Little Valyrians, etc).
    -[X] If they wish it, we could even take them to visit all over the rest of the world. Westeros, Essos, the Free Cites, etc. We could even look into their distant kin that Bloodraven told us about in Essos, the Ifeqevron.
    -[X] We could even take them to visit other planes entirely should they wish it.
    -[X] More than that, you would greatly appreciate any help in preparing for the Long Night.
    [x] Resurrect Rhaella
    [X] Magpie
    [x] huggle teh uncle
    [X] Magpie Knight
That and me looking for a way to add Kung Fu fighting like this Tome of Tactics: A sequel to ToB [PEACH] with Crashing Wave or with all the fury of raging typhon and the swiftness of a coursing river. Note I am not saying we should get these things for the crew of the submarine because as has been explained to me that will not work just continuing a ongoing meme joke with myself:V
Though if it is a construct we can still teach it D&D Kung Fu.
do it do it do it do it do it.

a long term goal should be to have at least four colossal constructs to protect the country maybe one for each of the elements symbolically how would we do fire though?
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do it do it do it do it do it.

a long term goal should be to have at least four colossal constructs to protect the country maybe one for each of the elements symbolically how would we do fire though?
If flamethorwers count as breath weapons for contructs then [3.5]Breath of Fire-ToB discipline for those with breath attacks and this for its inner reactor Divine Flame: The might of the atoms, Nuclear Fusion!. but far too much of a hassle for what we need.
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A... submarine..?

Goldfish, I see you are trying to one up TNE... I approve! Maybe after this you two will fuse with Azel and design a a Fiend Powered Flying Aircraft Carrier...

Seriously though, I love the idea of a submarine. We'd make it huge, Julius Verne style, with fancy brass handrails, dancing halls, and construct instrument player. A bit of Planestosi Steampunk, armed with construct torpedoes and a couple of automated heavy ballistas on the deck . Equally at home hosting a soree in Braavos for our latest Masquarade/Auction, or delivering DEVGRU Wyrm Commandos to the Vale under a starless night, the Increadible Seafyre is the ship every up and coming World Conqueror deserves.
A... submarine..?

Goldfish, I see you are trying to one up TNE... I approve! Maybe after this you two will fuse with Azel and design a a Fiend Powered Flying Aircraft Carrier...

Seriously though, I love the idea of a submarine. We'd make it huge, Julius Verne style, with fancy brass handrails, dancing halls, and construct instrument player. A bit of Planestosi Steampunk, armed with construct torpedoes and a couple of automated heavy ballistas on the deck . Equally at home hosting a soree in Braavos for our latest Masquarade/Auction, or delivering DEVGRU Wyrm Commandos to the Vale under a starless night, the Increadible Seafyre is the ship every up and coming World Conqueror deserves.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves, while I agree wholeheartedly, we're going to need a proof of concept before any sailor go's on a ship that's suppose to sink.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves, while I agree wholeheartedly, we're going to need a proof of concept before any sailor go's on a ship that's suppose to sink.

Sorry, the Bond villian vibe is just intensifying. Now I'm imagening Viserys recieving diplomats at the globe like fore deck as he stares at the fishes swimming past the great windows.
Remember people what Dragon Paradox sees in the the thread disscusion he has a habit to put in Viserys IC thoughts. So now he is rumnating on giant sharks being fed via his enemies falling in by trap door.
Hrm, the construct rules don't mesh well with things that don't have legs by default. Like, the first question is size, which is determined by height if biped, or length if quadruped. Two paddle-wheels connected by a shaft doesn't quite fit there. How would paddlewheels attack you? They do not have arms. How would a paddlewheel construct grapple with you?

I think my memory was erroneous. I never nailed down the cost of my idea, since I'd need to discuss stuff with DP (a paddlewheel construct mounted on a ship shouldn't have a land movement speed, or an attack, or a grapple, but it should impart a max speed and acceleration to a ship. There isn't a clear way to there, though, so it'll have to be discussed).

It should probably just be tabled until we see what our steel output is. Depending on the magnitude, we might not have enough steel for any of these projects.
I really, really like the idea of a Nautilus-vibing sea dragon themed submarine-ship. One part of our Doomship that I liked is how it basically allows us to travel in style and understated luxury, but pleasure barges and such exist, so it's not an entirely new concept.

This though? I bet even the Valyrians would be impressed. Doubly so if we add defensive features besides fearsome steel jaws and metal spines. Like maybe electricity discharging coils. We'd just need some kind of insulation. Though plastic is right out, and I'm not quite sure about rubber? Would alchemy allow gum trees to be processed into rubber?

Edit: Apparently "gum rubber" is just a reference to natural rubber obtained from plants rather than the name of the tree itself. But you get the picture.
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Incidentally, what are our plans for the Elia resurrection? And we still have a year to go on that, right?

Wait until Dany gets Ressurection->Resurrect Elia. We have a full year before we're breaking our word, but sooner is better (if we get to the Plane of Air market, we might try there for example if Dany hasn't leveled up yet).
Quite frankly I wonder what the general reaction will be once the resurrection does happen with all parties involved.

I wonder if Ser Richard would try to stay out of the group hug to be professional but gets dragged into it anyway.:p
I was browsing the thread to see what posts I have not rated yet and found this
She is a five years old girl. Unless she becomes a sorcerer herself, odds that that she will be relevant in any combat situation, in a decade at least, are close to a zero. Viserys honestly have a better things to spend his time on.

Right. But the payoff is really small. Again, a very little girl - she would not be able to protect herself against hostile adults even with whatever training Viserys can provide and we have taken a foul-mouthed bartender with loyal thugs option for protector anyway.
Which is just frigging hilarious now.
Hey guys if we did make a colossal slightly sentient construct I hope that we make it something that would completely humiliate our enemies and kid friendly. Like a big ass clown that can crush our enemies. Cause it has to be symbolic and our people who are protected by it should find it humorous and amusing but those crushed by it find it humiliating. PLEEEEEEEASE.

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Hey guys if we did make a colossal slightly sentient construct I hope that we make it something that would completely humiliate our enemies and kid friendly. Like a big ass clown that can crush our enemies. Cause it has to be symbolic and our people who are protected by it should find it humorous and amusing but those crushed by it find it humiliating. PLEEEEEEEASE.

Go to bed. Your batshit crazy when your sleepy;)