So this is all the questions we didn't get around to. We answered 47 out of 70 unanswered questions, and of the ones we didn't get we can ask whatever Children we diplomance or the Night's Watch or even Bloodraven himself when we return. That is a damn good success for us given how important most of those answers were.
Either way, marking down the unanswered questions for future reference.
4. Learn of the going-ons Beyond the Wall. Learn of the resurgence in magic among the Wildlings, of...
other things.
6. Get a rundown of the politics Beyond the Wall, of the various Wildling Clans, of the giants (basically a groundwork for Viserys to get ready to start diplomancing). As for the giants, ask what species of giants they are.
7. Learn of all the supernatural dangerous that have been popping up, and how the locals have or haven't been dealing with them.
9. Also, ask about skinchangers, wargs, and those with greensight. This is well-known lore of the Children of the Forest and the First Men. What can you tell us of these and how may we wield them as a weapon against the Long Night?
16. Who is the Great Other and how did he come to be?
18. Tell us of the gods of elder days. For example, the great serpent Yss now resides in our island. What were the gods from his time? In a quest he gave us to find something deep within Sothoryos, the path there takes us past the remnants of a spider god's temple. Who is that god?
26. Ask about locations of great magical power, essentially places that we could loot/restore or use in some way to power the Old Gods.
28. Ask about Casterly Rock. From what you've learned there appears to be a strong connection with the Plane of Earth in the depths of the castle. What does Bloodraven know?
38. Jon Snow's mother, Lyanna Stark, lingers to see her son safe. She's not quite as mad as a ghost should be, but she's very irrational and seems insistent on blaming us for the sins of Rhaegar and Aerys, and wishes for us to stay away from our nephew. Obviously we disagree with her desires. Any advice?
47. Speak on Zherys, Bennero, the Mysterium, and the Red Priests. Speak of the slumbering Land Wyrm under Volantis, and the echo of the dead god Meraxes... and the rumors of the blessings of Meraxes during Volantis' campaign up the Rhoyne. Ask for any insights and advice.
49. Speak of Oberyn Martell's daring campaign to raid the ruined cities of the Rhoyne for lost magics. Ask what dangers he might have to expect depending on which cities he's raiding, so you can later pass said information to Oberyn via Whispering Brazier.
50. Ask of the past Kings Beyond the Wall and anyone of the sort building their power in present day. Ask of any Free Folk Bloodraven knows of whom you could recruit and train and equip as a monster-slayer to serve while you are otherwise occupied (wandering hero style). Also ask what his plans are for the Free Folk and the Night's Watch so you can avoid messing them up with your interference.
55. What was the weapon the Children forged from the spark of the Fire from the East?
56. What do you know about Dawn, the sword forged of starmetal, wielded by House Dayne? What special properties is it known to have? What legends do you know of the Sword of the Morning?
57. What do you know of the flaming sword Lightbringer and Azor Ahai, the man the Red Priests claim drove back the Long Night? What do you know of the Last Hero? Were Azor Ahai and the Last Hero the same person?
58. What do you know of the great Empire of the Dawn in the far east? It is said that the Long Night started there as well due to corruption and evil, and the empire fell and shattered into many smaller kingdoms. What do the Children know of this?
59. What were the great Giant's Towers built for and why? Are there any left aside from the Giant's Lance, and if so what could be found there? How were such towers built in the first place?
62. Ask of the Realm of the Others where the great bear spirit was trapped. Ask of the nature of the realm, the rules it follows, and how one might enter or exit, or be trapped. Ask what creatures haunt such a place.
63. As we travelled north, you told us we were skimming the surface of another world. Was that the realm of the Others? If not, what realm was it?
64. How similar are the Others to Fey? Are they in fact Winter Fey?
68. Why do the Children carve faces into Heart Trees?
70. What are the Children of the Forest? Where did they come from? Are they kin to Fey? What are the Ifeqevron?