Circlet of Spell-Eating
Source PPC:BM

Price varies Type I 1,500 gp, Type II 6,000 gp, Type III 13,500 gp, Type IV 24,000 gp; Slot head; CL7th; Weight —; Aura moderate (no school)


Iridescent whorls and runes in a flowing eldritch script adorn this golden circlet. The circlet functions as a ring of spell knowledge, allowing a spontaneous caster to learn and store an additional arcane spell. However, once the circlet has been worn for 1d6 days, the wearer must succeed at a DC 16 Will save each day when meditating to renew her spell slots. Failure indicates that she loses knowledge of a random spell, whose level cannot exceed the maximum level of the circlet of spell-eating. Knowledge of this spell is lost until the circlet is removed, returning at a rate of one spell per day, beginning with the lowest-level spell forgotten.

So long as the circlet of spell-eating has caused its wearer to forget at least one spell, its creator can cast the first spell lost to the item once per day as a spell-like ability.


Cost varies Type I 750 gp, Type II 3,000 gp, Type III 6,750 gp, Type IV 12,000 gp; Feats Craft Wondrous Item; Spells bestow curse, imbue with spell ability

If we can make cursed items this will be perfect for targeting the Sha'ir.
If we can make cursed items this will be perfect for targeting the Sha'ir.
Is the Sha'ir a spontaneous caster? I thought she sends her familiar to look for spells - if that item worked for her, she would be able to cast all spells (by forgetting them once) once per day as a spell-like.
That is a good point. The Sha'ir is not a spontaneous caster. I missed that on my first read through. A better item maybe the robes of powerlessness.

Robe of Powerlessness
Aura strong transmutation; CL 13th

Slot body; Weight 1 lb.


A robe of powerlessness appears to be a magic robe of another sort. As soon as a character dons this garment, she takes a –10 penalty to Strength, as well as to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma, forgetting spells and magic knowledge accordingly. If the character is a spellcaster, the robe targets the character's primary spellcasting score, otherwise it targets Intelligence. The robe can be removed easily, but in order to restore mind and body, the character must receive a remove cursespell followed by heal.


Magic Items robe of the archmagi, robe of blending, robe of bones, robe of eyes, robe of scintillating colors, robe of stars, robe of useful items
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Was checking the 3.5 srd and found a cursed item that would be very useful if we decide to use scary and die tactics.

Amulet of Inescapable Location
This device is typically worn on a chain or as a brooch. It appears, to magical analysis, to prevent location, scrying or detection or influence by detect thoughts or telepathy. It seems to be an amulet of proof against detection and location. Actually, the amulet gives the wearer a -10 penalty on all saves against divination spells.

Moderate abjuration; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, bestow curse; Price 1,000 gp.[\quote]
Guys, why not just juice a elysium fruit on the chain and see if it changes coloratio to something neutral. Repeat until something happens.

Fu k spending actions on figuring it out when we can brute force it!
I'd rather just sacrifice Chain to Old Gods with the ritual we're going to learn from bloodraven.
Along with every single artefact we're not using.
Chances are, we'll get not only heart trees out of it, but a lot of more tangible things, and without all the drama with cursed-ness to boot!
@Duesal did you add questiond about Dragonstone, Red keep, and Raventree hall weirwood (House blackwood), to the list? :)

Kindof want to slave leash the Warlock granting... being... to our cause so if Myrcella manages to she'll be an unknowning double agent! Haha!

22. What Targaryen heirlooms does Bloodraven know of, be they in Dragonstone, Summerhall, or the Red Keep? Just as the lands Beyond the Wall have the Builder's Anchor, are there any magics in the ancestral Targaryen holdings? Any sealed artifacts? What of in Raventree Hall?

Update after this next one is Tiamat, so we should be able fit this in after that. Maybe the theme will be "Inheritance" or something.

-Targaryen Holdings
-Valyrian Steel
-Summerhall Incident
-Dragonlore and Hatching Dragons

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@Duesal if there are any extra time, we could swing by Raventree hall and restore their weirwood / diplomance. On the way back.

Perhaps together with a CotF to get somekind of... piety bonus?
@Duesal if there are any extra time, we could swing by Raventree hall and restore their weirwood / diplomance. On the way back.

Perhaps together with a CotF to get somekind of... piety bonus?
Unfortunately not this turn. I think we're already committed to the idea of spending the extra time diplomancing the giants and spending time with Aemon (and copying all those lovely books in the ancient archives of Castle Black).

Showing up there with a Child of the Forest or two in tow is going to get a whole lot of fucking attention. That's the surest way we can proclaim to all of Westeros that the Long Night is coming and that we're committed to standing against it.
Guys, why not just juice a elysium fruit on the chain and see if it changes coloratio to something neutral. Repeat until something happens.

Fu k spending actions on figuring it out when we can brute force it!
The Chain now has a taste for celestial juice.

Wielder has to make a DC20 willsave or attack any Celestials on sight.

Pouring some Good over our stuff is not that likely to be helpful.
E-fruit looks like apples? Well shit.

We better watch out for moose bypassing the security and eating all the fallen fruit. Half-celestial-Moose wont make a good mount, wrong kind of back bones. Although would make a nifty gift to the house Hornwoods.

Edit: I presume the encounter table has whacky rolls too.
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Part MDCXXIX: Of Memories and Offerings
Of Memories and Offerings

Eighteenth Day of the Twelfth Month 292 AC

You are not precisely sure where the Children had found seats for you all but you are glad for them, though at first they seemed fragile things whose pale limbs might break from the weight of Ser Richard's armored form. Not a seam nor a nail in them, you realize. The wood must have been been shaped by some sorcery, not hewn and carved with hands and tools. How much magic could they weave, these forgotten children of faerie? you wonder, for the first time. Not much before the awesome power that is the province of the Last Greenseer, but you had seen time and again that magic need not be mighty to be useful.

For now you set the thought aside, for other more urgent maters need addressing: of Valyria's dark heritage and the horror that lurks still in the catacombs beneath Lys, a creature of near-godlike power wishing for nothing more than the peace of oblivion and willing to drag hundreds of thousands into its grave, and beside it a sorcerer twisted by unlife who above all else wished to live again, a threat and a chance also should they die of its own will at a time and place appointed beneath the branches of a weirwood tree.

"It cannot die what which has never truly lived," Bloodraven rasps contemplatively at the tale's end. "To remove the danger to Lys, if you truly think there is aught worth saving in that den of indulgence and folly, you must play the midwife not the executioner... allow it to be fully born a spirit of the land, not a scream of defilement echoing forever against itself, and it might join the Greendream."

"You do not sound entirely satisfied," Dany remarks.

"Power has its uses, but I do not relish the thought of one more voice screaming of old anguish, and in a manner foreign to the others besides..." he sighs. "It is good that you would think to gentle the wretched thing... a kingly deed. Alas that those are rarely easy."

"I do not rule Lys," you demure with a smile.

"Ha!" he half-coughs another cawing laugh. "You must have grown rusty since your days in in Braavos, your grace, for truly one would have to find a babe in arms to believe that."

"So how might I assure that I conquer something other than tumbled ruins and broken corpses?" you press.

"The ritual must be done in Lys, a Heart Tree grown from potent blood to bind with its roots the Unborn's power that dreams of blood and fire be stilled, and landwarden indeed it shall be, a mighty protector of the lands, the city. Perhaps in time it might even be shaped by the dreams of those who dwell therein."

Quest Gained: Grow level 3 Heart Tree in Lys and persuade the Unborn spirit to bond with it

"So it might spare me the use of an army in a few centuries," you jest with a shake of the head.

"How easily you speak of centuries, when I have not even seen two." There is no resentment in the ancient's voice, but not quite resignation either, more a sort of wistfulness that reminds you more of the Children's solemnity than the last of king Aegon's Great Bastards.

"Do you know aught else of Valyria and its history, its lore..." you begin in earnest, feeling a pang of loss that Lya is not with you that she may share your excitement.

This time the pause is far longer... as dead sits the Last Greenseer upon his throne for almost an hour through before he stirs once more, withered limbs shivering as though with great exertion. "I fear I cannot hand you all the pieces for those who speak loudest do not know and those who remember only whisper. Great was the Winged Fire in days of old, and far did they fly from their roosts. Even as their descendants came as far as Dragonstone and Driftmark to settle and to rule, so too did the wyrms of old hunt men and drive them before them as deer before a wolf-pack. So came men to the sunset shores flotsam upon the storm..."

"So it happened twice," Dany interjects. "The First Men and the Andals all fleeting the heirs of fire in the east. I'm surprised they do not resent us more..."

Bloodraven waves a hand vaguely to the roots that fill the chamber. "Gods do not think as men do," he answers. "Perhaps they do not see the pattern..."

"Or perhaps they know something we do not," your sister counters. "It would not do to... underestimate them." Something unspoken passed between the child and ancient magus.

Bloodraven gives no sign beyond perhaps the barest hint of a smile lost in the shadows, then he moves on. "Of the Doom and the days before it the Gods know nothing, for there were no Heart Trees in Valyria, and I only a little more from what I have studied in my youth, for I fear even in those years Essosi tomes were filled with the self-aggrandizement of petty magisters and those of Westeros with the pious ramblings of the Faith."

"What of Summerhall, then? You showed it to me, but not the whole of it," you remind him.

"You asked of your father's follies, not your great-grandfather's, and in truth it gladdened me to hear it. Too many have died with stone eggs clutched to their chests..." He sighs and looks into the distance, hearing no voices save those of memory you suspect.

"Yet now the world is changed and magic surges strong." You pause a moment then add softly. "I have faced wildfire and it did not consume me, yet I would not use the foul stuff unless there was no other way."

"Good!" the man upon the tangled throne declares. "It is no force of making, of transmutation, wherever those thrice damned fools with the temerity to call each other wise may say. It is a thing of pure destruction. But tell me, your grace, if you could hatch your twice stolen egg who would you give it to?" You have to admire the offhanded way in which he mentioned knowing of your acquiring of the egg and 'kidnapping ' of Valaena Velaryon.

What do you answer?

[] Write in

OOC: Devils, fey, Deep Ones, and wildfire disposal in the next update. Also don't read too much into Viserys' quip about it taking centuries for the 'tamed' genius loci to be useful, you will get your reward immediately if you manage it.
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What kind of sacrifices do we have in reserve currently? Just Birdbrain, right?

I wish we still had that Dogai.
We should bring Malays when we do the Lys ritual. Plan BigTree is a go!

Oh and I think Maelor looted a soul gem from the rakhasa of Myr. Though it is probably a good outsider or maegi.
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