I'm perfectly fine with bringing home a comfy rug to put before the fireplace in our keep.The question, however, is whether a Bear-man wants to hear the sound of the Dragon-man's voice. I don't think he does.
Of all the times for speechification, this really doesn't seem like one of them.
Technically we can take them very far south of the wall.@BeepSmile Visersy is preaching unity blatantly, and using children as an example of what should be protected.
Any anger that Elle or Harwood felt at the notion of wildlings being sent south of the wall, an offer we can't really make in the first place but posit as an example of what could be achieved, all in order to "protect the children", would dim in the face of the stark and honest truth: It's actually kind of a good idea.
I don't feel much empathy for this bear, so I can't say that I enjoy the idea of diplomancing it too much. Just shanking all the bitches left and going on our way to uncle seems best course of action, but whatever, bandwagoning it is.
[X] Crake
Or why don't we offer it food? Show that mankind does not consider a non-fighter weak since they work to supply food. Offer the bear the option to ally with the Night's Watch and it will never get hungry again.
That's bullshit @Duesal . He wasn't murdered in one round because there was no room to charge, and Ser Richard knows we like prisoners and found it more expedient to simply disarm him than batter him down, as he, unlike most of everything we fight, can be disarmed.Bronn fought a level 11 Ser Richard to a standstill while wielding no magical gear, and still would have killed Ser Richard if it weren't for that Valyrian Steel Armor
Anyone that is not us or ours, more or less.or he happens to be some kind of super prodigy that just gets XP from existing (is that even possible?)
This is dead wrong, @Wheel of time . This ain't 5E.
Why are you so agains it? It's conversely a waste to kill it.Take note that he isn't swearing off his culling completely, just leaving a few people out of it.
I doubt that a bear spirit will see reason.
And then we can't have recruits. Think it through.You will also swear to rescind your gift of power from any who break this edict.
Except he is a 8000+ year old spirit that the others have been irate enough with to torture every day, and he has survived every day of it.I'm strongly against offering the guy anything more then keeping his pelt. He isn't that strong or important in the grand scheme of things. He seemed pretty helpless against a flock of monsters that we turned into overcooked meat with a single spell.
Why you open the wounds in my heart so...
I have the feeling it's mostly the highlighted part you truly care about.That you dislike his argument doesn't mean he doesn't have a point. From his pov, he is helping. The people will be stronger and the enemy will be weaker at the same time, and he also fills his belly. Win-win-win.
We might also be assuming way too much in how it chooses and be completely mistaken.
More importantly, it has proven to be rational, if misguided, and both powerful and possessed with a deep enmity towards the Others. And it has a supremely useful power of making people werebears.
Diplomancing it is well, well worth it.
@TotallyNotEvil, I detest his pointless, aimless and plain stupid Social-Darwinism.
I would have taken Bob the Huecuva in a heartbeat, but this guy offends me on a very deep level.