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Thieves and Savages and Cutthroats the Night Watch and the Free Folk might be, but none can call them craven.A Time of Reckoning
Sixteenth Day of the Twelfth Month 292 AC
The world moves in fits and starts about you as you swing upon the threads of time as an acrobat upon a wire... one spell to unravel the enchantments of your foe and then twice you chain the Words of Change end on end. Alas the beast's will is bound too tight to its accursed form and will not take another at your bidding, not even as Dany adds her sorcery to yours, even as she dives behind behind Ser Richard, wings trailing light like a comet's wake, her wounds already mending.
Driven by wrath and hatred, all thoughts of sorcery forgotten, the beast dives after Dany howling and screeching, a flurry of a dozen limbs, true and false... and it is met with steel and fire. A blow from Oathkeeper, unfooled by the two seeming that keeps it from its advance, falling instead onto the snow with an almost human cry of pain and rage.
Dany Heals 22 Damage
From near the burning tree another arrow arches to pierce the pale hide, and a figure wielding an axe that had already tasted the blood of the creature's lesser brethren is raised high in defiance as the ranger races over the broken ground. Thieves and cutthroats the men of the Night's Watch may be, but this night one among them fulfills his oaths in full as steel bites into otherworldly flesh.
Seeing a foe weaker than the black-armored knight, the beast lashes out blindly seeking to rip and tear... to claim a heart. It lashes out with all its misshapen limbs until Harwood nearly lies broken upon the ground. Yet for every blow it strikes the fire you had conjured about all your company claims its toll: tainted flesh blackens and burns even as that of its fellows had done again and again. As he looks upon the ruin of his foe the brother of the Watch clings to his axe, and though his life's blood is nearly spilled upon the cold ground he raises the weapon high to strike another blow even as Oathkeeper swings around to cut the legs from under the beast.
Harwood takes 36 damage
Rather than strike at the thing's twisted body again you reach out for the mantle of dread that is yours to claim across the ages. Even a rabid beast might fear the shadow a dragon's wings. And so once more you speak the words of power and Dany again attempts tilts the scales in your favor.
As terror is sown, the time has come for reaping. The creature cowers before the blows that would surely slay it, blows that never come for Ser Richard knows this game well. At last Oathkeeper pummels the thing into the ground, broken but still alive, a fitting sacrifice to the gods whose chosen you have come seeking.
"Who are you... who call yourselves.... our foes yet strikes down the might of the Winterborn?" the words are as a rumbling growl, rage and wonder mixed together with an unearthly echo.
The figure that emerges from the cages is not a bear, nor quite a man, but something in between, armed not only with fang and claw but a pick of ancient polished bronze longer than a man is tall. Brown fur is marked with swirls of otherworldly blue. He stands upright near ten feet tall yet walks with grace that belies his great stature, and beneath fur and fang one can still see the lines of a man's skull. As to his eyes they belong to neither beast nor man, wholly filled with swirling white.
You hear Dany's voice in your ear, a whisper on a wind of power: "He is not just cursed but possessed by another's will."
What do you do?
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OOC: I know you guys voted for Richard to keep an eye on the cave, but he had a chance to keep Dany from getting hurt. It would have been out of character for him not to take it. As for Harwood, killing five Perytons has emboldened him to try for a sixth. I was half expecting this to end with his heart getting ripped out, but he is a lucky bastard. In fact his fire shield did the most damage to the bloodrager (70 points) out of anything. At this point most sane enemies would have tried to run or bargain, but this is a heart-eating raging monstrosity. Finally I decided to just have Viserys go for the will save since fortitude had proven so tough (and rightly so, it was +16).
To see a mystical being of Hate and Rage bear down upon them and fight without hesitation in response is worthy of respect, if nothing else.
On the subject of the Bear Spirit, I would ask what its intentions are and why it has been gathering soldiers.