We're probably going to have at least two or three updates to reach that point. There are werebears to deal with, getting Hardon sent off back to the Wall, and Elle back to her fellow savages. And then we have to do something with our new turtle, hopefully to prevent it from somehow leading the Others to Bloodraven's tree.
One thing I'm want to do is warn them that the horses will vanish after at least 12 hours (true, but a bit misleading), if not dispelled in some manner, and that the last thing anyone wants to be doing is riding a horse that dissapears out from them when travelling at high speed or in the air (we know Elle is going to take the opportunity to play on the horse when she makes it back), no reason to have her break her neck because she runs up against an unknown limitation to the spell.
Narg'zul the Fey Drake Eighth Day of the Sixth Month 291 AC
Where one might think to see scales the color of flame winding about its sinuous form, the creature has instead scales of iridescent purple that flows like and shimmers like water. Its eyes are poisonous blue and its wings flared, hinting by their color to the drake's fire-kissed nature. This particular Fey Drake was in service of a fey called the Bright One, tainted by the Abyss. It challenged you deep in the swamps of Braavos and fell to Ser Richard's sword, at the time a blade of naught but humble mortal steel.
Spirit Naga (CR 9) Sixth Day of the Third Month 292 AC
A woman's pale face, pale and fine-featured, with only the burning red eyes speaking of her tainted nature sitting grotesquely upon the body of a great serpent. You faced the Spirit Naga beneath the half-ruined settlement of He'Nekar, also called Lamentation, and managed to interrupt her in the midst of a demonic summoning ritual. She very nearly killed Lya with a Lightning Bolt, but in the end it was Lya who slew her, having come back from the brink of death unfazed, deadly magic at the ready.
Ulitharid (CR 13) Thirtieth Day of the Fifth Month 292 AC
Like some twisted godling begotten of a lost age of horror, the Deep One Magus regards you with a thoroughly unnerving countenance. A looming figure almost nine feet tall draped in fine robes of mauve silk to match its glistening skin, its nightmarish tentacled face impassive as it seems to observe you. You faced the Ulitharid in a small village in Crackclaw Point, having set up an ambush against the Deep Ones. They smelled the trap for what it was and came in force... and yet you prevailed. Though it nearly killed you, the Ulitharid was slain by you in single combat, having fallen to your fang and flame and potent magic, the dragon once more driving the Deep Ones back into the sea.
Mindflayer Wizard (CR 7) Twenty-Third Day of the Ninth Month 292 AC
The Deep One magus stares back at you, the twisted remnants of humanity bequeathed upon it by its victim serving only to highlight the horrific "face" alive with writhing tentacles. The Mindflayer Wizard infiltrated your kingdom and, in your absence, set your capital ablaze with wildfire. It had intended to use the distraction to whisk away Stannis Baratheon for its own foul plots, but your swift arrival put an end to that scheme, and it was subsequently captured, interrogated, and sacrificed to grow the Healing Tree in Sorcerer's Deep.
Cornugon (CR 16) Thirtieth Day of the Tenth Month 292 AC
Armored in the scales of a great serpent, winged like bat and crowned in black horns like those of a stag, the creature holds an awful majesty, almost the allure of twisted beauty in its blasphemy the forms of the mortal world. In his fist he holds a black chain which rattles like a living thing animated by malice alone... The Horned Devil is a champion of Hell's legions. You faced him in White Harbor as the result of a diabolical summoning ritual gone wild, the Harvester Devil who summoned him by accident fleeing in terror when he had no payment to give. With its enchanted spiked chain it wreaked havoc, coming close to killing you and your companions, but in the end Ser Richard managed to deal the finishing blow with Oathkeeper. This Cornugon was killed a second time on the Fourteenth Day of the Twelfth Month 293 AC when it was summoned to Prime Material to serve as a sacrifice... for its former sentient Spiked Chain as part of a ritual to upgrade the weapon to Valyrian Steel. Unlike the first battle, this fight was embarrassingly short, and the Cornugon's life essence claimed by his vengeful former weapon.
Two Fire Giants (CR 10) Twenty-Fourth Day of the Eleventh Month 292 AC
Hulking black armored forms bearing blades longer than a man is tall, fiery red eyes glare hatefully at you. Their hair is living flame, and their skin is smoky with veins like burning embers. The Fire Giants serve as guards for the Efreeti in the City of Brass and the Bazaar of Beggars. These two Fire Giants were slain by Tyene, Waymar, Garin, and Vee when they attempted to capture them to be sold into slavery as punishment for accidentally selling a cursed magic item.
Peryton (CR 4) Sixteenth Day of the Twelfth Month 292 AC
The bodies of stags they have but the talons and wings of hawks, the jaws of slavering wolves and antlers sharp upon their brows. Creatures of death and winter they are, in service to the Others, the enemies of all life. You fought these creatures in the Farthest North, a pack of them which having attacked in hopes of overwhelming you and your companions, and taken the Great Bear Spirit as their prize. You slew every last one and then sacrificed their Winterborn leader to the Old Gods.
Forge Fiend Second Day of the First Month 293 AC
A lumbering giant which seem crafted of blackened pig iron, its belly as forges split by leering hungry teeth that reveal the hellish flames burning within its bowels spewing molten ore and brimstone over its foes. Dozens of such giants fought the Shaitan in an ambush at the behest of the Nameless One in service to the Brazen Throne. You intervened and aided the Shaitan, and learned that even such Forge Fiends could not withstand your flames.
Green Abishai (CR 6) Eighteenth Day of the First Month 293 AC
Fearsome, equipped with wings and a tail, and horns, this is a Green Abishai, once a sorcerer thrall to Tiamat. Your companions (Vee, Malarys, Maelor, and Waymar to be precise) killed this herald of Tiamat almost in passing in the ruins of Sallosh whilst on their way to deadlier more important foes.
Velroc (CR 12) Third Day of the Twelfth Month 292 AC
Slick blue-black scales and a whipping tail ending in sharp spines of bone... The creature stands upright on two thick hind legs, a pair of leathery wings stretched from side to side. Its sleek body and slender neck resemble that of a true dragon, though its head seems more like that of a hawk or falcon. Occasional sparks of magical energy drift off the creature's body, settling to the ground or winking out of existence as quickly as their appeared. The Velroc was once one of the Sleepers of Essaria, but he foolishly accepted Tiamat's bargain and took on the form of a lesser dragonkind. He fought you and Ser Richard and was summarily beaten down, his corpse taken as a prize. One of his ribs was forged into a Dragonbone Bow and bestowed unto Theon Greyjoy, but the rest of the body was possessed by Amrelath the Accursed until a newer and living form was built for him.
Aspect of Tiamat (CR 13) Third Day of the Twelfth Month 292 AC
A nightmarish vision of hatred, rage and unknowable malice. Five heads, their colors vivid and deadly, all glaring in venomous fury. The Aspect of Tiamat was faced in the ruins of Essaria where she and the Golden Company sought to claim the powers of the slumbering clerics of Balerion. The plot was discovered and Aspect and the Golden Company regiment were slain for the attempt.
Marble Statues:
The Bright One Seventeenth Day of the Sixth Month 291 AC
A body seemingly poured of bronze bound in vines of purest gold, atop which rests an eyeless helm shining like the sun about which whirl half-dozen golden daggers. Two wings of purest flame spread out from his shoulders, carelessly setting small fires throughout the room. The Bright One indeed. He was an Abyss-tainted fey powerful enough to rule his own court and even have a Fey Drake as a vassal. He came to Braavos seeking to take the city as his own through the guise of posing as Uthero the Elder, but he quickly realized that you had the power and inclination to oppose him. His demise came when you entered the Uthero manse seeking to return the "man's" wayward son who you rescued from the swamps (but who had actually been sent to die by the Bright One) and the Bright One mistakenly concluded that he had been discovered. He managed to curse you with blindness, but in the end he fell to Ser Richard's sword, at the time a blade of mere mortal steel.
Adult Nightmare Dragon (CR 10) Twenty-First Day of the Second Month 292 AC
Tattered wings frame a great scaled bulk, back as pitch and red as blood... frills and horns jut out from it at unnatural angles and from its wedge shaped head two pairs of calculating yellow eyes peer at you. You faced the Adult Nightmare Dragon in the Dreamlands of Volantis as you quested to find clues of Ymeri's influence. You challenged the dragon to a fight, a duel of dingle combat, ignorant of its true nature. By all rights you should have died, yet against all odds you won, paralyzing the dragon with a dreamcasting of Shivering Touch in a desperate but exceedingly clever gambit. The Nightmare Dragon was then sacrificed to Tiamat in exchange for a Wish Gem.
Rass'nar the Mallor, Herald of Abraxas (CR 12) Eleventh Day of the Third Month 292 AC
An enormous glistening serpentine fiend rearing up six feet above the ground, his scales patterned like a great coral snake's... Rass'nar, Herald of Abraxas, carried a spear of gold and wore golden armor in some twisted mockery of the generals of Valyria that was. You fought him alongside the Archons in the streets of Mantarys before the Tower of Convocations. He very nearly killed you and your companions, but in the end after a desperate battle he was laid low and sacrificed, and now the formerly dying serpent god Yss has taken his body as his own and dwells within the mortal world, having consumed Rass'nar's very soul.
Vrock (CR 9) Tenth Day of the Third Month 292 AC
An abominable conjoining of bird and man, feathers tinted noxious-vivid colors. This profane champion of the Abyss was a demon you first encountered at the gates of Mantarys, then known as the City of Monsters. Upon further conversation, guarded as it was, you brokered a tenuous alliance with the Vrock. It wished to be free of the Listener, and you couldn't afford to be picky about your help. When the time for battle came, the Vrock led its Hala Demons against the other fiends of Mantarys... but immediately turned on you when the Mallor was laid low, predictably throwing away your alliance the moment it became convenient. You forced it to flee. Then you encountered it again while transporting the Little Valyrians to Sorcerer's Deep, it having been summoned by a demon caller attacking some Sarnori tradesmen. It was subsequently captured by Lya's Smoky Confinement, then sacrificed to the Old Gods to grow the Tree of Peace and Plenty in Lys. And then he was summoned and sacrificed to the Old Gods again as part of the ritual to grow the great Tree of the Dawn Age in Sorcerer's Deep.
Aboleth Wizard Seventeenth Day of the Seventh Month 292 AC
A hideous glistening tentacled monstrosity, the Aboleth are an ancient race of aberrations predating even the gods. This particular Aboleth was a wizard, a leader among the Deep Ones placed in command of one of their undersea fortresses. You infiltrated that very fortress by slipping in through a portal through the Elemental Plane of Fire, and then proceeded to rupture the portal and cause a cataclysmic eruption that destroyed everything within several miles. The Aboleth tried to confront you, but it was too slow to stop you from escaping the destruction... and too slow to secure its own escape.
Young Adult Frost Dragon (CR 12) Twentieth Day of the Twelfth Month 292 AC
The Dragon is not merely white of scale, it is wrought of purest ice as though carved from some ancient glacier. Its thousands of scales shimmer in the light, from pale blue to frigid green to crystalline white, its form lithe and graceful in the air. Its eyes belie its deceptive beauty: blacker than night they are, an emptiness that is more than darkness, a hunger without end. The Frost Dragons are creatures of death and oblivion, once upon a time Tiamat's White Dragons, but now twisted into a far different form and seeking to end all life. This Frost Dragon was sent after you by the Others, its masters, as a countermove to the Old Gods bringing Rhaella Targaryen back to life. Its breath was meant to erase your very existence from the world... but fortunately it could not withstand your fire.
Dark Djinn (CR 13) Fourth Day of the First Month 293 AC
A twisted figure shrouded by foul miasmas, the djinn has the upper body and head of a man trailing into mist bellow the waist, but there all similarity to the noble lords of air ends. His skin is black as polished dragonstone and the mist that marks him is dark smoke and unclean miasmas. Upon his head two sets of horns rest, the first sharp and swept back like an Efreeti's, the second curving to either side of his head like those of a great bull. In his clawed hand he holds a charred and blackened staff... the mark of a sorcerer. The Nameless One was a servant of the Grand Sultan of the City of Brass and, seeking to earn favor, placed a deathly curse upon Embra, a princess among the Djinn. He fought you after you travelled with the heiress of House Ajhar to the Opaline Vault, seeking the slumbering princess being escorted there. In the ensuing battle, Waymar managed to send a powerful bolt of lightning through his heart, slaying him once and for all.
Spellwarped Hezrou (CR 13) Seventeenth Day of the First Month 293 AC
A boated frog-like abomination, gashes in its armored hide revealing themselves to be lipless mouths, black tongues lolling listlessly and dripping foulness. A crown of eyes surrounds its head... horribly each one is the lilac of Valyria's heirs. It is clear this is no normal Hezrou. You fought the spellwarped Hezrou deep in the catacombs of Sallosh in your pursuit of a wayward sleeper of Essaria turned Cleric of Tiamat. It had been set to lay in wait and ambush you atop the sole bridge over an underground river. In the following fight you discovered, to your dismay, that it ate magic, but in the end, through the might of you and your companions, the thing fell. You slew the Hezrou yourself, driving Dark Sister straight through whatever passed for its heart. It is good that you did not recover the body, for it would have filled the entire trophy room with its vile stench.
N'grazit the Babau Champion (CR 12) Seventeenth Day of the First Month 293 AC
A misshapen figure, a leering one-horned fiend forever dripping with the blood of its victims, a demon of murder, though the wicked toothed blade it raises above its head and armor of black dragon-scale marks it as a champion among its wretched kind. The Babau Champion was a guardian bound to the Cleric of Tiamat you faced beneath the ruins of Sallosh. It had conspired to see you kill the cleric so it would be free to sow havoc in the world, but you realized what it intended. Robbed of its chance at freedom, it wounded you gravely with its toothed blade. And yet for all that you still toyed with it, parrying its attacks with spells and steel alike, allowing Waymar and Ser Richard to obliterate it after the cleric had been knocked unconscious.
You don't want crafting materials and dragonbone bows out of the Velroc? And also armor from its hide?
... Granted, we could harvest everything we need, then use Make Whole to restore the corpse for displaying purposes. DP might let us get away with that.
The world moves in fits and starts about you as you swing upon the threads of time as an acrobat upon a wire... one spell to unravel the enchantments of your foe and then twice you chain the Words of Change end on end. Alas the beast's will is bound too tight to its accursed form and will not take another at your bidding, not even as Dany adds her sorcery to yours, even as she dives behind behind Ser Richard, wings trailing light like a comet's wake, her wounds already mending.
Driven by wrath and hatred, all thoughts of sorcery forgotten, the beast dives after Dany howling and screeching, a flurry of a dozen limbs, true and false... and it is met with steel and fire. A blow from Oathkeeper, unfooled by the two seeming that keeps it from its advance, falling instead onto the snow with an almost human cry of pain and rage.
Dany Heals 22 Damage
From near the burning tree another arrow arches to pierce the pale hide, and a figure wielding an axe that had already tasted the blood of the creature's lesser brethren is raised high in defiance as the ranger races over the broken ground. Thieves and cutthroats the men of the Night's Watch may be, but this night one among them fulfills his oaths in full as steel bites into otherworldly flesh.
Seeing a foe weaker than the black-armored knight, the beast lashes out blindly seeking to rip and tear... to claim a heart. It lashes out with all its misshapen limbs until Harwood nearly lies broken upon the ground. Yet for every blow it strikes the fire you had conjured about all your company claims its toll: tainted flesh blackens and burns even as that of its fellows had done again and again. As he looks upon the ruin of his foe the brother of the Watch clings to his axe, and though his life's blood is nearly spilled upon the cold ground he raises the weapon high to strike another blow even as Oathkeeper swings around to cut the legs from under the beast. Harwood takes 36 damage
Rather than strike at the thing's twisted body again you reach out for the mantle of dread that is yours to claim across the ages. Even a rabid beast might fear the shadow a dragon's wings. And so once more you speak the words of power and Dany again attempts tilts the scales in your favor.
As terror is sown, the time has come for reaping. The creature cowers before the blows that would surely slay it, blows that never come for Ser Richard knows this game well. At last Oathkeeper pummels the thing into the ground, broken but still alive, a fitting sacrifice to the gods whose chosen you have come seeking.
"Who are you... who call yourselves.... our foes yet strikes down the might of the Winterborn?" the words are as a rumbling growl, rage and wonder mixed together with an unearthly echo.
The figure that emerges from the caves is not a bear, nor quite a man, but something in between, armed not only with fang and claw but a pick of ancient polished bronze longer than a man is tall. Brown fur is marked with swirls of otherworldly blue. He stands upright near ten feet tall yet walks with grace that belies his great stature, and beneath fur and fang one can still see the lines of a man's skull. As to his eyes they belong to neither beast nor man, wholly filled with swirling white.
You hear Dany's voice in your ear, a whisper on a wind of power: "He is not just cursed but possessed by another's will."
What do you do?
[] Write in
OOC: I know you guys voted for Richard to keep an eye on the cave, but he had a chance to keep Dany from getting hurt. It would have been out of character for him not to take it. As for Harwood, killing five Perytons emboldened him to try for a sixth. I was half expecting this to end with his heart getting ripped out, but he is a lucky bastard. In fact his fire shield did the most damage to the bloodrager (70 points) out of anything. At this point most sane enemies would have tried to run or bargain, but this is a heart-eating raging monstrosity. Finally I decided to just have Viserys go for the will save since fortitude had proven so tough (and rightly so, it was +16).
For the Cornugon we should make something for Sir Richard from it if we still can seeing how he slew a champoin of the Nine Hells. A badass feat if there ever was and does this Quest have a TV Tropes page?
For the Cornugon we should make something for Sir Richard from it if we still can seeing how he slew a champoin of the Nine Hells. A badass feat if there ever was and does this Quest have a TV Tropes page?
Unfortunately we can't. All of the Cornugon's treasure value went into making Dany's Horn of the Twice Fallen for her birthday. If I hadn't asked DP to let us stuff and mount the remaining corpse it would have just been thrown away.
We really should make more use of True Casting and Spell Vulnerability to overcome
SR on the next spell regardless of how many targets and on the targeted creature regardless of attackers at 3 and 1 spell levels cheaper for an equivalent and greater bonus respectively than Assay Spell Resistance.
ASR is still great for single powerful bosses we plan to 1v1.
So too bad we cant bring all the (Made Whole) corpses to take wing grafts from. That would be 5 sets of wings able to carry medium sized creatures, atleast we can defeather them for a really nice shoulder plumage cloak.
Edit: Added benefit of pissing of Robert seeinf as Voserys is probably a better / more experinced hunter.