To put it another way they are fine with people killing animals for them. They just do not hand out magic powers for it.
This is what I wanted to know.

The basic idea for humbling would involve laying out all the hypocrisy of the Seven, from the lies they spread about sorcery and the nature of the Old Gods, the treachery when they arrived on Westeros, the murder they perpetrated during the conquest, the desecration of holy sites of the Old Gods faith, the betrayal of the First Men who converted to Seven worship and how many of them were forced to convert at sword point.

After the population is properly shamed we would perform mass sacrifices in honor of the Old Gods, hence sacrificing animals for the most part, to ask for forgiveness of the Seven transgression. Later we would institute holidays with similar sacrifices that are communal in nature, extra points if we have Green Men that were former Clerics or Paladins of the Seven performing the sacrifices.

Basically give the Seven a gigantic middle finger as a large chunk of the population engages in open apostasy and the Seven can't do much about it least they lose the last bastion of their faith in the world.
This is what I wanted to know.

The basic idea for humbling would involve laying out all the hypocrisy of the Seven, from the lies they spread about sorcery and the nature of the Old Gods, the treachery when they arrived on Westeros, the murder they perpetrated during the conquest, the desecration of holy sites of the Old Gods faith, the betrayal of the First Men who converted to Seven worship and how many of them were forced to convert at sword point.

After the population is properly shamed we would perform mass sacrifices in honor of the Old Gods, hence sacrificing animals for the most part, to ask for forgiveness of the Seven transgression. Later we would institute holidays with similar sacrifices that are communal in nature, extra points if we have Green Men that were former Clerics or Paladins of the Seven performing the sacrifices.

Basically give the Seven a gigantic middle finger as a large chunk of the population engages in open apostasy and the Seven can't do much about it least they lose the last bastion of their faith in the world.

That might have been feasible if the Seven stayed passive, but they are now actively empowering their faithful and sending them out to do good deeds and such.
Add into the fact that sacrificing non sentients to the Old Gods doesn't actually do anything, a lot of people wouldn't go for it.

Plus, it would make Yss mad, because we're wasting sacrifices that will have no effect on Gods who don't really want them.

As an alternative plan, we should totally start spreading worship of Yss the Living God, he who justly rewards every sacrifice, who does not discriminate, who is fair in all things.
Best God needs a little more love, you know?
[X] Set off to find the crab men
-[X] With a guide

We need a guide or else we will get lost like when we were in the swamp.

Also be good to have at least one of them see magic up close and relatively safe.
[X] Set off to find the crab men
-[X] With a guide

We need a guide to avoid any mishaps in navigation, but we can't bring guards because 1) They'd only really be worth protecting our guide, and would become a liability if things got hairy. Especially in the aftermath where they need to head back but we need to stay North of the wall. In the worst case scenario, if sending him back on a phantom steed would be too dangerous, teleporting one person is a diversion that would take moments. We can't do that with a full expedition. Edit: Also... we can't teleport. Keep forgetting that. But that's even worse for a full ranging.
[X] Set off to find the crab men
-[X] With a guide

We need a guide to avoid any mishaps in navigation, but we can't bring guards because 1) They'd only really be worth protecting our guide, and would become a liability if things got hairy. Especially in the aftermath where they need to head back but we need to stay North of the wall. In the worst case scenario, if sending him back on a phantom steed would be too dangerous, teleporting one person is a diversion that would take moments. We can't do that with a full expedition.
We also can't teleport at all North of the Wall, so if we can't send him back by steed than the guide is fucked anyways. :V

Regardless, any threat that would require his retreat is also one that would be focusing on not getting fucked by us, and thus the Guide should be able to retreat if necessary.
[X] Set off to find the crab men
-[X] With a guide

We need a guide to avoid any mishaps in navigation, but we can't bring guards because 1) They'd only really be worth protecting our guide, and would become a liability if things got hairy. Especially in the aftermath where they need to head back but we need to stay North of the wall. In the worst case scenario, if sending him back on a phantom steed would be too dangerous, teleporting one person is a diversion that would take moments. We can't do that with a full expedition.
Meh. If our Phantom Steeds are good for 760 miles then we can pretty easily send the guide back on his own. If he's nervous about running into anything while alone he can just ride on the sea right on the shallows so things from the Deep don't snatch him and things from the Mainland don't get him, and go all the way until he sees Eastwatch. If teleporting was possible we'd do that, but Builder's Anchor.
You know, that festival coming up in SD? Why don't we decorate the Godswoods with red cloth ribbons to commemorate the events?

I like this idea, maybe serve giant squid as the main course too, hehe.

Also, divine how many children will be in SD during the celebration. Then fabricate tiny wooden toys, perfect replicas of a red* dragon or something.

*Whatever do you mean the dragon wasn't red, surely it must have been a strange shine reflected of off the sea.
[X] Set off to find the crab men
-[X]With a guide and guards

Although they aren't even slightly nessesary, we should use this as an opportunity to begin building a rapport with both the nights watch and the wildlings. I'm assuming we're going to want to bring them south of the wall before they get turned into zombies, and we're going to need to get some serious cred with the nights watch before they let that pass. Admittedly, our absurd diplomancer skills should help a great deal with that, but it's still something we should start on sooner rather than later.
I'm just highly paranoid. Rhaegar went from scholar to believing in some harebrained prophecy vaguely connected with messianic tropes, even though the people who even bothered to facilitate the arranged marriage between his parents due to a prophecy were long since dead and buried/and or missing.

You don't just pick up a random book and 180 change your world view. I would be viciously angered if someone caused the rebellion via dominos falling methods and butterfly effects because of some bullshit prophecy just needing to happen.

Just catching up and please correct me if I'm wrong... but I think you need to get angry because a version of that actually happened :whistle:. The whole Three headed dragon (Ah! Like the Targ Banner! Really? :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:) prophecy bullshit that cooked Rhaegar's brain can be traced directly to some old hag/wood's witch which was part of Jenny of Oldstones' 'entourage' (as far as any smallfolk peasant woman can have an entourage). Now, why would any Westerosi Lord or Lady pay heed to the inane babbling's of these old hags (as it happened with several Targs who internalized her rantings either directly from the her or through the annotations of some useful idiot maester (like Rhaegar), or indeed Cercei and her valonquar nonsense (different hag)) eludes me, but its apparently a thing.

Best part? Her ghost is haunting some woods or ruin or somesuch in the Riverlands. Arya actually meets her in canon!

At least I think this is how it goes, that wikicrawl was a while ago. She will have some explaining to do when we meet her, though she'll probably be high levelled as fuck given that she was a bona fide ghost in ASOIAF canon.
Actually, here's a thing; why not ask the command/maeaster to think of a list (that we write down) of the things that he feels his keep needs in particular, and the night's watch in general, apart from funding ;)

What are the kind of things they would spend funding on, and on top of that, what are the things that they want. And no, we can't provide brothels (unless we think that that joke would sully their oaths or such).

I mean, if we promise to support the night's watch, might as well take the first step to doing so effectively, and gives us extra diplomacy points with one of the commanders, for whatever that's worth.

It'll make us look like we consider stuff in advance and seek counsel - which we do, but he doesn't know that, and that means that when we advise he do something, he's more likely to do it. And I imagine that when we talk to Mormont he's gonna immediately wannt chat to this dude.
Actually, here's a thing; why not ask the command/maeaster to think of a list (that we write down) of the things that he feels his keep needs in particular, and the night's watch in general, apart from funding ;)
These are great questions, but questions I'd more trust Aemon with rather than the drunk maester in Eastwatch.
Most of the guttersnipes, thieves, rapists and murderers would find any joke funny. Humor is in short supply in the far north. The knights, nobles, etc. who were sent there by sword point or went willingly to swear their oaths would be less amused. One half because they would think you're rubbing salt in the wound, the other half because they'd think you were insulting them and making light of their oaths.

Unfortunately, most of the nobles/knights are in positions of command or authority, so making that joke would offend all the people you're trying to impress.
So, I've read up on settlement rules in Pathfinder and am kind of impressed.
Now, the question that troubles my mind is - what exactly are we going for in Sorcerer's Deep?
All the rebuilding going on gives me some clues to what qualities it'll get, and I have a few ideas of what some people on thread will push for, but I can't quite remember if there ever was any sort of plan for that...

Sorry for a wall of text without spoilers, for some reason my phone just does not allow to use this feature of SV. Literally, the button does nothing.

Broad Minded
The citizens are open, friendly, and tolerant, and react positively towards visitors.
Increase Lore +1, Society +1.

This one just seems to be slowly coming into being by itself, what with people in SD being totally fine with all and any weird shit walking streets, especially in comparison to other places on Planetos.

The settlement possesses a school, training facility, or university of great renown.
Increaese Lore +1. Increase spellcasting by 1 level.
People were pushing for schools being made, so again, in comparison to other cities...

Famed Breeders
The settlement is known for the excellent quality of the animals bred there, from the mundane (horses, mules, cattle, pigs) to the exotic (talking tigers, Pegasai, griffons). People come from far and wide to purchase livestock, draft animals, mounts and animal companions.
Increase Economy +1. Increase Base Value and Base Purchase Limit by +20% when dealing with mounts and associated gear. Characters can purchase mounts or live stock in the settlement at a +10% discount.

Let's be honest on this one, everybody see that magebred beasts, gryphon/hyppogryph riders and our sole Iron bull are just vanity projects, but daymn, aren't they awesome ones. And our menagerie isn't ready yet :(

Financial Center
Special Restriction Non-chaotic communities only
This settlement is home to powerful banks, mints, trading houses, currency exchanges and other powerful financial and mercantile organizations.
Increase Economy +2, Law +1. Increase Base Value and Purchase Limit by +40%.

That's an easy one. Totally is going to happen once it's a seat of our empire, kind of on it's way there already with Iron Bank making moves as is per our agreement. And city's alignment will likely change from chaotic at some point. I think. Maybe.

Good Roads
The settlement has an extensive road network. These roads are well-maintained and allow for quick movement of troops and merchandise.
Increase Economy +2.

...This one is happening, right? The whole Lyre-playing-friendly-abomination action has that in it's plans on city's restructurisation? 'Cause that's both an easy and an (in comparison, again, to other cities) awesome one.

Legendary Marketplace
The settlement is justly famed for its markets: almost anything may be for sale here! The settlement's Base Value and Purchase Limits are treated as if the settlement was one size category larger. In the case of a Metropolis with the Legendary Marketplace quality, double the settlement's Base Value and Purchase Limit.
Increase Economy +2, Crime +2.

...One day~...

The settlement is known for its dramatic, sweeping architecture, monumental statuary and is built to a scale alien to most Medium size humanoids. Perhaps the settlement was once a domain of giants, or simply a human metropolis hewn to an epic scale for the sake of grandeur.
Increase spellcasting by +1 level. Add +1d8 to the number of the most expensive category of magic items the settlement offers for sale, as determined by its size.

Again, I presume that that's something that is planned for rebuilding the city, even the blocks-ready-to-lego (which as far as I remember where decided to be used), can be used to make a one hell of a majestic building. Lots of examples were posted when that was discussed...

Planar Crossroads
Natural or artificial planar gates near the settlement make it a cross-roads for planar travel. Creatures from across the multiverse, both malevolent and benign, can be found here, as can their artifacts.
Increase Crime +3, Economy +2, Danger +20. Increase spellcasting by two levels, and the Base Purchase Limit by +25%. In addition, the Planar Crossroads settlement is the point of origin for many breed of monstrous player characters. Reduce the ECL of any monstrous player race if that race has its origin in this settlement, making heroic versions of these creatures more common in the region.

While not exactly this, but a more controlled version is something many on thread dream of, I'm sure.

Planned Community
Special Restriction Lawful communities only
The community's design was determined in advance, every detail planned out before the first keystone was laid. Streets are wide, straight and laid out on an orderly grid, neighborhoods and districts are segregated by purpose, as are the living quarters of the city's inhabitants.
Decrease Crime -1, Society -1. Increase Economy +1.

With all the rebuilding going on - a solid "maybe?" the alignment restriction doesn't make much sense to me to be honest.

Well Educated
The settlement's inhabitants are incredibly well educated and known for their sharp wits.
Increase Lore +1, Society +1.

Let's hope, brothers in salt, let's hope that one day we may bring Planetos into civilised mindset, even if kicking and screaming.
If they are sapient an/or have magic powers they are indeed and exception.
i am hoping that the children of the forest are starting to recover their numbers
it be funny if we see them being driven nuts by the joys of parenthood

also i hope we can do something to help the giants

also also we have many islands that are empty and don't mind take with us any of the more peaceful wildings
[X] Set off to find the crab men
-[X] With a guide
-[X] Before you go, ask the Maester which supplies the Night's Watch is most in need of. This isn't going to end in a huge oath of aid, that's happening Castle Black in front of the Lord Commander not here in Eastwatch, but this should give us better perspective on the state of the Night's Watch. And it fits in with our image we're building since we just gave them 200 IM, so asking about this stuff will make them correctly hope for future assistance.
-[X] Ask the Maester and the Fort Commander of any rumors they've heard of Beyond the Wall and of Westeros and Essos. This includes rumors of you and your kingdom.

@Raichu1972 @Azel @Sqweaktoy @Massgamer @Crake @egoo @Helo89 @LonelyWolf999 @BeepSmile can I convince you guys to switch to this vote? This should all take maybe an extra 20 minutes at most, and it's all pretty valuable intel. And the best part is that these guys are basically already diplomanced, so they'll be happy to tell us everything they know.
[X] Set off to find the crab men
-[X] With a guide
-[X] Before you go, ask the Maester which supplies the Night's Watch is most in need of. This isn't going to end in a huge oath of aid, that's happening Castle Black in front of the Lord Commander not here in Eastwatch, but this should give us better perspective on the state of the Night's Watch. And it fits in with our image we're building since we just gave them 200 IM, so asking about this stuff will make them correctly hope for future assistance.
-[X] Ask the Maester and the Fort Commander of any rumors they've heard of Beyond the Wall and of Westeros and Essos. This includes rumors of you and your kingdom.