So, I've read up on settlement rules in Pathfinder and am kind of impressed.
Now, the question that troubles my mind is - what exactly are we going for in Sorcerer's Deep?
All the rebuilding going on gives me some clues to what qualities it'll get, and I have a few ideas of what
some people on thread will push for, but I can't quite remember if there ever was any sort of plan for that...
Sorry for a wall of text without spoilers, for some reason my phone just does not allow to use this feature of SV. Literally, the button does nothing.
Broad Minded
The citizens are open, friendly, and tolerant, and react positively towards visitors.
Increase Lore +1, Society +1.
This one just seems to be slowly coming into being by itself, what with people in SD being totally fine with all and any weird shit walking streets, especially in comparison to other places on Planetos.
The settlement possesses a school, training facility, or university of great renown.
Increaese Lore +1. Increase spellcasting by 1 level.
People were pushing for schools being made, so again, in comparison to other cities...
Famed Breeders
The settlement is known for the excellent quality of the animals bred there, from the mundane (horses, mules, cattle, pigs) to the exotic (talking
tigers, Pegasai,
griffons). People come from far and wide to purchase livestock, draft
animals, mounts and
animal companions.
Increase Economy +1. Increase Base Value and Base Purchase Limit by +20% when dealing with mounts and associated gear. Characters can purchase mounts or live stock in the settlement at a +10% discount.
Let's be honest on this one, everybody see that magebred beasts, gryphon/hyppogryph riders and our sole Iron bull are just vanity projects, but daymn, aren't they awesome ones. And our menagerie isn't ready yet
Financial Center
Special Restriction Non-chaotic communities only
This settlement is home to powerful banks, mints, trading houses, currency exchanges and other powerful financial and mercantile organizations.
Increase Economy +2, Law +1. Increase Base Value and Purchase Limit by +40%.
That's an easy one. Totally is going to happen once it's a seat of our empire, kind of on it's way there already with Iron Bank making moves as is per our agreement. And city's alignment will likely change from chaotic at some point. I think. Maybe.
Good Roads
The settlement has an extensive road network. These roads are well-maintained and allow for quick movement of troops and merchandise.
Increase Economy +2.
...This one is happening, right? The whole Lyre-playing-friendly-abomination action has that in it's plans on city's restructurisation? 'Cause that's both an easy and an (in comparison, again, to other cities) awesome one.
Legendary Marketplace
The settlement is justly famed for its markets: almost anything may be for sale here! The settlement's Base Value and Purchase Limits are treated as if the settlement was one size category larger. In the case of a Metropolis with the Legendary Marketplace quality, double the settlement's Base Value and Purchase Limit.
Increase Economy +2, Crime +2.
...One day~...
The settlement is known for its dramatic, sweeping architecture, monumental statuary and is built to a scale alien to most Medium size
humanoids. Perhaps the settlement was once a domain of
giants, or simply a
human metropolis hewn to an epic scale for the sake of grandeur.
Increase spellcasting by +1 level. Add +1d8 to the number of the most expensive category of magic items the settlement offers for sale, as determined by its size.
Again, I presume that that's something that is planned for rebuilding the city, even the blocks-ready-to-lego (which as far as I remember where decided to be used), can be used to make a one hell of a majestic building. Lots of examples were posted when that was discussed...
Planar Crossroads
Natural or artificial planar gates near the settlement make it a cross-roads for planar travel. Creatures from across the multiverse, both malevolent and benign, can be found here, as can their artifacts.
Increase Crime +3, Economy +2, Danger +20. Increase spellcasting by two levels, and the Base Purchase Limit by +25%. In addition, the Planar Crossroads settlement is the point of origin for many breed of monstrous player characters. Reduce the ECL of any monstrous player race if that race has its origin in this settlement, making heroic versions of these creatures more common in the region.
While not exactly this, but a more controlled version is something many on thread dream of, I'm sure.
Planned Community
Special Restriction Lawful communities only
The community's design was determined in advance, every detail planned out before the first keystone was laid. Streets are wide, straight and laid out on an orderly grid, neighborhoods and districts are segregated by purpose, as are the living quarters of the city's inhabitants.
Decrease Crime -1, Society -1. Increase Economy +1.
With all the rebuilding going on - a solid "
maybe?" the alignment restriction doesn't make much sense to me to be honest.
Well Educated
The settlement's inhabitants are incredibly well educated and known for their sharp wits.
Increase Lore +1, Society +1.
Let's hope, brothers in salt, let's hope that one day we may bring Planetos into civilised mindset, even if kicking and screaming.