Alright, the Arcanum isn't going to be a full memory clone, so most of my problem with it is gone. Although it's pretty annoying that Evil and Negative Arcanums have suddenly become a problem.
Part MDCII: Strange Arrivals
Strange Arrivals

Fourteenth Day of the Twelfth Month 292 AC

It is with no small amount of relief that you greet the news that a Dornish ship had been spotted approaching the harbor giving you something to think about besides Lya's... project. Even by your admittedly flexible standards it is no small thing to see a stranger wear your love's face, much less to know that on some level she has experienced everything Lya has. Though you can at least be thankful of that fact that Mercy seems more interested in exploring the town, often as little more than a cloud of air and light than in keeping to anything like Lya's routines, there is a small part of you that feels like you are betraying Mercy by not being near her when she is faced with such change... and yet another that considers such thoughts a betrayal of Lya.

"You should stop glaring at the floor like that, you might melt it one day," Tyene hails you as you reach the keep's entrance hall.

"Happy to see your father?" You try to keep yet another worry from your voice.

"Yes and no. I'm not going to go with him on this particular dervish hunt," she answers your questions spoken and unspoken.

"You think he won't find anything?" you ask.

"On the contrary, I think he will find plenty: fever-haunted ruins, cursed treasures, and the restless dead." She shakes her head. "This whole notion seems like too much risk for too little gain, especially with the Volantines sniffing around the Sorrows and and disturbing who the hell knows what."

"So you feel he can handle all of that?" The last thing you would wish to do is offer protection to the Red Viper's schemes, but if Tyene asks it of you...

"I can't go, much less you," she answers sounding frustrated. "I have not been subtle about my presence here, nor really my allegiance to your cause. If I coincidentally vanish just as an expedition heading to the Rhoyne passes through... well, it will not quite as blatant as flying the three-headed dragon from the highest tower in Sunspear, but it will be quite damning to anyone with the eyes to see and the ears to hear. We have three spies in town that we know of."

"A few fist-fulls of attuned sand would hardly be remarked upon, though," you answer after a moment.

"Thank you," she smiles. "I wish he would just give up on the notion, but..." she hesitates a long moment. "It fees hypocritical of me to argue that given all the madness we've found ourselves tangled in."

As the two of you approach the harbor side by side, you ponder what you might be able to spare either as a gift or as wares to aid Oberyn in his search. There is also something to be said for warning him of the dangers ahead, if not to turn him back then at least to ensure he does not become tangled in Zherys' webs.

What advice and other aid do you offer Oberyn?

[] Write in

OOC: As you can see Viserys shares in some of the thread's disquiet, but he is also busy with other things, like a certain Viper.
Alright, the Arcanum isn't going to be a full memory clone, so most of my problem with it is gone. Although it's pretty annoying that Evil and Negative Arcanums have suddenly become a problem.
They will never be a problem, per se, as they are hardwired to never go against Lya and thus us.

Evil Negative Arcanum will likely be a selfish asshole who won't be content just doing grunt work for us or whatever, but they would still do it.

The only real problem with it is the moral one, and making a being out of pure outsider Evil and negative energy doesn't seem like a very moral decision in the first place. :V
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Alright, the Arcanum isn't going to be a full memory clone, so most of my problem with it is gone. Although it's pretty annoying that Evil and Negative Arcanums have suddenly become a problem.

You act like I haven't always had serious trepidation about evil Lya. The idea on the face of it should be terrifying, and if it isn't, I question your sanity :V. I mean, if any arcanum would have both the impetus and ability to figure out how to no longer be loyal to Lya, it would be evil researcher Lya.

As for our favorite viper...

We should clearly explain the cold war between us and Zherys, warn him not to sign any contracts since they have a devil possessed astrologer among their ranks, but point out they are the local power and already intent on looting the sorrows, so..."cooperation" of some sort still makes sense. Warn that we don't know if magic can cure greyscale, and offer to commission him some basic equipment (PfE amulet, healing belt, a magic spear, maybe mithral armor?).

The mithral armor might be the best pick actually, to see him not infected with greyscale.
[X] Things to help Oberyn
-[X] Can commission or buy from us and our mage smiths
--[X] Amulets of PfE
--[X] +2 Gloves of Dexterity (Oberyn and Nymeria only)
--[X] +2 Belt of Strength (Oberyn and Nymeria only)
---[X] Possible +2 Constitution enhancement
--[X] Ring of Healing (Oberyn and Nymeria only)
--[X] Masterwork Razor-Edged weapons for all of his men, Masterwork armor of their choice, and Masterwork shields of their choice
--[X] +1 Weapons and Armor
--[X] Silvered Weapons
--[X] Magelights
--[X] Rhoynish Cold Iron Mace
--[X] Offer to sell Oberyn mithral armor in whatever form he might prefer, but only for Oberyn given how precious the metal is (also at a significant markup, again due to how precious the metal is)
---Find out which armor weight he supports and how big of a DEX mod he has. That determines which material and type of armor we can better make for him.
---[X] Possibility of enhancing armor to +1
--[X] Or offer to sell Oberyn an adamantine spear
---[X] Possibility of enhancing to +3, effectively bypassing the DR of almost anything he might encounter
----[X] Also add a Changeling enhancement and a Greater Crystal of Returning to the deal
-[X] Things he gets for free
--[X] Bag of obsidian sand attuned to our brazier so we and Tyene can contact him whenever we please
--[X] An arcane-marked stone he is to carry around with him at all times so that we can teleport to him if we ever figure out he's in great danger
-[X] One condition
--[X] The Volantines aren't quite enemies yet, but it's a close thing. It's one thing to negotiate with the Mysterium to allow yourself to pass unmolested to explore the ruins of the Rhoynish cities, but we would be very displeased if Oberyn were to enter talks with the Mysterium in hopes of gaining another source of magic. It's not so much looking for another source that upsets us so much as the fact that the Mysterium is the source under consideration.
---[X] Elaborate on why you don't want Oberyn engaging in talks with the Mysterium. There are a host of reasons Viserys would be all too happy to discuss.
----[X] If they are looking for more sources of magic you wouldn't begrudge them contact with the Orphne Court of Braavos (or just Braavos in general given their budding magic economy) or the Archons of Mantarys.
-[X] Update on the Elia situation
--[X] We have gained a link to another world from an angel (nice person, bit sad), where such magics are more readily available. If that does not work out, our group's powers will eventually reach such heights. Within the year, most likely.
---[X] Be sure not to set him off with this, but nonetheless warn against taking any deals from Outsiders or their ilk since there's always a far worse price to pay
-[X] Discuss with Oberyn which cities he plans to raid and what he hopes to find, and go over the dangers and opportunities with him
--[X] Speak on the rumors of increased activity among the Stonemen, and the possibility of Garin the Great rising to haunt the ruins of the Chroyane
--[X] If the occasion calls for it, offer to help him carry away and teleport any truly heavy loot that he might wish to bring home
-[X] Discuss how he plans to recognize and avoid any curses, and there are sure to be a great deal of curses in the tragic ruins of the Rhoynish cities
-[X] Discuss what protections he has prepared to ward off Greyscale and the Stone Men
-[X] Discuss what exactly his plan was before meeting with us

I'm also thinking of offering Oberyn the chance to buy one Mithral spear, but I'm not sure. I want the party fully armored first before we do anything of the sort. I also want to offer teleporting them straight to the Rhoyne, ship and all, especially since we have the Rhoyne as a teleporting point ever since we flew the Little Valyrians to Sorcerer's Deep. That way they completely avoid sailing past Volantis and having word sent to Zherys immediately.
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Well, a few PfE and maybe a light mithril chain shirt or whatever the heaviest he likes to wear and maybe an adamantine dagger.

Or spear head if he prefers to use a spear.

Is anyone up for asking Tyene if she wants to talk to her father about the context of deep magics, i.e. rules of ressurection?

@DragonParadox can we assume that the party knows that when someone comes back, the most recent memory they keep was their death?
Well, a few PfE and maybe a light mithril chain shirt or whatever the heaviest he likes to wear and maybe an adamantine dagger.

Or spear head if he prefers to use a spear.

Is anyone up for asking Tyene if she wants to talk to her father about the context of deep magics, i.e. rules of ressurection?

@DragonParadox can we assume that the party knows that when someone comes back, the most recent memory they keep was their death?

Yes, everyone in the party knows.
Looking at it, Segmented Mithral Fullplate has a max dexterity bonus equal to a chain shirt. If Oberyn never learned to wear heavy armor (or has greater than a +4 dex bonus), then we could make a mithral breast plate, which would give him the dexterity bonus of studded leather, but the protection of the heaviest medium armor.
The mithral armor might be the best pick actually, to see him not infected with greyscale.
Looking at it, Segmented Mithral Fullplate has a max dexterity bonus equal to a chain shirt. If Oberyn never learned to wear heavy armor (or has greater than a +4 dex bonus), then we could make a mithral breast plate, which would give him the dexterity bonus of studded leather, but the protection of the heaviest medium armor.
It is the best pick, but I don't even want to consider this unless we have enough mithral left over to fully equip the entire party.

@Goldfish, is there enough Mithral left over to sell after equipping the entire party?

Also, lovely news. Apparently Nymeria didn't come to Sorcerer's Deep to join us, she came because she was curious. So now that Oberyn is heading to the Rhoyne, she's most likely packing up and going with him without any input from us.

Additional offer to glance over any really heavy loot he finds and see if it's worth teleporting. So a couple of arcane marks.

Also warn him about the fire priests. Brenno is genuinely kind and a good man.
And so so so dangerous for it.

I doubt moving the boat would be fesable, too many people on it.
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[X] Things to help Oberyn
-[X] Can commission or buy from us and our mage smiths
--[X] Amulet of PfE
--[X] +1 Weapons and Armor
--[X] Silvered Weapons
--[X] Magelights
--[X] Rhoynish Cold Iron Mace
-[X] Things he gets for free
--[X] Bag of obsidian sand attuned to our brazier so we and Tyene can contact him whenever we please
--[X] An arcane-marked stone he is to carry around with him at all times so that we can teleport to him if we ever figure out he's in great danger
-[X] One condition
--[X] The Volantines aren't quite enemies yet, but it's a close thing. You would be very displeased if Oberyn were to enter talks with the Mysterium like he planned.
---[X] Elaborate on why you don't want Oberyn engaging in talks with the Mysterium. There are a host of reasons Viserys would be all too happy to discuss.
-[X] Update on the Elia situation
--[X] We are steadily making progress and soon Dany will be strong enough to attempt to bring Elia back
---[X] Be sure not to set him off with this, but nonetheless warn against taking any deals from Outsiders or their ilk since there's always a far worse price to pay

I'm also thinking of offering Oberyn the chance to buy one Mithral spear, but I'm not sure. I want the party fully armored first before we do anything of the sort. I also want to offer teleporting them straight to the Rhoyne, ship and all, especially since we have the Rhoyne as a teleporting point ever since we flew the Little Valyrians to Sorcerer's Deep. That way they completely avoid sailing past Volantis and having word sent to Zherys immediately.
Not talking to Zherys is stupid.
While he should be careful it's near suicide to search already dangerous ruins while a hostile army is running around.

He needs some kind of agreement with Volantis/the Mysterium to have a chance in that area.
We can warn him about Zherys then - fully, showing our concern in a visible manner , I mean Oberyn has always done what he wanted

@Duesal we have 11 breastplates and 11 swords to melt down. I'm confident that we have enough.

Edit: part of the reason we should talk about Ressurection with him is that he will be able to get it in Volantis (I feel we should assume), or even just the name of some demon lord or other. I mean, I really really think we should talk about this now to prevent shit happening.

I mean, imagine the salt!
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I doubt moving the boat would be fesable, too many people on it.
We could move the boat. It just requires teleporting the boat and having Vee help us teleport all of the expedition members on to said boat once we're done moving it.
Additional offer to glance over any really heavy loot he finds and see if it's worth teleporting. So a couple of arcane marks.
This could definitely work out.
Not talking to Zherys is stupid.
While he should be careful it's near suicide to search already dangerous ruins while a hostile army is running around.

He needs some kind of agreement with Volantis/the Mysterium to have a chance in that area.
There is a difference between merely making an agreement to let Oberyn explore the Rhoyne unhindered and what Oberyn and Doran were actually planning.
Viserys suspects that Doran, like the Iron Bank, does not want to be dependent on one source for all his magic, so he is launching his own expeditions.
Less replacing and more not wanting to be entirely dependent. If he were replacing you Oberyn would not have informed Tyene.
The reason they're intending to talk with the Mysterium is for another source of magic aside from us. Of all the places they could possibly go, they went to the Mysterium. I have no interest in allowing that.
That's a fair desire, and we have no base or right to forbid it.
Of course we have a right. We're supposed to be allies of Dorne and they want to court a city we're in a cold war with? No, fuck that. I have no problem if they go to literally anyone else for another source of magic, but I put my foot down at them going to the Mysterium.
Also, this:
@DragonParadox, yeah, that's why people are salty. We don't want Oberyn in talks with a city state we're currently in a cold war with. It's one thing if he's just going dungeon delving because he wants magic, but wanting to talk with the Mysterium would definitely piss quite a few people off.
Well then you might want to tell him so. It's not like you are without influence in Dorne. A dragon in the hand is better that a Volantine Sorcerer in the bush after all.
--[X] We are steadily making progress and soon Dany will be strong enough to attempt to bring Elia back

@Duesal maybe take out the Dany bit and put on "gained a link to another world from an angel (nice person, bit sad), where such magics are more redily available, if if that does not work out, our group's powers will eventually reach such heights. Within the year, most likely.
[X] Things to help Oberyn
-[X] Can commission or buy from us and our mage smiths
--[X] Amulet of PfE
--[X] +1 Weapons and Armor
--[X] Silvered Weapons
--[X] Magelights
--[X] Rhoynish Cold Iron Mace
--[X] Offer to sell Oberyn mithral armor in whatever form he might prefer, but only for Oberyn given how precious the metal is
--[X] Also offer to sell him a mithral spear, again, only for Oberyn
-[X] Things he gets for free
--[X] Bag of obsidian sand attuned to our brazier so we and Tyene can contact him whenever we please
--[X] An arcane-marked stone he is to carry around with him at all times so that we can teleport to him if we ever figure out he's in great danger
-[X] One condition
--[X] The Volantines aren't quite enemies yet, but it's a close thing. You would be very displeased if Oberyn were to enter talks with the Mysterium like he planned.
---[X] Elaborate on why you don't want Oberyn engaging in talks with the Mysterium. There are a host of reasons Viserys would be all too happy to discuss.
-[X] Update on the Elia situation
--[X] We are steadily making progress and soon Dany will be strong enough to attempt to bring Elia back
---[X] Be sure not to set him off with this, but nonetheless warn against taking any deals from Outsiders or their ilk since there's always a far worse price to pay

I'm also thinking of offering Oberyn the chance to buy one Mithral spear, but I'm not sure. I want the party fully armored first before we do anything of the sort. I also want to offer teleporting them straight to the Rhoyne, ship and all, especially since we have the Rhoyne as a teleporting point ever since we flew the Little Valyrians to Sorcerer's Deep. That way they completely avoid sailing past Volantis and having word sent to Zherys immediately.

Masterwork Razor-Edged weapons for all of his men, Masterwork armor of their choice, and Masterwork shields of their choice. All for a reasonable price, of course.

For Oberyn himself, we should try to sell him some minor magic items in addition to arms and armor, and a PfE amulet. +2 Gloves of Dexterity, +2 Belt of Strength, +2 Constitution on his amulet, a Ring of Sustenance, and a Ring of Healing (rather than a belt).

All of that for Oberyn, plus the PfE Amulet, a +1 weapon, +1 shield, and +1 armor, would cost us 2043.75 IM. We could charge him 3 or 4 thousand IM without even being greedy. And he would be much more likely to survive whatever foolishness he's heading for.

If he wants Mithral, I would make him pay through the nose for it. Serious markup.
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Of course we have a right. We're supposed to be allies of Dorne and they want to court a city we're in a cold war with? No, fuck that. I have no problem if they go to literally anyone else for another source of magic, but I put my foot down at them going to the Mysterium.
Mysterium is the nearest and best source after all.

Would you prefer if they worked with the Lannisters, KL-Alchemists, or contacted the Warlocks of Quarth?

Good magic institutions independent of us are hard to find.
Braavos has nothing worth the name for sure.
Mysterium is the nearest and best source after all.

Would you prefer if they worked with the Lannisters, KL-Alchemists, or contacted the Warlocks of Quarth?

Good magic institutions independent of us are hard to find.
Braavos has nothing worth the name for sure.
Braavos has the fey. That's a much better source of magic than the Mysterium.
We could point them towards Braavos. Their magic isn't as strong, but they have the beginnings of a magic economy and have the Orphene court. I think we could honestly point out how it seems most magical might seems to be coming from the undead, devils, and the fey, and the last of these is the least offensive (and the Volantines are known to have ties to both fiends and the undead).
We could point them towards Braavos. Their magic isn't as strong, but they have the beginnings of a magic economy and have the Orphene court. I think we could honestly point out how it seems most magical might seems to be coming from the undead, devils, and the fey, and the last of these is the least offensive (and the Volantines are known to have ties to both fiends and the undead).

They are also in the opposite direction from where they are traveling.