The Young Blade
First Day of the Tenth Month 289 AC
If the young scion of what passes for Braavosi nobility was unwise enough to become massively indebted to to begin with than it stands to reason he will be a weak reed you can leverage to obtain that which he owes.
Firstly you pass by Ben's wine-shop finding it in good order and taking care to be polite congenial. It seems Gorthos has been keeping things in order as you are greeted pleasantly enough. The three bottles of wine will be useful for while you need Lembro Averys drunk you do not need him to be so in any of the well-lit and crowded taverns and inns that surround the Moon Pool. Conspiracies are best done in the shadow.
The Moon Pool at night is a wonder to behold, the clear, torrent of the Sweetwater River gathering into a deep inky pool from which it is piped to public fountains and the homes of the wealthy including of course the Sealord's palace nearby. The gilded domes and fluted towers of the place are now however your concern this day.
You scan the groups of bravos seeking Lembro. He is predictably easy to find dressed as he is in an emerald cape and a large feather cap. Among the bravos only two groups of people dress in such ostentatious and expensive clothes, the very best of them who flaunt their skill and untouchability and the very worst of them who have never drawn a blade in anger. Ser Richard's sneer on seeing hm confirms your strong suspicion that Lembro belongs to the second group.
All the better then.
By means of a glamor you are "wearing" light leathers and airy fabrics common to bravos of poorer backgrounds, your face is again a year or two older than it should. It is easy enough to get within range of the young blade you seek and cast a enchantment. His mind succumbs with satisfying ease. You hail him with a smile spinning a tales of drunken revelry and joyous companionship. He is swift enough to accept this in the thrall of the magic.
You give the name Aero (a mask meant for a single performance) and speak of woes with your guardian, a tight-fisted uncle. Lembro and his friends commiserate, none more than the worthy himself. As the others scatter you show the bottle of wine in your hand and invite him to share it with you under the stars (you suppose there must be stars above beyond the habitual heavy clouds of Braavos). Lembro it seems is as much enamored of affected speech and mannerisms as he is of wine, dice and risking his life in duels. As the night flows on the conversation moves on from your supposed woes to his relation with his father. It is almost amusing how he romanticizes his petty rebellions, casting himself as the misunderstood hero in some Rhoyndrish epic.
Once three-quarters of the wine is gone, mostly into your companion he reveals his newest scheme. He plans to elope with his current mistress, would-be courtesan that plies her trade in the Satin Palace. You get the distinct impression he has not the courage to go through with it but then he is not very clear of mind at this moment ensorcelered and drunk. When you present the idea of staging a kidnapping to get him the money he needs from his father he almost balks but wine-given courage and subtle magic overcome his fear of his father's wrath in the end. He agrees to the scheme.
Getting him to actually write anything legible is perhaps the most difficult task of the night, ironically, but after much wasted parchment the note is written. You complete the rest of the ransom note just as Lembro falls into the noisy slumber of the very intoxicated.
It is a simple enough though by no means easy to get your "conspirator" into a abandoned house at the edge of Drowned Town.
Second Day of the Tenth Month 289 AC
You sleep in the ruined house thankful that it does not rain this night. The next morning you wake feeling as if the Usurper himself drove a spike through your temple with his hammer. It seems you did not drink as little as you imagined last night.
You set Ser Richard to guard Lembro over his protests. You are safe enough a many-faced shadow among the canals of Bravos but should you lose him the entire scheme falls apart. You advise the Ser to offer your guest yet more wine should he wake or simply knock him out should he wish to back off.
How much coin do you ask for:
[] 300 Iron Marks (no profit)
[] 500 Iron Marks (profit of 160 after guild dues)
[] 1000 Iron Marks (profit of 560 after guild dues)
[] Write in
How do you deliver the ransom note:
[] Send an urchin, safer but it is possible that the note will not be believed
[] Deliver it yourself while Pantumbro is praying. Sure to be believed but somewhat risky for while no armed men may enter the temple you could be captured outside before you can melt into the crowds
[] Write in
OOC: You'll notice that not once did you mention Gorthos or the debts. That is so you can't be accused of causing backlash for his interests.