Seen a bit gimmicky to be honest. I rather take a better first level spell to beat down everyone than spend feats on it since feats are way harder to deal with.
On the matter of Fiery Burst: While I am quite attracted to its sustainability and damage potential, I also noted that it does not necessarily require Fireball.

The prerequisite for getting the feat itself is the ability to cast level 2 spells, which we satisfy, period. To utilize it though, we need to have a level 2+ fire spell available to cast, which is more of a sticking point...

Operating under the assumption of retraining only possible at level up (and for only one of the 6 options), the most optimal Fiery Burst damage would come from getting Fiery Burst as a feat next level, taking Fireball as the first 3rd level spell we get, and retraining one of our existent feats into Versatile Spellcaster for 4d6 Fiery Bursts.

That said, there are slightly less optimal methods for Fiery Burst at next level up which do not require us to slot Fireball (which is frankly unlikely to be very usable in the urban environment that is Bravos) as our first 3rd level spell:
- Sorcerers can swap out spells on even levels apart from using the retraining rules, with the caveat that the swapped spell must be at least 2 levels less than the highest leveled spell we can cast (so for us, level 0 or 1 spells), with which we can swap out Disguise Self for something like Burning Hands instead.
- Applying Stilled Spell to Burning Hands will make it a 2nd level fire spell, which satisfies the requirement for Fiery Burst
- We can still add in Versatile Spellcaster in order to boost it by another spell level, making it a total of 3d6 Fiery Bursts
- Alternatively, we can instead get Heighten Spell for our feat retraining option. This will let us boost Burning Hands to a level 3 spell on its own for 3d6 Fiery Bursts. It also wouldn't be a bad investment if we want to rely on Fiery Burst as our bread and butter at future levels without having to invest into a fire spell every other spell level or a huge collection of metamagic feats (or both).

This alternative arrangement, as mentioned, is slightly less optimal for the duration of level 6 with the trade off of 3d6 vs 4d6 Fiery Burst for a freed up 3rd level spell. It also wouldn't prevent us from catching up at level 7 by retraining one of our old feats into Heighten Spell or Versatile Spellcaster (whichever one we didn't retrain at level 6).
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(which is frankly unlikely to be very usable in the urban environment that is Bravos)
Depends on where we are, but yes, it constrains us somewhat, but I wouldn't say it's impossible.

However, we have at least a long trip through Westeros (to meet Bloodraven, allow Waymar to study his family's heirloom, heal Aemon, etc) and a trip to Sothoryos. Not to mention, one of our first missions happened in-land, on that Hunting Lodge. So I wouldn't say it's exactly a burden, either.

Not to mention there is the Golden Company. Not only we want them on our side for the free-for-all that will be going down in a few years, but they hold the secret to reclaiming Blackfyre. So we can expect at least a few big battles there. In which tossing two fireballs, which will kill something like 50 people outright each, and however many more die in the following fire and stampede, and keeping the other two for 4d6 Fiery Bursts will turn the tide of any battle real quick, and most importantly, make a damn big name for ourselves.

It's a 40ft tall ball of fire. More than the mechanical effects there are the narrative ones.
- We can still add in Versatile Spellcaster in order to boost it by another spell level, making it a total of 3d6 Fiery Bursts
No no, the way it works is that Stilled Fireball acts as a level 4 spell, which we use Versatile Spellcaster to cast, which means that, as long as we have 2 level 3 spells remaining, we can toss the 4d6 Bursts. If we only have one, it goes back to the normal 3d6.

We don't have enough metamagic to bump burning hands to 3rd.
- Alternatively, we can instead get Heighten Spell for our feat retraining option.
Yes, that was the original idea:
Otherwise, there is a pretty neat way of getting a similar effect: Fiery Burst and Heighten Spell.
But it costs yet another feat to pull off. And Disguise Self is handy for clothes anyway. Something we can live without, but handy.

The problem is, retraining feats is a bit of a pain. So before that started working, we'd need to do some blood sacrifice or risk fucking everything up, because not only we get 1d15 evil points if we fail our Will save, we lose a feat randomly. That becomes a spiral of suck real quick, as we have something like 40% or so chance of success. In the long run, we lose.

So that's why I'm saying Fireball and Fiery Burst. It starts working right off the bat, and then we can calmly pick up Versatile Spellcaster and Spellcasting Prodigy.

Which is another aspect we end up losing on if we need to go the Heighten route, we aren't getting another good feat like that.

Now, once we have the blood thing down pat, then we can explore this more. Maybe even go wild with Arcane Thesis on something, maybe Wings of Flurry.

But for now, we can simply pick up useful metamagic and keep making a theoretical Fireball to boost Fiery Burst. Say, pick up Silenced next time, so we can make a level five fire Spell in the form of a stilled silenced Fireball instead of picking up a new fire Spell.
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Hmm... I missed that bit about the DC and failure penalties to retrain feats... That's what I get for only binging the story posts I guess...

Going under the assumption that we don't want to try feat retraining in the near future, the trade off I mentioned before still holds: 1d6 damage for a freeing up our only 3rd level spell that doesn't have to be Fireball.

See, next level (level 6) we get a feat, which if we want the Fiery Burst combo that feat will have to be the aforementioned Fiery Burst. That means no Versatile Spellcaster unless we end up retraining anyways. If we end up grabbing Fireball it will in the end gives us 3d6 Fiery Bursts (4d6 if we feat retrain Versatile Spellcaster) since we can't have lv 4 spells without Versatile Spellcaster.

On the other hand, if we go for burning hands, even with what we have right now, Stilled Burning Hands is itself lv 2, which satisfies the requirements for utilizing Fiery Burst, giving us 2d6 bursts on demand (if we allow a feat retrain I'd go for Heighten Spell which will boost it up to 3d6). Admittedly, at low levels, 2d6 vs 3d6 per round has quite the distinction, but if we factor in something like Haste and the extra attack it adds to our melees (which is Ser Richard at the very least), it does mostly balance out in the short term...

Extending that out to the medium term (and still keeping to the assumption of no feat retraining), the Fireball setup brings us to 4d6 at level 8 (with stilled fireball), but we won't be hitting 5d6 even if we grab Versatile Spellcaster at level 9, not having the metamagic feats to boost us that far unless we want to make one of our only 2 lv 4 spells a fire spell (I really don't know any lv 4 fire spells that are of any real worth). Unless we want to continue investing in lv 4 or 5 fire spells (which are likely to be not worth it), 4d6 is likely where we'd be stuck until level 12, where we can further bolster our fireball levels via another metamagic feat. Looking from that point of view, it might be more worthwhile just to get Heighten Spell (or maybe a +2 metamagic like Empower Spell) at level 9 and save Versatile Spellcaster for level 12...

Still looking at the medium term, just Burning Hands will leave us with the piddly 2d6 until we can get Heighten Spell at level 9, which is noticeably worse. That said, I do also have to note that when we hit level 7, we do get to know an additional lv 2 and lv 3 spell, which means we could very well grab fireball then, at which point we'd be in the same situation as above. An alternative option would be the level 2 spell Scorching Ray, which is quite powerful and scales up decently (no collateral either, so very urban friendly), and Fiery Burst running off of a stilled Scorching Ray for 3d6 bursts would be equivalent to having Fireball at level 7, and 1d6 worse at level 8. Both sides would end up equalized at level 9 with Heighten Spell though...

In the far longer term (beyond lv 12), Heighten Spell would be far more efficient than practically any other option baring perhaps Energy Substitution [Fire] (which will take quite a bit more care in spell selections). Although personally, I'd think we're likely to end up getting the feat retraining thing down long before we hit lv 12...

On a side note, where are you getting Spellcasting Prodigy from? The only place I can find it is in Faerun, and that's a feat that can only be taken at level 1, so I doubt that's it.
On a side note, where are you getting Spellcasting Prodigy from? The only place I can find it is in Faerun, and that's a feat that can only be taken at level 1, so I doubt that's it.
FWIW my research shows the same & was nerfbatted in 3.5 to only provide bonus spells (well, a bonus -spell- really, given it's a +2) and not spell DCs any more.
On a side note, where are you getting Spellcasting Prodigy from? The only place I can find it is in Faerun, and that's a feat that can only be taken at level 1, so I doubt that's it.
We can bypass that thanks to our unique mode of getting feats.
Still looking at the medium term, just Burning Hands will leave us with the piddly 2d6 until we can get Heighten Spell at level 9, which is noticeably worse
Yes, it's worth noticing that, while it doesn't get useless, the higher the level, the lesser the utility. We also have zero damaging spells right now, so going with a cheap workhorse isn't much of a wise bet.
That said, I do also have to note that when we hit level 7, we do get to know an additional lv 2 and lv 3 spell, which means we could very well grab fireball then, at which point we'd be in the same situation as above
By the same logic, we could very well grab Haste at 7th and Glitterdust or Web for our other level two spell. Considering how this tactic makes us of our flight, I believe is a worthy investment.

Interesting fire spells include Channeled Pyroburst, Firebrand, Daltim's Fiery Tentacles, Greater Fireburst, Scalding Mud.

Of course, I need not mention one of the best spells in the game, Orb of Fire.

But those are all higher level, we have a few good ones on the lower end too: Scorching Ray. Combust, Burning Sword.

There is a really neat one, but on Garin's future Spell list, called Fire Shuriken. It's pretty much want it sounds like, but the projectiles don't fade until you actually throw them, and each deals 3d6 damage, and you are automatically proficient with them. So he can quickly stockpile them,
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Part CCXXXII: Introductions

Seventeenth Day of the Fifth Month 290 AC

While you are nowhere near confident enough to think you can handle Tyene Sand, you are reasonably sure she poses no immediate danger to you and yours. Moreover you would be well served in keeping her close to have abetter handle on her actions as well as beginning to make good your promise to her father and help her grow in magic.

"Milady, I would offer the comforts of my home rather than the crude accommodations of an inn, among the hoi poloi," you say, very glad Alinor has gotten to improving the guest bedrooms.

"Gladly would I accept such generous hospitality," the Dornish girl replies a cunning light in her eyes.

It is all you can do not to laugh at the identical looks of worry on the faces of Ser Richard and Tyene's own guards.


During your journey back to Wind House you chat about the city and its environs, both its attractions and its dangers. Tyene asks questions on local customs and behaviors that you recognize are designed to help her walk unseen on various levels of society. Dany catches her attention for a bit asking if the Dornish girl has any tips on how to use a dagger. She is disappointed in the reply, as Tyene admits to never having been the most martially inclined daughter of Nymera. This leads to talk of Dorne in general and its history with your House, politely avoiding the more bloody episodes.

"So that is why mother named me Daenerys, after the princess that married into Dorne," your sister notes at one point, "Because Dorne was the only kingdom fighting the rebels when I was born."

"I would thinks so," Tyene replies looking startled at the insight from so young a child.

"Just pretend she is about five years older," Waymar calls from the girl's other side. "It's what I do."

Dany gives him a warm smile at those words.


When you enter the house you are surprised, and if you are to be honest not altogether pleased, when Tyene gives the traditional greeting of the Orphans to Farel when he opens the door. She is altogether to skilled in manipulation without your staff feeling any sense of kinship with her. You are not even sure you can give them any warning in that respect because it would inevitably find itself to Tyene's ears, damaging any trust she may have in you.

Your friends have just a positive first impression of the daughter of Oberyn Martel as the staff. She handles Lya's interest in new magic deftly, asking insightful questions herself and sharing the tale of finding her magic as well as the subsequent decision to join her father in the Stepstones. Tyene weaves the tale, using humor and earnestness in equal messure to get you all engaged wither her adventures and misadventures, cheering for her success. A clever tactic to make herself likable. Certainly not one you are immune to, she is after all offering a measure of trust by sharing such personal experiences.

Still... while you are glad inviting her will not cause undue friction, you suspect all efforts to hide any of your a magics from her have been for naught. Your friends are many wonderful things but skilled in the art of keeping secrets in not one of them..


Eighteenth Day of the Fifth Month 290 AC

The day is marked by heavy rains rolling in from the sea, the perfect weather for staying indoors where it is both dry and warm. You may as well discuss what helping Tyene with her magic could imply.

What are you willing to offer:

[] Scrolls from Lya with spells the Dronish girl does not posses, if Lya is amenable. (Scrolls at cost)

[] Access to the Sealord's Archives to look for any mentions of Rhoynar Water magics (the most likely source of her magics)

[] Access to your various sources of information
-[] The guild
-[] The Windward Society

[] Information
-[] The types and sources of magic
-[] The mages you know about within Braavos
-[] The greater universe
--[] Tell her yourself
--[] Offer access to Velen

[] Write in

OOC: Viserys has observed Tyene in action long enough for me to tell you this: She has a bluff bonus of 12 and a diplomacy bonus of 13. Then there is Divine Insight that can give her an extra +10 to any skill she invested points in (including social ones). Asking her to do stuff for you will be next update and will depend on how much you offer her and on some opposed social rolls.
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Not yet voting but here are my thoughts:

Windward Society
No chance to hide them, so we should properly introduce her. Tor may or may not ask her for blood instead of using ours.

Clear yes. It shows off our connections, costs us nothing and we get another person to sift through them.

This is potential blackmail material and should stay confidential. She will probably find out sooner or later, but we can argue that our connection is strictly need-to-know. Beside that, it hardly has anything to do with her magic.

Generally yes, but not for free. I wouldn't mind to give her some if she is willing to contribute to the research budget.

She can pump Lya for this, so we might as well tell her. I think her interactions with Velen would be infomative enough to reveal him.
Welp. We're in trouble. There is no way this isn't going to blow up on us later. In fact I would've reserved the right to say "I told you so" if a dozen other people didn't beat me to it.

What if we try the Uriah Gambit?

She's clearly usurping everything and if it goes on any longer it'll be the sort of scenario where she learns everything we have to teach her and when she decides she doesn't need us any longer she'll try to kill or discredit us.

The only problem here would be explaining to her father how she died valiantly fighting off zombies only days after arriving...
Not yet voting but here are my thoughts:

Windward Society
No chance to hide them, so we should properly introduce her. Tor may or may not ask her for blood instead of using ours.

Clear yes. It shows off our connections, costs us nothing and we get another person to sift through them.

This is potential blackmail material and should stay confidential. She will probably find out sooner or later, but we can argue that our connection is strictly need-to-know. Beside that, it hardly has anything to do with her magic.

Generally yes, but not for free. I wouldn't mind to give her some if she is willing to contribute to the research budget.

She can pump Lya for this, so we might as well tell her. I think her interactions with Velen would be infomative enough to reveal him.
Windward society: Yes.

Archive: No with a side of Hell No. The Sealord gave access to us, no a foreign would be very damaging if he found out who we let into his secrets, and I very much doubt we could keep her supervised to inly look for magic.

The Guild: No real reason to mention it if it's about magic, but hiding it might be impossible on the long term.

Lya Info: Yes, of course.

Scrolls: Some of them, preferably at a cost.
[X] Plan Cautious Magic
-[X] Access to your various sources of information
--[X] The Windward Society
-[X] Information
--[X] The types and sources of magic
--[X] The greater universe
---[X] Tell her yourself
-[X] Write-In : Talk about the Red Priests
-[X] Scrolls from Lya with spells approved by us, that the Dronish girl does not posses, if Lya is amenable. (Scrolls at cost)

Edit: Plan edited for scrolls. They are a very big help to her, so they should buy some goodwill, and withholding them is very obvious if she ever sees us getting ready for something.
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[X] Plan Less Cautious Magic
[X] Access to the Sealord's Archives to look for any mentions of Rhoynar Water magics (the most likely source of her magics)
-[X] Access to your various sources of information
--[X] The Windward Society
-[X] Information
--[X] The types and sources of magic
--[X] The greater universe
---[X] Offer access to Velen
-[X] Scrolls from Lya with spells approved by us, that the Dronish girl does not posses, if Lya is amenable. (Scrolls at cost)

Included access to archive and changed the information from ourselves to Velen, because we have so few actions that we better outsource this.
Took the Red Priests out, isn't really about magic. While she should be aware that there is a chance that our house will be attacked by enemy casters, it's not a directly magic-related thing.
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Added some goodies to the hedge mage class to make it a bit more flavorful. Let me know what your thoughts are:

Hege Mage class

Hedge mages are not part of a unified tradition, rather they are emerging mages building on the scraps of mystical lore surviving in the world. Their lack of sophistication allows them to forgo many of the typical props of a wizard in settings with more advanced magical traditions at the price of far slower advancement in the Art.

Hit die


Skill points

2 + Int

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
Hedge Mages are proficient with all simple weapons. Hedge mages are not proficient with any type of armour or with shields. Armor of any type interferes with a Hedge mage's arcane gestures, which can cause his spells with somatic components to fail.

Spells: A Hedge mage casts arcane spells. He is limited to a certain number of spells of each spell level per day, according to his class level. Like a wizard, he prepares his spells ahead of time each day. Unlike wizards, Hedge mages do not keep spellbooks (see Spell Mastery, below) and cannot learn spells they find in spellbooks or on scrolls. The DC for a saving throw against a Hedge mage's spell is 10 + spell level + the Hedge mage's Int modifier. When a Hedge mage gets 0 spells of a given level (see the class table), he gains only the bonus spells for that spell level that he would be entitled to based on his Intelligence score.

Spell Mastery: A Hedge mage prepares spells as a wizard does, but does not need a spellbook to do so. Rather, a Hedge mage's training emphasizes a small number of spells to such a great extent that he learns to prepare them without referring to a spellbook. A Hedge mage begins play familiar with a number of spells (of any level he can cast) equal to his Intelligence modifier, exactly as though he had taken the Spell Mastery feat. Every time he gains access to a new spell level, and again at 20th level, he learns a number of new spells equal to his current Intelligence modifier, plus one 0-level spell. For example, a 1st-level Hedge mage with an Intelligence of 15 knows two spells, and might choose mending and magecraft. When he reaches 4th level, he increases his Intelligence to 16 and learns three more spells: detect magic, unseen servant, and make whole. At 8th level, he increases his Intelligence to 17 (which does not improve his Intelligence modifier) and learns three more spells: arcane lock, explosive runes, and glyph of warding.

Eschew Materials: A hedge mage can cast any spell that has a material component costing 1 gp or less without needing that component. (The casting of the spell still provokes attacks of opportunity as normal.) If the spell requires a material component that costs more than 1 gp, you must have the material component at hand to cast the spell, just as normal.

Eye of the Gods: With the resurgence of magic the gods too are becoming more active. While a great deal of their attention is going towards creating great champions of their causes (Clerics, Paladins and Rangers) they do turn their eyes also towards those other who would dabble in the arcane. Every time a Hedge Mage gains access to a new level of spells he may select a divine spell from the domain spells of his deity of choice in addition to any arcane spells he selects. For instance a Hedge Mage among the Mountain Clans of the Vale may select Magic Stone as a bonus spell at 1st level due to the Old Gods having the Earth Domain.

Hedge Mage's Lore: A hedge mage gains the ability to perform many unusual magical tricks. At 4th, 8th, and 12th level the Hedge Mage may select an ability from the following list:

Hand of Power (Su): The touch of a hedge mage can harm or heal, but not both. A good-aligned hedge mage gains the ability to heal, while an evil-aligned hedge mage can harm. Those hedge mages who are neutral can choose to either heal or harm with their touch; once this choice is made, it cannot be changed. Activating this ability and touching a creature within reach (or the hedge mage herself) is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The healing hand can heal, divided between any number of uses, the hedge mage's class level times her Charisma modifier in hit points each day. This healing can be used to harm negative-energy-based undead with a successful melee touch attack. Intelligent undead creatures receive a Will save (DC 10 + one-half the hedge mage's class level + the hedge mage's Charisma modifier) for half damage. The harming hand can deal, divided between any number of uses, the hedge mage's class level times her Charismamodifier in hit points each day. This requires a successful melee touch attack, and the victim receives a Will save (DC 10 + one-half the hedge mage's class level + the hedge mage's Charisma modifier) for half damage. This attack, as a negative energy attack, can be used to heal negative-energy-powered undead creatures.

Presence (Su): The spiritual presence of the hedge mage is enhanced, making it difficult for foes to bring themselves to harm her. Three times per day, as a standard action, the hedge mage may surround herself with an aura of power. This aura behaves as a sanctuary spell, cast at her hedge mage class level, with a Will save DC of 10 + half her hedge mage class level + her Charisma modifier. Even if a particular foe successfully saves and is therefore able to attack her, that foe suffers a –2 morale penalty on attack and damage rolls made against the hedge mage. Creatures that are unaffected by sanctuary are likewise unaffected by this ability.

Second Sight (Su): Some hedge mages can see spirits and sense the presence of supernatural creatures. This ability allows the hedge mage to see invisible and ethereal creatures within 30 feet (obviously, she must have line of sight in order to see a particular creature). Activating this ability is a standard action, and thereafter requires concentration (to a maximum duration of one minute per Hedge Mage level per day). Dismissing this ability is a free action, and the

Sight lasts for the remainder of the hedge mage's turn." This ability otherwise functions exactly as the see invisibility spell.

Wyrd Working (Su): A hedge mage can reach out and alter the wyrd, or fate, of a chosen person. This ability is usable a number of times per day equal to the hedge mage's Charisma modifier (minimum 1). It applies an insight modifier to the next attack roll, saving throw, skill check, or ability check of a chosen creature (it may not be used on the hedge mage herself, although two hedge mages could affect each other). Using this ability is a standard action, and there is no saving throw. The hedge mage must make an obvious somatic gesture (pointing, spitting, etc.) in the target's direction and must speak an audible phrase that indicates in general terms what the effect will be (such as "your sword strikes true!" or "you shall stumble and fall!"). The hedge mage declares both the type of roll to be affected and whether she is giving the subject a bonus or a penalty. The subject knows that its luck has been altered, and whether the luck is good or bad, but not the specific details except for what he can surmise from the hedge mage's spoken phrase. If the subject creature does not make the appropriate type of roll within one minute, then the effect has failed and the use of the ability is still expended. The modifier is equal to one-sixth the hedge mage's class level, rounded down (+1 from 7th to 11th level, +2 from 12th to 17th level, and +3 from 18th level onwards). The ability may be dispelled before it is triggered; an active wyrd radiates moderate Transmutation magic and is considered to be the equivalent of a 4th-level spell cast at the hedge mage's caster level.

Hedge Mage's Lore, Greater: At the 16th and 20th level, the hedge mage gains Greater Lore, enabling her to select an ability from the following list. She must meet the prerequisite listed, if any, for an ability before she may select that ability.

Greater Potion (Ex): (Prerequisite Brew Potion)With this ability, the hedge mage becomes a master of potion crafting. Unlike most casters, who are limited to producing potions of spells of 3rd level or lower, a hedge mage who selects this ability may craft potions of up to 5th-level spells. The potions otherwise follow all the normal rules for the use of the Brew Potion feat.

Hand of Might (Sp): (Prerequisite: Hand of Power.) If the hedge mage has a healing touch, then she may produce a restoration effect once per day with but a touch. Alternatively, if she has a harming touch, she may produce an enervation effect once per day (but as a melee touch attack instead of as a ray). Both of these effects still require a standard action to use, and have a caster level equal to the hedge mage's class level.

Harmony (Su): (Prerequisite: Second Sight.) The hedge mage's attunement and sensitivity to the invisible world becomes enhanced, allowing her to occaisonally touch incorporeal beings as if she were one herself. For 10 rounds each day, divided into as many or few uses as she desires, all of the hedge mage's attacks act as if she were under the effect of the ghost touch weapon enhancement. This affects attacks she makes with both natural and manufactured weapons as well as offensive spells that she casts. The hedge mage may instead apply the ghost touch property to include her armor and other defensive items, as well as any spells she casts that give her an armor or natural armor bonus, allowing their AC bonus to count against incorporeal touch attacks. The hedge mage can have both the offensive and defensive properties active at the same time, but doing so drains the ability twice as fast. Thus a hedge mage could cover both her armor and weapons with the effect of ghost touch, but she may only do so for 5 rounds each day. Each part of this ability drains one round of use for each round it is active. The hedge mage may decide, at the start of her turn, which combination of the abilities to have active. Activating or deactivating this power (regardless of the combination) is a swift action. For the purposes of dispelling this effect, the caster level is the hedge mage's class level. The ability may be resumed on the hedge mage's following turn if it is dispelled, however. While it is active, this ability radiates moderate Transmutation and is treated as a 5th-level spell.

Seer (Su): (Prerequisite: Second Sight.) The hedge mage gains the ability to see into the future and to discern the fate of those around her. Once per day per four character levels, the hedge mage may use the divination spell without the required material components. She may only pose questions about others in the vicinity, never about herself.

Splendor (Sp): (Prerequisite: Presence.) The spiritual presence of the hedge mage can be used to fog the minds of creatures who see her and to exert control over them. Once per day, the hedge mage may produce a dominate monster effect. This effect is cast at her hedge mage class level. The target of this effect must be within 30 feet, and is granted a Will save (DC 19 + the hedge mage's Charisma modifier) to resist the effect. The subject also recieves a new save against the effect on each subsequent day. The hedge mage may only have one creature under her control at a time, and may release a creature from her control as a free action. The target of this effect and the hedge mage both radiate strong Enchantment as long as the effect is active.

Wyrd Mastery (Su): (Prerequisite: Wyrd Working.) The hedge mage has learned to see and manipulate the fine strands of fate that encircle each person. Once per day, the hedge mage can force any other intelligent creature (Intelligence score of 3 or greater) within 30 feet to reroll any one die roll. She must choose to force this reroll before the results (success or failure, if any) of the original roll are known, and the subject of this effect must accept the results of the new roll, even if it is worse than the previous roll. There is no saving throw against this ability. As with Wyrd Working, the hedge mage must make a visible somatic gesture towards the subject and must speak an audible phrase that encompasses the reason for the reroll (for example, "you shall not die this day!" to allow an ally a second saving throw, or "you shall not escape my wrath so easily!" to force a foe to reroll a saving throw.) As with her other abilities that involve fate, the hedge mage may not use this ability on herself.
Welp. We're in trouble. There is no way this isn't going to blow up on us later. In fact I would've reserved the right to say "I told you so" if a dozen other people didn't beat me to it.

What if we try the Uriah Gambit?

She's clearly usurping everything and if it goes on any longer it'll be the sort of scenario where she learns everything we have to teach her and when she decides she doesn't need us any longer she'll try to kill or discredit us.

The only problem here would be explaining to her father how she died valiantly fighting off zombies only days after arriving...
I agree. :cry::cry::cry:
I dont feel like voting on any of the current plans, but uncertain whats better; so if anyone has got a plan in mind please post it so there's more options to vote on! :)
What are your issues with the current plans? There hasn't been much discussion yet and more opinions on this might help.
[X] Plan Cautious Magic

OOC: Viserys has observed Tyene in action long enough for me to tell you this: She has a bluff bonus of 12 and a diplomacy bonus of 13. Then there is Divine Insight that can give her an extra +10 to any skill she invested points in (including social ones). Asking her to do stuff for you will be next update and will depend on how much you offer her and on some opposed social rolls.
How? Bluff, Nobility and Sense Motive are cross-class for her, she she can't get those bonuses for Diplomacy, and Bluff itself should be at a max of 4 ranks right now.

I suspect magic item shenanigans.
She's clearly usurping everything and if it goes on any longer it'll be the sort of scenario where she learns everything we have to teach her and when she decides she doesn't need us any longer she'll try to kill or discredit us.
This might be a mite too paranoid.
Added some goodies to the hedge mage class to make it a bit more flavorful. Let me know what your thoughts are:
Very nice indeed. What's their Spell progression?
What are your issues with the current plans? There hasn't been much discussion yet and more opinions on this might help.

Why should Viserys talk about the read priests? If she is looking for other maegi to ally with...
Maybe mention how there is a demon/pale lady worshipping vampire clan loose in Lys. Maybe not give her access to rhe archives -yet- dont know her enough to vouch for her. Maybe specifically mention to not provide her with charm scrolls, seeing as she is already trying to be buddy buddy with the servants/guards.
No chance to hide them, so we should properly introduce her. Tor may or may not ask her for blood instead of using ours.
Agreed. I hope Tor holds out for us, after all, he didn't ask Waymar or Vee. I was intending to agree to his request next turn, it's a way to get the items in Sothoryos faster according to DP.
Clear yes. It shows off our connections, costs us nothing and we get another person to sift through them.
That costed us a lot of favor to get, I'm not keen on sharing it with her. Especially this soon.
This is potential blackmail material and should stay confidential. She will probably find out sooner or later, but we can argue that our connection is strictly need-to-know. Beside that, it hardly has anything to do with her magic.
Agreed, she has no business there.
Generally yes, but not for free. I wouldn't mind to give her some if she is willing to contribute to the research budget.
She can pump Lya for this, so we might as well tell her. I think her interactions with Velen would be infomative enough to reveal him.

Forgiven the somewhat frequent double posting, but my iPad can't handle it when the word count starts to get high.
Why should Viserys talk about the read priests? If she is looking for other maegi to ally with...
Maybe mention how there is a demon/pale lady worshipping vampire clan loose in Lys. Maybe not give her access to rhe archives -yet- dont know her enough to vouch for her. Maybe specifically mention to not provide her with charm scrolls, seeing as she is already trying to be buddy buddy with the servants/guards.
I took out the Priests. Doesn't fit under magical info, more like potential enemies.