If there's a chance of that kind of "help", then we should definitely make sure that she gets the full story from us rather than picking up bits and pieces of it from other people.
My main point was, that we should not talk about grudges that might not even be real anymore, because others might asume that they are not only real, but also acute problems.
We are green with the Red Priests until proven otherwise. As Waymar and Richard had to feel, we still have very real enemies and need to keep our defenses up. Lets not concentrate on guys that are only a potential problem.

Vote Tally : A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover | Page 408 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

[X] Plan Azel
-[X] Tell her about the availability of Scrolls, but that they are expensive in both time and money.
-[X] Mention the possible access to the Sealord's Archives.
--[X] Tell her that you and others will look there for information about her magic.
--[X] She can acommpany you at a later date, since the Sealord might object if we let her in so soon after her arrivel.
-[X] Access to your various sources of information
--[X] The Windward Society
---[X] Introduce her at the next meeting.
-[X] Information
--[X] The types and sources of magic
--[X] The greater universe
---[X] Offer access to Velen
----[X] Acompany her for the first meeting with him.
No. of Votes: 6

[X] Plan Cautious Magic
-[X] Access to your various sources of information
--[X] The Windward Society
-[X] Information
--[X] The types and sources of magic
--[X] The greater universe
---[X] Tell her yourself
-[X] Write-In : Talk about the Red Priests
-[X] Scrolls from Lya with spells approved by us, that the Dronish girl does not posses, if Lya is amenable. (Scrolls at cost)
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Write-In : Talk about the Red Priests
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 8

My main point was, that we should not talk about grudges that might not even be real anymore, because others might asume that they are not only real, but also acute problems.
We are green with the Red Priests until proven otherwise. As Waymar and Richard had to feel, we still have very real enemies and need to keep our defenses up. Lets not concentrate on guys that are only a potential problem.
Indeed, maybe we might just keep that as a story, an incident, a cautionary tale.

And the point about this merely being the part about what we offer her is valid. If there is need, we tell the whole thing.
Has anyone mentioned to her that Dany can cast?
I guess she would find out about the cantrips quickly, by living in our house and talking to the servants, but the dangerous spells might stay secret for a while.
Part CCXXXIII: Spinning Tales
Spinning Tales

Eighteenth Day of the Fifth Month 290 AC

Tyene shows keen interest in the offer to seek out lore regarding her magic in the archives of Braavos, asking how you came to have access to that repository of magic. Any hope keeping your adventures secret is dashed Waymar proceeds to tell the tale, emphasizing his own contribution more quite a lot. This earns gasps from the Dronish girl, at all the appropriate moments, a sigh from Ser Richard, and eye roll from Lya. For yourself, you are somewhat amused by the situation. Somehow you suspect the lord of Runestone would not approve of the thoughts currently passing through his son's head. You really should take Waymar aside and explain how one crafts a proper deception, to impress or for any other reason. Maybe you should have Alinor do it, the thought comes. No, you are reasonably sure that counts as evil. It is all you can do not to laugh as a sudden image of a group of young wyrms engaged foolish courtship displays rises to the surface of your mind. Some things, it seems, are universal.

When talks moves on to scrolls Tyenne smiles and says she will make her own arrangements with Lya, if you do not mind. You are hardly in a position to command your friends' time so your agreement is a formality at best. You take comfort in the fact that Lya at least should be considerably harder to manipulate than Waymar.

Later in the day Lya with your help explains to Tyene your current understanding of magic and the basics of the greater universe. She greats the idea of gods being real and having power to dispense to heir worshipers with visible concern. "

The wars of men are terrible enough," she says. "What might the wars of gods bring?"

"The Storm King is the Key, like a mighty tree hollowed from within is his reign. His fall shall herald the dying of an age. To Chaos and Madness, to Darkness and Unmaking the land shall fall prey. All shall join the desperate struggle."
the words of the Old Gods ring in your mind. Terrible will be the wars of the gods.

At first it seems strange to you that one who would plot the death of another with a smile on her face would be so visibly affected by the idea. Then again, murder and war are very different things. Might have Tyene in the silence of her heart come to invert which of the two is the more acceptable? In any case it is a good sign that she seems to have standards even if they are unusual.

When you unveil Velen Tyene is suitably impressed by the majestic creature though not unexpectedly she ask where you acquired his services?

What do you reply?

[] Write in

OOC: I know you just talked about the Red Priests but it would be out of character for Tyene not to ask how you obtained Velen given how useful and loyal he is.
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Ah... a clasical Waymar! I don't care if having Alinor giving him lessons would be evil. Its either that or researching a spell that causes muteness.


[X] Politcally Correct Version
-[X] We took the chalice from the body of a thief that had released an evil spirit that was bound within.
-[X] Some fanatics tried to take it back later, but we reached an agreement with the church of the red god and have been aknowledged as the legal owner.

Bare bones and no grudge keeping. We should obviously not mention why we knew of the thief in the first place.
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[X] A Truth and two Lies:
-[X] "We discovered the chalice in an old storeroom that had been boarded up for years."
-[X] "We recovered the chalice from a thief who stole from the Red Priests."
-[X] "We found the chalice being sold in the market by someone who had no idea of its value."

[X] A Lie and two Truths:
-[X] "A Red Priest attempted to kidnap Dany, just as we were trying to return it."
-[X] "We demanded a meeting with the Red Priests to get an explanation."
-[X] "The head priest personally apologized and provided recompense."
[X] Politcally Correct Version
[X] A Truth and two Lies:
-[X] "We discovered the chalice in an old storeroom that had been boarded up for years."
-[X] "We recovered the chalice from a thief who stole from the Red Priests."
-[X] "We found the chalice being sold in the market by someone who had no idea of its value."

[X] A Lie and two Truths:
-[X] "A Red Priest attempted to kidnap Dany, just as we were trying to return it."
-[X] "We demanded a meeting with the Red Priests to get an explanation."
-[X] "The head priest personally apologized and provided recompense."
... Are you trying to make her play a game?

I am thinking Viserys should really have a few words about Tyene to each of the core companions...
Yes. And we are sending Waymar to the Rose to have a few lessons, too.
[] Politcally Correct Version
-[] We took the chalice from the body of a thief that had released an evil spirit that was bound within.
-[] Some fanatics tried to take it back later, but we reached an agreement with the church of the red god and have been aknowledged as the legal owner.
Maybe add a little "while we were at the temple to give it back" to the fanatics attack.
It's true and looks much better for us.
Maybe add a little "while we were at the temple to give it back" to the fanatics attack.
It's true and looks much better for us.
Eh, I'd rather leave that out. It looks nice to the average bystander, yes, but I think it won't be all that good for Waymar.

And holy shit I just finished House of Cards 52, someone send help, the hype it killing me.

One might said I'm even feeling... Inspired.
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Maybe add a little "while we were at the temple to give it back" to the fanatics attack.
It's true and looks much better for us.
I think its better to keep it ambitious if we even knew who the chalice belonged to and if so for how long. Plausible deniability and all that.

I am thinking Viserys should really have a few words about Tyene to each of the core companions...
While I completely agree with you, I think we are starting to get bogged down in details with Tyene. Lets just get everyones opinion on her in a few days, maybe a week and observe her during the meeting with the Windward Society.
Right now, we mainly need intel on her fears, wishes, goals and personality.

Unlike Waymar or Garin, she did not arrive with a preinstalled handle to steer her, but I am confident that we can complete the picture in due time.

We really need some good old-fashioned adventure right now. If this plotting goes on any longer, we will start to talk in chess analogys and constantly steeple our fingers.
Unlike Waymar or Garin, she did not arrive with a preinstalled handle to steer her, but I am confident that we can complete the picture in due time.
Probably by criting more seduction rolls.
We really need some good old-fashioned adventure right now. If this plotting goes on any longer, we will start to talk in chess analogys and constantly steeple our fingers.
So, lets plan this out. What about a turn of focusing on social, talk to Garin, whom is a bit strandled, with Waymar (and send him to the Rose), see what's up with Dany, two training actions so we are set for a level up?

Free actions we take Tor up on his deal, maybe talk with Flowers what kind of arrangement would he suggest with the Golden Company?
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Probably by critinc more seduction rolls.

That might either fail utterly or succeed beyond our wildest imaginations. I am not sure which of the two would be worse.
Beside that, Viserys is a bit young to become a memetic sex god.

So, lets plan this out. What about a turn of focusing on social, talk to Garin, whom is a bit strandled, with Waymar (and send him to the Rose), see what's up with Dany, two training actions so we are set for a level up?

Free actions we take Tor up on his deal, maybe talk with Flowers what kind of arrangement would he suggest with the Golden Company?

Sounds quite good, but we need to reinvest our money in the next turn.
Since DP hinted that Tors request could get us the items from Sothoros, I guess that he has an adventure hook for us. Might use the mirror as a teleporter to that spider ruins or something like that.
Guess that the Golden Company arrangement would, at least, require us to visit them wherever they currently are. Considering their profession, probably a warzone. Might be a great moment to break in that Fireball or whatever new spell gets voted on in the end and a longer trip might be a good first step towards going to the Rhoyne and later Valyria.
Not for a while.

There is something we have to think on: Waymar and Vee need to go to Westeros to prestige by the time they are level 5. That's another reason to focus on Waymar, the temptation of staying in Runestone might strike, tho I'm pleased to see he thinks of the Windhouse as "home".

Also Garin, he doesn't live with us, he is older. We don't want the bond we formed to collapse. And his powers are likely to have some unforeseen consequences, considering where it's coming from, so being close can only help.

Remember that if we hesitated in going there on the night of the Vampire Raid, he'd talk himself into not revealing his sister's artifact.
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[X] Politcally Correct Version
-[X] We took the chalice from the body of a thief that had released an evil spirit that was bound within.
-[X] Some fanatics tried to take it back later, but we reached an agreement with the church of the red god and have been aknowledged as the legal owner.
That might either fail utterly or succeed beyond our wildest imaginations. I am not sure which of the two would be worse.
Beside that, Viserys is a bit young to become a memetic sex god.
Note that our previous critical seduction roll had nothing to do with sex. We seduced Tyene with an offer of Power to secure her Freedom.