[x] Flirt back the same way she is, but in the end just trade your respective spell lists.

I seriously suggest at the next level up to max out sense motive and diplomacy and keep bluff maxed.

We really cannot allow ourselves not to have diplomacy any longer.
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[x] Flirt back the same way she is, but in the end just trade your respective spell lists.

I really don't like this woman, but I get the sinking feeling that Viserys does. God damn it. -_-

[X] Agree in a business-like manner, nothing more.

Is there any way for an epic level caster to use some grand ritual and force a Zone of Truth on an entire continent? Permanently.
No, I do not think even a Major God could do that under D&D rules.
Well maybe not alone but it is certainly possible to do. All you have to do is use the Compel Seed for your Epic spell, convert it to an AoE Spell, and then keep doubling the Area of the spell till it covers Wezteros from the Wall to Dorne. After doing the math it seems like you need to make a Spellcraft DC of roughly 525 to cast the Spell. Good thing Epic Leadership exists.

With a Level 25 Sorcerer you should can have 41 Cha (18base+12Item+5inherent+6Advances), so that means you have a Leadership Score of 40. With that leadership Score, and the Legendary Commander Feat, you end up with 10,000 level 1 followers. Those 10000 followers all then donate a level one spell slot and you easily blow past the 525 Spellcraft DC.
Lya is going to go spare at this rate. She wasn't thrilled about hiring a former business-woman and unlike her, Tyrene is actively flirting with us.

Still. For the hell of it:
[X] Flirt back the same way she is, but in the end just trade your respective spell lists.
What about a network of smaller ones, maybe by putting magic items in buildings foundations?
This is possible, and would even be something you could theoretically set up with only two spells. Energy Conversion Field sets up an area that turns any spells cast inside it into power for one spell chosen at the time of casting. You can then use Summon Monster VII to get a Movanic Deva, with orders to use its at-will abilities enough to summon two more. Then it goes into another field set up to cast Teleport, so it can go to an area not yet affects, and use its three castings of Hallow, which lasts for a year, affects a forty-foot radius, and has zone of truth as one of the options for its variable effect.
Aside from the connotations of creating a world without lies, you are obviously missing the point. We don't care if two random peasant lie to each other. We care if people lie to us. Can we cast a permanent zone of truth that is centered around us and moves with us? Preferably while being immune to the effect?
I thought we have to retrain some skills anyway to get that prestige class.
4 for Intimidate, 4 for Knowledge History and Knowledge Arcana needs another 2 points.

Hide, Search and Spot go from 3 to zero, and we take one point from Sense Motive.

Next level we should be getting 7 skill points. The obligatory one goes to Concentration, two to max Bluff (it now starts to get silly at Bluff +15) and we can put 3 in Sense Motive, bringing it to five which gives us a synergy bonus to Diplomacy, and that last point in Diplomacy itself.

TL;DR: Next level we go +1 Concentration, +2 Bluff, +3 Sense Motive, +1 Diplomacy, Fiery Burst and Fireball.

We end up at Bluff +15, Intimidate +9, Diplomacy +7 and Sense Motive +6. Pretty damn good for the party's face.
With a Level 25 Sorcerer you should can have 41 Cha (18base+12Item+5inherent+6Advances), so that means you have a Leadership Score of 40. With that leadership Score, and the Legendary Commander Feat, you end up with 10,000 level 1 followers. Those 10000 followers all then donate a level one spell slot and you easily blow past the 525 Spellcraft DC.
A.k.a why people ban Leadership every time. And Circle Magic.
Energy Conversion Field sets up an area that turns any spells cast inside it into power for one spell chosen at the time of casting. You can then use Summon Monster VII to get a Movanic Deva,
Which is a pretty damn high level thing.
Vote Tally : A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover | Page 403 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

[X] Flirt back the same way she is, but in the end just trade your respective spell lists.
No. of Votes: 6

[X] Trade your respective spell lists.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Agree in a business-like manner, nothing more.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 9

Part CCXXXI: Playing the Game
Playing the Game

Seventeenth Day of the Fifth Month 290 AC

Two can play the game she has begun, you think After all as a prince you really should hone the skills of a courtier too. Somehow that does not sound quite as dutiful as you imagined it it would. No matter.

She is a bastard so you realize no one would have treated her like a real lady, not even in Dorne, much less in whatever piratical hell hole in the Stepstones she spend her last while. So you shall treat her precisely as you would a young lady. You begin by making yourself appear as if you are falling under the spell of her ingenue pose, as if you were the kind of fool that thinks a daughter of Oberyn Martel would be a pretty hothouse flower that would need shielding from the rigors of the world. Ser Richard looks worried, almost like he is considering the correct etiquette for hitting his liege lord upside-the-head. Meanwhile Tyene looks more and more satisfied, and she is not hiding it as well as she thinks she is. The Dornish Guards are probably sinkering internally

Then, when she believes she is reeling you in like a none-to-clever fish you, look directly into her eyes and ask starkly: "What do you want of magic really, milady, it can be anything and everything, but still limited by our desires." You may not understand the opposite gender that much but the desire for power, that you understand all to well for your dreams are filled with it and your blood sings to its tune.

"Freedom," she blurts out. It has the ring of truth.

"Then, if you would allow I would help you be free In all the ways you could wish," you respond solemnly. An offer, a temptation, these things you can use.

For the briefest moment she looks shaken. What does she see? Ah... for a spell to read even the most ephemeral of thoughts from another's mind...

"The hour grows late, as pleasant as this has been the journey has been wearying. Let us speak no more of petty distractions and distant things..." Tyenne rallies.

You agree at once. No need to push. She is quite impressed at your array of magics, particularly those that can be used for infiltration. When you speak of charm she ask if you have bespelled her half in jest.

"Certainly not," you respond affecting outrage. "That is a weapon to use against foes not... allies." You too can speak the language of significant pauses and delicate emphasis.

From the look in her eye it must have been at least partially effective.

Flirtation aside her own magic is quite effective, though even more than yours it is not meant for the field of battle. Hers is the touch of poison in a gentle caress fluttering unseen or coming from the most innocuous of sources that can slay even the most deadly of foes. You suspect she did not mean to reveal that much of how specifically she can use these spells. It is the turn of her guards to look a trifle worried.

Tyene's spells

Level 0 Spells: Light, No light, Detect Poison, Detect Magic, Cure Minor Wounds (7/day)
Level 1 Spells: Cure Light Wounds, Inflict Light Wounds, Disguise Self, Sticks to Snakes*, Comprehend Languages (7/day)
Level 2 Spells: Invisibility, Divine Insight, Zone of Truth (5/day)

Sticks to Snakes
Level: Clr 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Targets: One or more sticks, no two of which can be
more than 30 ft. apart
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (object)
Spell Resistance: Yes (object)

By means of this spell, you are able to change 1d6 Tiny sticks (light crossbow bolts), 1d4 Small sticks (arrows), 1d3 Medium sticks (clubs, torches), or 1 Large stick (staff) into any normal snake (your choice) of an equal size to the stick altered. See Core Rulebook III for appropriate snake sizes and types. All such created snakes are under your mental control. The sticks to be affected must be within the spell's area of effect. Only non-magical sticks may be affected by this spell. If any of the sticks targeted by this spell are attended objects, the possessor of the stick receives a Will save to resist the effects of the spell.

Material Component: A small piece of bark and a few snake scales.

Note: the spell is from a third party setting Arcanis so I included the description here

You must admit the plan to have Tywin Lannister get into bed with a large venomous reptile for the last time in his life amuses you greatly, perhaps more than it should. You do however note there is a dissatisfaction there. You decide to probe no further tonight.

Now that you have gotten to know her better to you invite her and her entourage back to Wind House?

[] Yes

[] No

OOC: And that ladies and gentlemen is what rolling a 32 for bluff after bonuses for flirtation looks like.
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Aside from the connotations of creating a world without lies, you are obviously missing the point. We don't care if two random peasant lie to each other. We care if people lie to us. Can we cast a permanent zone of truth that is centered around us and moves with us? Preferably while being immune to the effect?

To get an item like that costs something like 30 000gp. So not super hard in a normal end game.
Its hard to have clear favorite from this chapter, but this is still the most funny sentence:
Ser Richard looks worried, almost like he is considering the correct etiquette for hitting his liege lord upside-the-head.

I had just started to write a post where I wanted to suggest to not raise bluff next level and instead raise diplomacy some more. Ashes on my head for thinking such treasonous thoughts.
That was both greatly amusing and very, very usefull infos she spilled.
Its hard to have clear favorite from this chapter, but this is still the most funny sentence:

I had just started to write a post where I wanted to suggest to not raise bluff next level and instead raise diplomacy some more. Ashes on my head for thinking such treasonous thoughts.
That was both greatly amusing and very, very usefull infos she spilled.

Only half treasonous.
We need diplomacy.
But not at the cost of bluff.
Its hard to have clear favorite from this chapter, but this is still the most funny sentence:

I had just started to write a post where I wanted to suggest to not raise bluff next level and instead raise diplomacy some more. Ashes on my head for thinking such treasonous thoughts.
That was both greatly amusing and very, very usefull infos she spilled.

Both bluff and diplomacy could have been used in that situation. She used diplomacy because it is 1 point higher than her bluff.
Only half treasonous.
We need diplomacy.
But not at the cost of bluff.
That is more or the less the problem. Other then Concentration there really is nothing we could shift some points from.
Eh. Level 7 will happen at some point and then we should be able to max diplo too.

After this, I am far less hesitant to let her live with us, but not yet ready to vote for it. Her dissatifaction connected to the concepts of "dead" and "Tywin" shows that at least part of the reason for her presence here is that Doran wanted to get her far enough away from Westeros to not randomly try to murder him.

My guess is that Oberyn and Tyrene went to Doran to plot the murder, but the latter obviously does not want Tywin dead right now.
Instead of just shooting the idea down and thus risking Oberyn to do something stupid, he convinced them that Tyrene is not yet ready and arranged the "apprenticeship" with us.
I am fairly sure about this theory, since it matches up very well with the goals and personalitys of all involved partys. Obviously not the whole truth, but at least this looks not like an attempt to kidnap/kill/maim/burn someone we like.
[x] Yes

Fireball is not a good choice for our spell, in my opinion. It's nice for blowing up hordes of Dothraki or something like that (though best to still have some sort of defensive spell like Protection from Arrows up and running), but we're far more likely to find ourselves in situations where we wouldn't be able to use it effectively for various reasons, such as concerns about hitting allies, doing excessive damage to the city or our environments, or the like.
We need a blaster-spell, but something more precise or selective would be much better, IMO, even if it doesn't have the synergy with the bonus to firespells we get. At least for the time being; there's always the option of picking Fireball later.

That reminds me, though; shouldn't we be able to switch spells from our spell list by now? Replacing Disguise Self with something else would probably be a good idea, since Alter Self basically fulfills the same function in terms of disguise and whatnot.
[x] Yes

Fireball is not a good choice for our spell, in my opinion. It's nice for blowing up hordes of Dothraki or something like that (though best to still have some sort of defensive spell like Protection from Arrows up and running), but we're far more likely to find ourselves in situations where we wouldn't be able to use it effectively for various reasons, such as concerns about hitting allies, doing excessive damage to the city or our environments, or the like.
We need a blaster-spell, but something more precise or selective would be much better, IMO, even if it doesn't have the synergy with the bonus to firespells we get. At least for the time being; there's always the option of picking Fireball later.

That reminds me, though; shouldn't we be able to switch spells from our spell list by now? Replacing Disguise Self with something else would probably be a good idea, since Alter Self basically fulfills the same function in terms of disguise and whatnot.

Keep in mind disguise self makes instant clothes for your personas too. Alter self does not.