Thinking about it. She won initiative. She will attack us first.

@Goldfish , are you sure we can tank another empowered Vampiric Touch form her? Shouldn't we try to go for Wings of Cover first, then attack if we are not dead?
Nobody thinks going from Half to Large HD is a good idea? Just in case she can repeat that Alpha Strike.
That use an entire round for transformation, and we simply can't spare that kind of time in a fight this intense.
Thinking about it. She won initiative. She will attack us first.

@Goldfish , are you sure we can tank another empowered Vampiric Touch form her? Shouldn't we try to go for Wings of Cover first, then attack if we are not dead?
... Son of a bitch. You're right. @Goldfish?
Nobody thinks going from Half to Large HD is a good idea? Just in case she can repeat that Alpha Strike.

Transforming would eat up a Standard Action that could better be used killing the Maenad.

Thinking about it. She won initiative. She will attack us first.

@Goldfish , are you sure we can tank another empowered Vampiric Touch form her? Shouldn't we try to go for Wings of Cover first, then attack if we are not dead?

She shouldn't be able to do that again now that she's engaged in melee with Richard and Waymar. The Temp HP should protect us as well, even if his normal HP go into the negative.

Just in case, however, here's an updated plan:

[X] Plan "Turtle power, bitch!"
-[X] Viserys uses a Swift Action to cast a Quickened targeted Dispel Magic spell at the Maenad, targets her with an attack from the Freezing Glance spell (which is still active from the previous round), then casts Baleful Polymorph to turn her into a tortoise.
--[X] Should she attempt to attack Viserys or Tyene before being neutralized, forgo casting Quickened Dispel Magic in favor of using Wings of Cover, then cast Dispel Magic rather than Baleful Polymorph.
--[X] If the Freezing Glance and first Baleful Polymorph are not successful or is foregone in order to cast Dispel Magic, he casts Celerity, then targets her with another Baleful Polymorph spell.
-[X] Waymar Quick Casts True Strike, then targets the Maenad with Lightning Lance (his 1/day Ex version, not the spell), aiming both strikes at her.
-[X] Richard attacks, using Lightning Recovery to re-roll fails with added bonus.
-[X] Tyene heals Viserys with a Cure Critical Wounds spell.
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@DragonParadox Last question, I promise! At least as pertains to this chapter...

Since Celerity gives us another Standard Action, and using Freezing Glance is a free once per round after we cast it, would that mean Viserys could make yet another attempt on the Maenad in addition to casting another spell at her?

From my reading of it Celerity merely subverts the initiative order it does not give you extra actions on your turn.
That would just be Nerveskitter?

Celerity pulls your standard-action from next turn into this one, allowing for two standard-action in the same turn, but makes you dazed so you loose the action next turn.

*checks again*

Casting time: immediate action and produces a standard action. You are right, for some reason I thought it took a standard action to cast. It subverts the initiative order and allows you to turn a swift+ standard action next turn into another standard action this turn,
*checks again*

Casting time: immediate action and produces a standard action. You are right, for some reason I thought it took a standard action to cast. It subverts the initiative order and allows you to turn a swift+ standard action next turn into another standard action this turn,
And then there's Celerity, Greater.
From an extra/external-temporal perspective, celerity is just like nerveskitter, only it reaches further along the temporal axis to do it's initiative moving. I think.

I am very much not great with the whole time shifting nomenclature in general.
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*checks again*

Casting time: immediate action and produces a standard action. You are right, for some reason I thought it took a standard action to cast. It subverts the initiative order and allows you to turn a swift+ standard action next turn into another standard action this turn,
Don't forget the move action next turn, that one is payed and lost with the spell.
Greater Celerity does away with that particular cost.
That's the lesser version, move for move. Celerity has this in the spell text:

However, after you take the standard action granted by this spell, you are dazed until the end of your next turn.

You sacrifice the entirety of your next turn.

I know I promised, but this is an extension of the last question...

Does the current plan look legal then? Or is casting Quickened Dispel Magic or Wings of Cover going to interfere with casting Celerity?
It's legal, though the glance comes first since it is automatically triggered by looking at the enemy. That shouldn't be a problem, I hope?
I would have preferred to use it after the targeted Dispel, but I don't really see any way around that. We'll take what we can get.
If it happens in that order, we won't be in danger of Dispelling our own Freezing Glance effect, I hope? :o
No. It only affects one target per round.
Sorry, misread. Hmm... No clue on this one.
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By the way guys, DP added the Heart Tree we currently have on the front page under the Sorcerer's Deep stats. It's under its own section titled "Holy Places".