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Nine hit die per Maenad?Maenad have some abilities that would make this a bad idea. We want people to flee and hide, out of sight of them, rather try to fight and end up mind whammied.
Maenad – d20PFSRD
We only need two of these things to grow a full Weirwood and two more after that nets us two secondary effects. If we get super lucky we'll get enough for the third secondary effect, but I doubt it.
Anyway, about where the Weirwood is, I'm rather fond of the Diplomacy tree idea. We could grow it in the town square of Sorcerer's Deep and give it both Heart's Ease and Tongues so that foreigners can barter freely there.Blood Component: Sacrifice of 16 HD worth of sentient creatures who must be hung from the tree or if the branches will not support them, impaled before its roots.
- 1 Secondary effect: 24 HD worth of sacrifices
3 Secondary effects 54 HD worth of sacrifices
- 2 Secondary effects: 36 HD worth of sacrifices
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