I'm sure Azema can talk her into it. Lya's main trait is curiosity, you know.

A pretty central trait to her is also jealousy when it comes to Viserys. She was irritated at Alinor when she first showed up to be our steward, you know.

Lya is going to have to learn to share with other Lya's soon, might as well start practicing.

I'm pretty sure it's going to just be the end of this plane. :V

Disguise self cannot make you look like you are a different size category. That takes Veil.

Right. We've pinged Goldfish to change it to MHD, but I don't think they've been on to edit?
[X] Goldfish
Lets get those juicy sacrifices!
As for how slavery would look under R'hllor, look at the Aztec pantheon, specifically Tezcatlipoca, one of his (many) names means "We are his Slaves".
Aztec slavery was not hereditary, people could become slaves by committing crime, incurring debt or to escape poverty.
Slaves could not be sold against their will, could have their own slaves and regain their freedom through several means.
Mistreating a slave was considered an insult to Tezcatlipoca.
The greeks had often similar attitudes to their slaves. Turns out that your civilization is a lot more stable when you don't give your manservants ample reason to stab you in your sleep.
The greeks had often similar attitudes to their slaves. Turns out that your civilization is a lot more stable when you don't give your manservants ample reason to stab you in your sleep.
Hm. Hmmm. Is that translatable to how to treat your employees? For example the ones carrying weapons?
Hm. Hmmm. Is that translatable to how to treat your employees? For example the ones carrying weapons?
Pretty much. Unhappy and underpaid employees are very likely to wreck your company even without actively trying to steal from you.

The replaceable cog school of management leaves very impressive train wrecks in its wake.
Let me guess. You work in such a ruin?
I'm working in one of the better bigger companies.
That's a YES .

Edit: There's a bright side to it - it's completely human made, no law of nature enforcing it.
How the hell is that the >>bright<< side???
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Edit: There's a bright side to it - it's completely human made, no law of nature enforcing it.
How the hell is that the >>bright<< side???
Because it means that the universe it not actively cruel. There is no universal force that is trying to sap your will to live through unending malice and spite.
It's just a cold, uncaring void. Meaningless people on a meaningless rock which floats through the vast emptyness without any purpose.

That's totally better! :V
Sorry for the delay in editing the plan, y'all. I was at a working lunch.

[X] Hunt the Maenads as a group. We will try to subdue them if possible, in order to later sacrifice them to Yss or the Old Gods.
-[X] Give Dany the signal to begin blocking the harbor.
-[X] Viserys casts Mage Armor on Tyene, Hastes the entire group, uses a scroll to cast Protection from Evil on himself, then takes on MHD form. Use a Ribbon of Disguise to appear human, so as to not further terrify the populace.
Are mynads dionious' actual children?

Best outcome: god aggrees to drop the murder and cannibalism, keep the alochol and orgy and fun. We can provide hangover cures to the wealthy at a premium, and order in the moon tea.

No idea how we can accomplish this.

Think azema expected something like this might happen? If it's cause we didn't let her kill people to take power here, I will be super annoyed.
We need to make Azema go through a pretty heavy interrogation after this. I'm not trusting her.
Same here. If she knew this was happening she is watering the tree.
Think azema expected something like this might happen? If it's cause we didn't let her kill people to take power here, I will be super annoyed.
I'm suspicious of Azema too, and I definitely want to interrogate her about this. But I don't want her dead over this. Despite the trouble she caused, she's way too useful to us. We can find some other way to punish her.
I'm suspicious of Azema too, and I definitely want to interrogate her about this. But I don't want her dead over this. Despite the trouble she caused, she's way too useful to us. We can find some other way to punish her.
We could send her to Yreal for remedial moral lessons.
That should either go well or explode in a amusing way.
Eh, Atonement to move her to Neutral is probably an easier sell than doing a whole swap. We could even sell it as becoming free of her mother's influence.
Hmmm, food for thought.

If this happened because of the wine itself, then there's a particular family in Tyrosh which will be watering the Weirwoods soon...

If this was caused by the festival... dear gods...

Guys, we moved it forward so it could work to our favour, but Tyrosh will be celebrating the same thing a month from now.

We could be potentially staring at a whole city descending into this madness... which could be an opportunity in itself now that I think about it...
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Well, alu-demon, punishment we'd be willing to dish out would probably not register.
We can be upfront. Her "kill people and take over" requiers an incredibly hands on approach to be mentained sucessfully, espically if we want to froce massive cultural shift. Shortsighted poisioning of installed admistrators is a thing.
Hands on requires time. Precious precious time.
Us going the party route takeover - that was for her. And now this is happening.
(i think) We were going to bring her to the bay of beggars for her to go off and have fun while we treat with the Xorn.
I say... We still do that, but if she pulls shit like this again (cause things that take time), she will be punished, ranging from anywhere from being released from our service, up to true death, circumstances depending*

*i expect reasoned threat will have more impact than "rarw, you are loot fuel noaw"