[X] Tell Ser Richard about magic
-[X] Make sure that no one overhears you two.
-[X] Explain that you have awakened your ancient blood somehow and have access to magic now. Stress that it is not of a kind that requires sacrifice, being a limited source of power that replenishes regularly instead. Confirm that you can affect minds with it (because hiding it now and having him find out later would be even more disastrous), which is how you managed to get ahead among these criminals so quickly, but assure him that you would never use it on loyal subjects like him. If he expresses doubt still, remind him that he wouldn't even be asking these questions if he was affected by your magic, and clarify that you can't really do this subtly, requiring words and gestures. This new (or old?) magic, you excitedly tell him, is why you feel so confident about being able to gather the necessary resources for conquest.
-[X] Remind him that this must be kept secret.
[X] Tell Ser Richard about magic
-[X] Make sure that no one overhears you two.
-[X] Explain that you have awakened your ancient blood somehow and have access to magic now. Stress that it is not of a kind that requires sacrifice, being a limited source of power that replenishes regularly instead. Confirm that you can affect minds with it (because hiding it now and having him find out later would be even more disastrous), which is how you managed to get ahead among these criminals so quickly, but assure him that you would never use it on loyal subjects like him. If he expresses doubt still, remind him that he wouldn't even be asking these questions if he was affected by your magic, and clarify that you can't really do this subtly, requiring words and gestures. This new (or old?) magic, you excitedly tell him, is why you feel so confident about being able to gather the necessary resources for conquest.
-[X] Remind him that this must be kept secret.
Part XVII: The Littlest Dragon's Courage
The Littlest Dragon's Courage

Twenty-eight Day of the Ninth Month 289 AC

For a moment you consider deception, something about a tame snake. But no, that lie would be too easily disproved. Such exotic pets are rare and expensive far beyond the means you have been living on these past few years. Even if that were not the case who would give a venomous snake to a child for a pet save perhaps an enemy?

"Come in and close the door, Ser, there is one further secret I must reveal. I had hoped to give you some time to become more comfortable in my service but alas that was not to be," you say hurriedly. Dany looks guiltily down at her feet.

"It's not your fault really Dany, if anything it is mine for not thinking ahead. Just be more careful from now on." As serious as the situation is you cannot bear to see her down like that.

"The snake is perfectly safe Ser, well as safe as I am in any case. You see I have overlooked some details of how I came to be here and rise so high among these rogues in a short amount of time."

First a demonstration. It would not do for him to consider you merely mad. You speak the words and make the gestures of petty magic uncomfortable in doing so in plain view of any save your sister. Slowly you unwrap the ribbon from around Varys without touching it, lifting it into the air.

The knight looks at the display frozen in shock.

"Magic is a dangerous thing your grace, a cursed thing, it requires..." the knight stops unwilling to accuse you of blood magic outright it seems.

"No sacrifices did I make good Ser, no dark powers did I call. This magic wanes with use and waxes with rest..."

"It's not bad." Dany interrupts forcefully looking directly at Ser Richard. Not the most polite child, you think before considering the irony of worrying about that at a time like this.

"It feels warm and safe and cozy. It's 'cause of it that we're safe." she continues looking like nothing so much as a furious kitten.

Somehow that breaks the tension in the room. Ser Richard sighs and say: "I called myself your sword sword, no kinngslayer will I be over this even if no man save me would know. Say your piece your grace and If I find I cannot bear to serve you after you are through..."

"Then I shall release you," you interrupt swiftly. You explain your powers and how you used them stressing that you only used them on the the most dishonorable of foes and that you would never consider using it on one who has sword himself to you.

Ser Richard still looks doubtful.

Dany offers from the corner: "You can use it on me. I'm not afraid. Then he can see what it looks like when you do the friend spell so he'll know you aren't a liar."

You are startled to hear the Stormlander knight give a full belly laugh. "Your pardon milady for impugning on your royal brother's honor."

"Right, so you're a wizard of some sort like the Valyrians were said to be," he continues. "I can either trust your word or I can't. Push comes to shove if I was already enchanted than I would not be having doubts so I can act like frightened peasant and have my courage showed up by a little girl or I can be a knight and hold to my oaths freely made. Gods know I swore to be part to darker deeds than magic such as you have shown."

You sigh in relief and smile broadly at the knight: "Well said ser now come there is much to speak of how we might combine our efforts to get the best of the situation we find ourselves in."

"One moment, your grace," Ser Richard says as serious as a lord passing judgement, "I have been remiss in failing to introduce myself to the lady."

"Ser Richard Lonmouth at your service princess." he addresses Dany with a bow and full courtly manners

"Pleased t' mettcha," she replies with a giggle and considerably less decorum.

That could have gone far, far worse in fact you would not be surprised if you had nightmares about how much worse it could have gone.

Now the time has come to decide who you will have Ser Richard act within the confides of Gorthos' guild:

[] He is to guard and protect you as you go about your tasks, potentially suspicious given your cover stories but a trained sword at your back is not o be scoffed at.
[] He is to insinuate himself into Yohn's side of the guild, the fighting prowess of a knight will go far among dockside brawlers.
[] He is to stay mostly at the One-eyed Rat, guarding Dany and potentially beginning to teach her how to defend herself. This will require a further lie, perhaps a lost child during the war to justify his great fondness for her.
[] Write-in

OOC: It was touch and go for a moment there but you pulled it off.
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Mm. Some interesting choices. Having a meat shield at hand would be useful if things go pear-shaped during one of our jobs, but we'll probably be focusing on social-oriented ones, so it isn't that critical. Him becoming one of the thugs is least suspicious and likely lets him advance through the ranks pretty fast. Guarding Dany has the obvious benefit of our sister's safety, but I think we've got that handled to an extent (we chose Merin, right?) and the DC for explaining why he suddenly does that would be high. More lies just make the previous ones more tenuous.

[X] He is to insinuate himself into Yohn's side of the guild, the fighting prowess of a knight will go far among dockside brawlers.

In the end, just a single meat shield isn't enough for our plans. We need more fighters, and Richard gaining authority among the brawlers while we do the more subtle work (calling on his help when required) seems like a decent option.
[X] He is to insinuate himself into Yohn's side of the guild, the fighting prowess of a knight will go far among dockside brawlers.

Yes it would be preferable with someone with less of an agenda thought Dany. I might be biased though because of other fics where he is less than charming in the end.
[X] He is to insinuate himself into Yohn's side of the guild, the fighting prowess of a knight will go far among dockside brawlers.
Dunno if this was asked already, but how does the Iron Bank (or other banks, I suppose) ID checks if you want to withdraw money?

Is it enough to see the face of the noble (or a retainer of that noble)? Any passwords or seals?

Depending on how it works, we could try our hand as a conman. The Iron Bank is a bit risky, though. But if we hit other moneylenders, take out a medium sized loan under a false face and disappear again they could do precious little about it.
Keep in mind that some well timed violence could help a lot with the noble debtor quest. It's always nice to have a backup to Charm Person.
We can always take him with us on the more dangerous ones. It's not like it would be that questionable with our purported 'silver tongue'. But if he acquires some minions while under Yohn, we'd have even more people to call upon during a crisis.

Btw, how much money have we earned until now on the jobs?
Dunno if this was asked already, but how does the Iron Bank (or other banks, I suppose) ID checks if you want to withdraw money?

Is it enough to see the face of the noble (or a retainer of that noble)? Any passwords or seals?

Depending on how it works, we could try our hand as a conman. The Iron Bank is a bit risky, though. But if we hit other moneylenders, take out a medium sized loan under a false face and disappear again they could do precious little about it.

The Iron Bank uses passwords and seals for important accounts yes however there are spells that could defeat even those in various ways.

Btw, how much money have we earned until now on the jobs?

None. You were on probation so far.

You should have gotten something from the wine seller regardless but you had to pay off the thugs so they'd play along.
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[X] He is to insinuate himself into Yohn's side of the guild, the fighting prowess of a knight will go far among dockside brawlers.
[X] He is to stay mostly at the One-eyed Rat, guarding Dany and potentially beginning to teach her how to defend herself. This will require a further lie, perhaps a lost child during the war to justify his great fondness for her.

[X] He is to guard and protect you as you go about your tasks, potentially suspicious given your cover stories but a trained sword at your back is not o be scoffed at.
[X] He is to insinuate himself into Yohn's side of the guild, the fighting prowess of a knight will go far among dockside brawlers.
[X] He is to guard and protect you as you go about your tasks, potentially suspicious given your cover stories but a trained sword at your back is not o be scoffed at.

I think we should begin our core group of gang for now,we need to show who is boss.
I am very very tempted here with all 3 options...

As much as I want to max shadow running, it is just too dangerous for a lvl2 sorcerer child to go without a powerful fighter

[X] He is to guard and protect you as you go about your tasks, potentially suspicious given your cover stories but a trained sword at your back is not o be scoffed at.
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Part XVIII: Thief Hunt Part One
Thief Hunt Part One

Thirtieth Day of the Ninth Month 289 AC

Len's vanished sneak is called Agril the Agile by himself at least. Most others call him Angril the Ass for having an ego at least twice as large as his skills. He was last seen five days ago bragging about how he stole a treasure that would make him rich beyond dreams, far in excess anything that could be fenced off to the "piddling" merchants of Drowned Town. He was also heard saying that he would be able to buy the Old Man out nevermind guild "fees." Then nothing more was heard which according to Len means he is likely dead in a ditch somewhere.

However even accounting for Angril's usual act whatever he stole must have been of great worth not least because in all his barging he never mentioned what exactly he stole off that Red Priest. Len is willing to pay 50 Iron Pennies for news of Angril and he is sure that the Old Man would pay a fair price for whatever "treasure" Angril possessed. Also Len was not shy in mentioning that getting this straightened out would go a long way towards making your reputation in the guild in spite of your age and "pretty boy" looks.

Asking around you find a surprising amount of people know something of Angril for such a disliked person. Perhaps he was a popular subject of gossip.

Where will you begin your search:

[] His brother, a wheelwright, Angril would have had more reason to brag to him than almost anyone else (according to a whore the thief used to frequent). Perhaps he let slip what the item was.
[] His former mistress, perhaps he had hoped to use his new wealth to woo her back
[] His regular fence, he is likely to know the most about the man but even the thugs at the Rat consider the fence shifty. You shudder at the implication of just how untrustworthy he must be.

Do you take Ser Richard with you

[] Yes, will damage new his position in Yohn's organization
[] No, you can handle one sneak thief.

Do you take Varys with you:

[] Yes, you gain access to venom and the Alertness Feat
[] No, she is too fragile.
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[X] Plan Paloswag

[X] His former mistress, perhaps he had hoped to use his new wealth to woo her back.
[X] Yes, will damage new his position in Yohn's organization
[X] Yes, you gain access to venom and the Alertness Feat

Never underestimate the power a woman has on a man's head. Both of them.

I don't think our hireling is necessary this mission. Plus, I don't want to share exp. And it sounds like there's a negative for having him help anyways.

The snake could be useful just for the Alertness feet.

Edit: The Paradox has spoken. Looks like there will be combat.
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[X] His former mistress, perhaps he had hoped to use his new wealth to woo her back
[X] No, you can handle one sneak thief.
[X] Yes, you gain access to venom and the Alertness Feat
[X] His former mistress, perhaps he had hoped to use his new wealth to woo her back
[X] No, you can handle one sneak thief.
[X] Yes, you gain access to venom and the Alertness Feat
[X] His former mistress, perhaps he had hoped to use his new wealth to woo her back
[X] No, you can handle one sneak thief.
[X] Yes, you gain access to venom and the Alertness Feat
[X] His former mistress, perhaps he had hoped to use his new wealth to woo her back
[X] No, you can handle one sneak thief.
[X] Yes, you gain access to venom and the Alertness Feat

Do you take Ser Richard with you

[] Yes, will damage new his position in Yohn's organization
[] No, you can handle one sneak thief.
Does choosing no mean going alone, or are we instead taking some random thug with us?