Thief Hunt Part Three
Thirtieth Day of the Ninth Month 289 AC
Ser Richard flinches but he did not comment when your features shift into an older image, the man you might be in three or four years. then he seems to look more carefully and says conrerned: "I can see you still as you are, the magic is a shadow and vapor."
"Of course you can, you know the truth. even if you merely suspected it you could set your will do disbelieve it but whay would most even consider looking for a magical disguise?" you reply easily.
"It is said the Faceless Men have this art and they dwell within this very city."the knight replies with surprising insight
You consider this a moment and reply: "So they do, something to think on no doubt. the last thing I can afford is their attention but ask yourself: Would
Yma Selyon expect a Faceless Man?"
"No I do not think she would," the knight answers mollified. You take note that a solid seeming as he may be Ser Richard can be insightful just the same.
The two of you enter the building and climb up the former servant's stairs to Yma's apartment.
She answers the door swiftly enough a coquettish smile on her full red lips. As you exchange pleasantries you look around the sitting room that was once a guest bedroom when the house served a grander purpose. You see all the statuettes and figurines, vases that one would expect to see. Gifts from Yma's conquests but you also see a line of model ships in bottles lovingly crafted. They hold pride of place on the shelves making you suspect that Yma herself made them. There is a lesson in that, there are always surprises beyond the masks a person shows the world. Of all people you who live layering masks atop masks should remember this.
Your contemplative mood is broken as you spy your host partnering to bring cups of sweet strong tea, you suppose you look prosperous enough for Yma to go the extra effort. While her back is turned you whisper the arcane words of enchantment as your hands move through the proper gestures. Though you knew it was possible it is still a shock when you feel the spell fail. The woman's back stiffens even as you speak the words again just as she turns towards you confused. This time the spell takes hold and her posture relaxes. You can only hope whatever she felt on the failed casting is easily rationalized away.
She gives you a far more genuine-looking smile now that you are her friend and asks if you would like some rare treat from the Sumner Islands to go with the tea. After a moment's consideration you refuse. It would feel wrong somehow to take advantage of her thus. She was not the enemy after all. Ser Richard's words come back to you: "not even a king may dictate a man's feelings only his acts." A king might not but a sorcerer could and you are both. How easily might such powers be abused to make you the worst of tyrants, one what is beloved of his victims?
Setting aside such worries for now you ask Yma what she may know of Angril's whereabouts and this "treasure" he stole from the Red Priests. At this you can clearly see fear in the woman's eyes, a fear you realize she has been attempting to hide not only from you but from herself.
It seems Angril did visit her
with his treasure. Haltingly Yma describes the encounter. during late evening three days ago Angril had shown up drunk as a lord on expensive strong wine no less saying that he wouls shower her in gold but first he wanted her to appreciate the wonder he had through his guile acquired. To keep him from waking up the landlord if nothing else Yma let him in.
Once inside he produced and ancient fire-blackened chalice marked with strange flowing writing that looked as unusually new.Angril spoke a word, Yma thinks it sounded like the Bravosi word for "fire" and dancing flames erupted from within.
As he reaches this part of the tale Yma looks at you as if expecting you co call her insane. You gently motion her to continue.
She recounts on: after summoning the fire Angril looked at his former lover expecting praise. Yma was still too shocked to say anything. Perhaps taking this as a challenge he spoke a longer incantation feeding a piece of teak wood into the unnatural flames. From the fire emerged
a little demon of flames that flew around the room cackling. Here Yma shows you the scorch marks on the ceiling.
You try to comfort her as best you can which is probably better than you would have managed without the magic influencing her. After calming down she concludes:
"I screamed at him to take his demon and never darken my doorway again. He called me a whore and said he would see to it that all the other men I carry on with would be dead and then I would have no choice than to craw back to him. The demon dived back into the flames and then he took the damn cup and left. I've been scared ever since and... I don't even know why I'm telling you this. You must think me mad."
You almost wince in guilt at having used magic on her too but it's not like you can apologize for it.
"Be at ease madam they say a sorcerer dies the same as any man and Angril has not paid his dues. The Old Man always collects in gold or blood..."
Yma gladly tells you where Angril's most recent hiding place is. After giving her a formal parting (you seem to be making a habit of treating whores like ladies) you leave the house deep in thoughts. What shall you do now:
[] Head straight to Angril's hideout and confront him. That item could be of great use for one of your talents
[] Return to the Rat and see if you can get some more support, this will be difficult and perhaps require magic to do
[] Return to the Rat and announce that the mission has been a failure, you do not have the magic to face demons of fire.
[] Write in
OOC: There you have it your first spell failure. Also Viserys is considering the morality of magic while the dragon blood compels him to go for the treasure. You rolled a crit on what Yma knew (and she was the second most likely to know after the fence) hence the forewarning.