How are we planning to get into Unseen Seer anyway? Crossclassing 3 skills is cheaper with Able Learner but that still means we can't enter it until 14th level at the earliest. Unless we can take levels other than sorcerer?
That is a good point... we completely fucked this up!
we either need to take a rogue dip. Or change our plan. and rogue dip kinda sucks.

or... there are certain feats that can give you certain things as class skills. We should look into something like that.

wait! we could do a bard dip and then a sorc/bard hybrid PRC?... those probably require prereqs though. lemme look into it
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[X] Plan DS mk2
feat: Draconic Senses
skills: bluff, concentration, spellcraft, knowledge arcana, knowledge nature
spell: detect poison

@mrttao we also need to know at least 2 divination spells so i changed my spell selection to detect poison. is the plan to start taking rogue levels after we hit second level spells? because if not we are never going to hit our prestige class
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@DragonParadox can we retrain spells. It occurs to me that light is a really crappy level 0 spell, moreover if we do take dragon senses we really won't need it

@mrttao we also need to know at least 2 divination spells so i changed my spell selection to detect poison. is the plan to start taking rogue levels after we hit second level spells? because if not we are never going to hit our prestige class
I was just gonna say that detect poison is REALLY helpful for a would be crime lord, it can save our life!

hmmm, arcane mark cantrip would be useful, it would let us summon said object to us and make it a lot easier to scry it. we can put it on the crown. We can put it on sister.
The best part it can be invisible
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DragonParadox, would any of the following classes be allowed? They're probably better for us for dipping rather than rogue but may not be realistic for the setting.
Monk is unlikely to be available, but would be a good option if it is.
Scout is probably likely, and skirmish is probably better for use than a rogue's sneak attack.
Factotum would be great but is probably also not allowed.

hmmm, arcane mark cantrip would be useful, it would let us summon said object to us and make it a lot easier to scry it. we can put it on the crown. We can put it on sister.
The best part it can be invisible

Arcane mark doesn't let us summon anything, it's just a mark. I'd rather get Launch Bolt as a cantrip instead, giving us an offensive ability that wouldn't announce us as obviously magic like a fire spell or something would (though we could just get an actual crossbow instead).
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[X] Plan DS mk2
feat: Draconic Senses
skills: bluff, concentration, spellcraft, spot, knowledge arcana
spell: detect poison
still invalid, spot is already maxed out at our cap of 2.

DragonParadox, would any of the following classes be allowed? They're probably better for us for dipping rather than rogue but may not be realistic for the setting.
Monk is unlikely to be available, but would be a good option if it is.
Scout is probably likely, and skirmish is probably better for use than a rogue's sneak attack.
Factotum would be great but is probably also not allowed.
I was thinking bard actually. bard is basically a rogue, with some arcane magic based on cha
moreover, bards can heal with arcane magic
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DragonParadox, would any of the following classes be allowed? They're probably better for us for dipping rather than rogue but may not be realistic for the setting.
Monk is unlikely to be available, but would be a good option if it is.
Scout is probably likely, and skirmish is probably better for use than a rogue's sneak attack.
Factotum would be great but is probably also not allowed.

Monk: I can't see it, you are not even lawful never mind anything else.
Scout: find some woods and live in them.
Factotum: setting limitation.
Read Magic and Open/Close look useful, but I don't think we'll find any magic books and the other one only works on small things.
We may have to modify our character progression plan. Could we take a level of the Mindbender prestige class? If we just take 1 lvl, we get telepathy and don't lose any caster levels. It's easy enough to get.

There's also Fatespinner which has some nice abilities and would fit thematically with our Unseen Seer.
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Bard requires Bardic Music which has to be learned from another bard.

Small spoiler: You would have to travel to Skagos (land of the human sacrificing cannibal barbarians) to find the nearest incipient Bard in the world.

[X] Plan TT
feat: Draconic Senses
skills: bluff, concentration, spellcraft, knowledge arcana x2
spell: detect poison
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@mrttao we could go for initiate of the sevenfold veil it would take until level 10 but is doable and very strong and has full spellcasting

and i just put in knowledge nature over spot (thought it was bolded on the char sheet)
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@mrttao we could go for initiate of the sevenfold veil it would take until level 10 but is doable and very strong and has full spellcasting
QM said that any PRC whose fluff mentions an organization requires said organization to be compatible with the setting and for us to then locate them to be taught.
I do not think said organization exists in setting.
Initiates of the Sevenfold Veil are a loose society or fellowship of spellcasters who share this common obsession. They correspond regularly and meet at odd intervals, interested not only in the lore of their chosen specialty but also in the lore of the physical world and how magic and mundane knowledge intertwine. Most initiates are wizards, since the careful study of the magical and the mundane appeals more to the wizard's intellect than to the sorcerer's forceful personality. Initiates of the Sevenfold Veil adventure for much the same reason that wizards do: to increase their knowledge and understanding. Their warding abilities make them outstanding spell duelists, so many neutral- and good-aligned NPC initiates devote their careers to the defeat of evil spellcasters, aiding folk who have no other defense against a dangerous necromancer or reckless conjurer. Evil NPC initiates sometimes serve as duelists-for-hire, seeking to entice good wizards into offering some insult or slight in an effort to challenge the marks to lethal spell duels.
Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil - Therafim RPG
and i just put in knowledge nature over spot (thought it was bolded on the char sheet)
Why do you want us to take knowledge nature? it is totally useless for non druids. are you perhaps confusing it with the survival skill?
Survival ::

why are you opposed to putting 2 points in knowledge arcana? we need 15 points in knowledge arcana anyways for archmage.

Well... you have not used it "on screen" yet so I guess we could just ret-con it.
Didn't we use it to demonstrate magic to sister?
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I was thinking bard actually. bard is basically a rogue, with some arcane magic based on cha
moreover, bards can heal with arcane magic
IRRC, the original plan was to take one level of Rogue at some point. The need to do so is not a surprise, we knew about that when we voted.

That being said, I'm also partial to the option of simply taking another prestige class first, and then becoming an Unseen Seer at level 14. For example, the Alchemist Savant looks somewhat interesting on first sight, and could possibly be justified fluffwise if we dare seek out the Alchemists of King's Landing. Hmm... though, would we lose the Unseen Seer sneak attack bonus if we did that?
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IRRC, the original plan was to take one level of Rogue at some point. The need to do so is not a surprise, we knew about that when we voted.

That being said, I'm also partial to the option of simply taking another prestige class first, and then becoming an Unseen Seer at level 14. For example, the Alchemist Savant looks somewhat interesting on first sight, and could possibly be justified fluffwise if we dare seek out the Alchemists of King's Landing. Hmm... though, would we lose the Unseen Seer sneak attack bonus if we did?

I'm still partial to one level of Mindbender. The synergy between Telepathy and the bluff skill is immense.

"This is the Father speaking. Are ye prepared for a holy quest?"
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That being said, I'm also partial to the option of simply taking another prestige class first
Which one? the only one I have been able to find that QM allowed so far is ruathar, which requires us to find and befriend the forest children (elves)

Fluff requires us to be favored of house cannith or least dragonmark of making. based on prior trend QM will probably not allow it
@DragonParadox will you allow this PRC?

No, you did not want light shinning under the door. You used prestidigitation only.
Alright, thanks for carifying, in that case

[X] Plan TT mk2
feat: Draconic Senses
skills: bluff, concentration, spellcraft, knowledge arcana x2
spell: detect poison, replace light with arcane mark
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