The Work of Gods and Men
First Day of the Tenth Month 294 AC
There existed within the halls of academia in the crown city a sort of romantic cachet for the North and all things northern, a sort of counter-movement to the Valyrian exceptionalism championed by certain Volantene magisters. After all, had the seed of the Great Tree not come from the North? Was it not the voice of the Old Gods that had advised so many students beneath the Scholar's Tree? Did not their servants walk abroad teaching and aiding in the works of the Imperium?
All of this was true, and to the average northern peasant all of it was irrelevant, Harkin knew as he pulled his green cloak tighter against the chill of rain just on the edge of freezing. His boots squelched in the cold slush of the road. Sorcery and those who worked it were not likely to get anymore of a warm welcome in the North than in the south from most folk. The greatest difference was the lack of an organized faith to focus that fear and hate into something worse.
Of course, what goes around comes around. There was no organized faith, and the bone-white trees were silent. The people here, stalwart in the face of cold and blight, illness and hunger, wanted answers about the changing times, and the trees were silent save for the rustle of the wind on their branches and the whisper of dreams few could hear.
And that was where the Oathkeepers came in. Low magicians for the most part, skilled in the slow and simple magics of ward and ritual. They had been gathered not by the gods, but by the Duke of the Dreadlands, and yet they had been called to serve the Old Gods, to serve their faithful. The Secret Gods were not
of man, their slow thoughts and deep growing plans were little comfort to those who looked to them for guidance day by day, and the green fey of the woods who were their friends did not oft venture into the villages of simple farmers and herdsmen who looked to them for guidance.
Harkin was used to it by now, the sudden barking of dogs, the dark looks and calls to make himself known, but he spoke the tongue and could glare as fiercely as was needed to make sure that they would hear him out. Bone talismans clinked at his belt, but he did not take them out yet. Folks were suspicious of gifts from the blue, but on the other hand they were almost always open to speaking about their misfortunes and strange happenings if you came at them right... which usually meant finding the village tavern and buying a round or two for the local gossip, the rest of them would get in on the storytelling before you knew it.
There was almost always something the matter near at hand, an angry nixie in the well, a poltergeist making trouble for one of the local families. The sort of thing that did not even make it as far as the local lord, never mind further up the chain to be investigated by the Scholarum or the Inquisition... Well, that was not quite right. Like all mages in the realm, Harkin was sworn to the Scholarum, but most of what he did was barely magic—giving advice and spreading word of dangers, showing folk how to cast a line of salt and iron filings on their door if they had to, teaching them how to make a fire if they were caught out in the woods at night when the haunts were near.
Then and only then did the wards and talismans come out to be handed off to the folk of means and import—the village elder, the miller if there was one, the midwife, at times one or two for the local hunters. There was more room for smallfolk to hunt in the wide reaches of the North, but that also meant there were more places for them to get lost far from help, prey to whatever may be out there.
By the time Harkin left the village, it was with packs filled with fresh rations and a flask filled with the local brew for the road to the next village in lieu of the coin they wanted to give him but he was not stupid enough to take. Oathkeepers weren't to take that sort of payment on the road, and slipping it in was tantamount to stealing from Duke Bolton in his own lands. Harkin had not made it this far by following the gleam of easy money.
It was good work doing the rounds for the soul as much as for the stomach.
OOC: A bit of a snapshot for what is going on in the North.