I was going to say Dragonblood Affinity just so that we can buff Dany/our fellow dragon minions (pretty sure the spell can't be aimed at the user) but Goldfish has a better idea and the Mythic Lich showed us that we need more low spell level damage options.
We've had some failures, but we've had more successes. We can't win them all, especially when we're having to let other people handle many of the tasks.
I can't believe I missed that when I was writing the level up plan.
Can we do that, @DragonParadox? I haven't updated Viserys' character sheet with the new level up, so it would be easy to implement.
I've had my on Battering Blast for a while now, if ya'll are interested. It's a great combat spell with a lot of versatility. Force damage, so it affects damned near everything, including Incorporeal and Ethereal targets, it can be used against up to four targets or focused on fewer for greater effect, and it has a significant control aspect with its ability to Bull Rush targets. Use all four blasts against a single target and on top of doing 20d6 Force damage, it will have a +64 bonus to Bull Rush for Viserys at 19th level. That's stupid high.
Sure that makes sense. That looks like a cool spell to run if you guys are ever under a ward again. I would fluff it as something a bit less goofy than force spiked ball though, make it look like Imperial Steel or something.
Concerned with the smooth functioning of the state and the day to day tasks of governance the Ministry of Administration is perhaps the broadest in its remit to see the wheels of empire turn. Generally speaking actions by the Ministry of Administration is seen well by all but the most factious local elites as it is concerned more with the spreading of funds than with the gathering of taxes or the enforcing of norms of the state. On the other hand the local populace might resist if the action causes economic disruption as they have less of a buffer than the wealthy and titled.
[] Organize Elections: Though it is the obligation of the local nobility to organize the elections for the Vox, that does not mean the state cannot help. This action is likely to be welcomed by lords who favor the implementation of Imperial Law and be seen more hesitantly by those lords who are liable to see it as a Imposition -[] Write in up to two neighboring Dukedoms DC: 5
[] Settle Land Disputes: The bane of many a westerosi king and far more smallfolk land disputes are fortunately not likely to be a problem at the Ducal level and most likely not at the county level either, but the lower you go the more tangled it gets with barons waving around decisions given to their ancestors not just by the Dragon Kings, but also by the Old Crowns before Aegon first set foot on Westerosi shores . Of the knights it is best not to speak of least we wake the quarrels beast with a thousand heads -[] The Reach
-[] The Westerlands
-[] The Riverlands DC: 10
[] Survey of Marginal lands: There are in every province of the realm, even in those parts of the Reach that have been tilled for long ages beyond the span of history lands that have a lord but no owner to see to them, ones that are too poor, too stony, too parched or too prone to flooding. In the case of the Vale there are lands that were seen as too Imperiled by their endless war. A proper accounting of these lands will be of great use in deciding which can be made fertile by magic or put to some other use. While no lords will object to such a survey there will come an expectation that something is to be done with them soon -[] Write in up to two neighboring Dukedoms (Verdant Vale and Runestone Done) DC: 30/60
[] Build up colonial administration: There are in the Imperium lands where the availability of trained manpower lags behind physical infrastructure, this could be due to physical isolation, perceived physical danger or something as simple as a lack of a widely spoken common language
-[] Naath
-[] Stony Shore DC: Automatic
[] Office of Land Management (New): For the feudal lords of Westeros, great and small land is the ultimate wealth, they wish to leave their own lands in the care of their heirs, but also to obtain yet more of it for their younger sons and daughters. While large land grants are not in the interest of the Imperium an office to grant modest fiefs in the dangerous marches of the realm could out the martial vigor of the western nobility to good use and earn you goodwill from those who value the old ways DC: 20
Ministry of Diplomacy
Concerned with the outward facing affairs of the Empire the Ministry of Diplomacy is everything from the open hand of friendship to the velvet glove into which the steel fist of the inquisition can slip into. It allows one to prepare provinces for assimilation destabilize foes and give economic or arcane aid to allies
[] Share Arcane Lore with the Genie Realms: While there have been many transcriptions of libraries and brief exchanges of experts with the djinn and the shaitan, none of them have taken a holistic approach to the lore of the Garden such as you have been able to rediscover and by the same token your acquisition of genie lore has been just as piecemeal. All that can change with a concerted academic and diplomatic effort to spread the lore that has been deemed acceptable to do so -[] The Peerless Empire
-[] The Domain of the Djinn DC: 20
[] Eyes in the South (Updated): Given the damage done by Former Admiral Guy Gaesus it the envoys of the Imperium receive a colder welcome in the courts of Walano, still you have much to share both in terms of wealth and lore and the wise among the Prince's councils see that DC: 55 (+5 DC)
[] Beyond Bells (New): The highborn of Norvos have long since been tamed by their bearded god, but even the tamest hound may abandon his master at the sight of a fine cut of meat, raw and ready. Pay with coin, with magic and with promises of more to gain a solid pro-Imperial block in the city which will answer when you call. DC: 24
[] Lord of Grim Carcosa: There is in the city of Carcosa at the edge of what could be counted part of Yi Ti at its height a sorcerer lord who claims to be the last of the Yellow Dynasty and true emperor of the Golden Empire. Though his reputation is grim indeed, you have dealt in peace with such despots before and you know better than most that reputation can be deceiving DC: ???
[] Navigating the Broken Realm: Even in the midst of civil war Yi Ti is a land rich in opportunities for trade, though the political and cultural midfield of its present conditions means that it would behoove the ministry to look into how to trade with one side or the other without giving offense or having to take poor deals
-[] Orange 'Empire'
-[] Azure Throne in Yin DC: 10/33
[] Formian Trade: Your relations with the Formian Hive which was the principal ally of the Lannisters are chilly to say the least, but you are not at war and trade could still be of mutual aid DC: 65
[] Princedoms of Flame: You are vanishingly unlikely to actually make a profit from trade with the princedoms of the Salamanders, caught as they are on the front line of the war of the Three Spheres and any goods will make your way to your markets eventually though genie middlemen, but in trading with them directly you might be able to prop them up against the Efreeti more, by giving them access to markets and resources they did not have before DC: 56
[] As the Queen of Cities Bows (New): Now that you have some reasonable grasp of the Qartheen aristocracy you can move to gain subtle control over its bureaucracy in preparation for its integration DC:25
Ministry of Education
Perhaps the most novel of all the arms of the Imperium, more so than even that ministry which concerns itself with arcane matters. After all in far off Yi Ti there are yet ministers concerned with regulating the arcane, but in no earthly realm you know is there a branch of the government that is concerned with educating the populace on mass, which might say something for the state of the world
[] Traveling Tutors: East and West the span of the Imperium is vast and outside the cities and trade towns there is yet little change to be seen for how people learn. Magic is a thing of distant wonder, or ominous rumor, the strange sages which people the streets of Sorcerer's Deep, of Volantis, Braavos, Lys or Mantarys might as well be tales from the Age of Dawn. Yet the building of schools and the training to teachers will not be an easy task. So instead Minister Veda proposes setting up a stopgap of sort, a way to clear the way for wide scale schooling, traveling tutors who set up to teach in the off season, when most of the cops are in the ground and there is no need to do much work in the fields. This is different from region to region of course, but if properly administered there should always be work for such teachers. The combination of voluntary admission and teaching skills of practical use should hopefully make the project seem more a boon than a burden to local communities -[] Write in up to two neighboring Duchies DC: 33 (Slight increase in the level of education in rural areas; greater acceptance for the concept of Education)
[] From Private Coffer (New): With the boom in state sponsored schools there is word of would be patrons for private institutions of the same sort, from nobles wishing to put their name and mark upon the arts to merchants with an eye to the future wishing to sponsor academies that teach finance, language and the customs of distant realms. Such nstitutions may be of great use in the long run but only if they are properly accredited to ensure that the quality of education is up to Imperial Standard DC: 60
[] Cultural Conventions (New): Complaints about the Goblin Market are common in civil court, often caused by a mistunderstanding of fey bargains and indeed the very nature of those who make them. Worse still it has been shown that even some within the Ministry of Magic have only s shacky grasp on their mentality and how it must interact wth the laws and customs of the realm. With the influx of Fey intothe service of the crown new courses can be shedualed to educate public servants and new articles and Mirror Projections to to the same to the citizenry DC: 33
[] Noble Studies (Updated): Encourage the nobles of the Imperium great and small to send their children for some form of higher education, preferably one that would make them more skilled at their administrative tasks in the future... or which would draw them towards other fields of advancement Either a more competent noble administration to one that would fall into the care of the bureaucracy by default suits the throne DC: 50 (-10 DC from Common Tongue papers)
[] Exra-planar Experts: It is a fact widely agreed that among the Spheres there are many with skills that are lacking in this world under the sun, but where making use of those skills directly will forever leave us bound to the teachings of immortals, bidding them to teach these skills will allow us to stand on the stage as them in the fullness of time. Thus may the pinnacle of imperial scholarship be sharpened DC: 75
Ministry of Health
Likely to be the ministry which will face the least resistance from citizenry and elites alike the Ministry of Health will nonetheless have to chart a difficult path for the same reason setting up as a healer in Braavosi four years ago involved having to turn away a several year old dead body, people are going to expect miracles, more of them than can be provided.
[] Clearing Flea Bottom (Updated): King's Landing is the largest city west of the Narrow Sea, it is also what could be considered a centuries long sanitation crises that king after king has failed to see to. See it set to rights as swiftly and thoroughly as can be managed DC: 35 (-5 From previous efforts)
[] Providing basic training: The means to prevent infection are far more accessible than the means to treat them. Spread the information about boiling and cleaning with alcohol as far and as fast as you can. In the latter case at lest the maesters have laid some of the ground work. Even beyond that a single phoenix can fly far in a day and by its very nature incline local healers to listen and so might other heralds of the state. -[] Write in two neighboring Duchies DC: 38
[] Midwifery (New): Though the profession is common throughout all the towns and villages of the realm midwifes are little respected by more formal healers and at times even maligned by the populace at large, accused of dark witchcraft and other ill doings when their task goes ill. Training and accrediting such folk will go a long way to giving them more standing in the eyes of their communities as well as allowing them to work better for them DC: 15
[] Build Halls of Healing(Updated): Constructing a proper complex to serve a city or several is by now not a new endeavor for Imperial contractors. That said finding healers who speak the language or training up locals will take time -[] Write in three cities (Kings Landing, Oldtown, Greyport Done) DC: Automatic
[] Improve Sanitation: No city in Westeros does as poorly as poorly as King's Landing when it comes to sanitation, but all of them could stand to do better which would improve the health and the mood of their citizenry. -[] Write in two cities DC: Automatic
Ministry of Information
If the Ministry of Education forms up the opinions of the next generation than the Ministry of Information is much more concerned with the opinions of the present and insuring that they are both factual where fact is needed and favorably inclined to imperial interest when that is required. The two of course often coincide.
[] Local Papers (Updated): The Imperial Times is all well and good to be the voice of the Imperium as a whole but as the realm expands there is room of papers which speak to the concern of each city, east or West and which bring the citizens news closer to their own world views -[] Write in up to three cities (Kings Landing, Braavos, Volantis Done) DC: 18
[] Monster Manual: Among the first numbers of the Imperial times was a warning as to the various dangerous sorts of beings and spirits, from fiends and fey to the creations of the Deep Ones. The Ministry proposed compiling this in far greater detail for the use of local law enforcement as well as concerned citizens DC: 30
[] Imperial Festivals: Pastoral festivals are at the heart of many rural communities, encouraging trade and spreading news of the wider world. Creating new ones, or giving a new face to the old would go a long way to making the Imperium seem less foreign and threatening to people across the realm DC: 35
[] Fey Helpers (Updated): The fey thrive on stories, the fey are stories and these days many are without court or troupe, without purpose so then why not give them one in service of the crown? Thus may the charisma and allure of the deathless spirits be put to good use. -[] Wild Fey DC: 20
[] Calming the Waters (New): The Vale is in an uproar and where there is fear of change there may yet be those who shall meet change with a closed fist. Make use of all the resources of the Ministry to reach those people before things can spiral too far and it becomes the concern of the lawmen DC: 50 (Lowers Unrest in the Vale)
Ministry of Justice
The administrative branch of Imperial law and perhaps its softest touch, while one could not call an intervention by the Ministry of Justice diplomatic it is certainly more concerned with being precise and respecting all details and specificity of the law than either military or Inquisition involvement is likely to be.
[] Bring Imperial Law to the Western Provinces: The crown currently formally reigns over Westeros, and formal is the right word for it, the only power one can be said to expert is though the old feudal contracts, which is so inadequate one hesitates to mention it in. As for the law of the Seven Kingdoms, suffice to say that the last major influence upon it was the late and unlamented Tywin Hill. -[] Highgarden, Gates of the Moon, Bloody Gate, Crakehall, Riverrun (DC 5)
-[] Control of centers of production such as important mines and major agricultural areas, to ensure proper taxation and protection of commerce (2 Actions Needed DC 30)
[] Bring an Area under full Imperial law: After finishing with the major cities and areas of great economic Import the law may be brought to even those most distant corners of the former Seven Kingdoms -[] Westerlands & Iron Islands
-[] Western Reach
-[] Eastern Reach
-[] Crownlands
-[] Stormlands
-[] Dorne
-[] Riverlands
-[] Vale
-[] North DC: 50 (Decreases if the Preliminary action in the area is taken)
Ministry Of Public Works
If the Ministry of Taxation is about gathering the wealth of the realm for the Imperial Treasury than the Ministry to Public Works is just as enthusiastic in spending it... and it is also quite skilled in ensuring that it is spent most prudently and honestly. Most Lords will welcome a public works project with open arms and even those who might grumble will do so quietly, for it usually comes with high paying jobs for the citizenry at large
[] Build up the road Networks in Dorne: Long has Dorne endured as a kingdom apart, in no small part due to the combination of its harsh climate and the scarcity of roads that actually cross the desert expanses. The defenses that served it so well in the past are not hindrances to its property and growth DC: 17
DC: Automatic
[] Improve Sanitation: No city in Westeros does as poorly as poorly as King's Landing when it comes to sanitation, but all of them could stand to do better which would improve the health and the mood of their citizenry. -[] Write in two cities
[] Rowdy Entertainment: The Circle of Battle has shown its worth time and again in, bringing cheers from the crowds and drawing heroes and champions to Imperial service. The same could be done in other cities, always taking into account local preferences, jousting in Oldtown or Gulltown for instance, the melee in white harbor -[] Write in up to three cities (Kings Landing, Greyport, Oldtown Done) DC: 25
[] Full Steam Ahead (New): Continue Expanding the rail outside the Disputed Lands allowing the swifter movement of people and goods
-[] Write in up to Two Duchies per action DC: Automatic
[] Teleportation for the Masses(New): With the creation of the railways, the concerns about the negative impacts of ready access to Teleportation have lessened and it might be time to connect major cities with Teleportation Circles and Termini. (Requires Full Steam Ahead completed for the city.)
-[] Tyrosh DC: Automatic
Ministry of Magic
Dealing not with the esoteric aspects of the arcane, which falls to the researchers, not with the organization of mages which is the task of the Scholarum the Ministry of magic is instead the means by which large scale magical projects are organized. Its remit it broad in aiding the other ministries in tasks that would otherwise be too complex or too long.
[] Aid in imposing Imperial Law: Match an Imperial law action one for one allowing it to have double action, making available enchantments, rituals, and flesh forged servitors fit for purpose DC: Same as Base Action
[] Spread low magic rituals to Westeros: You have rituals that can do much hat a trained Scholarum mage could, from healing the sick to finding truth to predicting the weather. Surely there are many in what was the Seven Kingdoms who wish to know and make use of this lore if they are but taught DC: 55
[] Spread arcane crops and trees: From the duskwood of the shadow fey to the flame clove and the restful birch and many more, there are a variety of magical plants that could be spread across the realm, east and west of the Narrow Sea benefiting from the diverse climate and aiding the local economies -[] Write in plant and area DC: Varies
[] Undying Lore (New): The Warlocks have traveled far and they have learned much over the long ages, but not all that they possess is safe to share, just as not all the treasures of the House of the Undying can be lightly moved. DC: 30/50 (Useful Artifacts/Lore)
[] Garden of the Gods (New): Even with many of the fey courts swearing fealty to the throne the wild lands in much of the Imperium still dwarf the fields and pastures of your citizens and there strange and often perilous things dwell. With the aid of the Forges in Lys and Gogossos some of that space might be filled with friendly spirits, leshy -[] Write in any two duchies
DC: 18
Ministry of Taxation
This ministry likely would not have been liked even before you named a devil minister, now it at least has the distinction of being feared. Still given the sheer mare's nest that is jokingly called 'Westerosi Tax Law' they are at least likely to be thanked for the virtue of clarity.
[] Give Tax breaks for struggling areas: Between the existing development problems of many kingdoms and the reorganization there are some areas of Westeros, particularly the ones under new lords, which could use a break from taxation , but this shall have to be done carefully lest it seems like blatant favoritism -[] Write in 'Kingdom' DC 5-20
[] Help with setting up local taxes: The Impeiral Tax code allows for certain local taxes, so long as they are reasonable and not an impediment to trade, however the standard of what that means will not be imediatly obvious to every lord or lady. Better to help smooth that out now than see the matters come to court later -[] Write in two neighboring Feudal Duchies (Dorne Verdant Vale, Runestone, The Forks, Greater Darry Done) DC: 22
Ethereal Taxes: Fey do not measure wealth as mortals do, a new song can be worth as much as a pot of gold, a story as valuable as a palace built in a night and gone by next moonrise. It is unlikely that the fey of the former Court of Stars will be as organized as the Orphne after their association with the Iron Bank, but still taxed them must be DC 75
[] Apply Pressure: The lords can be motivated to do their duties by the census though less gentle means at need, reminding them that their wealth must be taxed and it is the ministry to decides that taxation DC: 50
Ministry of Trade
Concerned with the development of the economy and preparing the realm for the vast changes that an age of Sorcery will bring the Ministry to Trade is welcomed by those who see this as an opportunity and looked upon wearily by those who depend on old ways of doing things and old connections.
[] Financial Assistence (New): Many of the Counts and all of the Dukes of Westeros do not know how to make use of the more complex financial instruments which the Iron Bank is increasingly rolling out, much less how to thrive in an economy that will soon change beyond recognition. while you wuld not mind some Houses going under others have eared the aid of the Throne and of your House in thes etrying times DC: 10
[] Better Herds: Hard as it is to change the infrastructure of a whole continent there is one sort of infrastructure that grows itself if given the right conditions, herds of beasts which can be safely driven to market -[] Write in two neighboring Duchies DC: 15
[] Using Canals: All well and good to carve out canals, but the infrastructure is useless without the people pole along the barges or better yet steam engines to do the job much faster. Setting up a system by which a newly built canal can take advantage of both would be of great use (The Forks, Greater Darry Done)
DC: 3/33 ()
[] Venturer Connection: Work with the Vendurer's guild of Myr and those explorers who have already made long excursions into the Interior of Sothoryos in order to expand a true trade network into the Interior. While the volume of trade will necessarily stay small the value cannot be measured by weight alone DC: 70
Ministry of War
The Ministry of War is in charge of the administrative aspects of deploying the Imperial Armed forces, it could just as easily be called the Ministry to Logistics and is often the middleman when the military is used internally. When used in law-enforcement capacity it is often irritating to the populace and when used to speed infrastructure construction it may lead to loss of efficiency and perhaps even a greater level of graft and corruption than the Ministry to Public Works in like capacity. Other than actions with directly impact the ministry its actions are necessarily turning a sworn into a tool
[] Prepare an attack. (Attack will automatically be performed the following turn.) -[] Write in target and plan.
[] VIP Transports (New): The Ministry of Diplomacy had been equipped with a few Pegasus-class transports to aid in their work, but the few crafts had been quickly overwhelmed by demand, especially by the high nobility expecting to be carted back and forth with them. Divert some military resources to build more Pegasus-class and Griphon-class air transports for their use. Cost: 60 Supplies
[] Neighbors from Beyond (New): You have known about the presence of the Illithid in the Garden for a long while and even some of their bases, but with the aquisition of the Boundary Wardstones, you can finally search for their outposts without having to comb the entire seafloor or relying on likely incomplete information from captured enemies. Have the ward operators of your bases try to pinpoint all locations with Far Realm taint. DC: ???
[] Exchanging Knowledge (New): So far, the Shaitan and Djinn have fully accepted that the Imperium had to focus it's attention on the Garden, but with Westeros pacified this will likely change. Before you can act on your own in the War of the Spheres, you will need to set up proper communication channels to share knowledge. (Grants military information and a chance to exchange technology.) DC: Automatic
[] Levie Replacement (New): Many lord of Westeros still stubbornly cling to the idea that they somehow have to aid the defense of the realm in some fashion, even though at least most of them have begun to accept that conscripting peasants armed with spears would be pointless. Have the Ministry of War look into alternative ways through which these lords could give support to the armed forces. DC: Automatic
[] Bring Imperial Law to the Western Provinces: The crown currently formally reigns over Westeros, and formal is the right word for it, the only power one can be said to expert is though the old feudal contracts, which is so inadequate one hesitates to mention it in. As for the law of the Seven Kingdoms, suffice to say that the last major influence upon it was the late and unlamnted Tywin Hill. -[] Twins, Moat Cailin, mouth of the Mander, mouth of the Salmonwater, Dragonstone, Driftmark (DC Automatic)
-[] Control of centers of production such as important mines and major agricultural areas, to ensure proper taxation and protection of commerce (2 Actions Needed DC 30)
[] Bring an Area under full imperial law: After finishing with the major cities and areas of great economic Import the law may be brought to even those most distant corners of the former Seven Kingdoms -[] Westerlands & Iron Islands
-[] Western Reach
-[] Eastern Reach
-[] Crownlands
-[] Stormlands
-[] Dorne
-[] Riverlands
-[] Vale
-[] North DC: 50 (Decreases if the Preliminary action in the area is taken)
The Inquisition
Three (3) Actions + One (1) from Lord Inquisitor Brynden Rivers
The eyes of the Imperium, the whisper in the ear of friends and at need the dagger in the back of foes. The Inquisition is unlikely to be seen well by the elites who are concerned with spies in 'their domain' though the common citizenry is likely to be far less worried, thinking that they are far below the eye of the throne or even welcoming central oversight on the local rulers.
[] Bring Imperial Law to the Western Provinces: The crown currently formally reigns over Westeros, and formal is the right word for it, the only power one can be said to expert is though the old feudal contracts, which is so inadequate one hesitates to mention it in. As for the law of the Seven Kingdoms, suffice to say that the last major influence upon it was the late and unlamented Tywin Hill. -[] Twins, Moat Cailin, mouth of the Mander, mouth of the Salmonwater, Dragonstone, Driftmark (DC Automatic)
-[] Control of centers of production such as important mines and major agricultural areas, to ensure proper taxation and protection of commerce (2 Actions Needed DC 30)
[] Bring an Area under full Imperial law: After finishing with the major cities and areas of great economic Import the law may be brought to even those most distant corners of the former Seven Kingdoms -[] Westerlands & Iron Islands
-[] Western Reach
-[] Eastern Reach
-[] Crownlands
-[] Stormlands
-[] Dorne
-[] Riverlands
-[] Vale
-[] North DC: Automatic (Decreases if the Preliminary action in the area is taken)
[] Apply Pressure: The lords can be motivated to do their duties by the census though less gentle means at need, reminding them that their wealth must be taxed and it is the ministry to decides that taxation DC: 50
[] Summer Dreams (New): A more covert insertion into the affairs of Walano might be in order, to ensure that the diplomacy flows smoothly this time, a better sense of the players and the game, perhaps a nudge at just the right momment. DC: 30 (Lowers the DC of Eyes in the South if Successful, Increases the DC on a Crit Faiilure)
Three (3) Actions + Two (2) Actions for the Flesh-forges of Lys and Gogososs
[] Frost-Forged: Attempt to splice the essence of Heart Tree with the cold-resistant herbs and vegetation gathered by Djinn, ideally searching to give Heart Trees Immunity to Cold. DC: 15/45 (Resistance and Immunity respectively)
[] The Bulwark of North: Take a deeper look into the magics of the Wall, for all the power of enchantment upon it, and long years of its legend, it is not infallible, and you must know the words that will control it before the Enemy marches near it. DC: 90
[] Dreamshaping Cost Reduction and Hardening: Shaping the dream is technically possible, it is also ruinously expansive with current methods. That can change with more studies. Still there isn't much point is creating dreamlands infrastructure if the denizens can tear it down with ease. Work on hardening the construction. DC: 70
[] The Great Basin (New):The Imperial Deity is best built from the center outwards, just as it is emant to function so the first thing to make is a reservoir below the palace that can actually hold such vast and refined powers, there is also the secondary advantage that it can serve the Patntheon even before the Deity isself is made DC: 80
[] Weapons for the Dawn: Ever since you laid eyes upon Mournblade, you saw visions of an army garbed in vestments of light and bearing in their hearts not only mortal defiance but a hope for the Dawn to come. But hopes will not help them battle the Void alone, and it should be They who fear them when the time comes. You will not let your people lay down and die at the last, and this is the testament of that duty you all bear. DC: 30
[] Create a Fire Elemental Forge: You have the divine alliances and you have the lore and the power to do onto fire as you have done onto water so that you may call fire elemental in service of the Imperium DC: 20
[] Further improvements in permeable Force Effects (Updated): Allow wards, enchantments and spells to selectively ignore materials passing outward and inward through a Force effect, allowing for more complex structures and materials with further research. -[-] Tier 3: Upgraded Spell effects, at-cost. (Example spell conjunction, Brilliant Shield: Allows multiple Brilliant Barrier modules to charge an area-scale force field to keep it continuously deployed, allows larger structures e.g small aircraft to pass through them. Modules may be mounted on any moving or static structure.) - DC 55
[] Tireless Steel, by Sorcery Moved: The art of golem-making is ancient indeed... but one has to wonder if it is possible to wring an armor in the same qualities, to create personal defense truly unsurpassable.
-[-] Reach the peak of what is possible in the field without the direct Divine intervention - develop Titan Pattern armor [requires Warlord Pattern armor developed] DC: Automatic
[] Inquisitorial Armaments Projects: [REDACTED]
[] Inquisitorial Armaments > Black Projects: Inquisition faces challenges beyond those that can be reasonably solved with mundane equipment. As the realm grows, so does the need to supply Inquisitors with the tools to solve such problems. This line of projects intends to create a whole new tool, that, given a certain level of secrecy, will guarantee a significant rise in Inquisitors' effectiveness (Tiered research, each development requires previous tiers)
[] Inquisitorial Armaments: Black Project "Arbiter": Create a modified version of a Launcher, the "Arbiter"-class Launcher, a modular weapon and a base for further technological improvement, yet an effective weapon all in of itself.
-[] Inquisitorial Armaments: Black Project: "Heavy Arbiter" and FIrefield: Further develop the concept of "Arbiter"-class Launcher for use in missions requiring precise devastation of targets, with no mage of sufficient power available. Develop the "Heavy Arbiter"-class Launcher. As further development of the concept, "Firefield"-class Launcher would serve in situations when overwhelming firepower and total destruction of the target is necessary, but no sufficient source of fire support is available.
[] Inquisitorial Armaments: Black Projects: "Dragon's Fang" and "Viper's Kiss": As a tool for a very particular sort of missions where direct engagement isn't possible, "Dragon's Fang"-class Launcher would serve as a long-range engagement or assassination. "Viper's Kiss"-type Alchemical Dart would further enhance the performance by allowing unnoticeable delivery of poisons over extreme distances.
-[] Inquisitorial Armaments: Black Project: "Deathstrike Projector": Further develop on of concepts applied by "Dragon's Fang"-class Launcher and "Viper's Kiss"-type Alchemical Dart, creating a unique completely magic-based long-range engagement/assassination weapon - the "Deathstrike Projector".
[] Inquisitorial Armaments: Black Project: "Lawgiver": The pinnacle of Launcher-based weaponry - the peak of efficiency and the project of utmost secrecy - "Lawgiver"-class Launcher would be one of the most powerful personal weapons known to Imperium, and one made to serve only the best of Inquisition's field agents, bound to them ritually, and crafted by the only person who could be trusted with it - Wisdom Lya herself. DC 15 (For the Base Arbiter; all other projects lockedpending the completion of lower tiers)
[] The Big Guns (New): Having seen the armor on the fortress of the Efreeti, it has become obvious to you that even a barrage of Steam Cannons will be hard pressed to penetrate their defenses. Your engineers, first and foremost among them the Bulabar, have suggested a simple solution to that problem. Apply more cannon. DC: 80
[] Trench Warfare (New): The Imperial Legions are still trained first and foremost for open field battles, but it's becoming increasingly obvious that this form of warfare will not be relevant any longer. The pacification of Westeros has shown as much. Find ways to adapt the Legions training and equipment to a battlefield ruled by alchemy, magic and artillery. DC: 20/50/80
OOC: You guys can thank Azel not just for the military actions but also for the line breaks to make it more readable. Not yet edited.
Ah, this is wonderfully easier on the eye and not overly-complex, compared to any other turn vote been had here before.
The "(New)"-bit is particularly appreciated. Not like I asked at least five times over the years to add something like that to turnvotes, but hey, better late than never.
Kudos to @Azel and @DragonParadox alike, this is actually interesting to read through (I'd know, I've seen... way, way too many of the turnvotes).
I guess the switch to wider coverage and longer turns did really help. I'm sorry for arguing you on this 3 years ago Azel T_T
[] Bring Imperial Law to the Western Provinces: The crown currently formally reigns over Westeros, and formal is the right word for it, the only power one can be said to expert is though the old feudal contracts, which is so inadequate one hesitates to mention it in. As for the law of the Seven Kingdoms, suffice to say that the last major influence upon it was the late and unlamented Tywin Hill. -[] Highgarden, Gates of the Moon, Bloody Gate, Crakehall, Riverrun (DC 5)
-[] Control of centers of production such as important mines and major agricultural areas, to ensure proper taxation and protection of commerce (2 Actions Needed DC 30)
[] Create new Scholarum Branchess: Several new Branches of the Scholarum have been promised in open Curia session, and more to the point several of them are needed in the western provinces where magic is still viewed with suspicion and the remains of many shattered organizations, from the mages of the Faith, to the fey to the Golden Shields and the maesters still linger [] Write in two Scholarum branches
[] Build up colonial administration: There are in the Imperium lands where the availability of trained manpower lags behind physical infrastructure, this could be due to physical isolation, perceived physical danger or something as simple as a lack of a widely spoken common language
-[] Naath
-[] Stony Shore DC: Automatic
[] Office of Land Management (New): For the feudal lords of Westeros, great and small land is the ultimate wealth, they wish to leave their own lands in the care of their heirs, but also to obtain yet more of it for their younger sons and daughters. While large land grants are not in the interest of the Imperium an office to grant modest fiefs in the dangerous marches of the realm could out the martial vigor of the western nobility to good use and earn you goodwill from those who value the old ways DC: 20
Concerned with the outward facing affairs of the Empire the Ministry of Diplomacy is everything from the open hand of friendship to the velvet glove into which the steel fist of the inquisition can slip into. It allows one to prepare provinces for assimilation destabilize foes and give economic or arcane aid to allies
[] Share Arcane Lore with the Genie Realms: While there have been many transcriptions of libraries and brief exchanges of experts with the djinn and the shaitan, none of them have taken a holistic approach to the lore of the Garden such as you have been able to rediscover and by the same token your acquisition of genie lore has been just as piecemeal. All that can change with a concerted academic and diplomatic effort to spread the lore that has been deemed acceptable to do so -[] The Peerless Empire
-[] The Domain of the Djinn DC: 20
[] Eyes in the South (Updated): Given the damage done by Former Admiral Guy Gaesus it the envoys of the Imperium receive a colder welcome in the courts of Walano, still you have much to share both in terms of wealth and lore and the wise among the Prince's councils see that DC: 55 (+5 DC)
[] Beyond Bells (New): The highborn of Norvos have long since been tamed by their bearded god, but even the tamest hound may abandon his master at the sight of a fine cut of meat, raw and ready. Pay with coin, with magic and with promises of more to gain a solid pro-Imperial block in the city which will answer when you call. DC: 24
These three would be my top picks for Diplomacy. Arcane Lore (I'd go with the Peerless Empire first for this turn) to get us caught up in planar warfare, Eyes in the South purely because we need to follow up ASAP on this kind of fuckup, and Beyond Bells to firmly integrate Norvos. I'd say Norvos is the most politically volatile of our current holdings outside of Westeros itself.
Perhaps the most novel of all the arms of the Imperium, more so than even that ministry which concerns itself with arcane matters. After all in far off Yi Ti there are yet ministers concerned with regulating the arcane, but in no earthly realm you know is there a branch of the government that is concerned with educating the populace on mass, which might say something for the state of the world
[] Traveling Tutors: East and West the span of the Imperium is vast and outside the cities and trade towns there is yet little change to be seen for how people learn. Magic is a thing of distant wonder, or ominous rumor, the strange sages which people the streets of Sorcerer's Deep, of Volantis, Braavos, Lys or Mantarys might as well be tales from the Age of Dawn. Yet the building of schools and the training to teachers will not be an easy task. So instead Minister Veda proposes setting up a stopgap of sort, a way to clear the way for wide scale schooling, traveling tutors who set up to teach in the off season, when most of the cops are in the ground and there is no need to do much work in the fields. This is different from region to region of course, but if properly administered there should always be work for such teachers. The combination of voluntary admission and teaching skills of practical use should hopefully make the project seem more a boon than a burden to local communities -[] Write in up to two neighboring Duchies DC: 33 (Slight increase in the level of education in rural areas; greater acceptance for the concept of Education)
[] Cultural Conventions (New): Complaints about the Goblin Market are common in civil court, often caused by a mistunderstanding of fey bargains and indeed the very nature of those who make them. Worse still it has been shown that even some within the Ministry of Magic have only s shacky grasp on their mentality and how it must interact wth the laws and customs of the realm. With the influx of Fey intothe service of the crown new courses can be shedualed to educate public servants and new articles and Mirror Projections to to the same to the citizenry DC: 33
[] Noble Studies (Updated): Encourage the nobles of the Imperium great and small to send their children for some form of higher education, preferably one that would make them more skilled at their administrative tasks in the future... or which would draw them towards other fields of advancement Either a more competent noble administration to one that would fall into the care of the bureaucracy by default suits the throne DC: 50 (-10 DC from Common Tongue papers)
Traveling Tutors for sure, we want education to be more highly regarded so that people actually send their kids to school. Cultural Conventions because the Goblin Market is the kind of thing that needs to be handled ASAP or we're looking at moronic riots against the Fey. And then Noble Studies seems like it makes more sense than From Private Coffers for now because there's no point in building the institution right now if the Nobles aren't ready to use it.
Likely to be the ministry which will face the least resistance from citizenry and elites alike the Ministry of Health will nonetheless have to chart a difficult path for the same reason setting up as a healer in Braavosi four years ago involved having to turn away a several year old dead body, people are going to expect miracles, more of them than can be provided.
[] Clearing Flea Bottom (Updated): King's Landing is the largest city west of the Narrow Sea, it is also what could be considered a centuries long sanitation crises that king after king has failed to see to. See it set to rights as swiftly and thoroughly as can be managed DC: 35 (-5 From previous efforts)
[] Midwifery (New): Though the profession is common throughout all the towns and villages of the realm midwifes are little respected by more formal healers and at times even maligned by the populace at large, accused of dark witchcraft and other ill doings when their task goes ill. Training and accrediting such folk will go a long way to giving them more standing in the eyes of their communities as well as allowing them to work better for them DC: 15
[] Build Halls of Healing(Updated): Constructing a proper complex to serve a city or several is by now not a new endeavor for Imperial contractors. That said finding healers who speak the language or training up locals will take time -[] Write in three cities (Kings Landing, Oldtown, Greyport Done) DC: Automatic
Clearing Flea Bottom is definitely the top priority here. Beyond that, I'd say Halls of Healing in White Harbor, Gulltown, and maybe Sunspear or somewhere else? With that we'll have the major population centers covered. Then Midwifery is uniquely good because it doesn't seem to be restricted by location unlike everything else. A close second would have been Provide Basic Training, but that happens to be location restricted, alas.
If the Ministry of Education forms up the opinions of the next generation than the Ministry of Information is much more concerned with the opinions of the present and insuring that they are both factual where fact is needed and favorably inclined to imperial interest when that is required. The two of course often coincide.
[] Local Papers (Updated): The Imperial Times is all well and good to be the voice of the Imperium as a whole but as the realm expands there is room of papers which speak to the concern of each city, east or West and which bring the citizens news closer to their own world views -[] Write in up to three cities (Kings Landing, Braavos, Volantis Done) DC: 18
[] Fey Helpers (Updated): The fey thrive on stories, the fey are stories and these days many are without court or troupe, without purpose so then why not give them one in service of the crown? Thus may the charisma and allure of the deathless spirits be put to good use. -[] Wild Fey DC: 20
[] Calming the Waters (New): The Vale is in an uproar and where there is fear of change there may yet be those who shall meet change with a closed fist. Make use of all the resources of the Ministry to reach those people before things can spiral too far and it becomes the concern of the lawmen DC: 50 (Lowers Unrest in the Vale)
These three seem the obvious choices for now. Calming the Waters because we need to deal with civil unrest when and where it happens. Fey Helpers to make sure the Fey can fit into the Imperium in a way that doesn't make us have to kill them. And Local Papers is clearly beneficial, the further we can get imperial decrees the better. Maybe Oldtown, and then two cities in Essos? I'm not sure which cities need it the most, though.
The administrative branch of Imperial law and perhaps its softest touch, while one could not call an intervention by the Ministry of Justice diplomatic it is certainly more concerned with being precise and respecting all details and specificity of the law than either military or Inquisition involvement is likely to be.
[] Bring Imperial Law to the Western Provinces: The crown currently formally reigns over Westeros, and formal is the right word for it, the only power one can be said to expert is though the old feudal contracts, which is so inadequate one hesitates to mention it in. As for the law of the Seven Kingdoms, suffice to say that the last major influence upon it was the late and unlamented Tywin Hill. -[] Highgarden, Gates of the Moon, Bloody Gate, Crakehall, Riverrun (DC 5)
-[] Control of centers of production such as important mines and major agricultural areas, to ensure proper taxation and protection of commerce (2 Actions Needed DC 30)
I'm thinking we go for Bring Imperial Law to the Western Provinces and pick Highgarden, the Gates of the Moon, and possibly Crakehall? I'm not worried about Riverrun, the Tullys are very much keeping their heads down.
If the Ministry of Taxation is about gathering the wealth of the realm for the Imperial Treasury than the Ministry to Public Works is just as enthusiastic in spending it... and it is also quite skilled in ensuring that it is spent most prudently and honestly. Most Lords will welcome a public works project with open arms and even those who might grumble will do so quietly, for it usually comes with high paying jobs for the citizenry at large
[] Build up the road Networks in Dorne: Long has Dorne endured as a kingdom apart, in no small part due to the combination of its harsh climate and the scarcity of roads that actually cross the desert expanses. The defenses that served it so well in the past are not hindrances to its property and growth DC: 17
DC: Automatic
[] Improve Sanitation: No city in Westeros does as poorly as poorly as King's Landing when it comes to sanitation, but all of them could stand to do better which would improve the health and the mood of their citizenry. -[] Write in two cities
[] Full Steam Ahead (New): Continue Expanding the rail outside the Disputed Lands allowing the swifter movement of people and goods
-[] Write in up to Two Duchies per action DC: Automatic
Road Networks for Dorne because Dorne is the imperial gateway to the West. We need that kingdom fully paved before anyone else. Improve Sanitation would work best in Westeros as well, mainly for Gulltown and Oldtown. After those two are done we can get Greyport and White Harbor. And lastly Full Steam Ahead because fuck yes trains. That said I want to specifically avoid the teleportation thing for the moment because of the negative impacts on trade. We need the roads and rails done first.
Dealing not with the esoteric aspects of the arcane, which falls to the researchers, not with the organization of mages which is the task of the Scholarum the Ministry of magic is instead the means by which large scale magical projects are organized. Its remit it broad in aiding the other ministries in tasks that would otherwise be too complex or too long.
[] Create new Scholarum Branchess: Several new Branches of the Scholarum have been promised in open Curia session, and more to the point several of them are needed in the western provinces where magic is still viewed with suspicion and the remains of many shattered organizations, from the mages of the Faith, to the fey to the Golden Shields and the maesters still linger [] Write in two Scholarum branches
[] Spread low magic rituals to Westeros: You have rituals that can do much hat a trained Scholarum mage could, from healing the sick to finding truth to predicting the weather. Surely there are many in what was the Seven Kingdoms who wish to know and make use of this lore if they are but taught DC: 55
[] Undying Lore (New): The Warlocks have traveled far and they have learned much over the long ages, but not all that they possess is safe to share, just as not all the treasures of the House of the Undying can be lightly moved. DC: 30/50 (Useful Artifacts/Lore)
I'm not sure where we should put the Scholarum branches. For example, are all the major cities in Essos covered yet? But we should get this out of the way sooner rather than later. Low magic rituals spread to Westeros is similarly something best done sooner, and Undying Lore is just something I want.
This ministry likely would not have been liked even before you named a devil minister, now it at least has the distinction of being feared. Still given the sheer mare's nest that is jokingly called 'Westerosi Tax Law' they are at least likely to be thanked for the virtue of clarity.
[] Give Tax breaks for struggling areas: Between the existing development problems of many kingdoms and the reorganization there are some areas of Westeros, particularly the ones under new lords, which could use a break from taxation , but this shall have to be done carefully lest it seems like blatant favoritism -[] Write in 'Kingdom' DC 5-20
[] Help with setting up local taxes: The Impeiral Tax code allows for certain local taxes, so long as they are reasonable and not an impediment to trade, however the standard of what that means will not be imediatly obvious to every lord or lady. Better to help smooth that out now than see the matters come to court later -[] Write in two neighboring Feudal Duchies (Dorne Verdant Vale, Runestone, The Forks, Greater Darry Done) DC: 22
Ethereal Taxes: Fey do not measure wealth as mortals do, a new song can be worth as much as a pot of gold, a story as valuable as a palace built in a night and gone by next moonrise. It is unlikely that the fey of the former Court of Stars will be as organized as the Orphne after their association with the Iron Bank, but still taxed them must be DC 75
These three make the most sense at the moment, particularly Ethereal Taxes thanks to that crit fail. I'm just not sure which areas in particular to be focusing on for tax breaks and setting up local taxes.
Concerned with the development of the economy and preparing the realm for the vast changes that an age of Sorcery will bring the Ministry to Trade is welcomed by those who see this as an opportunity and looked upon wearily by those who depend on old ways of doing things and old connections.
[] Financial Assistence (New): Many of the Counts and all of the Dukes of Westeros do not know how to make use of the more complex financial instruments which the Iron Bank is increasingly rolling out, much less how to thrive in an economy that will soon change beyond recognition. while you wuld not mind some Houses going under others have eared the aid of the Throne and of your House in thes etrying times DC: 10
[] Better Herds: Hard as it is to change the infrastructure of a whole continent there is one sort of infrastructure that grows itself if given the right conditions, herds of beasts which can be safely driven to market -[] Write in two neighboring Duchies DC: 15
[] Using Canals: All well and good to carve out canals, but the infrastructure is useless without the people pole along the barges or better yet steam engines to do the job much faster. Setting up a system by which a newly built canal can take advantage of both would be of great use (The Forks, Greater Darry Done)
DC: 3/33 ()
The Ministry of War is in charge of the administrative aspects of deploying the Imperial Armed forces, it could just as easily be called the Ministry to Logistics and is often the middleman when the military is used internally. When used in law-enforcement capacity it is often irritating to the populace and when used to speed infrastructure construction it may lead to loss of efficiency and perhaps even a greater level of graft and corruption than the Ministry to Public Works in like capacity. Other than actions with directly impact the ministry its actions are necessarily turning a sworn into a tool
Production Supplies Training Construction Fleshforge Production Storage Usage 50 110 20 200 560 / 1410 0 / 705
[] Prepare an attack. (Attack will automatically be performed the following turn.) -[] Write in target and plan.
[] VIP Transports (New): The Ministry of Diplomacy had been equipped with a few Pegasus-class transports to aid in their work, but the few crafts had been quickly overwhelmed by demand, especially by the high nobility expecting to be carted back and forth with them. Divert some military resources to build more Pegasus-class and Griphon-class air transports for their use. Cost: 60 Supplies
[] Neighbors from Beyond (New): You have known about the presence of the Illithid in the Garden for a long while and even some of their bases, but with the aquisition of the Boundary Wardstones, you can finally search for their outposts without having to comb the entire seafloor or relying on likely incomplete information from captured enemies. Have the ward operators of your bases try to pinpoint all locations with Far Realm taint. DC: ???
[] Exchanging Knowledge (New): So far, the Shaitan and Djinn have fully accepted that the Imperium had to focus it's attention on the Garden, but with Westeros pacified this will likely change. Before you can act on your own in the War of the Spheres, you will need to set up proper communication channels to share knowledge. (Grants military information and a chance to exchange technology.) DC: Automatic
[] Levie Replacement (New): Many lord of Westeros still stubbornly cling to the idea that they somehow have to aid the defense of the realm in some fashion, even though at least most of them have begun to accept that conscripting peasants armed with spears would be pointless. Have the Ministry of War look into alternative ways through which these lords could give support to the armed forces. DC: Automatic
[] Bring Imperial Law to the Western Provinces: The crown currently formally reigns over Westeros, and formal is the right word for it, the only power one can be said to expert is though the old feudal contracts, which is so inadequate one hesitates to mention it in. As for the law of the Seven Kingdoms, suffice to say that the last major influence upon it was the late and unlamnted Tywin Hill. -[] Twins, Moat Cailin, mouth of the Mander, mouth of the Salmonwater, Dragonstone, Driftmark (DC Automatic)
-[] Control of centers of production such as important mines and major agricultural areas, to ensure proper taxation and protection of commerce (2 Actions Needed DC 30)
[] Bring an Area under full imperial law: After finishing with the major cities and areas of great economic Import the law may be brought to even those most distant corners of the former Seven Kingdoms -[] Westerlands & Iron Islands
-[] Western Reach
-[] Eastern Reach
-[] Crownlands
-[] Stormlands
-[] Dorne
-[] Riverlands
-[] Vale
-[] North DC: 50 (Decreases if the Preliminary action in the area is taken)
Three (3) Actions + One (1) from Lord Inquisitor Brynden Rivers
The eyes of the Imperium, the whisper in the ear of friends and at need the dagger in the back of foes. The Inquisition is unlikely to be seen well by the elites who are concerned with spies in 'their domain' though the common citizenry is likely to be far less worried, thinking that they are far below the eye of the throne or even welcoming central oversight on the local rulers.
[] Bring Imperial Law to the Western Provinces: The crown currently formally reigns over Westeros, and formal is the right word for it, the only power one can be said to expert is though the old feudal contracts, which is so inadequate one hesitates to mention it in. As for the law of the Seven Kingdoms, suffice to say that the last major influence upon it was the late and unlamented Tywin Hill. -[] Twins, Moat Cailin, mouth of the Mander, mouth of the Salmonwater, Dragonstone, Driftmark (DC Automatic)
-[] Control of centers of production such as important mines and major agricultural areas, to ensure proper taxation and protection of commerce (2 Actions Needed DC 30)
[] Bring an Area under full Imperial law: After finishing with the major cities and areas of great economic Import the law may be brought to even those most distant corners of the former Seven Kingdoms -[] Westerlands & Iron Islands
-[] Western Reach
-[] Eastern Reach
-[] Crownlands
-[] Stormlands
-[] Dorne
-[] Riverlands
-[] Vale
-[] North DC: Automatic (Decreases if the Preliminary action in the area is taken)
[] Apply Pressure: The lords can be motivated to do their duties by the census though less gentle means at need, reminding them that their wealth must be taxed and it is the ministry to decides that taxation DC: 50
[] Summer Dreams (New): A more covert insertion into the affairs of Walano might be in order, to ensure that the diplomacy flows smoothly this time, a better sense of the players and the game, perhaps a nudge at just the right momment. DC: 30 (Lowers the DC of Eyes in the South if Successful, Increases the DC on a Crit Faiilure)
Three (3) Actions + Two (2) Actions for the Flesh-forges of Lys and Gogososs [] Create a Fire Elemental Forge: You have the divine alliances and you have the lore and the power to do onto fire as you have done onto water so that you may call fire elemental in service of the Imperium DC: 20
[] Recruitment Drive: The legion and the airforce could always use more recruits, over the next several months you can put the efforts of the ministry towards ensuring they get those recruits DC: Automatic
[] The Big Guns (New): Having seen the armor on the fortress of the Efreeti, it has become obvious to you that even a barrage of Steam Cannons will be hard pressed to penetrate their defenses. Your engineers, first and foremost among them the Bulabar, have suggested a simple solution to that problem. Apply more cannon.
Here's what I've got so far, ya'll. I'm not deadset on anything, so let me know what ya'll think should be changed.
I've got the Traveling Tutors and Better Herds actions marked down for now, but I'm not sure which Duchies we should select for them yet. Any preferences?
Alinor's Censor action is currenty dedicated to the Ethereal Taxes option. After last quarter's Crit fuckup, we need to address the issue and who better to do that than Alinor?
[X] Plan Building Momentum
-[X] Ministry of Administration:
--[X] Survey of Marginal lands: Whitelands and The Neck
--[X] Office of Land Management
-[X] Ministry of Diplomacy:
--[X] Share Arcane Lore with the Genie Realms:The Peerless Empire
--[X] Princedoms of Flame
--[X] As the Queen of Cities Bows
-[X] Ministry of Education:
--[X] Cultural Conventions
--[X] Noble Studies ---[X] Ask Zathir to lend his aid on this action
--[X] Traveling Tutors: Vale and Westerlands
-[X] Ministry of Health:
--[X] Clearing Flea Bottom
--[X] Improve Sanitation: Oldtown and Greyport
--[X] Providing Basic Training: Northern Crownlands and Southern Crownlands
-[X] Ministry of Information:
--[X] Local Papers: Oldtown, Greyport, Tyrosh
--[X] Calming the Waters
--[X] Fey Helpers
-[X] Ministry of Justice:
--[X] Bring Imperial Law to the Western Provinces
---[X] Highgarden, Gates of the Moon, Bloody Gate, Crakehall, Riverrun
---[X] Control of centers of production such as important mines and major agricultural areas, to ensure proper taxation and protection of commerce
-[X] Ministry Of Public Works:
--[X] Build up the road Networks in Dorne
--[X] Full Steam Ahead (x2): Myr, Pentos, Braavos, Volantis
-[X] Ministry of Magic:
--[X] Undying Lore
--[X] Aid in imposing Imperial Law:
---[X] Control of centers of production such as important mines and major agricultural areas, to ensure proper taxation and protection of commerce
--[X] Spread low magic rituals to Westeros
-[X] Ministry of Taxation: --[X]Ethereal Taxes: Censor Action
--[X] Help with setting up local taxes (x3):Golden Mountains, Greyport, Midlands, Heartlands, Northern Crownlands, Southern Crownlands
-[X] Ministry of Trade:
--[X] Financial Assistance
--[X] Using Canals
--[X] Better Herds:The North and the Vale
-[X] Ministry of War:
--[X] Exchanging Knowledge
--[X] Neighbors from Beyond
--[X] Change troop deployments
---[X] Troops, servitors, and materials (especially aerial assets such as Wyverns and other military aircraft) will be shifted to cover those bases which are warded, but not to the maximum extent possible due to the current scarcity of ward stones. Special attention will be paid to Everfire Dale due to its strategic importance. Additional warding, via numerous Forbiddance effects and the rediscovered rune-based ward carving will supplement their defenses.
-[X] The Inquisition:
--[X] Summer Dreams
--[X] Bring Imperial Law to the Western Provinces
---[X] Twins, Moat Cailin, mouth of the Mander, mouth of the Salmonwater, Dragonstone, Driftmark
---[X] Control of centers of production such as important mines and major agricultural areas, to ensure proper taxation and protection of commerce
-[X] Research:
--[X] The Bulwark of North
--[X] The Great Basin
--[X] Further improvements in permeable Force Effects
--[X] Create a Fire Elemental Forge
--[X] Weapons for the Dawn ---[X] Lya will assist in the development of the Legion of Light spell.
@Goldfish, under Research instead of Frost Forged I'd go with Weapons for the Dawn, personally. We should definitely eventually cover getting Weirwoods the Cold Immunity, but Weapons for the Dawn is going to have a far greater benefit in the long run.
EDIT: Also @Azel@DragonParadox, is Zathir still preoccupied with fixing the Lannister defilement or whatever he was doing?
He could help you but there is a chance that will limit the resulting basin in some way since it was built with the aid of a god with such and such domains.
He could help you but there is a chance that will limit the resulting basin in some way since it was built with the aid of a god with such and such domains.