Did we put up Scintillating Scales at some point?
If so I'm not really worried here, our Touch-AC should be good enough against the ray to work.
And if not we still have SR.
Did we put up Scintillating Scales at some point?
If so I'm not really worried here, our Touch-AC should be good enough against the ray to work.
And if not we still have SR.
Everyone should have SR 33 right now thanks to Dany's Persistomancy, though I doubt we have Scintillating Scales active since it's only got a duration of 1 minute per level. Casting it inside the fortress would have probably drawn attention.
  1. The thing about Contingent spells is they are spell not just the secondary effect of a long lasting spell cast on the person. So a contingent so heal triggering would be the same as someone casting heal, which is to say stopped by the wards.
  2. He used battle mage's perception, otherwise it would have cost his action and he could not cast offensively
I mentioned this yesterday, DP, but I don't think you saw it;
BTW, DP, Richard and Garin both have self-healing mechanisms based on killing stuff. Oathkeeper has a Life-Stealing Crystal that restores 5 HP per kill, up to 50 HP per day, and one of Garin's daggers restores 1/2 damage dealt, up to 80 HP per day at his current level.

With the killing they've done so far, they should both be nearly topped off.
Garin should probably be at full HP now and Richard should be at 123 of 211.

EDIT: Never mind, I'm stupid. And forgot how to do math, apparently. :oops:
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Can varys interpose itself between the spell so we would have a action Varys HP would be halved but that would also give us a action to hit him right?
Okay, with his Armor of Darkness spell up, Garin's Touch AC should be 32 and Richard's should be 36 versus an Evil attacker (32 if they're not Evil). If he doesn't have Scintillating Scales up, and I'm assuming he doesn't, Viserys' Touch AC is also 32, though that increases to 48 if SS was cast previously. All of those are very high, plus everyone will have 33 Spell Resistance. That's two layers of defense the Avasculate will have to get through.

And though it is very rarely used, Richard also has 3/Day Spell Turning he can use if he is targeted. Even if it doesn't turn away the full effects of the spell, it would at the very least reduce the effect by 75% should he be targeted.

EDIT: Actually, everyone's Touch AC should be at least +1 higher than what I listed above due to Dany's Persistomancy'd Blessing of Fervor. Their attack bonuses, too.
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I'm thinking of just having Viserys use Wings of Cover to protect himself if targeted, or a Brilliant Barrier to shield Garin or Richard. Either spell is cast as an Immediate Action.

There is a really good chance the group's defenses would negate the spell, but that's not a chance we should be taking right now. Adding another layer of defense is worth using the action, IMO.
I'm thinking of just having Viserys use Wings of Cover to protect himself if targeted, or a Brilliant Barrier to shield Garin or Richard. Either spell is cast as an Immediate Action.

There is a really good chance the group's defenses would negate the spell, but that's not a chance we should be taking right now. Adding another layer of defense is worth using the action, IMO.
Since this guy is a mythic archmage i bet that there is a good chance he has a way to bypass SR and AC as a mythic ability
Since this guy is a mythic archmage i bet that there is a good chance he has a way to bypass SR and AC as a mythic ability
The only way to overcome AC is to boost your attack bonus. That can be done in various ways, such as casting True Strike. In this case, the action economy almost completely rules out a True Strike effect, though various buffs could have definitely raised his attack bonus.

There is a Mythic Path ability that allows you to ignore Spell Resistance, but it's 6th tier, one higher than Viserys. It's possible that this dude is that high on the Mythic power scale, but I doubt it. The Sultan of Brass is awfully jealous of his power and he has spent untold eons attempting to ascend to godhood. 6th Mythic Tier isn't godhood by any means, but it's starting to scrape the glass ceiling, so to speak, and I find it hard to believe the Sultan would allow any Efreeti to grow that powerful, since that would be inviting a rival to his throne.
Bolstered Life: 3/Day Oathkeeper can cast False Life or Cure Moderate Wounds on its wielder as a Free Action. Upon killing a living creature with at least 5 HD, Oathkeeper can instead cast an Empowered Maximized False Life or Empowered Maximized Cure Moderate Wounds on its wielder. This effect is cast at 10th level, but cannot be Dispelled and functions within an Antimagic Field.
Did oathkeeper heal richard using this ability or did it use bodyfeeder?
If it used bodyfeeder ability oathkeeper can now use bolstered life to heal richard right?
Couldn't think of an appropriate name for this plan, so I used the previous chapter title as inspiration.

Anyway, I think this is the best way to handle it. We can't afford to leave the Rune Giants active, if they're not already dead. Since DP didn't mention that in the chapter, I assume they aren't. They can't ignore Garin and Richard in the process of killing them, though, so at least they're occupied. Viserys focusing on shutting down the efforts of the mage makes the most sense here, IMO. Once the Rune Giants are down, everyone can focus on the mage.

Richard is hurt, but Oathkeeper can provide some healing. It still has 2 uses of it's 3/Day Cure Moderate Wounds/False Life power, which can be activated as a Free Action. I've got it using one of them as soon as Richard's round ended, after he attacked the Rune Giant, then using it again as soon as this round started. So no matter what, Richard should be starting this round with at least 93 + 4d8 HP + 35 Temp HP (from Stalwart Pact activating). That's an average HP of 146. That goes up to 117 + 2d8 HP + 35 Temp HP if he did kill the Rune Giant.

As I mentioned above, everyone has a good chance to avoid the Avasculate even if Viserys is unsuccessful in shielding against it, but I don't want to leave that up to chance.
Okay, with his Armor of Darkness spell up, Garin's Touch AC should be 33 and Richard's should be 37 versus an Evil attacker (33 if they're not Evil). If he doesn't have Scintillating Scales up, and I'm assuming he doesn't, Viserys' Touch AC is also 33, though that increases to 49 if SS was cast previously. All of those are very high, plus everyone will have 33 Spell Resistance. That's two layers of defense the Avasculate will have to get through.

And though it is very rarely used, Richard also has 3/Day Spell Turning he can use if he is targeted. Even if it doesn't turn away the full effects of the spell, it would at the very least reduce the effect by 75% should he be targeted.
[X] Of Flames Endured
-[X] As an Immediate Action, Viserys uses Wings of Cover to shield himself from the spell if targeted, or attempts to shield Garin or Richard with a Brilliant Barrier if they are targeted. He then acts to directly Counterspell the next spell the mage casts.
-[X] If his target is dead, Garin spends one Mythic Power to use Surprise Strike (target is considered Flat-Footed) as a Swift Action against the mage in order to make a Sneak Attack (+33 attack bonus, 7d8+34 damage; 17-20/x4. Ignores Damage Reduction, plus Staggering Strike; Fortitude DC equal to damage to avoid being Staggered for 1 round). He then makes a Full Attack against the mage while dual-wielding his daggers (+30/+30/+25/+20 [1d4+17; 17-20/x4] and +29/+24 [1d4+17; 17-20/x2]). If his Rune Giant is not yet dead, he instead uses Surprise Strike against it, then continues attacking it.
-[X] If his target is dead, Richard switches focus to the mage, spending 1 Mythic Power to use Fleet Charge as a Swift Action to attack (+51 attack bonus, 7d6+31 damage; 17-20/x2, 1 CON damage), then follows that up with a full attack (+46/+46/+41/+36/+31). If his Rune Giant is not yet dead, he makes a Full Attack against it instead, though if it dies before all of his iterative attacks are expended, he immediately uses Fleet Warrior to move to the mage and start attacking it, then follows up with a Fleet Charge. If targeted by the mage's spell, he reflects it using Spell Turning.
--[X] If Richard killed the Rune Giant in the 1st round, Oathkeeper immediately cast an Empowered Maximized Cure Moderate Wounds on him as a Free Action to restore 34 HP. If he didn't kill it, Oathkeeper instead cast Cure Moderate Wounds to heal him for 2d8+10 HP as a Free Action. At the beginning of this turn, Oathkeeper casts another Cure Moderate Wounds on Richard as a Free Action.
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Did oathkeeper heal richard using this ability or did it use bodyfeeder?
If it used bodyfeeder ability oathkeeper can now use bolstered life to heal richard right?
We don't know if Bodyfeeder activated, though there is a decent chance he got at least one Crit against the Rune Giant.

As for Bolstered Life, I specifically included that in my plan. It will have healed either 2d8+44 or 4d8+20 HP for Richard by the beginning of this round.
[X] Goldfish
Also, once this is over, let's try and grab those sweet sweet corpses for the Flesh/Fungus Forges. Can't wait to experiment with the Rune Giant stuff, and a mythic Efreet has got to be worth a lot.
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