So, does that mean the increased INT of a familiar is included?

No, just the ability to sense it and share spells. a familiar bond even to such as Bloodraven it not near enough to undo the Curse of the Fourteen.

Ok, the Dornish it is, we are going interlude heavy today to make up for the drought it seems.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Apr 4, 2021 at 10:23 AM, finished with 26 posts and 11 votes.

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Dawnfyre -- Valaena Velaryon's dragon -- size of a griffon -- dark red in color -- hatched on the Twenty-Seventh Day of the Second Month 293 AC

Ember -- Joran of Dragonstone's dragon -- size of a small horse -- ember in color -- retrieved on the Thirteenth Day of the Third Month 293 AC

Sheepstealer -- Nettles of Dragonstone's dragon -- lower end of huge-sized -- muddy brown in color -- raised from the dead on the Fourth Day of the Seventh Month 293 AC

Silverwing -- Rhaella Targaryen's dragon -- Mature Adult -- silver in color -- raised from the dead on the Eighteenth Day of the Ninth Month 293 AC

Korzion -- Saenena Caleris' dragon -- Adult -- rust red in color -- raised from the dead on the Eighteenth Day of the Ninth Month 293 AC

Meleys the Red Queen -- Maelor's dragon -- Adult -- crimson in color -- raised from the dead on the Eighteenth Day of the Ninth Month 293 AC -- assigned to Maelor on the Second Day of the Eleventh Month 293 AC

Caraxes the Blood Wyrm -- Zherys Naethyreon's dragon -- Young Adult -- blood red in color -- raised from the dead on the Eighteenth Day of the Ninth Month 293 AC -- assigned to Zherys on the Second Day of the Eleventh Month 293 AC -- tamed by Zherys on the Fifteenth Day of the Eleventh Month 293 AC

Grey Ghost -- Teana Strycos' dragon -- Adult -- ash grey in color -- raised from the dead on the Eighteenth Day of the Ninth Month 293 AC

Balerion the Black Dread -- Viserys Targaryen's dragon -- Advanced Wyrm -- black in color -- raised from the dead on the Eighteenth Day of the Ninth Month 293 AC

Gaelenys -- Aelor Caleris' dragon -- hatchling -- burnt orange adorned with golden flames -- hatched on the Fourth Day of the Third Month 294 AC

??? -- Aenie Caleris' dragon -- hatchling -- forest green and amber -- hatched on the Fourth Day of the Third Month 294 AC

Skepsi -- Reva Bealus' dragon -- hatchling -- pale almost ghostly silver -- hatched on the Fourth Day of the Third Month 294 AC

Anamnisi -- Liset Bealus' dragon -- hatchling -- pale almost ghostly silver -- hatched on the Fourth Day of the Third Month 294 AC

Ghost -- Jon Snow's dragon -- hatchling (counts as Animal Companion) -- ash-grey with specks of red and gold like the last dying embers of some old flame or perhaps the first sparks of a new one -- hatched on the Twentieth Day of the Fourth Month 294 AC

Deathwind -- Bloodraven's dragon -- hatchling (counts as Familiar for delivering Touch Spells) -- Black with grey pasterns that almost recall skulls -- hatched on the Sixth Day of the Fifth Month 294 AC
We now have fifteen Valyrian Dragons in the Imperium. Eight of them are hatchlings born into an age of magic, seven of them are relics of a past era.

Btw @DragonParadox, we still need to cover Maelor claiming Meleys the Red Queen and Teana claiming Grey Ghost.
Just out of curiosity, is there anything that isn't going right for the Dornish right now?

I imagine they're going to be doing shit like pointing out that the youngest house of dornish bastards is more powerful and prosperous than the eldest and most prestigious of the remaining Westerosi lords for the rest of time.

The only thing that we really need to worry about is Doran getting hypertension or something.
a Doran interlude is basically him doing pelvic thrusts in the face of every other lord in Westeros while making mocking banter at them and drinking their tears
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Idk man Daemon Blackfyre is still pretty up there.
To be fair to the guy he didn't have much of a chance right from the start. Based on the way that his parents gave him a name that sounds like a type of fiend he was probably delivered while they were in line at a Westerosi Hot Topic. Really he was lucky that he didn't end up known for spreading around a particularly cringe worthy book of poetry on top of everything else.
Interlude MLIII: Finest Wines
Finest Wines

Sixth Day of the Fifth Month 294 AC

In the days and weeks following the declaration of the Imperium and the ascension of Imperator Viserys First of His Name and some whispered already likely to remain the only so named and honored until the ends of time, there was much merriment and much celebration as one might have expected. Loud were the songs in evening time and oft rowdy, rich and red or gold flowed the wine, and the mead was sweet, and many were the tasks of the Lawmen, though of a sort most of that grey-cloaked company did not overly begrudge. Strangers in a strange land were the men from the West, their fellow citizens in law but not yet in temperament, save perhaps those of Dorne, for in Dorne the Sunset Kingdoms stretched out farthest over the sea and it would be to Dorne that the Great Bridge already planned in the halls of the Ministry of Public Works.

Yet it was not only the folk of Sorcerer's Deep who saw this nearness in thought and in council. The manse of Doran Martell near the Temple of the Moonsingers where the sound of silver bells mingled with the dance of the waters and the spirits that dwelt therein soon saw the company of many noble heralds and many lords, even from those parts who before time had little time from the Dornish, in truth especially from them. It is, after all, not those to whom the throne is warm that must curry back favor, but those to whom it is displeased. One might almost see an accounting of the banners of the rebellion by the fine ebony doors of the Prince of Dorne who alone among all the lords of Westeros had the ear of a Companion to question on the councils and temperament of the Imperator.

Now Doran was no fool and he did not reveal to Tully or Tyrell or any lord of Westerlands or Crownlands that which was said for his ears alone, and all that he unveiled could have been found just as readily in the texts of law or essays of finance or the texts of speeches which had been spoken before many, but all of that lore was easier got from the mouth of a lord than a dusty tome or the tongue of some faintly sneering functionary.

...Yes such were the laws pertaining to marriage and such and such the cause. The ordering of your own inheritance if your own to deal with and the crown will see it enforced by all the might of the Lawmen, the Inquisition, and at need even the Legions.

...No, you may not bar the red-robed priests from your domain, but you are under no obligation to give them any special succor. They may find their own as any other travelers on the road.

...Local taxes for local needs are permitted, but not in such a way as would strangle trade and the exchange of goods, and that is not for the good of merchants, but for the good of the people those merchants serve.

...Crop rituals are a wondrous thing, but it would be wise to think of what use you put all the idle hands that are no longer needed to raise wheat and barley. There are only so many mouths to feed.

On and on the conversation turned in matters great and small for scarce there was a day when the Prince of Dorne did not have company, nor when that company did not seek council. Of all other High Lords only Bronze Yohn Royce could claim similar closeness to the throne, and his son it was well known would sooner act in the doing to great deeds than hold council with his kin as Tyene Sandviper did. Now though the Prince of Dorne was not his brother and never openly crude or mocking of those who had read the fate of Westeros different than him and wagered upon a losing hand, he did not need to be, for it was oft said that the tongue of a Martell could be as sharp as the tip of the spear upon their banner, and while it may have been that in defeat that spear had been poisoned with bitter mockery, in victory it was eager and almost playful in its jabs.

"Ah such fine steeds does the Reach breed," he could be heard declaring to Mace Tyrell once as that worthy lord rode in under a cloud of ill tidings though soon after adding. "A pity the Legions could not make use of them and now ride a mix of Sand Steeds and the swift hardly mounts of the Dothraki. Do you know the Dothraki and how they came to serve under the dragon banner? First they fell upon the Companions in the wild lands west of Mantarys for they were desperate and sore-pressed by the Doom of their folk, the dead of Sarnor. But their Lord challenged Prince Viserys as then he was, not in hope of victory, but instead expecting that one mightier than he might lead his folk to greener safer lands. He died by dragonfire."

He paused then in contemplation, looking into the waters of his fountains that lesser spirits tended day and night and upon which they played marvelous songs and added. "He died by dragonfire and yet he lives, a man much honored, baron by rank and in the Imperial Army a general, for so impressed was the Imperator with the manner and reason for his passing that first of all men he was restored to life by his sister's hand. Let it not be said that those some foolishly call 'barbarians' are without honor."

It was said among the company of Dornish servants who made much of it in taverns that the face of the Lord of Highgarden was like unto the color of wax and tallow at the words said and those unsaid.

OOC: Were Doran a kinder man he would have laid off on the Tyrells given Olenna's death, but while he is loyal to his kin and great with children and a host of other good things beside Doran Martell is not kind to those he counts rivals of his House and those who have wronged it in his eyes.
I love the story of how we got the Dothraki. I'd like to give Rhango and his Khaleesi younger bodies at some point.
It was said among the company of Dornish servants who made much of it in taverns that the face of the Lord of Highgarden was like unto the color of wax and tallow at the words said and those unsaid.
I'm not sure if he's saying we think the Tyrells are honor-less curs held in lest standing than foreign barbarians or threatening that his mother could come back if she so chose.

Either way I suspect Mace the Ace is not going to be sleeping well tonight.
I'm not sure if he's saying we think the Tyrells are honor-less curs held in lest standing than foreign barbarians or threatening that his mother could come back if she so chose.

Either way I suspect he's not going to be sleeping well tonight.

He is saying 'Look if you had at least as much honor as the savages you would now be at a place of honor, with gold in your treasury from rich trades and maybe your mother would not be dead either. Must be tough being a traitor '