I dont even see why this discussion continues

Lets just start this argument on her trial
Recruit her if shes innocent enough and have her swear not to betray us before Yss or the old gods but with the option to just leave and live a peaceful life

If her crimes are grave enough kill her then
I dont even see why this discussion continues

Lets just start this argument on her trial
Recruit her if shes innocent enough and have her swear not to betray us before Yss or the old gods but with the option to just leave and live a peaceful life

If her crimes are grave enough kill her then
Look, you have to realize this thread has people who have been regularly posting and discussing things to death for half a decade now.

There's history here and lot of bitterness. It's just the way of things, yet despite that people try to keep it civil.

Let's all not be dismissive about everyone's investment in this topic.
I voiced my opinion. We find out if she can be loyal to us, and then we decide if she will live. Well, then the court that will pass the sentence we need.
Look, you have to realize this thread has people who have been regularly posting and discussing things to death for half a decade now.

There's history here and lot of bitterness. It's just the way of things, yet despite that people try to keep it civil.

Let's all not be dismissive about everyone's investment in this topic.
Im just saying the discussion is getting too heated

If we dont want to recruit her or kill her
We can just have her swear to Yss to never oppose us and lead a peaceful life with her children
Im just saying the discussion is getting too heated

If we dont want to recruit her or kill her
We can just have her swear to Yss to never oppose us and lead a peaceful life with her children
This isn't even that bad tbh. But bluntly put we have had arguments about Lanna for the better part of two years constantly putting it off because it wasn't time and now it's time and it's blowing up.
Lanna had her chance to leave years ago. She and her husband were willing to go along with Tywin's geases until the Old Lion ate their faces too; they get no sympathy from me. I wasn't upset when Lanna was captured instead of killed because she is a useful source of information, but that's all. We can't trust her fully, ever and so we have to end her, one way or another.
If we dont want to recruit her or kill her
We can just have her swear to Yss to never oppose us and lead a peaceful life with her children
As Tiamat found out, Unravelings are a thing. We don't want to leave a powerful foe with a grudge out in the wild.
On the Subject of Retcons and why I currently have a headache
OK I need to address this as best I can so we can get this out of the way. I know we have a history here and to be honest I know I am responsible for the bad feelings as well as the good. I think that @Artemis1992 has made a very good point about me being too retcon happy to just make the bad feelings go away and instead making things worse because it subverts the normal way for the players to interact with the quest which is to say by voting. We have had more spirited debate on the motivations of that one nameless praetorian whose doctrine did not in the moment even consider than we had on votes and that is just wrong. I wish we could all channel that energy into discussions of 'what do do next' rather than relitigating old patterns of thread voting that go back to Bronn or something. It is just not sustainable for me to have to get every detail perfect.

Sorry if the above is a little rambly i needed to get it off my chest.
On the Subject of Retcons and why I currently have a headache
OK I need to address this as best I can so we can get this out of the way. I know we have a history here and to be honest I know I am responsible for the bad feelings as well as the good. I think that @Artemis1992 has made a very good point about me being too retcon happy to just make the bad feelings go away and instead making things worse because it subverts the normal way for the players to interact with the quest which is to say by voting. We have had more spirited debate on the motivations of that one nameless praetorian whose doctrine did not in the moment even consider than we had on votes and that is just wrong. I wish we could all channel that energy into discussions of 'what do do next' rather than relitigating old patterns of thread voting that go back to Bronn or something. It is just not sustainable for me to have to get every detail perfect.

Sorry if the above is a little rambly i needed to get it off my chest.
I think no one really expects you to have gotten things perfect, even as some kind of hindsight bias expectation that "things were wrong then and because of that it led to a pattern of decisions which made this acceptable when we should have avoided this as far back as 3 years ago IRL" but that's not really the case most of the time.

It's just that people here are rather easily bitter about votes they feel like they don't have much of a way of effecting because people always justify in hindsight what makes previous decisions which seem OOC when applied with new context or opposed decision making "completely logical", which is upsetting because it often leads to such weirdness as wildly veering motivations of the main PoV character.

It does make me think, removed from all of the OOC baggage associated with not having any firm arbitration for these things, maybe there should be rumors of erratic behavior from Viserys... but honestly, what rumors would seem coherent in the morass of stuff flying around about him? He's got "mysterious sorcerer-king" down pat. That tends to block out the rest.
On the Subject of Retcons and why I currently have a headache
OK I need to address this as best I can so we can get this out of the way. I know we have a history here and to be honest I know I am responsible for the bad feelings as well as the good. I think that @Artemis1992 has made a very good point about me being too retcon happy to just make the bad feelings go away and instead making things worse because it subverts the normal way for the players to interact with the quest which is to say by voting. We have had more spirited debate on the motivations of that one nameless praetorian whose doctrine did not in the moment even consider than we had on votes and that is just wrong. I wish we could all channel that energy into discussions of 'what do do next' rather than relitigating old patterns of thread voting that go back to Bronn or something. It is just not sustainable for me to have to get every detail perfect.

Sorry if the above is a little rambly i needed to get it off my chest.
From my point of view, everything is simple. We get information from the Lannisters (Lanna, Geryon). I am interested in possible loyalty, others are interested in her "innocence", someone has already decided to execute them anyway and just wants information. Then there will be a vote in which I will agitate for recruitment (provided that loyalty is generally possible) but my voice will not even be noticed by anyone and she will be executed the thread will make a decision and the quest will continue further.
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It was, Tywin Lannister realized as he reached for the blood-gold scroll-case much too close to hand, a clever thing to do.

I'm amused that we were frustrated by Tywins's schemes and other secret plans, but on his side he must have been even more frustrated by having a competent and patient enemy, that only attacked him when the fight would be a curb stomp and constantly wondering what secret weapon Viserys has.

he regretted never having the chance to meet the man Aerys' secondborn had grown up to be.
A "what if" Aerys was Viserys, where having a competent king that respected him would have made him a less bitter man. Still bitter, but less.
I'm still for executing him once we extracted every piece of info from his mind. I don't care that he betrayed Aerys. If Viserys father was still alive I would have voted for executing him, no matter the stigma about kinslaying. I can accept the schemes against us since we were basically at war, if he only did that I would have voted to send him to the Wall. But he send his pet monsters to kill Elia, Rhaenys and Aegon and that is unacceptable, off with his head beside a hearth tree once this is over.

Also about our Lanna debate, I'm still waiting for a trial before taking a decision.

Edit: Frankly I don't understand why people still complain about old choices. We voted, the majority won, it didn't ruin the quest, it's still an awesome quest. If the repercussions of a decision killed one of our companions or destroyed our kingdom I could understand people being bitter about it.
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information from the Lannisters (Lanna, Geryon). I am interested in possible loyalty, others are interested in her "innocence"
Jesus dude, we went over this.

Innocence is relative, we have Devils serving us.

Most of those complaining just have SoDs strained with the mere notion that Lana could somehow prove to be trustworthy.

She did enough shit that we could straight up hang her if we can't trust her. That's the extent of "innocence" we argue.
I think something needs to be made clear here, for all Viserys prides himself on being proud you can't decide what to do with Lanna at the trial, She is too powerful to judge by the standards of public evidence. You need to make the decison after you lern more about her but before the trial so you can shape the narrative.
God people in this are salty. Every should take a break for today.

It's not fun coming to the same thread for years and hearing people bitch about the same thing everyday. Maybe we should set out days for saltfests, how does the last day of the month sound to everyone. Because that would be better than this.
Jesus dude, we went over this.

Innocence is relative, we have Devils serving us.

Most of those complaining just have SoDs strained with the mere notion that Lana could somehow prove to be trustworthy.

She did enough shit that we could straight up hang her if we can't trust her. That's the extent of "innocence" we argue.
That is, a mother who wants a better future for her children, we can not trust (I was told that I would not be precise enough in my wording, so I clarify that I do not propose to steal her children, I suggest pointing out that orphans and children of the archmage in the service of the crown have different perspectives in life). But we can trust that Urak snake that soral us from the ancient smiths of the flesh Yss, exactly the snake that had already almost put our Forge of the Flesh in the service of the Spider Queen.
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That is, a mother who wants a better future for her children, we can not trust (I was told that I would not be precise enough in my wording, so I clarify that I do not propose to steal her children, I suggest pointing out that orphans and children of the archmage in the service of the crown have different perspectives in life). But we can trust that magical snake that soral us from the ancient smiths of the flesh Yss (I forgot his name and could not find the page with his statistics to rewrite at least the name from there), exactly the snake that had already almost put our Forge of the Flesh in the service of the Spider Queen.
Errr, yes?
We can trust the good boiz Urak.
We didn't just grab a bunch of far-insane-to-let-live Fleshforgers and stitched them together - we had them mulched by Yss, an actual Deity, with an express desire to get a "loyal minion" out of it.

Do you not trust Qyburn, just because he went full-throttle researching Eldritch Shit?
Do you distrust Rina just because she is Winter Fey now?
Do you not trust Mereth because she used to serve Mammon?

Urak falling to mind-wankery wasn't because of their choice, either.
It is us who failed to not send Scholarum groupees working into the Forge and also not tightening up mental defenses enough.
Well, that's IC. OOC that was a crit-fail, is all.

And we've been over why many here don't think she could/should be trustworthy, I won't be bringing another round to those arguments.