Does anyone recall when Moonsong leveled last? She does get some XP from the social combat and managing the fight without a scratch but I'm not sure if it is enough for her to level. Unlike others I have not been keeping as close a watch on her progress since she got the ship. I know the last major improvement was not a level but a template and I can't recall when the last bard level was.
[X] You will bag and tag the bodies for later perusal once time isn't so pressing.

[X] The captured Erinyes and Judgement Devil, however, you will use Brain Spider to mindprobe and interrogate. Regardless of what you do or do not discover, you will only spend a few hours at most to work down some prepared questions and then regroup to plan your next move based upon what you learn. You are assuming that if you give them a full day, the commander here will call in some favors, trade for, or blackmail others into assisting him here in Astapor, greatly complicating matters. Even the most well organized fiend won't be able to do much more than pick and choose how to fight you with a few hours to spare, and you're already confident you can beat him once pinned.

-[X] Once finished, the Erinyes you will interrogate more in-depth later, before shuffling them off to a place in your larder, not disrespecting their loyalty to Asmodeus enough to try to give them the soft sell.
--[X] The Judgement Devil on the other hand you will bind into a book, decoding ciphered, more obviously protected information, of your enemy and their plans.

[X] Moonsong Level Up
-[X] Class: +1 Bard
-[X] Skills (11 points): +1 Diplomacy, +1 Escape Artist, +1 Hide, +1 Listen, +1 Move Silently, +1 Perform (Comedy), +1 Profession (Officer), +1 Sense Motive, +1 Spot, +2 Perform (String Instruments)
-[X] Spells:
--[X] 4th Level: Grand Destiny

Back in August.
Twenty Sixth Day of the Second Month 294 AC
Was the update where we decided to vote upon it... but IIRC her actual levelup occurred when we fought over the Valley of Thenn, which I think occurred back in the 1st Month? So it's been probably 4 months IC since that all went down.

Did enough happen in the intervening period? Was this just plain significant enough for her to level?
Does anyone recall when Moonsong leveled last? She does get some XP from the social combat and managing the fight without a scratch but I'm not sure if it is enough for her to level. Unlike others I have not been keeping as close a watch on her progress since she got the ship. I know the last major improvement was not a level but a template and I can't recall when the last bard level was.
Maybe our grand tourney?
That got her two in one, and since then it was only the template, IIRC?

Edit: Nope, seems there was one in between.
Last edited:

Back in August.

Was the update where we decided to vote upon it... but IIRC her actual levelup occurred when we fought over the Valley of Thenn, which I think occurred back in the 1st Month? So it's been probably 4 months IC since that all went down.

Did enough happen in the intervening period? Was this just plain significant enough for her to level?

Hmm, she is already Bard 11 and 3HD from her sprite origins so no, not yet, one or two more achievements will do it.
Indeed, she is one success off leveling, though getting from 15 to 16 after that might be a bit more harrowing since that is the final soft level cap.
Does Teana just have to struggle harder since Kismet or the weight of destiny just weighs less heavy on her in general, despite having taken part in fights against literal Gods?

Like the universe is saying "wait, what are you doing here? :???: " and just letting her soul squeeze through a keyhole shaped gap whenever the prerequisites that a Companion doesn't have to press against a level cap to qualify for are met?

Does she had to take part in just one fight above her CR to make progress to 16, or does she have to ram her head repeatedly against those kinds of challenges with no progress until Destiny just shrugs and gives up?
When Teana reaches 15th level, I am going to finally do my write up for the Scholarium Battle School program.

Or maybe I'll write it up sooner in anticipation of her reaching 15th level.
Going form 15 to 16 is about the point at which you have to start changing the world in some way to level. that has never been an issue for Companions because of the way you guys play but Teana is not the sort of person who builds her legend like that or at lest not as a matter of course. Soft caps are not really strict mechanical impediments they are mostly narrative.
Going form 15 to 16 is about the point at which you have to start changing the world in some way to level. that has never been an issue for Companions because of the way you guys play but Teana is not the sort of person who builds her legend like that or at lest not as a matter of course. Soft caps are not really strict mechanical impediments they are mostly narrative.
But... she's changing the world GREATLY through her own efforts and innovative thinking. The battle school alone should qualify as that is basically JUST her doing the ground work and overseeing to make it happen, even the regulations. This is something that will up the survival rates of mages since even if many don't eke out more experience from it, it will definitely help with progression for the more combat oriented casters from 1-5/6. And it will make sure that everyone out there realizes, from someone who has seen the real deal, as close to what they can come to expect from what's out in the world.

TBH DP I don't think you need to justify her hitting the final level cap. She has done huge stuff too.
Teana has always been fairly risk averse and would be perfectly content to stay in SD teaching if we didn't find excuses to send her out on important missions. I guess that translates to needing to make a bit more effort for that final push into blatant superhumanity than for the more dedicated adventuring sorts?
But... she's changing the world GREATLY through her own efforts and innovative thinking. The battle school alone should qualify as that is basically JUST her doing the ground work and overseeing to make it happen, even the regulations. This is something that will up the survival rates of mages since even if many don't eke out more experience from it, it will definitely help with progression for the more combat oriented casters from 1-5/6. And it will make sure that everyone out there realizes, from someone who has seen the real deal, as close to what they can come to expect from what's out in the world.

TBH DP I don't think you need to justify her hitting the final level cap. She has done huge stuff too.

That is a fair point. I tend to assign her a more background role in that, first among equals when it comes to Scholarum branches since there is no formal rank she has on the other branch heads, but she was the first,, she laid down the curriculum for a lot of people . Yeah I can see how she would push past the soft cap on the basis of this. she still needs the normal amount of XP for it though of course.
@DragonParadox, if someone casts a Create Greater Demiplane spell, such as Viserys using Wild Arcana, could he pass control of the Plane over to someone else? Normally, the creator can choose to eject someone from the Demiplane as a Standard Action.

Could the option to pass ownership be made available to someone who was present at the time of casting?
@DragonParadox, if someone casts a Create Greater Demiplane spell, such as Viserys using Wild Arcana, could he pass control of the Plane over to someone else? Normally, the creator can choose to eject someone from the Demiplane as a Standard Action.

Could the option to pass ownership be made available to someone who was present at the time of casting?

That is already a 9th level spell there isn't any give there to modify the spell on the fly. Maybe if he uses regular create demiplane and casts it as a 9th level wild arcane.
That is already a 9th level spell there isn't any give there to modify the spell on the fly. Maybe if he uses regular create demiplane and casts it as a 9th level wild arcane.
Fair enough.

/thinking cap engaged... 🤔

Okay, next question. If someone is in an area affected by Teleport Trap and tries to use a minor Teleportation effect, like from a pair of Anklets of Translocation, will the trap still transport them to the designated location?
Fair enough.

/thinking cap engaged... 🤔

Okay, next question. If someone is in an area affected by Teleport Trap and tries to use a minor Teleportation effect, like from a pair of Anklets of Translocation, will the trap still transport them to the designated location?

It will try to, within the limits of the power, so if it can only go 5 ft it will carry you 5 ft in the direction indicated by the trap.
@Goldfish, just use Teleportation Circle.
Wouldn't really work for what I'm planning.

Battle School is going to be on a large Demiplane created used several Permanency'd Create Greater Demiplane spells. I want Teana to be able to eject a student immediately if they are injured, mission killed, or violate the rules of a given scenario. Having her be able to simply will it to happen as owner of the Demiplane would be the easiest solution, but there are alternatives.

The Teleport Trap + Anklets of Translocation exploit didn't work, so the next best option will be to enchant a bunch of remotely triggered 1/Day Dimension Door talismans for students to wear. Those would only cost us 1,008 IM each to enchant and could be used by other overseers rather than being limited to Teana herself.
Could we not just give Teana scrolls to cast the spell from? That would still denote ownership right?
We could, but that's very expensive and would only allow Teana to control that function. It was my first thought, after DP nixed a pass of ownership over the Demiplane.

I would rather it not be so let linked to Teana, though. Enchanting the Dimension Door talismans won't be cheap, but they're a one time expense and anyone can use them in the years going forward, or when Teana is otherwise occupied.