hey @DragonParadox I remember once seeing a video about the highest CR beings in D&D and once of them was a CR 45 great Wyrm red Dragon that had 40 character levels of sorcerer which allowed him to have 10th , 12th ,13th and 14th level spell slots which he used to cast 9th level spells as a quickened action so based on that I have a few questions
1) would it be possible for us to go beyond character level 20 ?
2) so far there have been no indications of a meddling goddess of magic planked banning any magic higher than 9th level so can we take that to mean that 10th level spells like Procter's move mountain would be available once we reach level 21 provided we do the necessary research to develop the spell first ?
hey @DragonParadox I remember once seeing a video about the highest CR beings in D&D and once of them was a CR 45 great Wyrm red Dragon that had 40 character levels of sorcerer which allowed him to have 10th , 12th ,13th and 14th level spell slots which he used to cast 9th level spells as a quickened action so based on that I have a few questions
1) would it be possible for us to go beyond character level 20 ?
2) so far there have been no indications of a meddling goddess of magic planked banning any magic higher than 9th level so can we take that to mean that 10th level spells like Procter's move mountain would be available once we reach level 21 provided we do the necessary research to develop the spell first ?
  1. While beings with RHD can go beyond level 20 by stacking classes for those without them the path to going over level 20 is generally Mythic paths
  2. I don't really want to deal with the notion of tenth level spells, that is what Mythic spells are for
hey @DragonParadox I remember once seeing a video about the highest CR beings in D&D and once of them was a CR 45 great Wyrm red Dragon that had 40 character levels of sorcerer which allowed him to have 10th , 12th ,13th and 14th level spell slots which he used to cast 9th level spells as a quickened action so based on that I have a few questions
1) would it be possible for us to go beyond character level 20 ?
2) so far there have been no indications of a meddling goddess of magic planked banning any magic higher than 9th level so can we take that to mean that 10th level spells like Procter's move mountain would be available once we reach level 21 provided we do the necessary research to develop the spell first ?
10th+ level spells being banned by Mystra is a Forgotten Realms only bit of lore.

Being able to cast 10th+ level spells is from the Epic Level Handbook. Those rules don't apply to this setting, since we're using Pathfinder's Mythic rules instead.
Interlude MXX: On Unseen Sails
On Unseen Sails

Thirtieth Day of the Fourth Month 294 AC

The Dawnstar streaked through the star-strew night away from Gallowsgrey, her holds heavier with the presence of the disgraced lord Trant held as a prisoner, his wife and surviving daughter kept safe until such a time as someone might realize what power young Anne had called upon in the moment of her death. Tirael would have prayed to any power that listened that this would be the last tragedy he would have to witness, be it the New Gods of the concerned septon who sought only to do his duty by his flock or the Old Gods of stone and tree who had so favored his new lord, or even the Storm God whose faint breath could still be felt upon the wind on a night like this.

Whether it was prayer answered or just good fortune one would never know, but as the archon willed so it was. He only had to order the cannons fired twice more at Rambton and Sweetport Sound, both times in warning and not in anger. The lords bowed their heads to the power the silver craft had brought with it, to the new age it carried in its wake and Tirael did his best to calm their fears and assure them all the promises made in those announcements were true, not just the threats. They would be left with their ancestral lands, though under other laws with new duties to both the crown and their citizens, and none would try to meddle in the exercise of their faith so long as they did not break some other law of the realm in its exercise.

House Follard lowered its banners at the mere sight of the Dawnchaser, though it soon became evident that there would be no easy oathtaking since they were in the midst of a troubled succession with no king to mediate it. A bastard son who had been legitimatized on his father's deathbed quarreled with a distant cousin from the Reach over the inheritance, the only reason neither man had been in Sorcerer's Deep for the coronation was that the maester had hidden the letter inviting 'Lord Follard'.

As for the Bywaters of Byrch Keep there had obviously been a plot in the works to depose the lord in the event of a Viserys Targaryen siege and though Tirael brought no such thing with him the conspirators pounced in the confusion, capturing the elderly and apparently very pious Lord Bywater still in his nightclothes and handing him over, while proclaiming their allegiance to his seven year old son, born from a late marriage after some sort of tragedy had slain the precious heir. Given that the boy's mother, a Wylde from a minor cadet branch, was walking behind him one hand upon his shoulder it was quite clear she had been part of the plot to ensure her son's inheritance and perhaps be rid of a husband she did not much care for.

Perhaps the thought was an unworthy one for a woman Tirael had never met before, but given how little say she was likely to have in her husband the archon was willing to wager that her concern for her husband's wellbeing was more likely staged than true. Was there even a procedure for declaring a lord mentally unfit to rule in favor of his minor heir and a regency, or would they have to declare the old lord a traitor and tarring the boy with the same brush by association?

What part of the reconquest do you wish to see next?

[] Write in

OOC: A bit of summarizing because things went well and there really was not that much potential for character pieces on what did happen, nor really any need for votes to decide anything on the ground.
Last edited:
[X] King's Landing.
[X] Plan Absolute Heresy
-[X] Buffs:
--[X] Viserys gets his usual speech buffs and in addition uses Miracles to copy Greater Angelic Aspect (wings hidden by Greater Ribbon of Disguise) and Crown of Glory, spending Bloodwishes for Divine Presence, Sacred Nimbus, Devil's Ego, Righteous Aura and casts Starmantle on himself. Lastly, he casts Adoration of the Frightful and Seducer's Eyes from a scroll and has Glyra use UMD to cast Inner Beauty from a scroll on him.
--[X] Balerion is buffed by Starmantle and Adoration of the Frightful from a scroll.
--[X] Overland Flight is cast on anyone in the party not yet able to fly.
-[X] When the Dauntless arrives over Kings Landing, it will be hidden in a cloud and carry with it a small layer of floating ice crystals over the city. When it reveals itself the cloud dissipates, revealing the vessel, whose glammered hull is made to display the Targaryen crest.
-[X] Viserys casts as Miracle to wrap the Dauntless and the incoming Wyverns in flames. Those flames won't hurt anything, but they will shed a warm, almost golden light that lights up the entire city, and which will reflect in the ice layer above, creating an aurora-like effect that lights up the whole night sky.
-[X] Balerion, the Heralds and the Wyverns will circle above the city, shedding their light on it and lighting up the sky.
-[X] Viserys steps off the Dauntless' hull, gently floating down to the plaza before the Great Sept of Baelor while using scrolls of Mages Decree and his Angelic Aspects Truespeech to deliver his words to everyone in the entire city.
-[X] Speech:
--[X] "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the city of Sorcerers Deep, an Imperator has been crowned." 30 Words
--[X] "You were made to toil and suffer in darkness by wicked kings and scheming lords, but today, I come to end their reign. With me, I bring my legions, so that the righteous shall know reprieve, and that the wicked shall know fear." 43 Words
--[X] "With me, I bring my healers, so that you may know succor. No longer shall you be made to starve. No longer shall you fear sickness and rot." 28 Words
--[X] "With me, I bring the light, so that it may warm your hearts and minds." 21 Words
--[X] "So come forth and see, for the dawn has come." 10 Words
--[X] Total of 132 word, needing 6 scrolls of Mages Decree.
-[X] At this point, Viserys lands on the plaza, most likely in the midst of a stunned crowd. Bonus points if the High Septon comes out and kneels at this point.
-[X] Viserys will then lead his party to the Red Keep and to the Iron Throne.
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On Unseen Sails

Thirtieth Day of the Fourth Month 294 AC

The Dawnstar streaked through the star-strewn night away from Gallowsgrey, her holds heavier with the presence of the disgraced lord Trant held as a prisoner, his wife and surviving daughter kept safe until such a time as someone might discover what power young Anne had called upon in the moment of her death. Tirael would have prayed to any power that listened that this would be the last tragedy he would have to witness, be it the New Gods of the concerned septon who sought only to do his duty by his flock or the Old Gods of stone and tree who had so favored his new lord, or even the Storm God whose faint breath could still be felt upon the wind on a night like this.

Whether it was prayer answered or just good fortune, one would never know, but as the archon willed so it was. He only had to order the cannons fired twice more, at Rambton and Sweetport Sound, both times in warning and not in anger. The Lords bowed their heads to the power the silver craft had brought with it, to the new age it carried in its wake, and Tirael did his best to calm their fears and assure them that all the promises made in his announcements were true, not just the threats. They would be left with their ancestral lands, though under other laws with new duties to both the crown and their citizens and none would try to meddle in the exercise of their faith so long as they did not break some other law of the realm in its exercise.

House Follard lowered its banners at the mere sight of the Dawnchaser, though it soon became evident that there would be no easy oathtaking since they were in the midst of a troubled succession with no king to mediate it. A bastard son who had been legitimated on his father's deathbed quarreled with a distant cousin from the Reach over the inheritance, the only reason neither man had been in Sorcerer's Deep for the coronation was that the Maester had hidden the letter inviting 'Lord Follard'.

As for the Bywaters of Byrch Keep, there had obviously been a plot in the works to depose the lord in the event of a siege by the forces of Viserys Targaryen. Although Tirael brought no such thing with him, the conspirators pounced in the confusion, capturing the elderly and apparently very pious Lord Bywater, still in his nightclothes, then handing him over while. They proclaimed their allegiance to his seven year old son, born from a late marriage after some sort of tragedy had slain the previous heir. Given that the boy's mother, a Wylde from a minor cadet branch, was walking behind him one hand upon his shoulder, it was quite clear she had been part of the plot to ensure her son's inheritance and perhaps be rid of a husband she did not much care for.

Perhaps the thought was an unworthy one for a woman Tirael had never met before, but given how little say she was likely to have in her husband, the archon was willing to wager that her concern for her husband's well being was more likely staged. Was there even a procedure for declaring a lord mentally unfit to rule in favor of his minor heir and a regency or would they have to declare the old lord a traitor, tarring the boy with the same brush by association?

What part of the reconquest do you wish to see next?

[] Write in

OOC: A bit of summarizing because things went well and there really was not that much potential for character pieces on what did happen, nor really any need for votes to decide anything on the ground. Not yet edited.
Here's an edited version of the chapter, DP.
Maybe before we move on to the interesting and important, let's finish the small and boring? Maybe there's something we weren't expecting.
[X] A brief overview of the initial phase of the operation in:
- [X] Riverlands;
- [X] Vale;
- [X] Reach.
[X] Vale
-[X] Taking the Bloody Gate.
-[X] Taking the Eyri.
-[X] Sitrep on what the rebels are doing.
If we luck out, all the rebels have gathered in one convenient camp of which we know the location, which we thus can eradicate tonight.
Lords Declarant:
Leader: Eon Hunter, Lord of Longbow Hall
Objective: A fair trial by the King and under the auspices of the Faith to verify the faithfulness of Lysa Arryn and the heritage of her son
Other Houses in Support:
  • House Belmore of Strongsong
  • House Lipps of Bittercreek
  • House Melcolm of Old Anchor
  • House Pryor of Pebble
The Valemen:
Leader: Ser Symond Templeton, the Knight of Ninestars
Objective: Remove Lysa Arryn and her 'son' from the Eyrie, hold a trial for both to see what manner of witchery she has been practicing and decide if she must be killed or can simply be sent to the Silent Sisters. The letters were quite vague as to what might happen to Robert Arryn
Other Houses in Support:
  • House Crayne of Shrike Hill
  • House Donniger of Doombell
  • House Sunderland of Three Sisters
  • House Waxley of Wickenden
Targaryen Loyalists
Leader: Lord Yohn Royce of Runestone
Objective: Serve the True King
Other Houses in support:
  • House Coldwater of Coldwater Burn
  • House Grafton of Gulltown
  • House Shett of Gull Tower
  • House Redfort of Redfort
  • House Tollett of the Grey Glen
  • House Upcliff of Witch Isle
Lysa's Suporters
Leader: Lysa Arryn (Weak position)
Objective: Maintain the succession, see Robin recognized
Supporting Houses:
  • House Egen of Sharpshore
  • House Hersy of Newkeep
  • House Lynderly of Snakewood
  • House Moore of the Moorlands
  • House Baelish of the Fingers
The Opportunists:
Leader: Aden Aryn of Gulltown
Objective: Claim the Eyrie for the most powerful surviving branch of House Arryn
Supporting Houses:
  • House Wydman of Windwater
  • House Elesham of the Paps
  • House Dutton Sheepsford
Neutral Houses:
  • House Waynwood of Ironwoaks
  • House Hardyng of Hearthguard
  • House Ruthermont

Last we spoke of the Vale there was a faction war going down. The idea was to remove Lys and cause havoc among the factions. Well it will be interesting to see how that's going.