Yea, no. I'm not saying we should start mass resurrections. What I'm saying is that we do what literally every government ever does when faced with a persistent request that cannot be regulated away and create a separate department to dump those requests into a paper shredder unless and until there is an incentive to do otherwise. It's not like DP makes us deal with every single angry nobleman and merchant who doesn't like how the courts ruled... anymore, at least. We only really see that stuff when something has gone extraordinarily sideways.To be fair, I misunderstood the idea and it was not intended to start mass-resurrecting people.
Still not a fan though.
I envision it much more like "Oh shit a backwater providence is in rebellion because of a devil worshipping magistrate, who do we send to deal with this? Wait, never mind, one of the rebel leaders requested that their son be resurrected after he was wrongly sentenced to death. Someone stop by with a diamond after lunch so we can move on."