kind of curious but how come Tywin never brought back his wife Joana back from the dead ?, he had access to the elemental plan of water for quit some time considering those Merid mercenaries he has so he should at least know its possible or did Tywin try but Joana refuse to return ?

Viserys does not know, his best guess is that her soul is unavailable somehow , unwilling or unable to return.
Storm Riven Stars

Thirtieth Day of the Fourth Month 294 AC

"Time!" Waymar called. It felt like he should be adjusting his armor or making sure his sword was properly affixed to his side, something more involved than than just getting on Cloud and calling to the rest of the knights to follow. Of course, unlike them he did not need to, he had a magic ring to handle such matters. Hell, his armor was comfortable enough to sleep in, but it still felt like it should not be this easy.

Thirty knights rose into the sky graceful as a dream borne aloft by the magic of their companions, like the Winged Knight of old, like a tale writ upon the heavens. But this was no nursery tale. A company of Darkenbeasts clawed into the air in their wake, their cacophonous cries rending the air of the hidden vale, eager for blood and battle.

Waymar wondered how much they recalled of battles long ago, of blood spilled over mountain and vale by conquerors from the sea. The legion's beasts they may be, but they were as much wrought by the dreams of the Old Gods as the flesh-smith's art. Did the Dreaming Gods watch with baited breath, hoping to see the children of their foes torn limb from limb by their creations?

The Clansmen surely were, as they cheered the hour of their rising up in voices of men, women, and children. They cheered for the knights and they cheered for Tyene flashing a brilliant from atop Zephyr's back. They cheered for the legion riders in their billowing crimson cloaks, and they even cheered for the Red Priestess riding the fiercest beast with the steady hand of one who had long ago mastered fire in all its ways. The day had come, the hour was nigh... and Waymar Royce would be part of the hammer that would smash the realm he had been born into like a hammer on glass.

Amid the growing din of hippogriffs, clansmen rose to join the flight, each with some scrap of colored cloth to mark the lineages of clans as old as any Andal House. They represented the names taken by bands of desperate folk fleeing into the mountains, the marks of those whose raids had already spilled a river of blood across the ages. Hopefully, they would not spill too much more before the night's business was done.

As the wind rushed past him and whistled over his winged friend's feathers, Waymar found he regretted it less than he thought he would. He had sworn his oaths and made his peace with all that came of it, he had seen the guarding hand of law and the open hand of prosperity the Imperium extended to its citizens. What had the knights of the Vale done for the smallfolk whose fields flashed by in the dark? What had they made of the changing of the world? Nothing, they had done nothing or worse than that, and so the tides of change had come to the shores of the Vale unbidden.


The Nine Stars of House Templeton fluttered above the Bloody Gate. It was not a good sign for the garrison of the Eyrie, as it was said the Templetons held loyalty to House Egen as much as they could be said to hold it for anyone, with Lysa Arryn and her son absconding to the Deep. Not a good sign for any hope of peace, to judge from the runes Waymar had read before he had set out, but fate was not nailed to the skien of the world, and so he still had hope that the knight of the Nine Stars would have the good sense to lay down his arms and pledge to his new lord.

"By Imperial decree, whoso ever holds this keep in trust is hereby ordered to present himself to the Imperator, who rightfully rules these lands, to swear his fealty..." Tyene began, and thus she spoke the whole warning and offer. To Waymar's ears, she counted as reasonable and understanding as the hour allowed, but it was clear that to the garrison scrambling below she did not seem thus.

"The robed fellow is screaming something about demons," Cloud announced, his senses sharper than his rider's. He sounded genuinely bemused, as any born beyond the bounds of the world would be. Demons meant something far more specific upon Distant Spheres, a category of monster that could be measured and bounded, at least to some degree. To the septon who had showed himself at one of the Keep's windows, it meant something else entirely.

"Alright, that was the first plan out the window," Tyene mused. "Hit that one with a lightning bolt," she called to Waymar.

"What? No, he's just a priest..."

"Who is currently waving around a mace and extolling the knights to slay the foul the demons and witches," she interrupted. "Kill him and the rest of them might reconsider lighting their own pyre."

"We are supposed to offer a warning first," the knight insisted.

"The sept is empty," the Red Woman interjected, her voice somehow carrying perfectly over the wind even without a hint of magic. "It is just wood and stone, but if it were to burn I imagine they would be a touch less certain their gods are with them."

"You can set rocks on fire?" Tyene asked curiously as she circled.

"I can set beings begotten of primordial flame on fire. Yes, I can handle a bit of stone," Melisandre of Asshai answered with a smile that eerily reminded Waymar of Viserys.

Once he might have found the notion unimaginable. Once he might have objected to the blasphemy, but on this day and in this hour, Waymar knew that he would rather spare lives than the feelings of gods. "Do it," he agreed.

A stream of flame rent the night by the will of the priestess and the might of the Red God. Stone burned like kindling as the Darkenbeasts roared. The septon faltered...

"Stand! Stand fast against the witchery!" Waymar recognized Ser Symond Templeton, the Knight of Nine Stars, by his craggy features and pointed beard. His blue eyes burned with unshakable conviction.

Better one life lost than hundreds. Waymar Royce gathered lightning on his fist, enough to slay a horned devil or wound an elder wyrm, and cast it upon the knight below in a pillar of white that outshone the burning sept as the sun outshines a candle. There was not even ash left, just molten steel pooling on the cobblestones.

Most of the knights surrendered after that. The clansmen would still get their tithe of blood from the handful who lacked even that final shred of sense.

OOC: For anyone who ever wondered what would happen if Waymar went maximum lightning on a 7th level fighter in mundane equipment. Not yet edited.
Here's an edited version of the chapter, DP.
There you go, Waymar, didn't that feel good? You not only smote a blowhard, you inspired others to surrender rather than getting messily slaughtered.

Even without a Mythic boost or using his ring to increase the damage, Waymar's Maximized Lightning Lance spell is going to hit for 234 points of damage. Even if Symond Templeton made a lucky Nat 20 saving throw to halve the damage, as a 7th level Fighter he would have still been vaporized.
By the way, this is one more tally mark in the Old Gods Appeasement List. A pretty hefty one even, since the Templetons are a very famous knightly house and played a big role in the Andal Invasion.
In regards to Tywin, what is the plan for him exactly ? Because if there is going to be a "Reason you suck speach" i had this awesome scene in mind where Viserys thanks him for making the Reconquest so much easier by making himself the worse option for so many people in Westeros.

The exact line Viserys would say to him would be "Even in your betrayal, you remained a servant of House Targaryen".

That being said I'm not saying we should go full Bond villain with the speach. That's just asking for trouble.
"Stand! Stand fast against the witchery!" Waymar recognized Ser Symond Templeton, the Knight of Ninestars by his craggy features and pointed beard. His blue eyes burned with unshakable conviction.

Better one life lost than hundreds. Waymar Royce gathered lightning on his fist enough to slay a horned devil or wound an elder wyrm and cast it upon the knight below in a pillar of white that outshone the burning sept as the sun outshines a candle. There was not even ash left, just molten steel pooling on the cobblestones.
That was so, so cathartic. I'm a bit jealous Waymar got to be the one to vaporize a septon, but congrats to him anyway! He's made so much progress.
My hope for Tywin begins and ends with hanging him like a bandit.

But I don't think he'll be so accomodating. He has to figure even if we don't intend to torture him, we damn well intend to use him for a bit of political theater.

Not that Tywin really has any reputation to defend at this point. The name Lannister is basically synonymous with Traitor and Loser and Madness, these days.
"I can set beings begotten of primordial flame on fire. Yes I can handle a bit of stone," Melisandre of Asshai answered with a smile that reminded Waymar eerily of Viserys.
Is that yet another unsubtle hint that Viserys and Melisandre are "not so different"? Why yes it is.

I find it telling that nearly every personal interaction between those two basically comes down to "haha, I see what you did there, clever goose..." Like two people ever more pleased with themself by knowing something the other person does but which other people don't, but like, in an escalating fashion that sort of never ends. :V
Made a quick list of what we got so far in regards to houses who have picked their fate. Will update as results come in.

Penrose - Lord of Parchments - Surrendered immediately.
Trant - Lord of Gallowsgrey - Family poisoned by Lord Garret Trant after warning shot was given. Youngest daughter Anna manifested Warlock powers after interaction with the Fury Usizil.
Rambton - Lord of ??? - Surrendered after warning shot was given.
Sunglass - Lord of Sweetport Sound - Surrendered after warning shot was given.
Follard - Lord of ??? - Surrendered immediately. Contested succession and Maester was hiding invitation to the coronation.
Byrch - Lord of Bywater - Household deposed old lord in favor of his son and handed him over as a prisoner.

Templeton - Ser of Nightstar - Ser Symond Templeton, the head of house, died a traitors death in battle at the Bloody Gate.
Last edited:
Made a quick list of what we got so far in regards to houses who have picked their fate. Will update as results come in.

Penrose - Lord of Parchments - Surrendered immediately.
Trant - Lord of Gallowsgrey - Family poisoned by Lord Garret Trant after warning shot was given. Youngest daughter Anna manifested Warlock powers after interaction with the Fury Usizil.
Rambton - Lord of ??? - Surrendered after warning shot was given.
Sunglass - Lord of Sweetport Sound - Surrendered after warning shot was given.
Follard - Lord of ??? - Surrendered immediately. Contested succession and Maester was hiding invitation to the coronation.
Byrch - Lord of Bywater - Household deposed old lord in favor of his son and handed him over as a prisoner.

Templeton - Ser of Nightstar - Ser Symond Templeton, the head of house, died a traitors death in battle at the Bloody Gate.
I meant to ask about the Maester at the Follard residence, @DragonParadox. Did he hide the invitation to prevent the Imperium-leaning faction from gaining ascendancy, or was it just typical Citadel obstructionism? I guess it doesn't really matter much one way or another in the grand scheme of things, except for maybe how the Maester is dealt with.
I meant to ask about the Maester at the Follard residence, @DragonParadox. Did he hide the invitation to prevent the Imperium-leaning faction from gaining ascendancy, or was it just typical Citadel obstructionism? I guess it doesn't really matter much one way or another in the grand scheme of things, except for maybe how the Maester is dealt with.

Supposedly he was trying to prevent conflict. No one had truth spells to throw at him though.